Five Towns Jewish Home - March 20

Page 44

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n m a r c h 2 1 , 2013


Around the



Yeshiva Nishmas Hatorah: Focusing on Shleimus As Yeshiva Nishmas Hatorah completes its second year, the dream is becoming a reality. The dream I refer to is the Roshei Yeshiva’s, Rav Yissachar Blinder and Rav Pinchas Weinberger, vision to create a yeshiva that challenges its talmidim to be great Yidden. The Yeshiva opened two years ago with six talmidim, two sedarim, and two rabbeim and today the yeshiva has over twenty talmidim, three sedarim, three rabbeim, and an apartment for the out-of-towners. How do you challenge talmidim to be great? “Responsibility, passion, and thought” would be Rabbi Blinder’s response. “Give them responsibility, be passionate about your own Yiddishkeit and keep them thinking!” The daily schedule is geared to maximize productivity so sedarim are shorter and more intense. In addition to the mesechta that is being learned in yeshiva, there are halacha and hashkafa shiurim as well as vaadim for talmidim who are dating and ones on emunah and bitachon for those who are younger. “Focusing

on shleimus, wholesomeness, is key to building happy and healthy husbands and fathers and that is what we want to do,” says Rabbi Weinberger. Second seder, which is led by Rabbi Abi Goldenberg, continues on the same theme. There is a halacha shiur followed by a b’kius shiur/chavrusa seder. It ends with an interactive hashkafa/mussar discussion. Night seder is run by R’ Simcha Leibowitz who energizes the chabura with thought-provoking shiurim and discussion based on sugyas in halacha. On Thursday nights, there is an oneg at his home. In keeping with the shleimus theme, Sundays are dedicated to learning Choshen Mishpat l’masse. Rav Baruch Greenspan from Lakewood, N.J. prepares the sugyos starting with the gemara and rishonim down to the contemporary poskim in a clear, elucidated manner. He finishes off the morning with a brilliant chaburah and practical applications of the principles learned. The week ends on

Friday morning with a shiur from a professional life coach, R’ Baruch Feifer, emphasizing effective communication and self-awareness based on the parsha. “Learn from the Experienced” is two of the yeshiva initiatives that help prepare a talmid when he leaves yeshiva. The student body is invited for lunch at a local restaurant and is joined by a local professional who shares his experience as a frum Jew working in a secular society. Most recently R’ Avrahmi Singer

of Cedarhurst spoke to the talmidim over lunch at Sushi Metzuyan. The feedback was phenomenal. The Yeshiva is currently housed in the magnificent Bais Medrash Heichal Dovid in Lawrence. The yeshiva feels truly indebted to the kehilla for sharing the beis medrash with them. With Hashem’s help, the yeshiva will continue to grow and the dream will become a reality.

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