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Beginner I Surf Lessons

Learn the basic of catching waves in a safe secure environment. Learn the board, understand the surf, positioning, paddling, catching waves, control and standing up. Essential ocean safety and much more..Get the thrill of riding small rolling waves on easy to follow steps. You will be loosing your balance and falling off, but the time you get up will be a complete different experience.. Pre requiste: None, suitable for first timers, or those who tried a few times before and wish to pick the right technique from the start in order to learn surfing the right way.

Beginner II Surf Lessons

Surfing is not just about being able to stand up ! Build on basic riding skills, . Learn front and back side turns as the first steps to trimming the wave face. Start working on timing and take off on small green waves. Learn about the waves and the factors affecting the surf. Understand how to read tide charts and swell forecasts. Know how to pick the best time to surf. This course aims solidify foundation, work on quirks and building your surf confidence. With a strong foundation you’re set to take on the challenges of surfing proper waves head on.

Beginner III Surf Lessons

You will want more! Learn effective board control, tricks to paddle out, overcome waves and navigate the surf. Join the line up and surf 3-5ft green waves. Learn the importance of position to catch a wave, picking the right waves, improve on timing and take off. Perform front and back side trims along the wave face. It takes a lot of practice and patience, but you will have an exciting time learning! Pre requisite: Physically fit and a good swimmer. Good balancing skills and can perform front and back side turns on occasion. Need to improve on timing / take off, wave reading and selection.

ph: 506-2640-08-52. ext 117 / Cel: 8923-7301 /

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