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AD HOC INTERVENTIONS 2022 impact by the numbers

A New Jewish Community Magazine

12K Readers were introduced to the new Jlife magazine in its first month

Fundraising Support

$100K Additional funds Federation sourced and secured from foundation grant to augment Federation allocation on behalf of local agency serving Holocaust survivors

244 Holocaust survivors received expanded trauma-informed home care

$5K Additional funds Federation sourced and secured from foundation grant to augment Federation allocation on behalf of local agency serving people with special needs and their families

100+ Volunteers and staff received advanced training in working with individuals who have special needs

$14M Future value of legacy gifts reached, helping 12+ Jewish organizations secure the future of critical programs and services


$10K Cost of immersive Israel experience defrayed by additional funding sourced by Federation to augment Federation Teen Israel Grants enabling teens’ families to afford the seminar trip

$3K Average amount of additional funds sourced per teen to augment Federation grants

10K+ Number of young adults waitlisted for Birthright Israel trips, prompting calls to Federation asking for help securing a slot

Adrressing Antisemitism

40% Increase, nationally, in antisemitic activity in K-12 schools, including harrass ment, vandalism, and assault

3-fold Increase, locally, in number of parents who contacted Federation for guidance when their children experienced antisemitism in school

6K+ Additional people informed about Hate Ends Now immersive Holocaust education experience at a local synagogue

In an era when Jewish community newspapers, like even the most venerable secular publications, struggle to survive, Jewish Monmouth and Middlesex counties had not had a community-wide publication for all Jews since 2016

With unprecedented challenges in Jewish life at this time, connecting and informing every Jew and Jewish organization is critical.

Jewish Federation took on the task of identifying prospective publishers and convening community leaders to create and fulfill a vision for a feasible, sustainable new media outlet.

In 2022, Jlife Heart of NJ published its first issue. Though not a “Federation paper,” we were proud to facilitate input, participation, and representation from nearly every Jewish organization in our diverse community to make it a reality.

Today, Jlife informs and connects thousands of readers to enrich and strengthen Jewish life. Subscribe for free at jlifenj.com.

Answering Some Of The Saddest Calls

When a family is living at or near the poverty line, unexpected, extraordinary expenses, such as those that come with the death of a loved one, are simply not affordable.

When there is nowhere else to turn, families often call Federation to explore what communal resources may be able to help.

In 2022, Federation assisted in three such instances, providing cemetary plots previously donated to Federation for such use and connecting families with clergy to perform Jewish burials.