Alien Encounters Issue 3 Magazine

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I4C | J L IU R E Has our culture and knowledge been passeddown from the so called 'sL7 gods' mentioned in so many different ancient texts?


Tl|EORIES ?ORLTERIIRTIl|E Many of the answers to the alien presencewill most probably involve theories and explanations which are revolutionary to our way of thinking. To find truth in the paranormal we are forced speculateon very unusual ideas.

ts l| 0 6[R rTuF0$ Some spectacularreports of UFO activity in the British Isles.

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6OP tR S OIIfl I| | fl lLIOE S How the Alien presencehas changed people's lives and abilities and a look at the personal perspectiveof the alien being.

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Tfl tEtS OO P E R S OIIR Everyday people who have extraordinary tales.


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Did an advancedculture once tamper with the geneticcode to createhideous hybrids? Is Man an alien experiment?Harry Hinde

genetic reve ars'.'ffi 3;:;f,Tffi*T'":l*.Ti?:'is id a super race of master scientistsonce indulge in the most hideous forms of genetic engineering?Experiments so bizarre and ghastly that they involved transplanting the head of humans on goats and eagles?Creatures literally built together and constructed of the

limbs and featuresof every other animal? Impossible?'Well,certainlyto our ears,not just impossiblebut quite ridiculousto evencontemplate. But keepon reading.Keep

on reading becauseincredible as it may sound there was once widespread belief that in the earliest prehistory this horrific master race of people did actually exist. In fact there are some who believe that the experimental abilities of these people substantiallyaltered the genetic makeup of our entire species. Some go even further to suggestthat Mankind is himself the product of a genetic experiment originated by aliens. Even more intriguing is the fact that ail this is said to.have occurred many many millions of years ago, during a period when

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the world was otherwise in a complete state of chaos. It was thought that an unknown race of beings that inhabited the world of that time acquired the knowledge and abiliry to be able to control and distort the genetic makeup of all human and animal life forms. Eventually however this experimentation went horrifically wrong and the whole habited world of that day was almost completely destroyed.

An intriguing story, but where is the evidence? We are after all talking of a period in the deepest prehistory - a time long before Mankind is thought to have even existed. And yet now we are talking not only of a developed species at that time, but also one capable of altering the very blueprints of our existence. To many this will sound like crossing the very boundaries of credulity. But wait. Let's take things in order. Let's look at the evidence.Let us look first at the earliest records. Mostly these are composed of myths and legends.Not very reliable one might think. But here you would be wrong. The language of the myths may be flowery and hard to fathom but this is mostly because they are riddled with allegory and symbolised happenings. In fact they are something of a code. Ignore them and you ignore a very real source of historical evidence, Tieat them with respect however and you invariably open the door to a whole new avenue of thought and enquiry. Here one has only to remember Schliemann'sfaith in the Iliad and his subsequent discovery of Tioy. In fact the truth is that whenever there have been people willing to trust in ancient legendsmajor discoverieshave invariably followed. Even so Tloy rates as recent history compared to the timescale we are now thinking of. And yet a record of these times still exists. It is to be found written as part of the annals of one of the earliest cultures on Earth.

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'We go now to Mesopotamia and the ancient records of the Babylonians. It is here in the land of the two rivers that our modern understanding of civilisation arises. Significantly this ancient land possesses a richly developed seriesof creation myths and many of the later Judaeo-Christian writings, are thought to have been passed down from this once fertile area of Mesopotamia. It was the belief of these early authors that the world was subject to frequent catastrophes that periodically wiped out nearly all living matter. To a certain extent they believed these catastrophes were predictable, and rather than face the loss of their records and traditions they buried a history of their people in the "city of the sun at Sippara". This was a wise precaution because a fresh disaster is said to have wiped away the entire world of its day. Finally when the survivors returned they remembered the secret records which were unearthed and used to reconstruct the ciry of Babylon. The nature of these records might well have been lost to us forever, but fortunately fragments of what they contained are still to be found. They originate from a source with personal accessto these records - the historian Berossus.This Babylonian priest of the temple of Belus, who most commentators credit with an unusually developed sense of historical accuracy lived and wrote in the time of Alexander the Great. Unfortunately his great work Babylonian History is now lost to us, but fragments of it have been preserved by the classical authors Abydenus, Apollodorus, and Alexander Polyhistor. Much of the work contained in these fragments is an account of early prehistory. Yet unlike the myths it uses no sense of allegory and is obviously intended to be treated as historical reality. This makes it all the more remarkable becausewe find a definite reference to a remote period of time when the Earth was populated by the most hideous of creatures: "There was a time in which there was nothing but darkness and an abyss of waters, wherein resided most awful beings, which were produced of a two-fold principle. Men appeared with fwo wings, some with four and with two faces. They had one body but rwo heads; the one of a man, the other of a woman. They were likewise in their several organs both male and female. Other human figures were to be seen with the legs and horns of goats. Some had horses' feet, others had the limbs of a horse behind. but before were fashioned like men, resembling hippocentaurs. Bulls likewise bred with the heads of men and dogs with fourfold bodies, and tails of fishes. Also horses with the heads of dogs: men too and other animals, with the heads and bodies of horses and the tails of fishes." In short these were creatures with the limbs of every other species of animal.


genetic it today simply asweknow theresrltof a bizane ls illankind galaxy? canied outbylifefiomanother erperiment stop at simply transplanting animal organs into people. Perhaps their curiosity got the better of them. Maybe they took this genetic engineering beyond all moral and ethical limits to create terrible hybrid species of the sort described in the writings of Berossus. 'We can laugh all we want but the fact is that with our current rate of progression science will again be able to create these hybrid monsters of antiquity. There is nothing to stop us except our own conscience, but as history has shown, this has never been an impediment.


To any other age - to any other people, this account would have read as no different to any of the many myths and legends. Yet surely now on the eve of the 21st Century we are able to see things differently. In this era of high technological achievementit is possibleto re-look at this account with eyes not of incredulity but astonishment at the reality of these dramatic lines of early history. For are we not seeing here the description of a technological era gone crazy? Berossus soeaks of hideous creatures "with the limbs of eveiy species of animal". Today we can scarcely open a newspaper or turn on the television without learning of a new procedure that cross matches animal and human tissue. Pigs hearts in humans, Lungs of oxen considered as human substitutes and a whole new area of spare parts surgery made possible from animal organs. In addition to this, cloning of animals through biological manipulatiop is now a distinct possibility. Even scientists are expressing alarm at the rate at which this research is developing. Essentially it means that in the near future it will be possible to clone identical herds of cattle from a single specimen. Image being able to clone a hundred Red Rums all identical in terms of ability and fitness and you have some sort of idea of where we are heading. The know-how is all there and even scientists are becoming concerned as to where this is leading. David Hopkinson, director of the Human Biochemical Genetics Unit at University College London, said in a recent interview inThe Times that he viewed this achievement "with some trepitude". Another scientist said the whole thing was a truly "appalling prospect". The reality is that we are fully capable of replacing human organs with animal equivalents. 'We've This capability represents the here and now. already done it. It stands then that if there once existed an advanced civilisation in'deepest prehistory, they too would have had the capability of doing such things. Perhaps they even went further and didn't


The fact is that even the most cursory study of ancient texts shows that reference to this idea of hybrid creatures is never hard to find. We see it in the Minoan legend of the minotaur, that was half bull and half man. We see it in the legend of the 'We also Unicorn, and the winged horse Pegasus. see it graphically immortalised in half-human mixtures like the famous sphinx of Egypt. Across the Mediterranean in Greece the sphinx was an even more complicated creature which possessedthe head and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of a bird. The ancient Greeks also believed in the legend of the Chimeras, which were composite monsters constructed of "incongruous parts". This was said to have been the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a serpent. In plain language nothing that the science of the future will find too difficult to duplicate. There are even those who go further and say that Mankind himself is the result of an alien experiment. In short we are the product of a long term project, frequently altered and manipulated and sown on this planet like seeds in a vast terrestrial garden. As a theory of our origins this is fast gaining converts. Best-sellingauthors such as Erich Von Daniken, and George Adamski are almost insistent on this point. They highlight the fact that loopholes in our ideas on human evolution, particularly the famous missing links are only explainable by the fact that the answers must lie in the hands of an influencing power. The certain truth is that out of the blue our species arose from being little better than an animal, to one capable of travelling to another planet. And remember that ecologically this occurred over a time period that is barely more than a blink of the eye. Instead of evolution we have world of species that to all intents and purposes appear to have been created instantaneously in full corporeal identity. Significantly this is just the way that ancient texts like the Bible say it happened. In other words each living thing was a separatecreation.

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lifespans.This was originally explained as an error in their counting of the years, but detailed study of these manuscripts show this not to be the case. A year in the Bibie is just as long as the year we know today. Yet people of that time were living five to nine hundred years. Von Daniken amongst others explains this in terms of a mdlignant aging virus that was deliberately sent to make our days shorter. If so it wasput therea very long time ago. Now the mysteries of ageing are at last being unravelled. Breakthroughs in our understanding of degenerativeceli damage mean that we can once again look forward to much longer lifespans. In fact Michael Rose, professor of evolutionary biology at the University of California says"There is no limit to the potential life of human beings". He also insisted that eventually with this new understanding people could easily live out lifespansof four hundred years or more. On the face of it this may all seem like a cheerful What wasthespecial forcegiven to development. After all, living out indefinite humans thatsetsthemapartfromthe lifespansdoes have attractions, but tampering aninalkingdom andmoreimpodantly, Facedwith this reality it seemscertain that our with the genetic code can be dangerous.It's rather where didit come from? specieswas at some point in its development like fiddling with the registry of a modern day impregnated with special qualities that set him computer. Mix up the messagesand you finish up apart from the animals. Some see this as the hand with an insoluble crisis. of God and others as the inrervention of aliens. Perhapsthis is what happened thousands of The fact is that it happened. years ago, in the days of the monstrous hybrids. In his book Return to the Starsbest-sellingauthor Perhapsthe scientistsof the day didn't know Erich Von Daniken puts things into the following where to stop and brought on themselvesa context: "I think it likely that unknown cosmonauts biocatastropheof epic proportions. This would be brought with them to our Earth branchesof all too possible as changesin our biological makeknowledge of the kind we are now acquiring and up could also introduce lethal viruses capable of that they made our ancestorsintelligent by their wiping out all living matter. As one Harvard manipulation of the genetic code." scientist observed: "The ability to manufacture, ElsewhereVon Daniken taiks of this transplant, and combine genesis at the heart of a manipulation extending to the very heart of our potential catastrophethat threatens the entire ageing process.Curiously in all the ancient records human race with a biological doomsday." such as the Bib1e,people were living out fantastic Who saysevents don't move in cycles?

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more UFO sightingsgo on record and as more evidenceIS collated, one questton t. Keepscommg .l

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why are the alienshere? Kenworthy rnvesttgates.

pointinprehistory, Atsome didalien Dl{A races Earth withmodified seed life? toproduce intelligent designed

On the surface it would appear that aliens have only turned up in recent decades, perhaps taking an interest in our new technology and the advancement of our civilisations. However, the study of ancient texts, including the Bible, could indicate that alidns have been visiting Earth for centuries. According to some theorists they could have been coming her since the dawn of time. The most unusual theory is that aliens are actually responsible for the existence of humanity. Nobody can be certain where life originated or where the first DNA strand evolved. It could have formed on Earth, in a chemical soup, by chance. Other people, however, prefer to think it came from space, inside a comet. Or it could be that an even older civilisation {rom elsewhere in the galaxy, deliberately seeded planets with DNA to help start life. The remains of a civiJisation seen at Cydonia on Mars, could give a clue to our ancestry. Perhaps Mars was once rich in life but experienced global warming and as life ceased, the seeds of existence were sent to Earth. Such ideas are disturbing because they imply that humans are nothing more than an experiment or a compromise. If true however, it could be that we are much more than an experiment, but that we haven't seen how we fit into the larger picture. 'Why though, when science has fully explained Man's evolution, should we believe that aliens were involved? It seemslike an unnecessary fantasy, confusing the known facts. In truth human evolution hasn't been fully explained. Although we are taught that Man evolved from more basic life forms, there is remarkably little evidence to show that this is the case. Evolution is by no means a watertight theory, which has led some people to believe that aliens must have been involved' shifting evolution along.

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Is it possiblethat the vision of 200L: A Space Odyssey is true; that evolution was forced upon us by alien intervention. One theory is that evolution does occur, but in a slow and basic way and that for the sudden appearanceof man, genetic engineering must have taken place, It is postulated that a monolith of some kind, perhaps a pyramid, was put on Earth to shift ape DNA slightlS helping to bring about the evolution of man. Or it could be that aliens abducted ape creatures and directly manipulated their DNA, to create'instant' humans. Again this might sound like a wild theory, until you consider the fact that sudden shifts in species are known to occur, though there is no explanation of why this happens. Darwin's theory of evolution states that organisms produce offspring which are slightly different to their parents. Natural selection favours the survival (and hence breeding) of individuals whose improved features (such as better eyes,or sharper teeth), enable them to survive. So by chance mutation, Darwin believed that creatures gradually improved at random and were then preserved,by being more fit for survival. It sounds convincing, but may not be the full story. Although experiments show that changes can occur, these are usually within a species, a form of micro-evolution. So a fruit fly may change in hundreds of ways. from generation to generation, in terms of wing shape,eye colour and so on but no matter how it mutates, it is still a fruit fly. Darwin thought that speciescould gradually change into new species,but this doesn't seem to be the case. The fossil record should show many slight gradations betlveen old species and new 'When Darwin observed this ones, but this isn't so. he said it was, "the gravest objection to my theory". He assumedthat better researchwould reveal more fossils, but today, that still hasn't happened. According to the evidence,something forces speciesto shift suddenly from one form to another. It could be possibletherefore that life developed on Earth but that something - perhaps aliens - continually shifted its development to more advanced forms. In many ways, this seems plausible, because the idea of gradual evolution is quite ridiculous. How could it be for instance, that we could develop eyes in gradual stages.Half an eye, or part of a feather, is useless;only the complete forms are worthwhile. This being so, why would natural selection preservetransitional organs?It wouldn't. It should also be noted that the fossil record shows no evidence of transitional forms, where organsare graduallychanging.

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The fossil record shows that species do not appear gradually, but appear fully formed, as though their development has.beenguided or engineered. About 550 million years ago, during the Cambrian era, a wide variety of complex life forms appeared at once. So dramatic was this change that it is referred to as the Cambrian Explosion. These complex life forms (jellyfish, trilobites and molluscs) do not appear to have ancestral species; it is as though they came from nowhere. This suggeststhat something took rhe basic DNA of Earth and manufactuted new soecies. This isn't the sort of evolution they teach you at school and flaws in the Darwinist theory are generally kept quiet, but there is no avoiding this issue. Although the idea of alien intervention may seem extreme, science itself has no full explanation for the sudden shifts in evolution. Perhaps the most dramatic appearance of a new species,was man. Although we often see charts showing man evolving from ape, through various stagesof hominid to modern man, these are a myth. Despite extensive research, there remains a missing link between man and earlier species. Evolutionists believe that the missing link will be found and that we will discover fossils showing a type of speciesconnecting Man ancestrally to earlier species. Unfortunately for them, this may not be the case.As some researchers have pointed out, there isn't so much a missing link, as a whole missing chain. Although Man has obvious similarities to other creatures such as monkeys, the dramatic developments which happened in a very short time are unlikely to have happened by chance. The size of our brain, which makes us capable of complex thought, is unnecessary for simple survival. The excessof brain power which gives us potential beyond our basic needs, is puzzhng. Ifyou study the fossil record, it looks as though somebody took basic ape DNA and created man. This may be disturbing, but it fits in with the facts. Otherwise, why have we stopped evolving? If evolution really does occur as the Darwinists say, why hasn't modern man evolved again? How could it be that all these changes could take place, and then stop?


One possibility is that man evolved elsewhere, in a way that we cannot understand, because it is different to the way life operates on Earth. It is possible that we were either seeded from Mars, or that ancient civilisations travelled here directly in escapeships, losing their technology on crash landing. Perhaps more likely is the idea that the aliens have nurtured and engineered life for thousands of years. If, as some people suggest, they can travel through time, they could potentially skip through history, coaxing the entire evolution of our world within their own life soans.

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This could help to explain why the abductions are occurring now. They are happening because they have always happened from time to time. They go on because the aliens are monitoring their experiment. Or perhaps they are even moving the experiment up a stage.As abductions escalate to astonishing numbers, they could be preparing to shift our evolution again. If this is true, there may never be a moment of revelation. We all expect the aliens to land on the ril/hite House lawn and we exDect a revelationof their purpose, but it may never come. If we are created by them then like rats in a lab experiment we may never know what is going on, It is possible that the governments of the world know what the aliens are up to, but they keep quiet on instruction, to allow for man's full development. Or it could be that the governments are as much in the dark as the rest of us. Like us they know that aliens exist, but their purpose is a mystery, Although shocking, the idea of alien-driven evolution isn't all bad. Abductions appear to be on the increase and there are rumours of hybridisation plans and alien babies being born from human mothers. If this is the case, then the next shift in our evolution could be an exciting one. 'We may never know in our life time exactly what is going on, if such a scheme goes according to the aliens' plans, but there are enough clues for us to make educated guesses.It could be that the aliens were last here centuries ago, giving us the ability to think scientifically and develop technology. Now that we have done that, they may have returned to help us advance again. It could be that they are now giving us creative and spiritual dimensions, to help us cope with the knowledee that awaits us.

Anancient monolith, suchasthis pyramid, mayhave been $edasa catalyst to modify apeDl{Ainto produced something thateventually humans.

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e often take for granted the fact that our speciesrose from virtual obscurity to one capable of astonishing feats, but what was the impetus that hastened this progress? rWasit purely from our own ingenuity or were we influenced, prodded and encouraged along a specific line of development? And if so, by who and for what reason? These are important questions because they address the very essenceof who we are and where we came from. The fact is that for well over a hundred thousand years Man is supposed to have existed as little more than a creature barely able to satisfy his daily living requirements. Then suddenly out of the blue civilisation arises. Even more surprising is the complete lack of any evolutionary processof development leading up to this explosion of culture. In fact wherever we see the emergence of civilisation it occurs with bewildering rapidity as if arriving fully fledged from some unidentified source.

many questions and very few answers. In particular we are faced with a repeating phenomenon, of emergent civilisations rising up as if from nowhere. But is it really feasible for us to believe that our planet has played regular host to beings from other worlds? And did rhey moreover help us with our development to the extent of laying the foundation of all our arts and sciences? It seemed to me that here was an apparently insoluble problem, rX/here could one go to for answers?There just didn't seem a satisfactory avenue of inquiry. Then suddenly it dawned on me that perhaps the explanations were to be found by consulting with the ancient cultures themselves.They weren't around to approach them directly, but we still have their writings, and it made sensethat if it's explanations we are aker then no-one knew better than the ancients themselves. A-fter all these fantastic civilisations with their marvellous monuments and sciences were the work of their hands. so who did thev feel was the influence behind these amaztne developments?Did they believerhem ro be the result of their own brilliance and ingenuiry or did they feel them to have been influenced by others?

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Established science has so far failed to arrive at any credible explanation for this riddle and this has led many to suggest that the answers might lie outside of our planet. According to these theories man was, at various crucial points in his history, influenced by beings from outer space. These beings carefully placed him on a specific path of development and gave help to establish mankind as an organised sociery. Predictably science ridicules all notion of this connection yet in return fails to offer any worthwhile explanation. We are left then with

The answerto this was truly amazing.Almost with a unified voice I found that emergent civilisations of the ancient world, whether in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Meso-America or the Andes, aiways attributed their sudden found knowledge and culture to benevolent aliens who arrived from either the sea or the sky. Never did

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Iheancient Egyptians werenottheonly raceto attribute newknowledge to a benevolent 'slrygod'.

long before it was known to conventional astronomy. The Dogon also believe the Nommos are the overseers and guardians of the universe and that soon they will again return to the Earth.

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they even attempt to attribute these accomplishments to their own skill and prowess. In Mesopotamia the Babylonians believed this influence to have come from the sea. To them a personage called Oannes was responsible for all their learning and culture. From fragments of a Babylonian historian named Berossus we find the following description contained in Robert Temple's bookThe Sirius Mystery: "This being in the day-time used to converse with men; but took no food at that season; he gave them an insight into letters and sciences, and every kind of art. He taught them to construct houses, to found temples, to compile laws and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge. He made them distinguish the seeds of the Earth, and showed them to collect fruits; in short he instructed them in every thing which could tend to soften manners and humanise Mankind. From that time so universal were his instructions, nothing has been added by way of improvement. !7hen the sun set, it was the custom of this being to plunge again into the sea, and abide all night in the deep..." Apparently this Oannes was amphibious in nature - at home in both sea and water. According to Berossus his appearance was both half fish and half man. This is interesting because the historians' detailed description sounds just like that of a frogman. Additionally we find that where Oannes led the way, others followed. As Berossus puts it: "After this there appeared others like Oannes". Accounts of other culture bearing beings of aquatic origin are also contained in the ritual ceremoniesof the Dogon tribe of Mali in Africa. The Dogon say these beings whom they named the 'Nommos' (interestingly the Greek word for law) arrived from the sky and gave.them special astronomical insight. The baffling truth is that this apparently unsophisticated tribe knew of an unknown companion star to the Dog Star Sirius

The closer we look into the ancient writings the more references we find of these educating influences originating from beings who were apparently not of our species.In a fragment attributid to the historian Heladius, we find reference to a personage called Oe who comes out from the Red Sea with a fish like body but having the head, feet and arms of a man. This being is said to have possessedgreat knowledge of astronomy and letters. An interesting anecdote to these accounts is the fact that unidentified objects have never just been limited to the sky. In fact USO (Unidentified Submarine Objects), are almost as prevalent. Typically these are described as spherical orbs, rather like eggs that radiate strange lights and occasionally come to the surface of the ocean. Could it be then that after all these years Oannes and the Nommos of the Dogon have actually returned to this planet as they said they would? If so it would surely herald the coming of momentous events because it is said that whenever such contacts occur great periods of change are never slow in following. Intervention from 'sky gods' or aliens is often quoted as the inspiration behind the proud achievements of the ancient Egyptians. Amongst other wonders, their golden period of pyramid construction combined mastery of stone with impressive mathematical and geometrical brilliance. They also loved to hide the full extent of their knowledge in the dimensions and outline of their principal constructions; But who had shown them these crafts, because once again we see the swift rise of an amazing culture that springs up with astonishing rapidity? To the ancient Egyptians belief in the influencing hand of 'sky gods'was an all powerful impetus. It defined everything they did and believed. Here the culture bearer was known by a variety of names: 'Thoth' was widely accepted as

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the bringer of wisdom. They ascribed to him the invention of the sciencesof astronomy, mathematics,geometry and medicine. Another important figure in the Egyptian pantheon was Ptah. The greatest of all the gods of Memphis. Apparently his name is taken to mean 'opener' - an opener of knowledge into all handicrafts. Above all, the Egyptians regarded him as the masrer architect (the fashioner of the universe) whose knowledge and inspiration led to the whole magnificent programme of pyramid building. To Osiris is ascribed knowledge of civiliry and manners. In his book Myths and Legends of Egypt Lewis Spencewrites glowingly of his influence, "The land of Egypt flourished under his rule as never before. Like another'hero-god'he set himself the task of civilising his people who at his coming were in a very barbarous condition, induiging in cannibaiistic and other savage practises.He gave them a code of laws, taught them the acts of husbandry and showed them the proper rites wherewith to worship the gods. And after he had succeeded in establishing law and order in Egypt he betook himself to distant lands to continue there his work of civilisation." \7e see here that the definite understanding is that Osiris's mission was not just confined to Egypt but was pan-global in its aims and intentions. For instance, far away from Egypt in Central America the story of Quetzalcoatl is another perfect illustration of this civilising influence. Again we see the very sudden arrival of knowledge which brings in its wake an understanding of so many things vital to a modern civilised society.


To the Aztecs Quetzalcoatl was "giver of knowledge and ail good things". In the light of his advent came knowledge of astronomy, mathematics,and architecture. All this presumably happened many hundreds of years before the Aztecs became discernible as a culture. Throughout the emergent civilisations of the Americas we find this all-present idea of an influencing hand. To the Mexicans he was known as 'Quetzalcoatl'; to the Maya, 'Kukulkan'; and to the Inca,'Kon:Tiki-Wira-Kocha'. To the Kayapo Indians of Brazll this influencing personagewas known as 'Bep Kororoti'. This was

yet another culture bearing being who arrived from the skies. On this occasion he came carrying a "thunder weapon" capable of causing great destruction. Like Oannes in Mesopotamia he gave the native people instruction and knowledge of a great many things including the planting and sewing of seedsand the improved use of weapons and handicrafts. Finally Bep Kororoti is said to have vanished into the skies to a backeround of "fiery clouds, smoke, and thunder". Significantly the Kayapo Indians celebratetheir most sacredfestivals dressedin straw garments - a duplicate of those worn by the 'sky gods' - garments that look remarkably similar in shape and design as the space suits of contemporary astronauls. Yet another surprising discovery is that when

Throughout most ancient cultures there arereferences toahelping hand somehow dishibuting civilisation.

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foms Colombus made his epic voyage to the New World, the natives of the'West Indian islands believed he was a sky god' They told him of others who had descendedfrom the heavens,bringing with them strange metal items which in some cases the natives had arranged in their huts as 'sacred relics'. These islandersbelieved that the sky gods would one day return and Colombus's arrival appeared to be a certain fulfilment of this long awaited promise. Across the other side of the world in Australia, the Aborigines believe that Ayers Rock is their most sacredof places. Tianslated in their own language it is thought to mean "cross-roadsof the dream time trails". To the Aborigines this age of the Dream Time is roughly analogousto the golden age of Greek mythology - when sky gods peopled the Earth. It is from this period that the Aborigine claim to derive their intense understanding of natural and supernatural things passeddown through a long line of ancestraldescent.They believed these ancestral beings created all human life forms as well as "all forms of life in fauna and flora".

In his excellentbook Aboriginal Myths and Legends, author Roland Robinson tells us that the Aborigines believed, 'Ancestral beings created and introduced ritual and law which governs social organisation and religious observance.They gave instructions to the Aborigines in hunting and food gathering and food-preparationl "


Once again we see here the archetypal description of the culture bearing beings that in all corners of this globe are seen as having brought a crucial influence to otherwise primitive people. It would appear that wherever we go in the ancient world we find clear and unambiguous accounts of influencing beings that have shaped the entire path of human development. According to these ancient sources man was once taught great things by others who were not of his species- beings who quite literally just arrive from the sky. Some even go as far as to say that this influence extends straight on down to this very day - that the role of the culture bearers is still far from over. And if all this seemsfar too implausible iust imagine that barely one hundred yearsago the thought of man travelling to the moon or routinely flying thousands of miles in a couple of hours would have seemed entirely preposterous, In fact these last eighry or so years have seen an unimaginablt explosion of knowledge and science.The question 'Was it really is what hastened this development? our own brilliance, or were we in some way helped - either consciously or subconsciouslyby beings who have been gently prodding us in a certain direction for countless millennia?



$ F Fritil Ifr ,d

fiilll il nLl UFOs exist.There is too much evidencefor this to be denied, but we do not know what theseUnidentifiedFlying Obfectsare. The most common assumptionis that they are structured

cl:aft,piloted by greyaliens.This might not be the whole story.Chris Kenworthyfeelsthat the lights and shapeswe see in the sky might be the aliensthemselves. uman perception is based on interpretation.'We cannot perceive anything without comparing it to something else, fitting it into a bigger picture. It canoccur Build-ups oforgone energr is theoretically possible, along anywhere, atanytime,butareas therefore, that our perception of metallic flying . leylines susceptible. arethemost saucerscomes about becausewe have no other Ancient Roman roads frequently way of interpreting UFOs. The modern perception lines. followed thepaths ofthese

of flying saucers only came about once we had created our own flying metallic craft. Until then, UFOs were perceived as anything from gods to burning birds. Could it be that UFOs have always been the same, but our way of perceiving them has now changed? If the UFOs are flying aliens, like some obscure form of airborne whales, is it possible that we could perceive them in abnormal ways? There is even the possibiliry that such creatures might give off radiation which could disturb our minds, thus creating many of the symptoms associated with UFO sightings and abductions. People who believe in UFOs as sky creatures, rather than alien ships, feel that the creatures are at home on Earth. They are not aliens in the usual senseof the world; they are simply rare sky animals, normally obscure to us. Despite the bizarre nature of this belief, there is a great deal of evidenceto support it. The theory of Orgone Energy which, although not a part of conventional science,could help to explain where these flying bioforms come from. An Austrian scientist named Wilhelm Reich discovered a form of energy which he called 'orgone'. This he believed was the force that gave life to the universe, and could also be responsible for the sky creatures. Reich was known for his psychological studies, but after a while he turned his attention to the study of organic decay. He filmed moss and grass disintegrating, noting the way they broke into

se![eInber 1336

blue-green vesicles. He saw that when materials are allowed to disintegrate in a nutrient solution, they swell to form these vesicles, which he called bions. Although his findings are not backed up by conventional science, he was certain that these 'bions' were a source of life, spontaneously forming into amoeba and protozoa. He believed that the force of organic matter was somehow the source of life. In recent years, the spontaneous appearance of form from chaos has become more widely accepted. It could be that Reich had discovered an aspect of chaos theory years before its time, by seeing force at work. Ifhile working with bion preparations, Reich obtained a deep tan, and found that his lab coat glowed in the dark. A classical physicist assured Reich that his experiments could not be forming radiation, but he couldn't ignore the evidence before him. It was this energy, produced by life itself, that he came to call orgone. Orgone is a subtle form of energy, a combination of wave forms and radiation, that is created by all living things. It is somewhat akin ro The Force mentioned in the Star Wars movies; it is created by life, and in turn gives power to life. It cannot be detected by conventional means, but can be perceived by those want to know more. It could be a source of many paranormal activities, including U.FOs.

sites, are part of a gridwork of energS fuelling the planet. It is widely believed that such a grid exists, and that it is natural in origin, but that it has been further empowered by the building of ancient sites. Structures such as Stonehenge and Avebury, along with other stone circles, standing stones, burial mounds and tumuli might be similar to the components of a circuit board, regulating a previously unknown energy. People who visit ancient sites often have experiences that would be expected from coming into contact with orgone energy. There are reports of dizziness and nausea. Photographic film often fogs, and batteries in cameras drain. People taste something bitter and metallic, and there are reports of heightened awareness, headaches and memory loss. It is known that orgone can create these effects, indicating that ancient sites do attract and regulate orgone energy.

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It is said that orgone is created by the interaction of sunlight with living tissue. This creares bions, a sort of biological ether. This ether, which clings to living tissue, is though to be responsible for consciousnessand memory. Conventional science has never found a full oxplanation for consciousness,and continues to ignore Reich's discovery of a supern4tural energy which could be responsible for keeping us alive. This energy could be the force that transforms us from bundles of atoms into living, thinking beings. As well as being attracted to organic materials, Reich discovered that orgone tended to settle into special boxes that he created. These were lined with metal, and contained alternating layers of organic and metallic material. These structures are now referred to as orgone accumulators, and experiments have shown that they are capable of raising temperatures, and attracting light forms. They can be any size, from a few inches across, to something much larger. It has been suggestedin recent years that ancient sites, such as stone circles, may be orgone accumulators. Silbury Hill, in'Sfiltshire, for instance, was constructed in segments and layers. Archaeologists have never been able to explain why the ancients went to such lengths structuring the inside of a hill that would never be seen. Is it possible that the ancients knew about orgbne, and were building the hill to accumulate orgone? It could be that ley lines, which align the sacred

iiti iF i tri::iij: i ai;i$sorernlerls$

If these ancient sites are orgone accumulators, this might hint at why so many paranormal events occur around them. Either the orgone affects the human mind, making us falsely perceive ordinary events as being strange, or the energy might rip at normal reality, allowing ghosts, black dogs, fairies and UFOs to be seen. If we accept that UFOs are a form of flying life form, then it would be fair to expected them to be attracted to our ancient sites, perhaps to feed on the accumulated energy. Many Ufologists have observed the way that UFOs are frequently seen close to ancient sites, but this has been difficult to explain. The orgone theory would make it clear. Our ancient sites could be feeding grounds for orgone bioforms.

Illi$t orgone energberesponsible for theformation ofcrop chcles?

I}FIJ i;-; lor UFl}s 0nepossible explanation causing carengines to failmi$t bethat overloaded bya localised theyarebeing energy. concentration of orgone

ofthisUt(l Computer enhancement picture reveals anamorphous shape hull. asopposed toasolid

'Where, though, might these bioforms come from? The evidence collected so far indicates that these creaturesexist in the upper atmosphere, only rarely travelling down towards Earth where they become visible. This explains why UFO sightings ate rare, but not unknown, The upper atmosphere is the most likely home for these creatures,becauseit is rich in orgone energy.As all life on the planet gives off orgone energy,it is collected in the magnetic fields of the upper atmosphere.Although much of it remains on Earth, especiallyin the grid of ley lines and ancient sites,a large amount collects in the highest part of the Earth's atmosphere,almost in space. 'We can think of this upper atmosphere as being like another ocean. It is rich in chemicals,orgone and electromagnetism,so it isn't unreasonableto expect life to form there. That life may be different to the life we are familiar with, but it

isn't beyond our comprehension.After all, whales a r e c o m p l e r e l yd i f f e r e n tt o u s . f l o a t i n ga n d swimming through water in an environment that is just as alien to us as outer space.It doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to understand how other creaturescould exist in the highest part of the atmosphere. Reich observed spontaneouslife emerging from orgone on earth, so it is likely the same would happen in the upper atmosphere.Such life would have to be lightweight, to avoid falling to earth, more of a gaseousmassthan a solid creature. These amoeba-like masses,or bioforms, would be invisible, feeding on electromagnetismand the surrounding orgone. The orgone aliens might only come down to Earth to feed, topping up on their reservesof energy.This would explain why they are attracted to Dower stations. ancient sites and fault lines.

l3$6 SeDleInter

Many researchershave assumedthat UFOs are nothing more than ball lightning or some other meteorological effect, due to the way they are often seen in areaslinked to electrical power or geological faults. It is possible however that UFOs are seen in these areas because they are attracted to the sites, as feeding or breeding giounds. These bioforms, which are normally invisible, might become visible when they approach Earth, becauseof the lower magnetic frequencieswhich occur here. This is why we see them as physical objects, or glowing lights at night. This would also explain why 'ball lightning' is seento move in an intelligent way; because it isn't iightning at all, but a living, flying creature.

fiiflt$E3 flf;'tTf FE f,tr f,t ?gFd ffi #ffi#ffiffif;-E$ffi$ If orgone sky creaturesdo exist, they could be responsiblefor the majority of UFO sightings. Many observers say that UFOs are organic and flexible, rather than stationary. They have been seen floating over roads, at close range, and are sometimessaid to be more like a gas or ball of glowing light than a solid. Such observationsmay be more accurate than the clich6d flying saucers that witnessesdescribe.It's quite possiblethat when peopie see orgone aliens, they perceive them as spaceshipsdue to their inexplicable appearance. If you study UFO reports, you will find that many contain descriptions of gas-like structures,and the shape of the 'craft' changing. Sometimesthe 'ship' is described as being transparent, with strange inner workings, which could possibly mean that people are seeingthe internal organs of these unusual creatures. UFOs are often seen changing shape as they fly, which does not fit ifi with the concept of solid ships. Orgone aliens, however, would be flexible and could easily stretch; this might even be a part of their natural propulsion. There are also reports of UFOs flying into hillsides, or into the ground, which would be possiblefor orgone entities. By existing in different vibrational wavelengths, they may be able to passthrough physical objecs as easily as we pass through water. ril/hen UFOs disappearspontaneously,it could be that the orgone creaturesare disguising themselveswith a form of camouflage; by raising their frequency, they might make themselvesinvisible. People who witness UFOs report experiences similar to those that occur when orgone is present, including memory loss and missing time. It is just possiblethat the whole UFO phenomenon has developed from the misperception of such sky creatures. Even physical interaction with apparent aliens could be down to the brain being affected by the strong electromagnetismgiven off by orgone creatures.This energy could also make our car enginescut out, which is something that UFOs are often said to cause.

SepterllIer l$96

Almost every aspect of Ufology can be explained by thinking of alien craft as alien creaturesin their own right. It is even possible that crop circles are created by orgone aliens, which could explain why radiation, radio distortions, and orgone after-effects are experienced in crop circles. UFOs are often seen close to crop circles, before and after their formation. Perhapswhen orgone aliens pass through fields, they leave this trace, although it is possible that the orgone aliens are trying to communicate with us through crop markings. If, however, the hoax theory proves to be true, it is possible that crop circles act as orgone accumuiators,thus attracting UFOs. Many crop circle hoaxers report seeinganomalous lights, and their circles are known to produce paranormal effects. It is possible that ail circles are hoaxes, but this doesn't necessarilystop them from being a potent form of orgone accumulator, attracting the sky creatures. UFOs have been seen on Earth for many centuries,but contact has never been made. To this date, there is no evidenceof actual aliens recorded on film. \7e may be going about Ufology the wrong way, by thinking of UFOs as aliens from another place. In a few years, as orgone energy becomesunderstood more widely, science may find that the aliens are already in our midst.

Crop circles might actasaccumulators oforgone energy because 0fthenature ofthehshape.






ffiffiffiffiffif Kffiffi ffiffiffiffiK Last issue,

we introduced Robert

Morning Sl<y, a Hopi Indian from Arizona who has devoted much of his life to alien research. Morning Sky hasstudied crop circles as a part of

his research for many yeafs and thinks he has cracked their secret code...

he first report on the Hale Bopp comet, named after joint discoverersAlan Hale and Thomas Bopp of Phoenix, Arizona, came in August 4th 1995.Th e c o m e t 'sa p p a r e n ts i z e led astronomers to conclude it was either abnormally large, or in the middle of an outburst. After being cold for so long, comets become covered in volatile ice which then evaporates,so making the comet look brighter when viewed from a great distance. After the initial discovery of the comet, however, astronomersbegan studying old sky photos from further out into space. In 1'993 they spotted an object which was likely to be the Hale Bopp comet.

it bellaleBopp? Thewinged sundiskor 'lmperishable star'.Could

It's now believed the comet has been regularly visiting our solar system for some time, possibly every 3,000 to 4,000 years. If this is the case,then the ice has a\ready evaporated,which means the comet is indeed very big. The Haie Bopp comet has an object wheeling around it as it approaches,a blob of free flying debris near the nucleus.The debris has detached from the main comet and is caught in a gravitational spin around the nucleus.It is gradually heading away from the comet at a rate of one spiraliing rotation a week. Hale Bopp may become the brightest comet of the century in 1.997as it is pulled into the sun's orbit. In August the comet's nucleus was seento fluctuate and surprisingly, an anti-clockwise spiral structure was seen within it, continually flaring up with outbursts. The object's core is estimated to '!fhat's be 100 to 150 kilometres in diameter. also strange about the comet is that its driving gas is completely unknown. ; r *. , ' ' : j l l i "I r "$ ,1" ,-.According to Robert Morning Sky, old texts indicate the Hale Bopp comet (seebox-out) that's been exciting astronomersrecently is something quite out of the ordinary. The writer Zecharia Sitchin talks of Sumeria, the oldest civilisation in recorded history which is 'pivotal to a heavenly body known as Nibiru' or twelfth planet (ie, nine planets, sun and moon and Nibiru). The orbital


Many cropcircles appear to represent heavenly bodies - if wecould decode theirmeaning theymightprovide a keyto ourownfuture.

IOl'|EI IORHILflIIOI{ These crop circle patterns may demonstrate the movement of the comet.

period of the twelfth planet is 3,600 years. According to Brian Marsden of the IAU centre, rhe Hale-Bopp comet's path "indicates that it's been regularly visiting the inner solar system,going dosi-do with the sun once every 3,000 to 4,000 years." Sitehin also statesin a later work that the return of the twelfrh planet would be from the regionsof the constellationof Sagitrarius, coincidentally the region where astronomersfound the comet. Hale saw the comet in the cluster M70 in Sagittarius.If these correlations were meaningful, couid the comet be the legendary twelfth planet? After all, the surfaceactivity of a planet would indeed resemblea spiralling acion - it would appear bright from a long way aw?y, and the driving gas would be unknown...

Another argument put forward by Sitchin and supported by Morning Sky is that the famous Egyptian symbol of the winged 'sun disk' is nor a depiction of the sun at all, but a representationof the twelfth planet, Nibiru. Ancient wisdom often alludes to one more planet in the solar system,a planet with an enormous orbit that the Egyptians called 'the imperishable star', or 'the planet of a miilion years'. According to Sitchin and Morning Sky, the winged globe was a symbol of the twelfth planet in Egyptian mythology, with the sun, or

Cropcircles tendto depict movement, ora spiralling action, which could becompared to thatof comets. $e0telllber l3$6

Anti-elockwise spkal.


Two conetslinked.

Could it bebepossible thatcropcircles suchasthoseshown here pointto thecoming actually 0l l{ibiru,thetwelfthplanetreferred to by [gyptians ashaving speoial significance?

lightaround comet.

'Ra', having uitimate power. Egyprologistsargue the voyage of the sun god through creation might be portrayed as the flight of a winged sun-disk. All this has fascinating repercussionswhen we consider the Hale Bopp comet - if the ancients hold it in esteem,why did it hold so much power and significance?Perhapsthe winged sun God is on its return flieht.

As lvell as heavenly objects,crop circles also appear to have a spiralling action, a spirai arm and two bodies contained within them. Robert Morning Sky links these to the comet and thinks they augur the coming of the twelfth planet. As a final twist to the tale, there is one rather ominouslooking crop circle in \Tiltshire which seemsto draw out the sun and all the planetary orbits up as far as the asteroid belt. The third ring has no planet and Earth is the third planet in orbit around the sun. Are the crop circles in fact a warning and if so, is this warning falling on deaf ears?\7e will have to wait and see... Thanks to SteveAlexander.

J :J t;J'

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Crop circle seasonis back with a vengeanceand the Summer has kicked off with some amazingformations that witnessesclaim defy the possibility of human involvement.The first formation to rock the boat was the 650ft DNA helix formation which allegedlyappearedwithin a few hours. The latest revelation is a formation of a spiral which has materialisedin a field next to Stonehenge.There is a branch of researchand belief that links ancient sites like Stonehengeto both ley lines and UFO acivity. Could the age of paranormal activity truly have arrived or have the hoaxersbecomecleverer than ever.'We- that's me, Richard, my reporter Marcus, and Al, our photographer - jumped in a car and decidedto investigatefor ourselves.

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Thecircleformation thatappeared 7th onSunday alongside Stonehenge so July. lt could bethebestevidende influence. farof a paranormal

Apit is inthecentreof everycircle. Does thisindicate a fakeorsinply mindless vandalism?

ussellYoung works for Mrs Sandel,who owns the land where the crop circle appeared next to the A303 opposite Stonehenge.He is helping coordinate the floods of tourists, press and researcherswho are all eager to 'We spoke to experiencethe power of the circle. him about the latest farming phenomenon. So when and how did the formation appear? It appeared on the 7th July which was a Sunday.A pilot flew form Exeter to Thruxton at half past five and flew back to Exeter at a quarter to six. He swears that when he flew over the field the first time it was not there and when he flew back, it was. It's the first one to appear in daylight.

They're cropping up all over the place again aren't they, if you'll excusethe pun? There's three in the area I think. Do you think it has any link to Stonehenge?Do you believe that it is not man made? I would say I was sceptical.It's quite impressive but everyone is trying to find a big inner meaning to it all and I think it should iust be admired for what it is.

tl$tIE 't T| |itl R ttt

Marcus talked to some women who were engagingin a strange ritual in one of the circles. They were implying that you could feel a 'vibe', a special kind of heat through the palms of their hands. However, it was a very bright sunny day and I too felt this heat on my skin, which, not surprisingly,seem to emanate from a large bail of fire in the skyl We stared at the women and then at each other in bewilderment. They were really impressedby the circles and w h e n w e q u i z z e dt h e m o n i t s o r i g i n o n e w o m a n said, "I hope that crop circles remain a mystery becauseI like a good mystery but if they do find out the truth behind crop circles, I hope they are not man made." It was plainly evident from the amount of people striding through the crop that there is a great deal of genuine interest in and fascination with these phenomena. If this particular circie was created by human artists then I think they should t a k e s o m e c r e d i t f o r t h e i r a m a z i n gt a l e n t, although I am not advocating the destruction of other peopie's property. l$96 SepIelllber

However, this particular formation was intriguing becauseof the time in which it was created - 15 minutes if the pilot is to be beiieved. To do this would take a very large number of people and extreme organisation. The field is next to and in plain view of a very busy road and if this many people were frantically making the formation then how is it that they were not seen? The precision in the crop formation is truly spectacularand could be witnessed even weeks after its occurrence.

Il|ELRl'l[ 0t'rlllER

So how did the owner of the farm feel about it all? Mrs Sandel seemedin a mixture of moods. As you often find with farmers with crop circle formations in their fields, instead of sulking about the loss of crop, they invite people to look at the formation themselvesand charge a small fee for the privilege, two pounds a head in this instance.By the looks of things this must have paid off as the daily influx of crop circle enthusiastsand those who are simply curious was tremendous. Recently however, Mrs Sandel has been a little disheartenedabout vandalism to the formation. She tells how a gang of 35 youths stormed the field one night without paying and how they left a terrible mess in their wake. She has also had nasty moments with angry'young men who refuse to pay on the grounds that it's just a field like any other and they have the right! However, not all is bitternessand bad news. She seemsto now have a genuine interest in the crop circle and talks about the formation with pride. Some people return to the site virtually on a daily basis,such as crop circle expert Colin Andrews, who, we were informed, thinks this is a very good casefor a genuine paranormal phenomenon.



we inspected the circles ourselveswe noticed that there were small pits in the centre of every circle. Instantly suspicious,we thought about the process of driving a stake into the ground and by winding a rope attached to some flattening device it would be possibleto create a perfect ever 'We decreasingswirl. qilzzed Mrs Sandel who

Agroup of American visitors 'soakup'thecircle's energy.

Selte|l|ber l$$E

referred back to the vandalism and disruption to the circles, saying that originally there were small clumps of crop still erect in the centres of the circles but since then they have all been pilfered by visitors leaving only these dry circular pits.

RLl!ltl T0510 l'lE]|E1'l EE?

Eight miles north of Salisbury surrounded by burial mounds, Stonehengehas long been a place of mystery and ancient significance. It is estimated to be around 5,000 years old. There are many beliefs surrounding it. Firstly, it was believed to have been a place built for sky worship. It has also been linked to Druids, a type of Ceitic priests but most significantly it is seento be some kind of astronomical time keeping and prediction device. In 1,919London's Society of Antiquaries carried out excavations for sake of finding out the history and purpose of the ancient site. It appeared that there were three main periods of buiiding. Around 3100BC the Aubrey holes were dug, which were a ring of 56 pits as well as a circular ditch. The second phase of construction was

lllarcus investigating themysterious inthemiddle circle. holes of each

2100BC, pillars of rock were brought in from South'lfales and two circles rvere erected in the middle of the site. There were 30 upright stones, each weighing an incredible 50 tons. The last stage of construction was in 1500BC. The whole complex proves that ancient people used astronomy. On midsummer's day, June 24th, if you stand in the centre of the circle you see the sun rise over the heel stone. Stonehengeis undoubtedly an instrument for the sky and a complex one. Stonehenge'ssymmetry is striking when viewed from above, which may lead to interesting speculation. It is easyto seewhy Stonehengecaptures the attention of Ufologists.

frequency sounds in a puisating rhythm out of the range of human hearing and only detectablewith an ultra sonic detector.In 1,978the Rollright stones near Oxford were investigated.The pulsating sounds occurred around dawn every day and lasted severalhours on those mornings of the Spring and Autumn equinoxes. Circles of stone were also found to create areasof ultrasonic silencewithin the circle when the outside levels remained normal. 'Witnessesto crop circle creation are adamant that there is an electrical presence,as they witness arcs of light and hear cracks similar to the 'cracking of thunder' or an electrical dischargeas Ziggy Kklyonsski quotes, "It was like a Van De Graff generator.Just before a Van De Graff fires there's that almost neon purple, which you get inside a plasma dome. You get the fields between the two electrodeswhich arc." Could this possibly be linked to the quartz crystal vibrations from the stonesthemselves? So is the Stonehengecrop formation a genuine 'Sfho one? would dare put money on it? It seems however, safe enough to say this caseis possibly the best to date for a genuine paranormal circle for the following reasons: 1. The pilots claim that it was created in fifteen minutes. 2. It was created in daylight near a thriving tourist spot. 3. The size of the formation and its precision would take a very conspicuousteam of people who were not seen, 4. The formation has similarities to another recent massive650ft formation in Dorchester which was created in a few hours and is also widely held to be a genuine formation. The link being the spiral shape.


The following researchis courtesy of W J Whitry an Alien Encounters contributor, who gives clues to the deeper significanceof the stones. A zoologist investigatingbats discoveredthat at certain times of day standing stones emit high

The trouble with crop circles is that the sceptics and the believers do not seem to trust each others' stories.!7e have people swearing that they know how to make the circles and also spoke to believerswith testimonies to verify that it would be humanly impossible. So, as per usual, we are left with a mystery, one that may never be solved.

would liketo contact thepilot Stillnotconvinced? Richard andMarcus influence. before verifying a paranormal SepleInber l$$$



ver since the story leaked out, back in 1987, the Ilkley Moor alien encounter has, for many p e o p l e .b e e n o n e o f t h e m a i n p i l l a r : s u p p o r t i n gt h i s te e te r i n g edifice that we call Ufology. After speakingwith veteran investigator Arthur Tomlinson, I was amazedby just how many details applied to this casethat I had previously been unaware of. The first surprise for me was to learn that Arthur, who has been in this field of researchfor some 40 odd years,was the original detective on the story. Yet look this account up in numerous UFO-related books, and often you will not even see his name credited. After speakingwith severalother sleuthswho knew the man, I discoveredthat he is one of the great unsung heroes of this subject. Unlike most others, Arthur has not sought publicity, written books, and not attempted to milk Ufology for all that it is worth, (as many seem to be doing nowadays), but rather, has been quietly lecturing up and down the country, charging groups only for his oetrol exDenses.

. , li_ f t


: i l - i '4 '" The aliegation made by a former policeman (who wishes to remain nameless)was that on the m o r n i n g o f l i t D e c e m b e r .1 9 8 - . w h i l s t cr o r si n g Ilkley Moor in Yorkshire, he disturbed a small 'green' humanoid. Surprised, the creature ran along for a bit, halted when at a safe distance, turned, momentarily standing motionless, before apparently signalling by bending and raising its right arm. At this opportunity, our friend (who had gone equipped with a basic pocket camera to t a k e p i c t u r e so f t h e t o w n , h i g h f r o m t h i s moorland area, and a compassfor navigation should the weather turn nasty) snapped a single shot, just before the startled entity rapidly scuttled towards, and around behind, a large moss-covered rock formation in the distance.Pursuing this lifeform to its hiding place, the witness was astounded to discover when he arrived at the spot, not a cowering green alien, but a dometopped, sleek, silver metallic disc. In what seemedlike a fraction of a second, the flying saucerrose at breathtaking speed and disappeared high into the clouds. This is how he initially recalled things, but there were definite discrepanciesin his story. Partial memory loss was apparent, and as much as two hours could not be accounted for following this episode.It was decided by Arthur Tomlinson that t h e o n l y c o u r s eo f a c t i o n w a s t o r e t r i e v ea n y 5eile|l|berl9g6

OFILI|LET ]I OOTI The correctand usualmethodemployedby BEAMS researchers is that when investigatingthe seeminglyfantasticor implausible, one'sfirst considerationshouldbe the more mundaneor conventionalpossibilities.Thesesafetyprocedureshavebeen carriedout for this article.However,this particularcasehas some very soundpoints of argumentfor beinggenuine.Ken Parsons looks into the matter. missing memory by employing the services of a qualified hypnotist. Although the testifier then shunned (as he continues to do now) all forms of publiciry the media eventually got wind of what had happened to him. Amongst all of the various comings and goings at his house, one day there was a dramatic development. fivo men claiming to be from the Ministry of Defence'(bearing in mind that the Menwith Hill base is only 8-10 miles down the road from here), paid a call. Flashing their ID cards (which looked authentic enough), they introduced themselvesas 'Forester' and 'Davis', and asked to examine the photographic evidence. These visitors were quickly shown to the door, and like many others had done before them, left long-faced and empty-handed. Meanwhile the blur'red photo and negative was examined by Kodak and declared genuine, (in as much as the originals had not been tampered with in any way). Although quite fuzzy, the film had indeed captured a peculiar-looking green figure with its right arm raised! The policeman also noticed, about a week after the event, that the polariry of his compass had been reversed,so that it now pointed South. The compass was examined at the University of

Manchester Institute of Science and TechnologS where it was discovered that ordinary magnets available to the public had no permanent effecr on a similar compass. The only thing that could alter the polarity would be a very powerful industrial magnet available from Japan, or a rapidly applied or pulsed magnetic field generated by mains electricity. Later, and with fulI approval of the witness, hypno-regressionwas carried out...

Thepathway where theentitystood. Thegentleman inthepicture isilr Alan Smith, who assists Stephen tleraon investigations. lt i3tenyards fromthe Ut(lsite.


Acraterlikeditchwhere thesilverdisowasseen.

As a result of all his dedication and hard work, Arthur Tomlinson has brought forth some exceptional details about this case. Since then, his enquiry has been tackled by other researchers, most notably Peter Hough (who now owns the copyright to the alien photo) who, together with clinical psychologist Jim Singleton, has arrived at the following facts.

Ihehillwhere theswastika stone is quarter situated, approximately ofamile from wells building. thewhite


After chancing upon the hovering silver disc, the one-time policeman was suddenly engulfed by an electrical field of some sort, which levitated him up inside the craft. Next, he was positioned onto a table in a white room. Feeling like a specimen in a laboratory he became quite anxious and attempted to struggle, but was made to relax by soothing, telepathically conveyed words of reassurance. His captors were describe{ as having green, roughishJooking skin, and were of small stature, "about four foot, with big pointed ears and larqe black eyes.They haven'tgor a nose and only a small mouth. Their hands are enormous,and their arms are long. They've got funny feet, like a V_ shape, flvo big toes (cloven hooves). They've got three big fingers, like sausages., Repeatedly a kind of illuminated scannins device was passed over his body, before he invited to sit up and leave the aliens' examination table. After a short breather he was taken to another room and shown harrowing future images concerning the pollution of Earth and its eventual destruction. The next thing that he remembered was finding himself back on land at the exact outcrop where he had first seen the.craft. The final hypnotically-recalled remembrance revealed that he had taken the crucial photograph, not shortly after spotting the little green man, as he first believed, but right at the very end of the abduction ordeall In the light of this last mind-blowing revelation, the raised arm of the creature is now taken to mean that it was waving adieu!

Thepathway to thewhitewellsbuilding

Feelin0 lihe n spectrl|er| Ind Inbora[ortj he quibe became

anxious and

ob[emp[ed [o s[ru0ole, btt[ mds made [o relnx hq $ooIhit|0,

[elepobhirallq cont|e||ed

RREfl llJords of I'ilil[0ht reds$t|rdt|cB. Ihesuastika stone. Celtic andllordic symbol lor Good and[igt.

There is no doubt that some strange things can happen on the bleak moors of yorkshire. Ilkley is rumoured to have been host to at least a couple of other alien confrontations. Peter Hough was recently approached by a woman keen to recount her UFO sighting in the summer of 1987. She and her husband lived in Ilkley. They were returning home between 1.00

and,2.00am along the Addingham Road when they saw a mass of white lights hovering over some rocks. They initially believed the lights to be coming from some farm buildings, until she realised that there were no farmhouses on that part of the moor. They observed the phenomena all the way into llkley. Added to this are strong traditions from peoples (some long-departed, some still living) about apparitions, goblins, earth spirits, fairyfolk and numerous other miracles in these parts. The Vhite Wells building was construcred around a natural spring and bequeathedto the people of Ilkley by a wealthy landowner at rhe beginning of the 19th Century. $filliam Butterfield, the Bathman, witnessed a bizarre sight when he went ro unlock the premisesone morning in 1815. All over rhe water and dipping into it were a lot of little creaturesdressedin green, none of them more than 18 inches high, and making a chatteringsound. They appearedto be takine a bath. only they kept all rheir clotheson. Then they all took off, toppling and tumbling, head over heels, towards the hill were the policeman was to have his experience with a green entity 162 years later, Just recently, certain reporters have sought to debunk the Ilkley Moor alien case,and using skillful evasionof the factshave att.mpred to cheapen this quintessentialexamination. However, their campaign has not worked. Thev say that "The truth will out", and it certainlv has triumphed here...and although they had their brief moments of recorded glory, the doubtersl mission has turned into a dead duck. Unless I am shown firm evidence to the contrary the Ilkley encounter proves higher-intelligence visitation.


Although calledthe 'swastika' (and rarelv The FylforStone),far from beingwhar mostpeople would recogniseas a swastika- which is in fact an ancient symbol for peace and light, along with being a charm against 'the evil eye' superstition this badly weathered pattern resembles somethine

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closer to a star constellation. Below this is the outline of an amoeboid. Investigator and head of BEAMS 'WestYorkshire, Mark Gibbons, reported a paranormai occurrence whilst visiting this timeworn position. On 3Oth March, 1996, Mark, along with his aunt, her niece Michelle and her son Craig, went to this the point which overlooks the \Tharfe Valley.The intriguing piece of coarsesandstone which measuresabout 19 feet long and about four feet thick, had been the source of many a rumourJ and it was decided to take some pictures of the site. Upon touching the stone, Mark, who has certain psychic abilities, claimed that he could immediately feel energiesrushing through his body. Immediately the nagging pain of an old arthritic complaint vanished. His aunt (who is alsc, psychic and very spiritual) then proceeded to meditate and begin a conversation with an unseen entity on the rock, when suddenly something happened which was only visible to Mark. To his surprise, he watched a stunning, glowing, violetcoloured 'vision' shoot ollt from the swastika. Standing back, thinking it was a trick of the light, Mark turned away, and then looked again, and the figure had completely gone. Mark says,"It is up to the reader to decide whether or not to believe what I have reported. To my mind this event actually happened." There are various stone circles on Ilkley Moor, the best known of which is the 'fwelve Apostles', almosrce rtain lypla nn ed in it s or ient at ior rt o various other stone monuments out here. Photographersof this site have reported anomalous glows and distortions on their prints. Our intelligence gathererscame up r.vith two unconfirmed reports (one from the 1970s and the other of a much more tecent date) concerning a potential military radio-delay building off the beaten track over Ilkley Moor. Using the few clues to hand, Mark and fellow researcher/archaeologist Gary Foster have indeed confirmed this significant discovery close to another ancient monument, that of the 'Cross Stone'. They stumbled acrossan installation approx 200x110m, surroundedby a double wire mesh perimeter fence, comprising of two large steel masts like radio pylons, with equipment housings at their bases.Also present was what looked like a guard rowe r off:e t to th e nr ain ar ea.c ov er ingan entrance to the compound. Numerous satellitetype disheswere clustered around the lower portion of the two steel towers. After collecting as much u se iuld ata a' po ss iblet hey depar t ed.

F? i Ftill'fl"3: f f iE . , E ,lilt ES After speakingwith an er-RAF Communication/Radar officer, Gary Foster has come up with the following: "The double perimeter fence is a standard securityre r u p fo r man y c or nm unic et ionrs it c sin remote areas,as an outside tampering deterrent.

Septelr|ber 1396

|lOI,I TOFIIIilIL|{TEY 1,|OOR flI{[ T|{E iltTIYL0[RTt0tl

Come off the M62 at junction 26 and take the M606 signposted to Bradford. After two miles turn left on to the A6177 ring road, then follow the ,4.650 to Keighley. Three miles past Keighley rurn right onto the A6034 for five miles to Addingham. At Addingham turn right on to the A65 for six miles to llkley. In Ilkley town centre, iust before the railway station, there is a sign to the moor. There is plenty of room to park. Thke the path that runs to the left of the White Wells building, which is visible from the road. This is now a museum and we think well worth a look. The next leg of the short iourney is very steep. Follow the path behind the museum up inro a gully. Take the parh ro fhe right, up the side of the hill. The stand of rrees on the left is where the policeman was paralysed by the entity. Continue for about 100 yards up the path to the crown of the hill. On your right is the pit where the policeman took the photograph of the being. Walk into the pit and around the outcrop, where there is an even deeperexcavationabout 40 feet across; this is where the silver disc hovered.

However, the gr-rardtower at the entrance to the install:rtion compound is unusual. If it is a guard tower, why? \fhat for? These seem to be rather over-elaboratesecurity measuresfor somewhere in the rniddle of nowl.rere! "It also hacl a manually operated swivel mounted micro-transceiver dish attached to the tower. \fhat is this for? And why at this installation? The masts themselvesappear to be of a standard type. The satellite micro-transceiver dishesare commonplace and don't indicate anything other than a high siting location." My own calculations show the installation to stand on at least one powerful ley line, and in between two important alignment markers. A11in all, this strange little communications unit is quite interesting, and I am sure that we wiil be hearing more about this exceptionally interesting place...Ilkley Moor.

Awide angle view ofthecrater like ditchapproximately 38yardsfromthe White Wells building.





any parts of the world are considered to be, in the words of Ufologists, 'window areas'Bonnybridge in Scotland and the county of ITiltshire berng just two examples. One area not usually discussed,however, is yorkshire, which is strange considering the rich vein of UFO lore found in the county. Yorkshire's two best-documentedcasesof alien abduction date from the 1980s. The first was rhe

Forget flat caps,Emmerdale and puddings, Yorkshire should be more famous for its UFO sightings.Marcus 'Walker reports on some of the strange objects seenaround this normally down-to-earth county.

mysterious death of a man called Adamski (no relation to the American contactee George Adamski). Mr Adamski's corpse was found sprawled on top of a coal heap by PC Alan Godfrey. Godfrey was part of a team looking into 'What was the disappearance of Mr Adamski. bizarre about the discovery was the absence of footprints around the body: what's more, the coal hadn't even been disturbed. The only logical way that Adamski's body could have ended up on top of the heap was if it had been lowered onto it from above. There was no way the corpse could have been dragged to the top without leaving a trail. Even more startling were the coroner's findings. Apparently a strange substance resembling cream was discoveredaround Adamski's neck - a substancenot previously known to man. Yet this was not the only occasion Alan Godfrey would be involved with possibleUFO activities. In November 1980 whilst driving back to Todmorden police station along the Burnley Road, PC Godfrey encountered a lit round object near the roadside. The policeman stopped his car and began to sketch the object. The next thing he knew, half an hour had suddenly disappearedand the object had completely vanished. Mr Godfrey later underwent hypnotic regression,bringing to light his full abduction experience. !7hat's iirteresting about this caseis that severalpolice officers on the Moors saw lights in the sky during the same evening, but nobody travelling along the Burnley Road around the same time that PC Godfrey was allegedly abducted saw the object, or reported seeing Godfrey's empty patrol car. However, a witness did come forward later who claimed to have seenthe object placing Alan Godfrey back into his car. It's important to note that during the days leading up to Godfrey's abduction, the Todmorden Police had been chasing unidentified objects from Ilkley to Halifax.

IEFtl'lllEt? il01 $flIIIR ILRUS

The caseof the Ilkley Moor alien is describedon page 56, but there are also other, more recent sightings. At Greetland, Halifax, last Christmas Eve, members of BEAMS UFO group noticed an object which looked like the moon, but was coloured a strange shade of orange. This object was spotted at 6.30pm. Vitnesses claimed it looked as though something was about to eclipse

Ihe lo0icnl onlu tud|l thn[ hodtl fldamslti's co|Jld hnve |Jp Er|ded 0r|

lopofbhe rrds henp ifi[ hn dbeen loue red 0r|[0 abotle i[frnm inthePendle Hill Unusual lightdisplays areacouldbeattfibuted to natural passing localrocks. energy through

S|JPERl'l flT|J RR L $0l'lERB Y

Moving to Sowerby, Halifax, a large UFO was seen on February 26th. The object was seen for about half an hour, emitting pulses of white light. At around 9pm, people reported seeinga Tornado fighter heading towards the Sowerby area. Eye witnesses claim that as the Tornado confronted the object, it shot off at a great speed, but didn't make any discernable sound. On the 29th, a huge triangular-shaped object was encounteredby a single witness, who claimed that the object first appeared travelling from the Scammonden area and suddenly stopped and hovered above their home. The object was described as being triangular in shape with about 25 different coloured lights, and the witness could only compare it to something from Star Thek. The UFO hovered above the house, about 10 metres above the roof, for roughly five minutes. It then took off again at great speed. Sadly, no photographs were taken for the annals of Ufology.


group Members ofBIAM UF|) repoded the object when it suddenly moved quickly tracking anunidentilied obiect from downwards, as if something was pulling it out of Greetland toBlackstone Edge Moor.

sight. At this point the witnesses got into their car and followed the object to BlackstoneEdge Moor on the Yorkshire/Lancashire border. \We understand that the object eventually changed direction and headed towards Scammonden: the same object was also been reported earlier this year, and seemsto have cropped up in Liverpool. 'We stay in Greetland, but fast forward to December 27th 1995. Just as Mr Paul O'Malley was about to turn his car into School Street he noticed a large metallic object hanging in the sky. The object seemedto be changing shape. O'Malley reported the sighting, but no further information about the casecould be uncovered.

Since March 28th this year, many orange balls of light have been spotted around the Scammonden area (Australia is currently experiencing the same phenomena almost daily). Three members of BEAMS decided to go up to Scammonden to investigate. About 30 minutes later they saw a bright orange ball of light, moving at extreme speed towards where they'd parked their car. Suddenly the object stopped and started to dance up and down. The object, viewed through binoculars, was describedas a perfect sphere. The group attempted to initiate contact by flashing their headlights in the direction of the object, but without success.Altogether, the sighting lasted for about 10 minutes. Just as the BEAMS members were about to leave, they noticed that the object had reappeared over the Sowerby area. Again the object was observed through binoculars, only this time an orange tail of light was seen coming from it. The object then appeared to be writing symbols in the sky, shortly after which it stopped, changed shape into a triangle and disappeared. Yet more was to happen that evening. As the group were driving home, they saw the object again reappear over Sowerby. This time it demonstrated a new trick. It split into two red Iights, which proceeded to dance around one another. Then there was a flash of violet light before the object finally vanished. Again, the lack of a camera meant no photos were taken.

T1|E YORl|S||IRE IRIflil[LI [yewitnesses claim thata Tornado approached a largeU[0above Sowerby, whereupon theUF|ldisappeared at greatspeed.

Scammonden was in the news again on April 19th and 20th when the triangular UFO, already an extremely common sight in Europe, was spotted over the M62.

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The first sighting was on Saturday 19th when a young couple reported that rhey had seen a round object with lights revolving around it. They observed the object for about 5 minutes, reporting that it moved vertically downwards before eventually seeming to disappear into the ground. Once again the sighting was reported to rhe BEAMS Vest Yorkshire Branch. The investieators were fast to reac{ and were soon headine tJwards Scammonden.It was at this poinr that they noticed the triangular object hovering over the M62. The object was covered in bright blue and green lights, which appeared to be flashing. A-fter speeding up and slowing down, ir vanished into the only cloud in the sky. Five people witnessed this strange phenomenon. The following day the craft was seen again, and an orange ball of light has also been observed in Burnley and Pendle (a notorious window area in its own right). Returning to the triangular object, it was seen in Liverpool approximately three weeks ago. There were also traces of a possible landing by this object, but unfortunarely the landing site had been disturbed by the first people to arrive at the site. Curiously, a duck was found nearby with its beak removed. Apparently this area of Yorkshire is becoming known as the Yorkshire tiangle as if you join Scammonden,Todmorden utrd Ilkl.y on amap, you get a perfect triangle.

TheBIIMSinvestigators wereontheir tvay to another sighting when they spofted a tdan$larobject hovering overthet162.

drink as well had it not been for a similar sighting from an independent and very sober witness. This story now takes a peculiar rwist - Jenkins suddenly had an overwhelming urge to go to a clearing in some woods close to where he lives to meet some 'beings'. Jenkins was asked if anything else unusual had happened to him recently, and more of the story was revealed. He stated that on Tiresday11th June, he had been walkins down a road which he had been down on many occasions, listening to his Iflalkman, when he came to a certain point where he normally turns his \X/alkmanoff. On rhis evening,Jenkini had a strange compulsion to walk up some steps which had appeared out of nowhere. He walked uo them and came into a clearingnear rhe woods. Jenkins, who has lived in the area for the oast three years,was adamanrthat the stepshad nor been there before,as he walked pasrihar area every day! He also statedthat he was going to be met by beings and this was the place where it was going to be. He later claimed that he was going to go there and see if anything happened. '$(ihen BEAMS contacted him again a few days after the initial 'phone call Jenkins said that he had intended to go but after ringing BEAMS he had fallen asleep and woke up the next morning on the floor by rhe 'phone. A strangecaseindeed: narcolepsy - a rare condition characterised by the uncontrollable urge to fall into sessionsof deeo sleep- could be a possibleexplanationfor Mr Jenkins'sproblems.

R$TRfllIOE ElIIO|JIIIIR I1{|||J[[ERSFIELI On Thursday 13th June, Mr Neil Jenkins (pseudonym) frantically called Yorkshire BEAMS at 11.45pm. Clearly distressed,Jenkins began to relate what had happened to him on the way home from a friend's house. Near a church, Jenkins noticed a white light which he took for a star. The light was bouncing around in the sk5 until it became srationery. At first, Jenkins pur this down to a quick drink he'd had earlier, and sat down on anearby bench. Looking at the star again, he noticed it changed colour to red. BEAMS would have probably put this down to the

lenkins came acioss aflight0f steps, which although hewalked thatroute everyday,hadneverbeentherebefore_

lccodingto lenkins, hewitnesed a star bounce around intheslry, andthen change to a redcolour.

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