Laryngeal papillomatosis

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Laryngeal Papillomatosis By: Jesus Rojas


ď‚š Laryngeal Papillomatosis is a respiratory problem that is not very common in the world. It is causes by the Human Papilloma Virus also known as HPV. Though there are no cures for Laryngeal Papillomatosis, there are certain treatments that can help slow down the rate of regrowth of the warts.

What is Laryngeal Papillomatosis?  Laryngeal Papillomatosis, also known as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, is a disease where small warts (papillomas) grow in the air passages leading from the nose and mouth to the lungs.  Papillomas can develop anywhere from along the respiratory tract, but most often affects the vocal cords and larynx.  Laryngeal Papillomatosis is broken into two subtypes- juvenile onset andn adult-onset.  The disease is most aggressive during childhood, though it does tend to improve in late adulthood.

How do you get it?

 Laryngeal Papillomatosis is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).  There are more than 150 different subtypes of HPV, two specific subtypes account for more than 90% of cases of RRP.  In children, the most likely cause of the transmission of HPV ispassage from an affected mother to the child during labor.  Though this does not account for all cases of juvenile onset RRP and other mechanisms for HPV infections may exist.

Symptoms  When the papillomas interfere with the normal vibrations of the vocal folds, it causes hoarseness.  Difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing.  Chronic coughing or breathing problems.  Because of the similarity of symptoms, Laryngeal Papillomatosis is often misdiagnosed as asthma or chronic bronchitis.  If left untreated,papillomas can eventually compromise the airways.  If it reaches the lungs,affected individuals can potentially experience recurrent pneumonia,chroniclung disease and in rare cases,papillomas can become cancerous.

Treatment  There is no cure for Laryngeal Papillomatosis but it can be treated.  Treatment is directed in removing papillomas, to create a safe and patent airway.  Most common form of removing papillomas is through surgical removel.  Other forms include the use of lasers.  There is also newer forms of treating papillomas which is through the antiviral medication cidofovir, though this drug has many side-effects.


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