My key skills and expertise

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My Key Skills And Expertise I (Jeremy Lee Chen Seong) am an entrepreneur based in Singapore. Originally I was practising in the medical field and have worked as a consultant and advisory body to different business type. I saw how businesses were not able to flourish because of lack of a right piece of advice they didn’t receive and also due to lack of effective strategies. In my life career, I learned three domains of business such as legal matters, company restructuring, and merger and acquisitions are very important and cannot be compromised at any cost. I worked on these three issues over time and formed my expertise around these majors only.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) In a basic business sense, this concept may seem to be easy as only ownership from one party to another has to be transferred with some legal arrangement. The main problem is businesses do not know the correct way and time to perform this action. I have studied the dimensions of this procedure and have some ready to use strategies and piece of advice to

help companies ahead in this process. With those strategies, it will be easy to learn how selling process or negotiation actually takes place, how ownership can be controlled or transferred and how entire process can be done legally without many efforts. Legal Advisory I understand how hard dealing with that legal issues and stressful paperwork can be. It is hard for any new business to sustain in such legal demeanour. I have been in an industry where legal matters were done with proper attention and approaches. I have learnt over time how legal matters or issues can be handled without any hassle. I have experience of enriching my advice on legal prospects with different business and industries. Company Restructuring Once a company is formed, it doesn’t mean the task of a businessman or an entrepreneur is done for the lifetime. There are certain changes that need to be made in areas like daily operations or finances of the business. For that, the company restructuring is a better term to explain. I (Jeremy Lee Chen Seong) know how aspects of finance or operations business need to restructure or reallocate overtime to meet the changes in the market. The above are the areas of expertise that needs more and more of core attention from part of the new or leading ventures in the market.

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