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When it’s not clear where to turn, or there IS nowhere else, individuals and organizations look to Federation. Conversely, when Federation identifies an unmet need in Jewish life, we proactively step in or convene the community to create solutions.

Though what’s needed may fall outside existing or formal programs and services, no Jew or Jewish organization in Monmouth or Greater Middlesex is alone.

Whether by direct intervention or marshaling collective action, Federation helps figure it out.

Leaving No Stone Unturned

When a local family service agency needed more financial support than Federation allocations could provide, we proactively sought additional funding sources and obtained a matching grant from an outside foundation.

This enabled the agency to provide additional trauma-informed care for 244 Holocaust survivors.


When Rachel experienced antisemitism at school, her parents did not know where to turn to begin addressing it. They contacted Federation. We provided guidance and resources for them and the school.

Rachel felt so empowered, she became an advocate with Federation in fighting antisemitism.

A New Jewish Community Magazine

• Our community did not have a Jewish newspaper for four years

• An independent information source connecting all local Jews is critical to a strong community, but no one organization had the wherewithall to create a new media outlet

Fundraising Support

• Organization needed funding beyond Federation’s allocation capacity

• Organizations who did not participate in Federation-sponsored legacy training program 2016-2020 are now ready to learn how to cultivate endowments


• Parents of Federation Teen Israel Grant recipient needed more financial aid to make the seminal experience affordable

• Parents of college students on Birthright Israel’s unprecendented wait lists asked if Federation could help

Addressing Antisemitism

• Parents of students who experienced antisemitism contacted us for advice

• Spearheaded community-wide effort to conceive a vision, find/vet a publisher, and launch the new Jlife magazine

• Synagogue asked for support with Holocaust education project

Individual Needs

A struggling mom whose teen needed a break from family troubles called for help

An elderly widow recovering from surgery needed help with smoke detectors

Seniors who no longer drive at night couldn’t get to communal programs

• Helped find additional funding sources and applied on organization’s behalf or helped organization apply

• Coached organzations’ leaders one-on-one and shared resources

• Identified sources and made introductions to contacts for additional funding

• Found ways and people to help, enabling students to secure trip spots

• Guided parents on handling with school

• Provided resources for school leaders

• Advocated with elected officials to fund educational initiatives at schools

• Provided promotional support raising awareness and attendance

• Arranged for teen to attend Jewish sleepaway camp with several sources of aid

• Visited, changed batteries and light bulbs, provided names of resources for the future

• Reached out to other attendees and arranged for rides