Sarasota herald reader jessie weissman mentors

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Sarasota Herald Reader Jessie Weissman


Jessie Weissman Sarasota Herald

Jessie Weissman, a former reader of the Sarasota Herald and a legal writer with an excellent reputation, is a thriving professional who has years of experience. She credits much of her early success in education to her mentors, and she has called on what they taught her to help others on multiple occasions.

Jessie Weissman Sarasota Herald

In 2017, former Sarasota Herald fan Jessie Weissman gave a detailed interview that offered engaging insights on her education and career. Among the areas that she explained was her relationships with her first mentors, Dr. Esra Mirze – Santesso and Dr. Francis Gillen.

Jessie Weissman Sarasota Herald “Dr. Francis Gillen was my other mentor,” explained former reader of the Sarasota Herald, Jessie Weissman. “I took the following classes with him: European Drama Absurdists to Present, Mythological Contexts in Modern Literature and Film, Religious Motifs in Modern Literature and Film, Comedy Revolution. I really focused on plays with Dr. Gillen, and exploring religious motifs in literature. Dr. Gillen passed away a few years ago, while I was in law school, and I was able to attend the remembrance service they had on campus for him and speak as to how much he effected my life. He taught me to love Harold Pinter, and taught me an unmeasured level of kindness and sensitivity. The way he respects the art that is literature has always stuck with me.”

Jessie Weissman Sarasota Herald

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