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Reincarnation by Jeremy Gabryszak

Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak

Current Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak, 12/27/13

12211 N. Oakwood Dr. St. John, IN, 46373 Home: 219/484-9778; Cell: 708/217-1702 Š Copyright 2013 Jeremy Gabryszak

EXT. IRELAND Ashes float in the wind. INT. JEREMY’S CAR - EARLY AFTERNOON JEREMY, 18, drives down the road. He is a handsome male with a goatee and short dark hair and brown eyes. Jeremy wears a black bomber jacket and blue jeans. “The Way” by Fastball plays on the radio and he lip syncs along with the song. Jeremy’s cell phone rings. He quickly glances over and grabs it, taking his hand off the steering wheel momentarily. The car swerves a bit. Jeremy takes control of the car. JEREMY Shit. Jeremy glances at the caller ID and smiles. JEREMY (CONT’D) (into phone) Hola. There is giggling on the other end. Then a sweet Irish brogue speaks. JOSIE (V.O.) You say Spanish words so sexy. JEREMY It comes with half Latin blood. INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - JOSIE’S ROOM - SAME TIME JOSIE, 18, lies on her stomach reading a issue of Game Informer and talking on the phone. She is beautiful with short dark hair with couple streaks of green in it and pure blue eyes. Josie has a slight Goth look to her. She wears a HIM t-shirt and green plaid pajama pants. JOSIE (into phone) Yeah but you can’t speak a word of Spanish. INTERCUT JOSIE’S ROOM/JEREMY’S CAR


JEREMY Details, baby. Details. JOSIE Speaking of details. I’m waiting on details of your arrival. Why you wanted to wait for to last minute to shop for homecoming clothes? JEREMY Excuse me. I remember someone postponing until today to go look for clothes. JOSIE I don’t think so. JEREMY I’ll refresh your memory. (speaking in Irish brogue) I really want to wait to go shop cause the store won’t have the outfits we like until next Saturday. Josie rolls on her back, laughing. JOSIE It’s scary how real you sound. JEREMY (Irish brogue) This is as real as I get. JOSIE I bet it is. Well, can you be real with speediness? JEREMY Only when I’m driving. JOSIE I have yet to be impressed. JEREMY I’m going to disappoint you so you keep your pants on and I’ll be there in a minute. JOSIE If you’re not here in a minute, I’m taking my pants off.


JEREMY Well, I better be late then. Josie laughs. They both hang up. BACK TO SCENE EXT. JOSIE’S STREET - MOMENTS LATER Jeremy drives down the street in his Firebird and stops in front of the two floor white house with black shutters. It has a red door. Jeremy gets out of the car. He sees Josie looking down at him with her hands on her hips with a fake irritable look. Jeremy smiles and starts walking super slow. Josie opens the window and sticks her head out. JOSIE Will you hurry in here? Josie sticks her head back in, banging it on the windowsill. JEREMY Careful. You’ll hit your head. JOSIE (O.S.) Fuck off. Jeremy has a bounce in his step as he jogs up to the door and heads inside. INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS The hallway is a beige color. There are three closed doors and an open door to the all white bathroom. Jeremy sees the white bathroom and shakes his head. JEREMY (to himself) Put on a white body suit and I can be invisible. Jeremy stops by a door that has a Johnny Depp poster on it. His mouth curls as if he is trying to stifle a laugh. Jeremy poses against the door frame and looks down. He knocks on the door.


VALERIE, 21, answers. She resembles Josie except she has long black hair and her accent is more Americanized. Jeremy quickly looks up and starts hip thrusting. Valerie shakes her head. VALERIE You’re an idiot. She closes the door in his face. Jeremy busts up laughing. JEREMY Hi, Valerie. Josie opens the door at the end of the hall. He slides over and wraps his arms around her. Jeremy kisses her and looks down. He has a look of fake disappointment. JEREMY (CONT’D) It hasn’t been a minute, yet? Josie lightly smacks him on the forehead. They both walk in. INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - JOSIE’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS Josie closes her window. She turns around and sees Jeremy’s with his pants and shirt off. He has his hands on his hips as he wears plaid boxers with his socks and shoes on. JOSIE What the hell are you doing? JEREMY Well, if you are not taking pants off, I thought I should. JOSIE We have to go. Jeremy fake checks his nails. JEREMY I don’t have to go anywhere. Josie has an irritated look and pushes Jeremy on the bed. Jeremy slides his shoes off with his feet and lays his hands behind his head.


Josie pulls off his socks. She jumps on him and Jeremy lets out a sigh. JOSIE I’m sorry, did I hurt you? JEREMY Yeah but in a good way. They start kissing. INT. CLOTHES STORE - FITTING ROOMS - AFTERNOON Josie, wearing black jeans and a hoodie, sits in a chair against the wall with her arms folded. JEREMY (O.S.) Oh man, this looks awesome. JOSIE Which one? JEREMY (O.S.) The green one. Jeremy opens the door and walks out. He spins and poses. The suit is green with a black shirt. He also wears a purple tie and black and white sneakers with traces of green on it. JEREMY (CONT’D) What do you think? JOSIE I love it. You’re so Riddler right now. Jeremy fist pumps. JEREMY Yes. I’m getting this one. JOSIE Awesome. My turn. Jeremy raises his eyebrow. JEREMY Need my help? JOSIE No. You helped me enough back at the house.


Jeremy has a really bright smile and goes back into the dressing room. FADE IN: INT. CLOTHES STORE - FITTING ROOMS - CONTINUOUS Jeremy sits in the chair, looking up at the ceiling. Josie walks out with a strap less black dress that goes down to a few inches above the knee. Josie wears black boots with it. JEREMY I love it. JOSIE You think I should get dress shoes? JEREMY Sure. Let’s take a look at them when we leave. INT. CLOTHES STORE - CLOTHING RACKS - CONTINUOUS Jeremy carries his suit over his shoulder and Josie carries her dress over her shoulder and carries her shoe box under her other arm. Josie stops and looks at a nice black outfit. It has dress pants and black shirt that has see through sleeves. JOSIE It’s beautiful. JEREMY You like it? JOSIE Maybe next time we shop, I can get it. JEREMY No next time. Now. Jeremy looks at the size cards on the outfit. He runs his hands down each outfit and picks one near the end. JOSIE How do you know my size?


JEREMY These hands are very good measuring tools. JOSIE You can measure my size through the outfit. JEREMY Not just the outfit. They both kiss passionately while their hands are holding their items. INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - EARLY EVENING The living room has grayish white chairs and couch. There is a brick fireplace against the wall. There are pictures are on the wall. There are the senior year pictures of Josie and Valerie. Jeremy sits on one of the chairs, tapping his fingers nervously. Valerie looks at him, amused. Jeremy looks at the senior year pictures and then glances over at another picture. The picture is Josie sitting on a rock by a beautiful lake. Jeremy stands up and looks at it attentively. JEREMY Where’s this at? Valerie walks over and sees the picture. JEREMY (CONT’D) Is this southern Illinois? VALERIE No. This is back in Ireland. Me and Josie went there last summer. She was the most happiest there. Jeremy looks at the picture more as Valerie turns around. Her face brightens up. VALERIE (CONT’D) You weren’t lying. Jeremy turns around and sees Josie in the dress. Her hair is styled. Jeremy’s face is brightened up as well.


JEREMY You look beautiful. Josie walks down and kisses Jeremy. VALERIE Wait. Picture? Josie and Jeremy stand by the wall with pictures. He wraps his arms around her waist and she lies her head back on him. Valerie takes the picture. VALERIE (CONT’D) That is really beautiful. It’s going on the wall. JEREMY Hey, Val, can I get one of those for my wall? VALERIE Sure. JEREMY Ready to go? JOSIE Let’s spend some time on the hammock. EXT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - BACKYARD - MOMENTS LATER There is a small one car garage that is white with black shutters. The paint is chipping and the window is fogged up. There is one tree with beautiful red, fall leaves. A hammock is tied up on the branches. Jeremy and Josie lie on it. The hammock swings. Jeremy and Josie lean their heads on one another. The hammock swings a little more but the rope snaps causing them both to fall on their asses. They laugh hysterically. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - NIGHT Josie’s car, a Cadillac, pulls into a spot. Jeremy gets out of the passenger seat and runs around to the driver side door.


He opens the door and holds his hand out. JEREMY (in British accent) Miss, may I escort your exotic Irish beauty inside? JOSIE (giggling) Yes you may, Mr. Bond. JEREMY (in British accent) I’d like to debrief you thoroughly afterwards. Josie takes Jeremy’s hand and steps out. She lightly taps his cheek. JOSIE All in good time. But I beg to ask, why the lady is driving? JEREMY (in accent) Because a gentleman can’t wrinkle a great, green suit. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - GYM - MOMENTS LATER “Bizarre Love Triangle” by New Order plays. Jeremy and Josie imitate the dance scene from Pulp Fiction. JOSIE Did you hear the cover version by Frente? JEREMY Yeah but nothing beats the classic. The song stops and they stand for a second. ETHAN (O.S.) Excuse me! Josie, Jeremy, and other dance goers roll their eyes as ETHAN walk on the dance floor with his hand in the air. DOMINIC pushes people out of the way. Jeremy leads Josie off the dance floor. Dominic shoves Jeremy into Josie.


Jeremy is about to turn around but Josie stops him. JONATHAN walks by them. JONATHAN I’m sorry about this you guys. Jeremy just shrugs his shoulders and angrily walks off the floor, inadvertently dragging Josie with him. Jeremy sees he is dragging her. JEREMY Oh my god. I’m sorry. I’m just... JOSIE (interrupting) It’s okay. I’m pissed at these idiots, too. Ethan has short blond hair with a square face and tiny nose. Dominic has short black hair and chubby face with a big nose. Jonathan and ALISON stand off to the side with their arms folded in an irritated manner. Jonathan has buzzed hair and somewhat of a big lower lip. Alison has neck length brunette hair and hazel eyes. ETHAN Are you ready to see some killer moves?! Dance goers fake cheer. Jeremy and Josie golf clap. “Beat It” by Michael Jackson comes on the stereo. JEREMY (in Monty Python voice) As you see, we got the Littleus Dickus Noseus showing us the physical signs of a fatal seizure. Josie covers her mouth and her face is bright red as she tries to stifle her laughter. Ethan starts dancing horribly. JEREMY (CONT’D) (in Monty Python voice) First, the body shakes as if he pricked his balls with spark plugs. Then he twirls around like a marionette. And then. Ethan drops to the ground and hurts himself. People laugh but Dominic gets in their faces so they stop.


JEREMY (CONT’D) (in Monty Python voice) And then instant death while mother runs around in angered frenzy. Ethan stands up and gingerly walks off the floor. Dominic helps him off. Alison and Jonathan follow but look away as they are trying not to laugh. Dance goers walk back on the floor. “Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith plays. Josie and Jeremy hold one another for a slow dance. Josie rests her head on Jeremy’s chest and Jeremy rests his lips on Josie’s head. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - LATE NIGHT Jeremy and Josie hold hands as they walk out to the parking lot. Josie stops and has a sad but horrified look on her face. The windshield and back window is smashed. The other windows are busted out and the tires are slashed. Ethan walks up clapping. ETHAN (speaking in ridiculous Irish accent) I thought I would give your wee car a little American redecorating. Dominic walks by and shoves Jeremy into Josie. DOMINIC (sarcastic) You’re welcome. Josie stares at the car with a lot of anger. Jeremy rubs his face in frustration. JEREMY I’ll... Josie puts her hand up. JOSIE I just want to go home.


INSERT - WORDS ON SCREEN TWO MONTHS LATER BACK TO SCENE INT. HIGH SCHOOL - GIRL’S LOCKER ROOM - AFTERNOON Josie, wearing a gray gym shirt and black gym shorts, walks up to the locker and sees the door open and lock gone. She looks over at the showers and sees a group of girls, including Alison, standing in a circle around a running shower facet. Josie peeks in and sees her clothes under the running water. ALISON I work in the office so I get access to the lock keys all the time. I hope you like your outfit slippery when wet. The girls laugh. Josie walks purposefully over to the pile of clothes and grabs them. Josie angrily puts them in a grocery bag and storms out of the locker room, amidst the girl’s laughter. Alison shuts the faucet off. The girls leave before her and she stands against the wall. She looks down in anger. Alison hits the wall and walks out of the showers. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - JOSIE’S LOCKER - MOMENTS LATER Josie hangs the bag on a hook. She breathes to stifle her anger. A hand comes over her eyes and she smiles. JEREMY (O.S.) Guess who. JOSIE Christian Bale? Josie turns around and sees Jeremy. JOSIE (CONT’D) Well, you’re a little sexier. Jeremy snorts and chuckles.


JEREMY Okay. Yeah, I wish. He looks down at her clothes. JEREMY (CONT’D) Why are you wearing your gym outfit? What’s wrong with the black outfit? JOSIE (ignoring question) So when do you want your Christmas present? Jeremy looks at her with confusion but it fades when he looks over at the bag, dripping water. JOSIE (CONT’D) Hello. Earth to Jeremy. Jeremy looks back, smiling. JOSIE (CONT’D) There you are. When do you want your present? JEREMY When I get yours and we can exchange at the same time. I had to order it. JOSIE Really? What is it? JEREMY I had to order it from the business. JOSIE What business? JEREMY None of your business. Josie playfully grabs him by the collar of his shirt. JEREMY (CONT’D) You have to hurt me for it. JOSIE Sure thing. Across the hall, Ethan and Dominic leers at the happy couple.


ETHAN Why are they so happy? DOMINIC Beats me. ETHAN I mean they’re losers and they’re so happy. DOMINIC Beats me. ETHAN Why is that dumb Irish bitch over here in this country to begin with? DOMINIC Beats me. ETHAN Shut up. I wonder if she seen our gift. The janitor walks by and gives a nod to Ethan. Josie sees Ethan and the janitor’s exchange. She looks down and sees a bag of potatoes. Josie looks at Ethan, who smiles back. She slams the locker door before Jeremy looks down. JEREMY You okay? JOSIE I will be when the day’s over. Alison walks up to Ethan. ALISON Hi. ETHAN Why are you so fucking gloomy? ALISON I’m not. ETHAN Love your handiwork with the clothes. Alison lets out a sigh.


ALISON Yeah. Thank you. ETHAN When she walks by, knock her books out of her hand. ALISON No. Her clothes are already ruined. Isn’t that enough for today? Dominic gets in Alison’s face. DOMINIC What did you say? ETHAN No it’s not enough for today. Maybe I can dump your ungrateful ass and let you be an invisible loser like those two. Ethan lightly shoves her. ETHAN (CONT’D) If you will. Josie walks away from Jeremy. She looks back at him watching her. Josie is about to pass Alison. Alison closes her eyes and slaps Josie’s books down. Alison turns around and is about to say something but Dominic walks purposefully toward her. She walks away, cursing to herself. Dominic walks by and kicks Josie’s books across the wall. DOMINIC Pick those books up. Jeremy walks over to Josie but Dominic shoves him hard into the wall. He stands there for a second and is about to move but Ethan shoves him, too. Jeremy hits the wall and walks away, leaving Josie. Josie gathers up her books as people walk by and over her. Couple people bump into her. STUDENT #1 Get off the ground, cunt.


Josie looks around and sees Jeremy is not there. She gathers up all her books and her eyes fill up with tears. Josie is about to walk to class when the janitor stops her. JANITOR The teacher said you need to get the cones from outside. JOSIE Isn’t that your job? JANITOR No, you stupid bitch. I have to clean in here and the teacher said you so go do it. Josie turns back down the hallway. Ethan, Dominic, and Jonathan follow. The janitor gives a thumbs up to the guys. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - TRACK FIELD - MOMENTS LATER Josie frustratingly picks up cones. Dominic grabs her from behind and Ethan grabs her legs. Josie kicks and screams until Dominic puts her in a headlock. DOMINIC I’ll break your neck if you don’t stop this shit, you mick. Ethan and Dominic tie Josie’s hands, feet, and waist to the fence. JONATHAN This is ridiculous. She did nothing to us that we got to keep doing this shit. Dominic grabs Jonathan by the throat. DOMINIC I’ll rip your pussy Adam's apple out if you don’t do your duty. Jonathan sighs with hurt and rips Josie’s gym shirt off. Dominic pulls her shorts down. Jonathan throws the shirt away in anger. Dominic and Ethan run away, laughing.


Jonathan paces in confusion but angrily follows the other two. Dominic stops and turns around. DOMINIC (CONT’D) You’re dead if you say anything! ETHAN You should be used to the dirt where you come from! INT. HIGH SCHOOL - MS MYER’S CLASS - SAME TIME Jeremy reads the book that Ms. Myer’s is reading out loud. He glances over and stares at the empty chair next to him. MS. MYERS (O.S.) Jeremy, why do you think Holmes took his own life while killing Moriarty? Jeremy continues staring. Ms. Myers drops her book on his desk, startling him. JEREMY I’m sorry. What were you saying? Ms. Myers is a beautiful Korean woman in her late twenties. JEREMY (CONT’D) Oh right. Watson. MS. MYERS Explain. JEREMY Despite being partners in crime, they are brothers in bond. Moriarty was a danger to Watson. Holmes was careless about his life so he wouldn’t have cared if he was killed but he cared if Watson was on Moriarty’s hit list. If he just killed Moriarty, Watson would still be in danger by the underlings. Holmes sacrificed himself cause he cared too much. Jeremy has a look of disappointment and sadness. MS. MYERS That was very good. Too bad you can’t write that great of an answer on your quiz.


Other students laugh. Ms. Myers walks by the window and looks out as she is reading. MS. MYERS (CONT’D) As Jeremy pointed out...what in god’s name is going on? Out the window, she sees Josie, in her underwear, tied to the fence. Ms. Myers runs over to the intercom and hits the button. MS. MYERS (CONT’D) I need security to the fields. There’s been an incident. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - TRACK FIELD - CONTINUOUS The class runs outside. Some of them laugh and others shake their head in disappointment. Jeremy runs forward and sees the security person wrapping a blanket around her and leading her inside. Ethan and Dominic walk outside and watch with glee. ETHAN Aren’t you supposed to wear clothes on the track, whore? Other students laugh. Jeremy looks down in embarrassment. Josie looks up at everyone’s laughing faces. She looks over and sees Jeremy looking away. SECURITY OFFICER So who did this to you? Josie looks up and sees Ethan and Dominic. Dominic runs his finger across his throat. JOSIE They surprised me. I didn’t see anyone. The group follows Josie and the security officer inside. The only ones that remain are Jeremy, Ethan, and Dominic. Ethan and Dominic high five as Jeremy stares at them ominously. They see Jeremy and smile. ETHAN You want do something about this? Jeremy walks away with frustration.


ETHAN (CONT’D) Exactly would I thought, pussy. Josie, in the doorway, looks back and sees Jeremy walking away. She turns around and her face is full of emotional pain. INT. OFFICE BUILDING - CEO’S OFFICE - LATER JASON, 43, talks on a phone. He bears a striking resemblance to Ethan but his skin is more weathered and the hair is more grown out but whiter. Ethan and Dominic walk in. Jason holds his finger up as Ethan is about to open his mouth. He hangs up the phone. JASON These fucking Mexicans really chap my ass. Why can they run trucking and docks as fast expedient as a fast food place? ETHAN I know. Cause it’s not illegal to run a restaurant. Dominic laughs. JASON Ain’t that the truth with those illiterate wetbacks. Dominic continues laughing until Jason points at him. JASON (CONT’D) Why is he here? ETHAN He’s my friend. JASON Is he? I don’t like him and I don’t think that gives him authority to stand in my office. Outside. Dominic stands confused and he looks at Ethan and Jason. ETHAN Dom, outside. Dominic nods his head humbly and leaves.


JASON Why you have that monkey follow you around? ETHAN Cause he’s the only one who doesn’t have a giant heart. He can do a lot of hurtful things without crying about it. JASON Explain. ETHAN We went after that stupid Irish bitch hardcore today. JASON Really? ETHAN Yeah. I had Alison run water on her clothes but she started blubbering about it. I had my janitor friend open her locker and I left a sack of potatoes in there. To top it off, me, Dom, and that little bitch Jonathan tied her to a fence in her underwear. JASON That’s horrible. I love it. Jason stands up and walks around the desk. He grabs Ethan into a bear hug. JASON (CONT’D) Who would’ve known my son can be a cuthroat son of a bitch. You really do have the makings of a CEO. I had my doubts but man. Ethan’s face brightens up. His eyes tear up but he quickly wipes them away before Jason sees. JASON (CONT’D) By the way, what was that auto bill and police report we got in the mail? ETHAN That stupid bitch filed a report after Dom and me trashed her car.


JASON Did you slash the tires along with it? ETHAN Of course. JASON Good. I’ll pay the fines but good work. Man do I hate those fucking Irish. They have stupid accents and they’re all stupid. Just as bad as those wetbacks but they give you more of a hard time. ETHAN Why are you trying to get business in Ireland then? JASON Because it drives up the revenue stream. Don’t question what I do. That’s not good for someone who could potentially be next in line to my throne. You think about revenue if you want another car for your birthday. ETHAN I didn’t mean to question you, sir. You can do as much business wherever you like and hate the people just as much. JASON That’s really good. Now you’re thinking like a CEO. I’m really busy. Go enjoy yourself with that ape. Ethan walks out of the office and Dominic follows. INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON There is a bed with a Chicago White Sox comforter. Movie posters adorn the walls. There is a desk right next to a dresser that has a television set on it. On the desk is a laptop and phone. Jeremy sits by the desk and stares at the phone. His face is full of guilt.


Jeremy picks up the phone and turns it on. His fingers are poised above the number keypad. Jeremy turns the phone off and puts it back in the charger. He picks it up and repeats the same movement. Jeremy rubs his hair in frustration and picks up the phone. The phone rings and he answers. JEREMY (into phone) Hello? INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - JOSIE’S ROOM - SAME TIME JOSIE (into phone) It’s me. INTERCUT JOSIE’S ROOM/JEREMY’S ROOM JEREMY Hey, are you alright? I tried... JOSIE (interrupting) Oh really, you tried. You couldn’t even look at me, today. You just stood there and looked away as if I would embarrass you. JEREMY You didn’t embarrass me. JOSIE Really? Why didn’t you help me today? The security officer was nice to wrap a blanket around me and lead me to the office. Something my boyfriend should do. JEREMY Okay, I’m sorry. Is that what you want to hear? I didn’t do something one time and I’m getting gutted for it. Can we just forget about it? JOSIE I’d like to forget about it but this has happened several times. You say you love and care for me but you’re never there for me.


Jeremy lets out an annoyed sigh. JOSIE (CONT’D) You never help me when I have trouble with those assholes and you seem to not care or do anything when I’m sad. JEREMY I do care but you don’t tell me when you’re sad. So how am I supposed to do something caring? Explain that. JOSIE If you care, then I shouldn’t have to tell you when I’m sad. You would pay attention and know! You seem to want to avoid me when those assholes are around. JEREMY That is not true! What am I supposed to do when those assholes do something? Please tell me that, genius. Josie’s eyes fill up with tears. JOSIE I love you but you need to stop being scared. JEREMY Scared? I’m not scared. Maybe you should stop being petty. A tear rolls out of Josie’s eyes. She wipes it away and now her expression is just plain. JOSIE Right. Good bye. JEREMY Okay. They both hang up. Jeremy hits the desk. BACK TO SCENE CUT TO:


INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - FRONT DOOR - CONTINUOUS Jeremy opens it and sees a UPS box. INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - ROOM - CONTINUOUS The box is ripped open on the bed. Jeremy places a beautiful Celtic pendant in a small gift box. He wraps it very nice. JEREMY First time I’ve done that. Jeremy reaches for the phone and it rings. JEREMY (CONT’D) Jeez, she must be psychic. Jeremy answers. JEREMY (CONT’D) (into phone) Josie? JOSIE (V.O.) I don’t mean to be a burden to you. JEREMY You’re not... JOSIE (V.O.) (interrupting) Please let me talk. I know I’m an embarrassment. People hate me because I’m different. Maybe they hate me because I’m Irish. They go after you because of me. You want it to stop and it won’t because you’re with me. JEREMY Yeah I want it to stop but I don’t want us to end. JOSIE (V.O.) Do you really? You seem happy to be with me when it’s just us but you get so timid when all those people are around. Who knows what people would say after today?


JEREMY Josie... JOSIE (V.O.) (interrupting) Please let me finish. To be honest, I would rather be dead than face more humiliation and loneliness. Jeremy sighs. His mouth opens but he only makes a sound with his mouth. JOSIE (V.O.) I knew it wouldn’t be this hard. Good bye. Josie hangs up. Jeremy stares at the phone before finally hanging up. Jeremy picks up the phone but stares at it. He hangs up the phone and lies on the bed. INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME Josie walks to the window that looks out to the backyard. She stares at the lone tree. The tree only has two leaves on it. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - ROOM - MORNING Jeremy wakes up and stares at the ceiling. He walks up to the window that is covered by blinds. Jeremy stares at the blinds. He opens up the blinds and sees snow. INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - SHOWER - CONTINUOUS Jeremy rests one arm and hangs his head. The water runs on his neck. He raises his head and washes his face under the water.


INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - ROOM - AFTERNOON Jeremy sits in the chair and stares at the wall. He lets out a breath and grabs the phone. Jeremy dials quick. The phone rings but no one answers. Jeremy looks at the phone before hanging up. He stares at the present for a second and grabs it. EXT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER The Firebird pulls up and parks. Jeremy jogs up to the door. He knocks a few times but no one answers. Jeremy rolls his eyes and pounds on the door. He backs up and looks up at Josie’s window. JEREMY Hey! Josie! Jeremy rests his hands on his hips. JEREMY (CONT’D) Josie! Are you ignoring me now? Can we talk please? Jeremy waves off the house and starts to walk back to his car. There is a branch creak. He stops and looks up at the tree in the front. The creak sounds again but it is coming from the back. Jeremy starts walking up the driveway almost slipping on some ice. EXT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Jeremy stops before he walks into the yard. The creaking sounds louder. JEREMY It’s me. Hello? The creaking sound continues. JEREMY (CONT’D) Did you put the hammock back up? Maybe we can knock it down again. Jeremy laughs but there is no response.


JEREMY (CONT’D) Baby, I’m sorry. Maybe you’re right but I’m the petty one who can’t see it. There is just the creaking sound. JEREMY (CONT’D) Maybe it will be better if I talk to you face to face. Hello? Jeremy walks to the backyard. The source of the creaking sound is revealed: Josie hung herself in the tree. Jeremy drops the present. JEREMY (CONT’D) No! Jeremy runs across the ice. He falls forward and smacks his head on the driveway. Jeremy quickly gets up, almost falling down again. Blood is on his right eyebrow. Jeremy runs up to the tree. He pulls out a knife out of his pocket. Blood runs from the cut on his eyebrow. Jeremy starts cutting the rope. Blood seeps into Jeremy’s eye. His eye twitches and Jeremy slices his hand. Jeremy screams in pain. He slices his fingers as he continues cutting the rope. The rope is finally cut. Jeremy drops the knife as he catches Josie’s body. He feels for a pulse and shakes her. JEREMY (CONT’D) Josie! Wake up. Please! Jeremy’s eyes fill up with tears as Josie’s eyes, now an eerie shade of grey, stare up at him. JEREMY (CONT’D) Josie? Josie? I didn’t me... Jeremy holds her tight and breaks down.


JEREMY (CONT’D) (crying) I’m sorry. Please. I’m sorry. The two leaves fall from the tree. Jeremy looks up at the sky with his eyes glistened from tears. He hugs her body more and buries his face on her neck. JEREMY (CONT’D) (crying) Don’t go away, please. I didn’t mean to...I’m sorry. No. No! FADE IN: EXT. CEMETERY - CREMATORIUM - A WEEK LATER Irish bag pipes play Amazing Grace as Jeremy stands and stares at Josie’s coffin. Valerie sits on a bench, crying. She gets up and walks over to Jeremy. Valerie puts her hand on his shoulder but Jeremy does not even respond. The coffin goes into the incinerator. Jeremy turns around and walks away as the bag pipes continues. EXT. CEMETERY - PATH - CONTINUOUS Jeremy keeps walking with his head down. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - NEXT DAY Jeremy walks down the hallway. He looks down as he walks. People turn to watch him walk by. They all look at him with pity but Jeremy does not pay attention. Ms. Myers stops Jeremy in the hallway. MS. MYERS Jeremy... JEREMY (interrupting) It’s too bad it’s just a book. MS. MYERS I’m sorry?


JEREMY About Holmes and Watson. It would only happen in a book. Real life Holmes would show his true carelessness and watch Watson die. Ms. Myers covers her mouth. JEREMY (CONT’D) Holmes is too much of a selfish asshole that he couldn’t protect that person he cared about. Jeremy storms away as Ms. Myers tries to talk. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - JEREMY’S LOCKER - MOMENTS LATER Jeremy turns the dial on the lock but it does not open. JEREMY Come on you piece of shit. Jeremy turns the dial more calmer and it opens. He grabs his book bag. Jeremy breathes with frustration. He looks down the hall at where Josie’s locker is. Josie is getting her books out of her locker but she is looking at Jeremy, smiling. She fades away. Jeremy slams the door shut. Jonathan walks up with his head down. He lightly taps on Jeremy’s shoulder. JONATHAN You don’t know how sorry I am. JEREMY Get fucking lost. Jonathan has a look of surprise. JONATHAN What? Hey, I’m trying to apologize if you let me. Jeremy starts lightly punching the locker but the punches start getting harder. Jonathan grabs Jeremy’s shoulder. He quickly turns around and grabs Jonathan by his jacket collar. Jeremy slams him against the lockers.


JEREMY I said leave me the fuck alone. Jonathan has his hands up. JONATHAN I’m so sorry. I really am. Jeremy lets him go and walks away. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS The janitor changes the garbage. Jeremy walks by bumping his cart. JANITOR Hey, ass. Don’t be slamming people against my lockers. I don’t care if your girlfriend died. Jeremy stops and cracks his neck. He walks back to the cart. JEREMY What was she doing outside picking up cones? Janitor has a condescending smile. JANITOR None of your damn business. You better watch yourself. Jeremy grabs a broom from the janitor’s cart. JANITOR (CONT’D) Who said you can touch that? Jeremy breaks it the broomstick in half and hits the janitor across the head with one of the pieces. The janitor falls to the ground moaning. Jeremy starts kicking and punching the janitor. JANITOR (CONT’D) Stop! Jeremy punches the janitor really hard across the face, causing him to bleed. The security officer grabs and restrains Jeremy. SECURITY OFFICER Knock it off!


Jeremy stops and shakes the officer’s arms off. SECURITY OFFICER (CONT’D) I think it’s best for you to leave. JEREMY Fine by me! Jeremy walks away in anger. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS Jeremy gets inside his car. He stares ahead for a moment. Jeremy starts angrily punching his steering wheel. He screams in anger and cries on the steering wheel. INSERT - TIME CHANGE 3 YEARS LATER EXT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - EVENING The house is one floor and is green with blue trim. The porch is a small strip of sidewalk that is mostly covered by a lattice fence. There is an opening at the end of the fence where the part of the sidewalk is a pathway to the door. Jeremy, now 21, shovels the driveway. He has his hair grown out and a patchy beard. There is a last patch of snow at the end of the driveway. A plow comes by and knocks more snow on the patch. PLOW DRIVER (O.S.) Sorry, dude. Jeremy slams the shovel down in anger. He keeps shoveling but with more frustration. A jeep pulls up. It is Valerie, now 24. VALERIE Hey yo. Jeremy waves. VALERIE (CONT’D) Turn the lights on yet?


JEREMY No. I’ve been shoveling. VALERIE Well, back up. Let me park. JEREMY Let me clear this off first. VALERIE It’s okay. I can drive through that. JEREMY No. I can clear this off first. Jeremy starts shoveling with more anger. VALERIE I don’t mind. It’s alright. JEREMY No it’s not alright, damn it! Jeremy’s eyes are tearing up. He continues shoveling until the shovel handle breaks. JEREMY (CONT’D) You son of a bitch! Jeremy throws the handle. Valerie gets out of the car quickly. JEREMY (CONT’D) You petty fucking asshole! Jeremy starts angrily scooping up snow with his hands. VALERIE Jeremy, stop it. Jeremy continues scooping. He wipes tears away. Valerie grabs Jeremy’s hands. VALERIE (CONT’D) Please. Stop. Valerie hugs him tight. VALERIE (CONT’D) Okay. You’re not the only who misses her. I miss her, too.


Jeremy’s face cringes as if he is going cry but he takes a deep breath and it returns to normal. FADE IN: EXT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER The Christmas lights turn on. INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME The living room has green carpet. The walls are all wood. Painting of two wolves standing together by trees. There is a small shelf with a beautiful white miniature lighthouse with black top and door. This is actually the urn containing Josie’s ashes. There is a black widescreen television under the painting. A Xbox 360 and Blu ray DVD player in a rack next to the television. There are two metallic towers. One has 360 games and the other has Blu ray DVDs. There is a brown leather couch and a recliner next to it. Valerie is asleep on the recliner with a magazine open on her stomach. Jeremy is in the kitchen and cleans off plates and puts them into the sink. He puts on his coat and hat and walks outside. EXT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - FRONT YARD - MOMENTS LATER Jeremy rolls up giant balls of snow to make a snow man. He has the bottom ball rolled. Jeremy finish the second ball. He places the ball on top of the bottom one. He packs some snow to make the snowman stable. Jeremy looks across the street and sees a guy and girl laughing rolling balls for their snowman. FLASHBACK - MEMORIES OF JOSIE Josie is rolling up balls of snow. Jeremy slaps a snowball on her butt.


Josie stands up and hit him. The two of them laugh hysterically as they have a snowball fight. BACK TO SCENE Jeremy finishes the body of the snowman. He breaks sticks off of a tree. He looks down the street and sees two kids and their dad making snow angels. FLASHBACK - MEMORIES CONT. Josie makes a snow angel. Jeremy lays on his side next to her. They look at one another and smile. BACK TO SCENE The sticks are on the snowman. Jeremy puts rocks on the body. He has the two rocks and the carrot in his hand. FLASHBACK - MEMORIES CONT. Josie ties a scarf on the snowman. She looks at Jeremy who rubs his chin and shake his head in admiration. Josie has a look of confusion until she looks down and sees Jeremy used two rocks and the carrot to make the snowman have testicles and a penis. Jeremy kisses his fingers. JEREMY Perfecto. Josie takes the rocks and the carrot and punches Jeremy. Jeremy is giggling. JOSIE Pervert. JEREMY (giggling) What? Snowmen can get action, too BACK TO SCENE The laughter fades. The scarf is on the snowman. It has the rock and carrots for the eyes and nose. Jeremy uses a small stick to draw a smile.


He sighs. JEREMY (CONT’D) I wish I can say you and me both snowman. Jeremy looks at a hat on the ground. FLASHBACK - MEMORIES CONT. Jeremy and Josie are at the clothes store. Josie is wearing a pretty pink and black scarf and a black fedora with green band. She spins and stops to pose. Jeremy smiles. BACK TO SCENE Jeremy puts the hat on the snowman. He wipes his eyes and walks inside. INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Jeremy, with his coat and hat off, rests his arm on the windowsill. He rests his head on his arm as he looks out the window at the snowman. INT. BAR - LATER Jeremy sits at the bar, watching the Blackhawks game. He has three shots in front of him. Jeremy downs two of them and holds up the last one. He looks at himself in the mirror in front of him. JEREMY Merry Christmas and happy birthday, baby. Jeremy downs and slams the glass down. He signals the bartender and points at the glasses. Ethan walks in the bar behind Jeremy. He leans over and a smug smile comes over his face. Ethan walks over and slaps Jeremy on the back of the head. He sits next to him. ETHAN Well how the mighty have fallen. What’s up, bitch?


Jeremy does not pay attention. JEREMY Fuck off, Ethan. ETHAN Very wonderful words. I have a proper vocabulary and speak American. JEREMY I told you to take a hike. ETHAN I’m pretty close to making CEO. I’m a Fortune 500 worker. I’m not poor like some. Jeremy drinks another shot but with more anger. Someone on the other side of Jeremy places an empty bottle near his hand. ETHAN (CONT’D) There’s a lot of pretty girls. Why don’t you chat them up? Or do you prefer girls that hang from trees? Jeremy grabs the empty bottle and smashes it on Ethan’s head. Ethan screams as he gets hit and falls off the bar stool. Jeremy jumps on the ground and starts punching Ethan in the face. INT. POLICE STATION - FRONT DESK - MIDNIGHT Valerie stands at the front desk, tapping her fingers impatiently. The CLERK types but stops and rolls his eyes. CLERK Do you really have to do that? VALERIE Oh I’m sorry. Does this bother you? CLERK (sarcastic) No. Valerie nods her head but taps her fingers harder. Jeremy is led through the door from the jail area. She walks up to him with her arms folded.


JEREMY Good evening. VALERIE I bailed you out but you owe me five hundred dollars. JEREMY What charge? VALERIE Drunk and disorderly. Jeremy and Valerie walk toward the door. JEREMY I was drinking but not drunk. If beating the shit out of an asshole is disorderly, then yeah. VALERIE Who? JEREMY Ethan. VALERIE I don’t blame you but you’re really starting to worry me. INT. VALERIE’S CAR - CONTINUOUS Jeremy looks out his window. Valerie takes a few annoyed breathes. She looks over at him a couple times. Valerie starts clearing her throat. JEREMY I know you’re there. VALERIE I would like to hear from you. JEREMY Do I really need to explain myself for pouncing that asshole? VALERIE It’s not just that. It’s many things. Like earlier with the driveway. Then there are days that you never leave the house.


JEREMY How do you know? VALERIE I drive by a lot and I see you just stare out the window like some agoraphobe. JEREMY Why do you care? VALERIE Cause I care. It’s at least what she would want me to do. You’re not the only who suffered so you need to let people in. JEREMY It’s too late. I’m beyond saving. You should just let me die slowly. Valerie pulls over and parks. She turns the car off and takes the key out of the ignition. JEREMY (CONT’D) What are you doing? VALERIE Nothing. Just wanted to park and this seems like the perfect spot. Valerie is parked in the middle of a median. JEREMY Some cop’s going to come by and question what you are doing. VALERIE And I’ll just lie and said I was stopping a suicide case. JEREMY I’m a suicide case? VALERIE You want me to let you die slowly? That’s pretty damn close. Jeremy continues looking out the window. VALERIE (CONT’D) I let you keep the ashes because you had trouble letting go but it’s been three years.


JEREMY What do you suggest since you’re obviously the smart one? VALERIE Josie wanted to take a trip to Ireland after school was over. She was the most happiest there. JEREMY Well, that’s good to know. VALERIE What is? JEREMY That some place made her happy more than me. Jeremy rests his forehead on his fist. JEREMY (CONT’D) I guess I don’t blame her though cause I’m an idiot who didn’t know when she was sad. I only cared when she was happy. Hell, if she even was. Valerie rubs Jeremy’s hair. VALERIE She wanted to take that trip with you. She seen that you were miserable at times and maybe the trip would help bring some happiness back. JEREMY I guess it’s too late now. VALERIE Maybe not. JEREMY What do you mean? VALERIE I’m thinking about sending you on a trip to Ireland and scattering her ashes in her favorite places. You remember all the places. Jeremy nods his head.


JEREMY Why are you sending me on this? Why don’t you take the trip? VALERIE I’m starting to let go. It’s about time you do the same. This might help. INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - EARLY MORNING Jeremy sits on the couch in blue plaid pajama pants and tshirt. He stares at the urn. INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING Valerie dusts furniture. The phone rings. VALERIE (into phone) Hello? JEREMY (V.O.) I’ll do it. VALERIE (into phone) You will. I already booked your flight. It might be wrong to plan ahead but I knew you would call. INT. JEREMY’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NEXT DAY Jeremy shaves his beard off. He packs the Christmas present he wrapped for Josie when she died. The present is aged and covered in dust. There is a Claymore replica sword against the wall. Jeremy packs the urn in a special bag. There is a car horn beep outside. He gathers his stuff and leave. INT. VALERIE’S CAR - CONTINUOUS The car pulls into a church and parks. JEREMY What the hell are we doing?


VALERIE This is not the proper place for that language. I want to light a candle and say a prayer for her. Come in with me. Jeremy scoffs. JEREMY Josie prayed all the time but I guess he was busy. VALERIE I want to say a prayer for you as well. JEREMY Don’t need one. VALERIE No you need to stop being petty, remember. And I wasn’t asking you. Jeremy lets out a long annoyed breath. INT. CHURCH - CANDLE AREA - CONTINUOUS Valerie lights two candles and prays. Jeremy leans against the door watching her. A hand touches Jeremy’s shoulder. He somewhat smiles and turns around but his smile quickly retreats. It is Jonathan in a priest’s garb. JONATHAN Hello. Would you mind speaking in the pews? INT. CHURCH - PEWS - CONTINUOUS Jeremy stares at Jonathan who looks around in an uncomfortable manner. JONATHAN I bet you have many questions? JEREMY Just one. How did someone like you become a f...priest?


JONATHAN It was a long difficult road but the cloth found me. JEREMY That’s really nice...for you. JONATHAN After high school, I flunked out of college. I drank through most of the first two semesters. Then I moved up to harder stuff. Like heroin. JEREMY What were you trying to escape from? JONATHAN Josie’s death. I blamed myself so I gave myself a higher dose than usual and died. But God told me to go back. It was then that I knew my true calling. I could save the next person, bully or victim. Valerie walks toward the door. She waves Jeremy on. Jeremy stands up and heads toward the door. Jonathan runs after him and stops him. JONATHAN (CONT’D) Please. I will always be sorry for what happened. Would it be wrong of me to ask for forgiveness as I have asked the good Lord? JEREMY Yeah. It would. JONATHAN God has granted me forgiveness. Will you please? Jeremy takes a deep breath. JEREMY I’m sorry. God forgives easily. I don’t. Jeremy leaves the church. Jonathan watches him leave. JONATHAN I wouldn’t have expected you, too.


ESTABLISHING SHOT - IRELAND WEST AIRPORT KNOCK EXT. KNOCK, IRELAND - INN - LATER A taxi stops in front of an inn. A man sits in front. The man is BERNARD. Bernard, 41, has short brown hair and wears a black shirt and jeans. He speaks with a British accent. Jeremy steps out of the taxi. Jeremy looks around in confusion and nods at Bernard. BERNARD You look lost. JEREMY No. I just arrived. I’m on a liberating journey. BERNARD I know. JEREMY Do you? BERNARD I’m supposed to lead. Only if you are Jeremy? JEREMY Yeah I am. Bernard jumps up and extends his hand. Jeremy looks at him confused and nervously shakes Bernard’s hand. BERNARD Oh I don’t bite and I wash my hands after every meal and trip to the loo. I’m not dirty or germy. JEREMY Why are you here again? BERNARD I’m the tour guide. Bernard. JEREMY Tour guide?


BERNARD Your lovely friend, Valerie hired me. JEREMY Did she now? INT. JOSIE’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME Valerie sits on a couch and watches the television. She drinks a glass of red wine. The phone rings. VALERIE (into phone) Hello? JEREMY (V.O.) Seriously? A tour guide? VALERIE (into phone) Jeremy? INT. KNOCK - PHONE BOOTH - SAME TIME Jeremy stands in a greenish brown phone booth. JEREMY (into phone) I had maps. I could have found my way. How can I find the peace I’m supposed to be looking for if I have this strange guy driving me? Bernard looks into the booth smiling. Jeremy smiles back and points away. Bernard nods his head and walks away. INTERCUT PHONE BOOTH/LIVING ROOM VALERIE I don’t trust you taking this task alone. You need to start letting people in. JEREMY So you hired a stranger? If he robs me, I will kill you.


VALERIE He won’t rob you. He was the tour guide on me and Josie’s trip last time. He is very good and he’ll grow on you. JEREMY Funny you should mention that cause he has the habit of growing on the phone booth I’m in. VALERIE Will you just give him a chance? JEREMY Okay. For you, I will. But if one cent is missing or he crosses me the wrong way, he’s fired. VALERIE I’ll accept that but you have to give him one week. JEREMY Deal. VALERIE Please try and embrace this. I have faith in you. Jeremy hangs up. BACK TO SCENE JEREMY We don’t think alike on that one but thank you. EXT. KNOCK, IRELAND - INN - MOMENTS LATER Bernard leans against the wall. JEREMY Hello. Sorry this was sprung on me. BERNARD It’s understandable. If you feel you don’t want my services, I’ll take my business elsewhere. JEREMY It’s okay. If Val says you’re a great tour guide, then let’s go.


EXT. IRELAND - ROAD - LATER A Range Rover drives down the road. INT. BERNARD’S ROVER - SAME TIME Jeremy watches the scenery as the Rover bumpily passes. Bernard looks over at him a few times. Jeremy holds the urn on his lap. BERNARD First time in Ireland? JEREMY Yeah. My girlfriend’s from here. BERNARD Really? Where from? JEREMY Cong in County Mayo. BERNARD I know the place. Our first stop. Very beautiful. Lovely girl I bet. JEREMY Yeah...she was. Bernard’s happiness fades somewhat. BERNARD Jesus, I’m sorry. JEREMY It’s okay. BERNARD What’s the lighthouse? JEREMY It’s a special urn. It’s her. BERNARD You mean she’s... JEREMY Very much so. BERNARD So you’re scattering the ashes. Why the church in the village?


JEREMY It’s where she was baptized. BERNARD That means a lot to some. You want to do something to place where I was baptized, blow it up. I hated my religion and how they turned my parents into nutters. JEREMY That bad? BERNARD Oh extremely. JEREMY So how many times have you been here? BERNARD Oh I live here. JEREMY Couldn’t handle home? Bernard stares ahead. BERNARD Something like that. JEREMY I guess we share the same views on home. BERNARD May I ask why you were planning on taking the trip solo? JEREMY I really don’t have anyone except for Valerie. BERNARD That’s nice. If things ran differently, I would have my best friend Ian here. Jeremy’s lips purse in some annoyance. BERNARD (CONT’D) Me and him always lived it up when we were hanging out. (MORE)

48. BERNARD (CONT’D) First we started out as football hooligans and then musicians.

JEREMY What kind of music? BERNARD Alternative rock but this was years ago. Man we were two of a kind. JEREMY Really? Jeremy rubs his forehead to cover up rolling his eyes. EXT. CONG, IRELAND - CHURCH OF IRELAND, PARISH OF SAINT MARY WELL - LATER The church is the one used from the film The Quiet Man. Bernard looks at it with admiration. BERNARD Do you know what this is? JEREMY The church from... BERNARD (interrupting) The Quiet Man. The John Ford film. Are you telling me that she was baptized here? JEREMY That’s what she told me. BERNARD Could she be telling the truth? JEREMY She never lied. BERNARD Can you be sure? JEREMY She told me that I was being petty and afraid. BERNARD Were you?


Jeremy unscrews the top of the urn. He dumps a handful of ashes in the well. Jeremy digs up a small hole with his hands. He dumps another small handful of ashes into hole. JEREMY You were blessed for life here. Now you can be here forever. INT. BERNARD’S ROVER - LATER The car drives along the beautiful Irish greenery. Jeremy rests his head on the window. BERNARD That was really beautiful. JEREMY What? BERNARD What you said. That was beautiful. I wish I can come up with words like that. JEREMY Maybe you will someday. Bernard looks out the window for a moment. BERNARD Yeah. Bernard has some emotion in his voice. Jeremy looks over at him as he stares off. Bernard shakes his head and smiles. He glances to the luggage. BERNARD (CONT’D) What’s with the Claymore? JEREMY It was her last present for me. Highlander and Paperhouse were our favorite movies so I guess it was fitting. BERNARD Great movies. I’ve been to some of the filming locations for both.


JEREMY I wish I could see those places. Some other day perhaps. BERNARD You bring the souvenirs along for memory? JEREMY The sword I’m going to serve as a marker for the end of the journey. The urn looks like this because of Paperhouse. The lighthouse at the end. Bernard nods approvingly. BERNARD Maybe you should let some ashes out on the road. She can travel with the wind all over. Jeremy nods his head. He opens the top and takes a handful. Bernard opens the window and Jeremy sticks his hand out. The ashes spill in a straight line out of Jeremy’s hand and travels in the wind. Jeremy repeats the same action. EXT. IRELAND - ROAD The ashes travel in the wind. INT. BERNARD’S ROVER - SAME TIME BERNARD So what do you do in life? JEREMY I just wander through life until it’s fitting to end. ESTABLISHING SHOT - ASHFORD CASTLE Bernard’s Rover drives through the medieval gates. ESTABLISHING SHOT - CROWE’S NEST The pub is a two story gray brick building. Bernard and Jeremy walk around the corner and into the pub.


INT. CROWE’S NEST PUB - NIGHT Jeremy sits at a circle table. He watches the hooligans at the bar cheer loudly to the rugby game on television. Bernard walks over with two pints of lager. He turns around and grins at the hooligan’s ecstatic behavior. Bernard places the drinks down and slides one pint over to Jeremy. JEREMY Thank you. BERNARD Or gracias. Is that how you say it? JEREMY Yeah. How did you know? Did Valerie tell you? BERNARD No. Your stubble is patchy. All the Mexicans I know can’t grow a beard to save their life. Jeremy laughs. JEREMY Yeah, that’s pretty true. BERNARD Finally, a laugh out of you. JEREMY It was about time for one. Bernard holds his pint up. BERNARD Cheers or slainte, as they say around here. Jeremy holds his pint up. JEREMY I like that. Slainte. They both drink. Bernard looks at Jeremy with curiosity. BERNARD I’m sorry but what is it you do? In life?


JEREMY I told you. BERNARD Okay, what did you do before you became a zombie? JEREMY Zombie? Well, I guess I’ll take it. I used to write. BERNARD Really? What kind? JEREMY I’m sorry? BERNARD Playwright? Screenwriter? Or just plain author? JEREMY Any kind of stories. An idea came and I would write it. BERNARD Same here. A good song came to mind or I wanted sing about something great in me and Ian’s lives, I would write it. I’d play the guitar and we both sing it. What stopped you? JEREMY I lost my inspiration. Bernard takes a drink but swallows hard. He looks away. BERNARD (to himself) I know what that’s like. JEREMY What? Bernard looks back with a smile. BERNARD Explain. JEREMY Josie meant the world to me. We used to shop and try on stupid clothes. (MORE)

53. JEREMY (CONT'D) Also, we used to go to the costume store and fool around with masks and hats.

Bernard rests his head on his interlocked hands, listening with curiosity. JEREMY (CONT’D) Our main thing was that I would write and she would draw. We even thought about making a comic together. She would out of the blue say what do you think of this. Any subject and I would write a story. BERNARD Do you have any of those stories? JEREMY Yeah but I don’t dare look at them. I’m burying them with the urn at the end of the trip. When she died, I couldn’t do it anymore. BERNARD What do you mean? JEREMY The pain. I got an idea but the pain in my heart wouldn’t let the idea flow. Jeremy takes a big sip from the pint. BERNARD You should focus on the pain. JEREMY What do you mean? BERNARD You should write that pain and maybe something beautiful will come from it. JEREMY Your words? BERNARD Yeah. A little spontaneous quote. JEREMY Sometimes those are the best ones.


Bernard takes a sip. JEREMY (CONT’D) So where is Ian? Bernard looks up as he is drinking. He lets out a sigh as he finishes his sip. BERNARD In England. JEREMY He’s not from here? BERNARD No. He’s my best friend back in England. JEREMY May I ask why you are here and he’s back there if you guys are so close? Bernard looks down at his drink. He spins the glass. BERNARD I kinda fibbed on the closeness of our friendship. We had a falling out. JEREMY What about? BERNARD I don’t even remember but I’ve been too ashamed to fix things. JEREMY Shame is a killer. BERNARD Why you say that? JEREMY I live in it. It’s not Josie dying that hurts me the most. It’s the fact that I wasn’t there when she needed me the most. BERNARD As they say, regret is the most powerful killer in the universe.


JEREMY No kidding. I never learned to skateboard. Bernard raises his eyebrows. BERNARD I’m sorry? JEREMY Josie loved skateboarding and I always liked it. Well, watching it. I wanted to learn for her but I never got around to it. BERNARD Maybe when you are done with your quest, you should try. JEREMY Maybe. INT. JASON’S HOUSE - OFFICE - SAME TIME Ethan stands in front of Jason’s desk. His eye is black. Ethan also has a bruised cheek and jaw. There is a bandage on his forehead. Jason throws papers at Ethan. JASON You pussy ass faggot! ETHAN I can explain. JASON No you stood there and let that asshole beat up on you like that. I’m not going to be like your mother and baby you. ETHAN He hit me with a bottle. JASON But you brought it on. That’s the reason why I didn’t try to get charges filed or try to sue that bastard.


ETHAN So we’re not suing him? JASON He didn’t do anything to me so I don’t have to sue him. You’re not suing him cause you brought the problem on yourself. ETHAN Okay, I’m sorry. JASON My god, look at you. You look like shit. The next meetings you have you tell them that a disgruntled employee did this to you. But you were blindsided. I don’t need to here employees talking about how much of a pussy the CEO’s son is. Ethan’s face tenses up in anger. Jason notices. JASON (CONT’D) I’m sorry were you going to say something. ETHAN No. JASON Good. Now it is time to take a business trip. ETHAN Looking like this? JASON Hey, you should be fucking thankful. You’re lucky I don’t just fire you. ETHAN (annoyed) What’s the job? JASON Watch your tone. You’re going to meet with Clover Enterprise in Galway. The merger is finally going to go through. I’m going to buy them out and make us a little richer. (MORE)

57. JASON (CONT'D) I’m stuck with the merger in California so you’re going to have to do it.

ETHAN Dad, I hate the Irish. I don’t want to go there. JASON I hate them as much as you but for now I have to love them cause this can drive up my revenue and I can retire sooner. Hell, if California fails, that’s all I’ll have is Ireland. ETHAN But... JASON (interrupting) You will go and make this a success! If you don’t, you’re fired and I’ll cut you off. The only reason you live beyond your means is because of me. So you’ll deal with it. INT. CHURCH - PEWS - NEXT DAY Ethan and Dominic sit in pews. People in the pews ahead of him, pray. ETHAN I can’t believe that piece of shit wants me to go to Ireland. I get beat up by that moody faggot and I’m getting punished. DOMINIC Why didn’t you wait for me before you went to the bar that day? ETHAN I didn’t know he was going to be there. Plus, he never did anything to us before she died. How was I to figure he would do something after? DOMINIC Let’s go fuck him up later. People ahead turn around and looks at Dominic with disdain.


DOMINIC (CONT’D) What the fuck are you looking at! The priest at papal ahead looks at them and shakes his head disapprovingly. ETHAN Don’t shake your head at us, fucking pedophile. DOMINIC So what do you say? ETHAN That asshole left town. Probably cut and run knowing I would get his ass back. Jonathan walks purposefully towards the two. He nods his head nervously at the upset church goers. JONATHAN Take your conversation outside. ETHAN Well, hello Johnny boy. Or is it “Father” Jonathan now. Ethan and Dominic make quotation points with their fingers. DOMINIC What? You not happy to see us? JONATHAN No I’m not. And I’m telling the truth since I can’t lie. ETHAN Is it true that you cannot report a murder confession to the police? JONATHAN No it isn’t. If you confess to a murder, I have to turn said person into police. Why did you kill someone? ETHAN No but I’m going to. JONATHAN Whatever. I’m sick of hearing your crap.


DOMINIC Hey, you better watch it. JONATHAN Or what? There’s a cop up the pews if you want to do something wrong in this church. ETHAN (to Dominic) Can priests say crap? JONATHAN Yeah we can when it is in reference to what your full of. ETHAN Hey, has that asshole been in here? JONATHAN Watch your language in here. You have to be more specific cause there’s a lot of them. Jonathan points to Ethan and Dominic. ETHAN Jeremy. Have you seen him? JONATHAN And what if I did? ETHAN Cause he’s the person I’m going to kill. JONATHAN I’m sick of hearing this so give yourself a thousand hail marys and please step in front of a bus. Maybe God will show the way. Jonathan is about to walk away. ETHAN What happened to you? You used to be so fun. JONATHAN You call putting people’s lives through hell and driving them to suicide fun. I woke up. It’s about time you should wake up and stop being such a daddy’s boy.


ETHAN Whatever. Go back to touching kids. Jonathan turns around and walks purposefully towards Ethan. JONATHAN At least, Jeremy is working to fix his life. He went to Galway cause so he wouldn’t have to deal with you. DOMINIC What the hell is Galway? ETHAN Ireland. Jonathan walks away. Ethan has a look of realization on his face. He smiles at the crucifix at the end of the church. ETHAN (CONT’D) Sometimes the lord works in mysterious ways. DOMINIC What? ETHAN How do you feel about Ireland? INT. OFFICE BUILDING - CEO’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Jason signs a couple of contracts when the phone rings. He answers. JASON (into phone) Yes? ETHAN (V.O.) Thank you, Dad. For this wonderful opportunity. I’ll happily take the Galway job. JASON (into phone) That’s great son. What made you come around?


ETHAN (V.O.) Let’s just say the lord showed me a sign that I need to be in Ireland. JASON (into phone) Well I’m glad you look to the lord for guidance. ETHAN (V.O.) Quick question. What should I do if I happen, by chance, to run into the asshole who attacked me any time soon? JASON (into phone) Simple, son. You hurt him, physically and mentally. Show me your ruthlessness. EXT. ALISON’S HOUSE - FRONT DOOR - LATER The house is a dirty yellow, two floor. It has white trim and the door is white. Alison wearing a t-shirt and glasses, opens the door. Ethan is at the door. ALISON Oh, hey. ETHAN Hello, sweetie. ALISON What do you want? I don’t date you anymore. ETHAN I’m hoping to rekindle the fire. Would you want to accompany me on a trip? ALISON Business trip? Where I get to watch you act like a asshole? ETHAN No. I’m going to visit Jeremy. ALISON Why!?


ETHAN I want to make amends. I really want to apologize and let you see that I’ve changed. Alison folds her arms and she looks over and sees Dominic pacing the yard. ALISON Is he coming? ETHAN Yeah. He’s just watching my back. I got jumped the other day. ALISON I heard you were being your usual and Jeremy attacked you. ETHAN I tried to apologize but he attacked me. I swear. I just want this to be over and bury the hatchet. ALISON Why is he in Ireland? And why are you going to be there? ETHAN Well, I have to be there to meet with investors for my father and he’s there on some spiritual quest. Maybe I can help in case he needs some additional resources. ALISON Okay. I’ll go but I get one hint that you’re there to pull your cruel shit, I’m gone. ETHAN Thank you. Get dressed. We’re leaving in a little while. Alison goes back inside. He winks at Dominic. ETHAN (CONT’D) Such a gullible idiot. MONTAGE - SPREADING OF THE ASHES - Jeremy and Bernard climb up a small cliff.


- Jeremy and Bernard take handfuls of ashes and toss them off the cliff. - The two of them walk up to a mansion that is having a big party. - Jeremy meets and talks to Bono. Bernard smiles in the background. - Jeremy, Bernard, and Bono scatter ashes in the wind. Jeremy shakes Bono’s hand and hugs him - Jeremy and Bernard watch two guys staggering drunk throwing punches that do not even connect. They laugh and Bernard pats Jeremy on the back. - The two watch a small concert. Jeremy notices Bernard watching the guitar player play his guitar and air guitar playing. EXT. GALWAY, IRELAND - SHOPPING DISTRICT - DAY Jeremy window shops the stores. His cell phone rings. JEREMY (into phone) Hello? VALERIE (V.O.) How’s it going? JEREMY Wonderful. INT. VALERIE’S CAR - SAME TIME VALERIE (into phone) Wonderful? I haven’t heard that word from you in a few years. INTERCUT VALERIE’S CAR/SHOPPING DISTRICT JEREMY I’m feeling it. VALERIE That’s good. I’m really happy for you. JEREMY I’m almost to the end of it.


VALERIE She would be really proud of you. I am. JEREMY I know. You’ve done so much for me but I never showed you any gratitude. I’m sorry. VALERIE You never have to apologize. So how was the trip with Bernard? JEREMY He’s great. I wish I can find a way to pay him back. VALERIE Don’t worry about it. JEREMY I should do something though. VALERIE So you have everything planned for the last stop? JEREMY Yeah I do but... VALERIE What is it? JEREMY I would really love it if you were here for it along with Bernard. VALERIE Only if you really want me to. JEREMY I do. VALERIE When is it? JEREMY I was going to do it tomorrow but I’ll postpone if you decide to come. VALERIE Okay. I’ll be there.


Valerie hangs up. It is revealed that she is pulling into O’Hare airport. BACK TO SCENE INT. GALWAY, IRELAND - SHOPPING DISTRICT - CONTINUOUS Jeremy hangs up and looks at the music store. He sees a guitar that looks just like the one that the guitar player from the concert was playing. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - BERNARD’S ROOM - LATER Jeremy walks in. The bathroom door is closed and the shower is running. He is carrying a guitar that has a bow on it. Jeremy places it on the bed and smiles. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - JEREMY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS Jeremy sees a notepad and pen. He starts writing when Bernard bursts in. He throws the busted guitar on Jeremy’s bed. JEREMY What happened? BERNARD What the hell is wrong with you!? JEREMY I don’t understand. BERNARD Can you be anymore thoughtless? JEREMY What are you talking about? BERNARD Why did you buy this? JEREMY I wanted to hear you play. You said you were a guitar player and I saw you eyeing the guitar at the concert. That is the exact one Bernard rubs his face in frustration.


BERNARD You’re a selfish baby. JEREMY What? BERNARD You bitch and bitch about how much you live in regret. You’re not the only one who has regret! JEREMY But I don’t... BERNARD Of course, you don’t. Since you’re at the end of the trip, this is where I get off. Good day and fuck you. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - FRONT DESK - EVENING Jeremy walks up to the front desk. The CONCIERGE walks up. She is a beautiful, pregnant woman in her late twenties. CONCIERGE May I help you? JEREMY Did you by chance see Bernard? CONCIERGE Who? JEREMY The man who was with me. British. Always wears black. CONCIERGE Him. He checked out. Jeremy has look of sadness. JEREMY I always drive them away. CONCIERGE You’re the one. He told me about you. It is a really great thing you are doing. What was her name?


JEREMY Josie. Josie McClaren. CONCIERGE I remember her. Bernie brought her and her sister Valerie here last summer. She was the happiest girl I ever seen. What happened? JEREMY She came home to me. Jeremy lightly taps the desk and walks away. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - JEREMY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS Jeremy wears his pajama pants and t-shirt. He stares out the window. The phone rings. Jeremy answers. JEREMY (into phone) Hello. INT. AIRPLANE - SAME TIME Valerie sits in her chair with a look of concern. VALERIE (into phone) Uh oh. You don’t sound cheery anymore. INTERCUT AIRPLANE/JEREMY’S ROOM JEREMY I bought Bernard a guitar. He told me he used to play and I thought it would be a token of my appreciation. VALERIE That was really nice. What did he say? JEREMY Told me, in other words, to fuck off. He just checked out. Called me a selfish baby.


VALERIE You’re not. JEREMY You sure about that. I care more about my own happiness than others. VALERIE I’m almost there. I’ll go with you now. I should’ve went with you from the beginning. JEREMY Okay. I’ll see you when you get here. ESTABLISHING SHOT - GALWAY AIRPORT A company jet lands. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - FRONT DESK - EARLY MORNING Ethan walks up to the front desk. The concierge greets him. CONCIERGE Hello. Checking in? ETHAN I guess so. Ethan hands her his credit card. She turns the computer screen around. CONCIERGE Can you sign right there? Ethan is about to sign when he looks up the list more. He points at the top of the list. INSERT - NAME ON LIST J. FLYNN BACK TO SCENE ETHAN Is that man still here? CONCIERGE Yeah. What’s this pertaining to? ETHAN Excuse me?


CONCIERGE Your business. ETHAN He’s a friend. I’m here to help with his journey actually but he didn’t drop me a line on where exactly he was. I only heard Galway. CONCIERGE Great timing. He’s asleep now but he’ll be up later for his trip to the coast. ETHAN Perfect. I actually got some business to do in town. Will you give me a call when he’s heading out? Ethan hands the concierge a card. CONCIERGE I will. ETHAN Thank you. I can’t wait to surprise him. Ethan walks out with a sly grin. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - FRONT DESK - MORNING Jeremy walks up to the front desk. He wears his old bomber jacket and he holds the lighthouse urn. JEREMY I’m heading out for a walk. Maybe scatter some more. If Bernard comes back by chance, tell him I’m out walking. CONCIERGE Will do. Your friend said give a ring. They had some business to attend to in town.


JEREMY Okay. Give her a call and tell her I’ll be back in a bit. Jeremy walks out. The concierge is smiling but then has a look of confusion. CONCIERGE Her? EXT. GALWAY, IRELAND - STREET - CONTINUOUS Jeremy is walking. He is cheerful but not as cheerful before his rift with Bernard. Dominic runs up and punches Jeremy in the back of the head. He pushes Jeremy on the ground when Jeremy keels over from the shot to the back of the head. Jeremy lays on top of the urn and holds onto it for dear life. Dominic starts punching him in the back and kicking his sides. Jeremy moans in pain as he gets hit. Dominic reaches under Jeremy grabs a hold of the urn. Jeremy squirms as he still holds onto the urn. Ethan takes an empty bottle and smashes it on Jeremy’s head. Alison is in the background covering her face. ALISON You fucking assholes! You said you were here to make amends. ETHAN Don’t worry. When I’m done, I’ll apologize. Dominic grabs a hold of the urn. It slides through Jeremy’s fingers as tries to keep a hold of it. Dominic hands the urn to Ethan. Ethan looks at it. ETHAN (CONT’D) Looks nice. Reminds me of that stupid fantasy movie you losers kept talking about. Ethan looks at a tin garbage can and smiles. Alison shakes her head disapprovingly. She runs up to him and grabs his arm.


ALISON Don’t do this. Ethan shakes her hands off of him. ETHAN Stay out of this. Ethan opens the top of the urn. Jeremy, with his forehead bleeding, attempts to stand up. Dominic kicks Jeremy in the head. ETHAN (CONT’D) Don’t worry, Jeremy. I’m going to put her in a place that really represents this backwards country and how she truly was. Ethan smiles and dumps the ashes in the garbage can. Jeremy reaches out to the garbage. His eyes fill up with tears. Ethan walks over and turns Jeremy over. ETHAN (CONT’D) This is what happens when you cross me. Ethan stomps on Jeremy’s genitals. Jeremy’s moans in pain as Dominic kicks him across the face, knocking him unconscious. Ethan and Dominic start to walk away. Alison stands there and looks at the garbage, horrified. ETHAN (CONT’D) Are you coming? ALISON No. Ethan slaps Alison. Alison hits him on the bruise on his jaw. Dominic grabs her face and pushes her onto the ground. BERNARD (O.S.) Hey! Ethan and Dominic see Bernard run down the street with a crowbar. The two run off and get into taxi. Bernard checks on Jeremy as Alison cries on the ground. FADE IN:


EXT. GALWAY - STREET - CONTINUOUS Alison has gotten most of the ashes out of the garbage. Light speckles of ashes remain. ALISON I’m so sorry. If that is you, I didn’t mean to do the things I did. I should’ve thought for myself instead of the group. You deserved better. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - JEREMY’S ROOM - AFTERNOON Jeremy, with a bandage around his head and his eye bruised, sleeps. His lip is busted as well. Bernard sits in a chair, asleep. Jeremy opens his eyes and sits up, painfully. Bernard wakes up. BERNARD Hey. You should lay down for a while. JEREMY Don’t fucking tell me what to do. I’m fine. BERNARD You don’t look fine. JEREMY Maybe if I had somebody to watch my back, this wouldn’t have happened! BERNARD I got there too late. Jeremy stands up real quick and cringes in pain. He walks toward the door. BERNARD (CONT’D) I need to explain myself. JEREMY Don’t even. BERNARD I got angry because...


JEREMY (interrupting) You dare call me petty. You’re angry over a falling out with your best friend. Bernard is speechless. Jeremy opens his suitcase and pulls out a suit bag. JEREMY (CONT’D) At least, you have the chance to talk shit out with him. I don’t. So don’t try to compare you and me and say you know what I’m going through because you don’t have a fucking clue! BERNARD I do more than you think. Jeremy walks out and slams the door. The door slam makes Bernard jump. His eyes water but his expression is more of anger. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - FRONT DESK - CONTINUOUS Alison walks up to the desk with the urn. She places it on the desk. It is clear that Alison has been crying. ALISON This is for Jeremy. Tell him that I got what I could. I’m so sorry. Alison starts crying again and walks out. The concierge tries to stop her. FADE IN: INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - FRONT DESK - LATER Jeremy walks in. CONCIERGE This was left for you. Jeremy turns and sees the urn.


JEREMY I’ll take it. Thank you for your kindness. CONCIERGE Will you be leaving us? Jeremy rubs the side of the urn and nods his head. JEREMY Yep. CONCIERGE May I ask where you are headed? JEREMY To a place that made someone happy. Maybe it’ll make me happy. Jeremy walks out. The concierge runs to the phone. MONTAGE - JEREMY GETS PREPARED - Jeremy takes the bandage off and walks into a barber shop. - His hair is cut short again. Jeremy gets a shave as well but the barber is careful due to the bruising. - In a gas station bathroom, Jeremy puts on the homecoming suit. - Jeremy takes a taxi to the coast. His taxi passes a taxi containing Valerie. BACK TO SCENE EXT. IRELAND - LAKE - CONTINUOUS The lake is the same from the picture in Josie’s house. VALERIE (V.O.) She was the happiest there. Jeremy dumps half of what is left in the urn into the lake. JEREMY I’m sorry I don’t look any better. Valerie said this was where you were the most happiest. You probably told me once but I probably didn’t care to listen. (MORE)

75. JEREMY (CONT'D) I was good for that. Now you can be forever happy.

EXT. IRELAND - CLIFFS OF MOHER - CONTINUOUS Jeremy has reached the coast. He is holding a bag with him. Jeremy looks at the ocean and turns around and sees a beautiful green landscape. JEREMY Maybe the lighthouse can be there. We can get the beauty of the land and see the enemies come from the water. Josie is standing next to him. JOSIE I think it’s perfect. JEREMY You should draw it. The image fades. Jeremy opens the bag and sees a stack of written stories. There are many drawings, including a lighthouse. FLASHBACK - JEREMY AND JOSIE’S FIRST KISS Jeremy and Josie sit on her couch. They are watching the movie Paperhouse. They smile as the boy and girl kiss on screen. Jeremy looks over at Josie looking at him. The two kiss passionately. BACK TO SCENE Jeremy wipes a tear from his eye. He opens the urn. Jeremy flips it upside down and the ashes fly out. The wind carries the ashes. Some falls into the ocean, while the rest floats toward the green landscape. He takes a small shovel out of the bag. Jeremy digs a hole deep enough to fit the urn. He rolls up the stories and pictures and places them inside the urn.


Jeremy puts the Celtic pendant, which is still in the box wrapped up, into it as well. He buries the urn. Jeremy sticks the Claymore into the ground to serve as a gravestone. FLASHBACK - MORE HAPPIER TIMES Jeremy and Josie watch the scene in Highlander when the protagonist buries his wife and uses his sword to serve as a tombstone. Josie rests her head on Jeremy’s shoulder. JOSIE Would ever do that for me? JEREMY What? JOSIE Would about light a church candle for my birthday if I perish? JEREMY (sarcastic) I was going to have a drink but I guess. Josie smacks Jeremy on the forehead. He smiles. BACK TO SCENE JEREMY (CONT’D) Well, you’re home. I guess I didn’t keep my promise about the birthdays though. But I did give you a Highlander burial. Jeremy giggles but his eyes start to tear up. JEREMY (CONT’D) (voice cracking) I didn’t know it was going to be this hard. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I so wish you can be here cause I don’t know if I can’t do this without you. There’s so many things I wish I can say to you. I know you heard me say I love you thousand times. I never really said I was sorry. I wish I can tell you how sorry I was.


Jeremy closes his eyes really tight. One tear does roll out of his eye but he quickly wipes it away. Jeremy looks back toward the lake. JEREMY (CONT’D) Maybe I’ll get the chance. EXT. GALWAY, IRELAND - SIDEWALK- SAME TIME Alison sits with her face buried in her hands. Victoria Hotel is near her. VALERIE (O.S.) What are you doing here? Alison removes her hands and looks up to see Valerie. ALISON I’m sorry. VALERIE You’re a little late for that. ALISON No. Ethan and Dominic came here for some business meeting and they attacked Jeremy on the street. VALERIE What! ALISON They dumped her ashes in the garbage can. I got what I could out of there. I didn’t mean to do this. I never meant for any of this to happen. I just wanted to be accepted. Alison starts crying in her hands. Valerie takes her hands away. VALERIE Accepted by whom? I learned to accept myself in my life and I was happy. Josie didn’t accept herself and Jeremy had trouble accepting that he had people who cared. You should just accept yourself and the rest can go fuck themselves. Alison starts to giggle. Valerie rubs Alison’s hair.


INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - FRONT DESK - MOMENTS LATER Bernard walks up to the front desk. The concierge is biting her nails nervously. BERNARD Is everything okay? She walks somewhat quickly around the counter. CONCIERGE I didn’t know who to call. Valerie walks in. VALERIE Bernard, how’s it... Bernard holds his finger up. BERNARD Wait a minute, Valerie. (to Concierge) What happened? CONCIERGE I talked to Jeremy earlier after his attack. He took the urn that the girl left and left. BERNARD Did he say where he was going? He said he to a place and seeing I just got was saying

CONCIERGE was checking out. Going that made someone happy if it’ll make him happy. concerned cause the he it.

VALERIE I know where he is. Valerie runs out of the hotel. Bernard is about to run but stops. BERNARD Call some guys just in case. CONCIERGE In case of what? BERNARD In case of whatever! Just do it.


The concierge grabs the phone and makes a call. EXT. IRELAND - LAKE - SAME TIME Jeremy stands at edge of the lake, looking at his reflection in the water. There is a heavy rock behind him. He turns around and grunts as he lifts it up. Jeremy walks into the water until it is just up to his waist. He looks up at the sky and takes a deep breath. JEREMY I coming home. Our home. Jeremy sits down. The water is up to his nose. He breaths frantically through his nose. Jeremy closes his eyes and lies down with the rock sitting on his chest. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. IRELAND - LAKE - MOMENTS LATER A car arrives. Valerie, Bernard, and a local named LIAM run to the lake. Liam is short but handsome man in his twenties with reddish orange hair. Valerie looks around frantically. VALERIE Where is he! BERNARD I don’t know. Liam points to the water. LIAM I see bubbles. Bernard cups his hands over his eyes to focus his vision. BERNARD I see them! Liam help me. EXT. AFTERLIFE - LAKE - SAME TIME Jeremy opens his eyes. He is still at the bottom of the lake.


There is no rock on top of him and he can breath under the water. Jeremy swims to the surface. He emerges from the lake but he is totally dry and his face is free of bruises. The land is the same as Ireland. Jeremy cups his hand to look into the distance and sees a white and black lighthouse. He gets excited and runs to it. EXT. AFTERLIFE - LIGHTHOUSE - CONTINUOUS The lighthouse is on the coast where Jeremy was before. JEREMY We got our beautiful views. Jeremy walks to look at the ocean. The black door to the lighthouse opens. Jeremy slowly turns around and sees Josie walking toward him. His face is overcome with emotion. She smiles at Jeremy. JOSIE Hi. JEREMY (Irish brogue) Hello, baby. JOSIE It’s scary how real you sound. JEREMY It’s as real as I can get. Josie hugs Jeremy. Jeremy cries tears of happiness. He laughs and kisses her cheek. EXT. IRELAND - LAKE - SAME TIME Liam gets the rock off of Jeremy. He and Bernard get Jeremy up. They carry him to the land. Bernard slaps Jeremy’s face in an attempt to wake him. Bernard puts his ear onto his chest.


BERNARD Shit, I can’t hear anything. Valerie kneels down, crying. She starts giving him CPR. Bernard covers his mouth. BERNARD (CONT’D) (whispering) Not again. EXT. AFTERLIFE - LIGHTHOUSE - CONTINUOUS Jeremy and Josie hold hands as they walk to edge of the cliff overlooking the ocean. The ocean is calm. They sit down next to one another. Josie rests her head on Jeremy’s shoulder. JEREMY I never seen the ocean that calm before. JOSIE This is a special place. JEREMY I see we have the lighthouse. JOSIE I can thank you for that. JEREMY Really? JOSIE If you didn’t bury the urn along with my ashes being spread, this wouldn’t be here. JEREMY I never thought I would do something this great. JOSIE You can do many great things. JEREMY It doesn’t matter anymore. JOSIE Why?


JEREMY Cause I’m home now. Josie looks away with disappointment. She stands up and has her arms folded. Jeremy stands up and puts his hand on her back. Josie turns around with tears in her eyes. JEREMY (CONT’D) What is it? JOSIE You have so much to give to the world. JEREMY The world doesn’t think so. I don’t know how I can do it without you. JOSIE You were given great words of advice. You can use them. JEREMY Write my pain? JOSIE You don’t need to have pain anymore. JEREMY Yes I do. You needed me and I wasn’t there. Damn it, this isn’t fair. Jeremy starts to cry. Josie kisses him. When she is done, she smiles and wipes the tears from Jeremy’s face. JOSIE You already apologized. I hear you all the time. I’m a little miffed that you chose to toast a drink instead of light a candle. Jeremy chuckles. Josie caresses his face. He kisses her hand and holds it on his face. JEREMY I’ll light the candles.


JOSIE Just light three. It’s been three birthdays. So only three. Then I’ll be happy. I’ll be more happier when you move on with your life. JEREMY I love you. JOSIE I know. You say it everyday. I’ll be with you someday but today isn’t the day. JEREMY I wish I can make that decision. Why was it your time and not mine? Was this some sort of punishment? JOSIE No. I was more damaged than you think. I just couldn’t be saved. JEREMY I’m sorry I couldn’t be the one to change that. JOSIE You know that here was the second happiest place I ever been to. JEREMY Second? What was the first? JOSIE Anywhere you were. Jeremy smiles. JOSIE (CONT’D) Now you have given me a happy home. I’ll be forever happy. EXT. IRELAND - LAKE - SAME TIME Valerie continues with CPR. Bernard feels for a pulse. His eyes fill up with tears. She looks up at Bernard. BERNARD It’s too late. Valerie cries on Jeremy’s chest.


VALERIE Please. Don’t do this to me again. You hear me you asshole. Wake up. I’m not asking you. You’re not checking out now. Valerie continues with CPR with her slamming her fist on his chest. BERNARD Valerie, stop it! VALERIE I’m not given up on him. I gave up on her. EXT. AFTERLIFE - LIGHTHOUSE - CONTINUOUS Jeremy looks up in the air. Josie is looking up to. JOSIE You see. You still mean something to somebody. Josie walks up to the edge of the cliff. Jeremy grabs her hand. JOSIE (CONT’D) It’s okay. JEREMY I don’t want you to fall. JOSIE I’m going home. It’s time you go as well. Josie hugs Jeremy. JOSIE (CONT’D) (whispering into ear) I am with you always. Jeremy hugs her. He closes his eyes. Jeremy opens his eyes and he sees that Josie is gone. JOSIE (O.S.) (CONT’D) I’m up here. A window is opened at the top of the lighthouse. Josie’s voice is clear as if she is standing next to him.


JOSIE (CONT’D) Tell Valerie I love her. And thanks. Time to take a leap of faith. Jeremy looks around in confusion. He stops when he looks off the edge of the cliff. Jeremy nods his head and looks back with a smile. He stretches his arms and falls face first off the edge. There is a splash as Jeremy hits the water. He swims down to a circle of light that gets brighter as he approaches. EXT. IRELAND - LAKE - SAME TIME Jeremy sits up real fast, coughing up water. He continues coughing and lies on his back. Valerie is crying from happiness and hugs Jeremy. When she stops, she smiles down at him. Jeremy smiles back until Bernard kisses him. BERNARD You bastard, don’t you ever do that again. Jeremy gags in disgust. JEREMY Oh, god damn it! Valerie covers her mouth as she laughs hysterically. JEREMY (CONT’D) (to Valerie) Josie said hi. Valerie’s hands slowly slide off of her face. She is smiling brightly. EXT. VICTORIA HOTEL - ENTRANCE - LATER Alison sits in front of the hotel. She jumps up when Liam’s car stops. Jeremy steps out with a green blanket wrapped around him. Alison stands in front of him with her head down. He puts his hand on her chin and lifts her head up.


JEREMY I got your gift. Thank you. ALISON I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were going to do that. I never hated you guys. I didn’t want... JEREMY I forgive you. I accept your apology. ALISON You do. JEREMY You need a friend and someone to accept you. I can do that. Jeremy hugs Alison. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - JEREMY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS Jeremy sits down on the bed. Valerie sits next to him. Bernard grabs his jacket and heads to the door. BERNARD I’ll go get you chocolate or coffee? JEREMY Hot chocolate. I hate coffee. BERNARD You do. Bernard playfully scoffs. BERNARD (CONT’D) Okay, then. Hot coco it is. I’ll treat myself to one as well. Valerie rubs Jeremy’s neck. VALERIE That was a stupid thing you did. JEREMY Why? VALERIE Because you could’ve died.


JEREMY That was my intention. VALERIE We all have guilt and we all suffer. That’s no reason to be a dead man. Jeremy’s starts to tear up. JEREMY But I wanted to be a dead man. VALERIE No you don’t. JEREMY Maybe you’re right. Jeremy wipes the tear away and lets out a deep breath as he fights back crying. He takes the blanket off and stands up. Jeremy heads to the door. Valerie stands in front of him. VALERIE Where you going? JEREMY I’m going to help Bernard with the hot chocolate. VALERIE Running away again. JEREMY Fine. I just need air. What do you want? VALERIE You need to do something for me. JEREMY What? VALERIE You’ll forgive yourself. Jeremy’s eyes water again but he quickly blinks them away. JEREMY Fine.


VALERIE Why do you do that? Why do you fight crying sometimes? JEREMY I don’t. I’m sorry but it’s hard to forgive myself sometimes. VALERIE You said you want to repay me and show me gratitude. I’ll feel better when you forgive yourself. JEREMY But I wasn’t... VALERIE You’ll forgive yourself. It wasn’t your fault. You seen Josie, what did she say for you to do? Jeremy shakes his head disapprovingly. VALERIE (CONT’D) It wasn’t your fault. Jeremy nods his head approvingly. JEREMY I know. VALERIE It wasn’t your fault. JEREMY (stern) I know. Valerie puts her hands on his shoulders. VALERIE It wasn’t your fault. Jeremy backs away with his hands up. JEREMY It’s hard. I know. VALERIE It wasn’t your fault. JEREMY No.


Jeremy grinds his teeth in anger as he tries to fight back tears. His eyes water. VALERIE It wasn’t your fault. JEREMY It wasn’t. Okay. VALERIE Say it. Jeremy lifts his hands up to wipe his eyes but Valerie pulls them away. VALERIE (CONT’D) It wasn’t your fault. JEREMY It wasn’t. VALERIE Say it. Now. JEREMY It wasn’t my fault. Jeremy hugs Valerie and breaks down. They cry on each other’s shoulder. VALERIE It’s okay. Don’t worry. It’s okay. You can stop blaming yourself now. Jeremy continues crying. Bernard walks in and sees them hugging. He smiles and nods his head approvingly but his smile fades as he quietly walks out of the room. INT. RESTAURANT - VIP SECTION - DAY Ethan laughs as he gives toast to his two Irish clients. ETHAN I really love your country and the people. The culture here is magnificent. CLIENT #1 I’m flattered to hear you say that.


CLIENT #2 Normally, Americans who do business here are all about building their revenue and spitting on the common Irish man. INT. RESTAURANT - BAR - SAME TIME Dominic sits at the bar. He looks through the mirror at Ethan laughing. DOMINIC Why do I humiliate myself? I can do so many great things but I’m nothing but a stooge. Dominic takes a shot. He looks through the mirror and has a surprised reaction to seeing Jeremy standing behind him. JEREMY Hi, Dom. Jeremy punches Dominic on the back of the neck. Dominic’s face is down on the bar. His face cringes in pain as he rubs his neck. INT. RESTAURANT - VIP SECTION - CONTINUOUS Jeremy walks up and stands behind a grinning Ethan, who is unaware. The clients look up to acknowledge Jeremy’s presence. CLIENT #2 Who might you be? JEREMY (O.S.) Just an old friend of Ethan’s here. Jeremy puts his hand on Ethan’s shoulder. He sits down next to Ethan. JEREMY (CONT’D) Has my buddy been talking about his “love” for Ireland? CLIENT #1 He was enthusiastically telling us his love for the culture.


JEREMY Really? You should hear the knee slapper about my girlfriend who’s from here. CLIENT #1 Do tell. JEREMY Oh about how he said she belonged in dirt like the rest of them. The client’s happiness fades. JEREMY (CONT’D) He put a sack of potatoes in her locker. Ethan also happily dumped an urn containing her ashes in a garbage can saying that the can represents this backwards country. Ethan has a look of nervousness on his face. Jeremy stands up but bends down to where he is near Ethan’s ear. JEREMY (CONT’D) (whispering) I really wanted to beat your face in some more but I don’t want to stoop to your level. You’re beneath me. Jeremy walks away with a grin. The clients stand up impatiently. ETHAN Gentlemen, that was really awkward. CLIENT #1 We’ll make it less awkward. No deal. You can take your fledgling company and stick in your racist arse. The clients leave. Ethan’s body shakes and his face is horrified. He gets up from the table, accidently knocking a plate off of the table. INT. RESTAURANT - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Jeremy walks toward the door. He has a bounce in his step.


Ethan runs up behind Jeremy. Jeremy quickly turns around and gets in Ethan’s face. ETHAN I hope you feel good but you’re still a loser. JEREMY Okay. I’m cool with that. It’s funny you only have friends because for some stupid reason, no one has the balls to stand up and knock your teeth out. ETHAN Oh really? JEREMY I have the balls to do it but you’re not worth the exercise. Jeremy is about to walk away but steps back into Ethan’s face. JEREMY (CONT’D) If I didn’t hear right, that meeting failure can royally fuck you guys in the long run. I guess daddy won’t be too happy about it. I guess no Porsche for Christmas and no job for life. So no great job title to go along with your douchebag name. Ethan seethes with more anger. JEREMY (CONT’D) You look like someone who’s falling into the gutter pretty hard. You’re at the bottom of the ladder. Welcome to the club. Jeremy smiles and pats Ethan on the shoulder. ETHAN I’m going to kill you for this. JEREMY You really need to relax. Maybe take a vacation. Try going to the capital of Thailand. ETHAN What?


Jeremy punches Ethan in the nuts. JEREMY Bang cock. Ethan falls to his knees crying. Jeremy kneels down by his ear. JEREMY (CONT’D) (whispering) And that’s what happens when you cross me. Jeremy walks out of the restaurant. Ethan looks up horrified at people laughing at him. Dominic, still cradling his neck, walks over and helps Ethan to his feet. Ethan pushes him away. ETHAN Get the fuck away from me. Where were you? DOMINIC He hit me in the neck. ETHAN You chicken shit. Dominic’s face tenses up. DOMINIC I think it’s time to get out of here. ETHAN No. Go after that asshole. He’s getting away. DOMINIC Why do we need to continue this? I enjoyed it before but now it’s getting old. ETHAN Be a good bitch and go after him. DOMINIC Excuse me? ETHAN You’re my bitch and I order you to go after him! Go!


Dominic turns around. He stands for a second but starts walking slow with some reluctance. EXT. RESTAURANT - STREET - CONTINUOUS Dominic walks outside. He turns and sees Jeremy walking away. Dominic runs after him. When he gets close, Dominic runs parallel with the garbage. Bernard shoulder blocks Dominic into the garbage. Dominic moans in pain as he hits the garbage. Bernard picks up a garbage can top. Dominic sits up slowly but painfully. He gets hit in the face with the garbage can top. BERNARD No worries, son. Please don’t be ashamed that you got beat up by a football hooligan that sings alternative pop rock. Bernard follows Jeremy. Ethan walks gingerly outside as Dominic slowly stands up from the garbage. Dominic sways around in a daze. He shakes it off and cradles his forehead. ETHAN My god. Can you be any more of a fucking failure? DOMINIC I got blindsided. ETHAN My dad was right. You’re nothing but a fucking monkey. Dominic grabs Ethan by the shirt and flips him into the garbage. He shakes his head in disgust at Ethan and walks away. Ethan rolls around and groans when he sees he is in garbage. His cell phone rings. ETHAN (CONT’D) (into phone) Hello?


JASON (V.O.) I ask you to do one thing right and you fuck it up! You’re fucking useless! ETHAN (into phone) Dad, please I... JASON (V.O.) Shut up you fucking loser! I guess you didn’t take care of your problem good enough. You’re a poor excuse for a son and an employee. Both which I don’t have to put up with anymore. You’re fired and cut off. Good luck. The phone hangs up. Ethan lets the phone slip out of his hands. He slowly falls back against the garbage. A couple of bags fall on his face. Other bags fall and bury Ethan. EXT. VICTORIA HOTEL - ENTRANCE - 2 DAYS LATER Bernard hugs Valerie. He extends his hand to Jeremy. Jeremy shakes his head disapprovingly and hugs him. Bernard has a look of surprise. Valerie smiles. VALERIE A hug. I haven’t seen you give one of those in forever. JEREMY It wasn’t awkward either. BERNARD For me it was. Bernard laughs. JEREMY It’s been an interesting journey but I feel clearer and wiser. I’m taking up writing again.


BERNARD That’s wonderful. JEREMY I only have you to thank for that. Thank you, Bernard. BERNARD You welcome, Jeremy. JEREMY You keeping up with tour guide service? BERNARD Actually, no. I called Ian. We’re meeting up in London and maybe performing sometime in Dublin. JEREMY That’s awesome. Give me a word when that is. I’ll come back and see it. BERNARD I hope you do. A taxi stops behind Jeremy and Valerie. JEREMY Well, this is my ride. BERNARD I hope to read your writing someday. JEREMY I hope so, too. Valerie gets in the front seat and Jeremy gets into the back. When he closes the door, Jeremy puts his fist up on the window. Bernard nods his head and bumps fist with Jeremy. INT. TAXI - SAME TIME Valerie looks back at Jeremy. VALERIE You okay? JEREMY Yeah. I’m great.


Valerie smiles and closes her eyes. Jeremy looks out the window. EXT. VICTORIA HOTEL - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Bernard’s happiness fades to sadness. He walks back into the hotel. MONTAGE - JEREMY REFLECTING ON TRIP -Jeremy watches the buildings pass. -Jeremy spreading the ashes. -Jeremy and Bono releasing ashes off the building. -Jeremy smiles. -Sitting with Josie on the edge of the cliff. -Jeremy smiles more brightly. -Bernard kissing him after coming back from the brink of death. -Jeremy laughs hysterically and rubs his face. -Bernard and Jeremy laughing at the drunken fight. -Jeremy lies his head back with a smile. -Bernard yelling at Jeremy about the guitar scene. BERNARD (V.O.) You’re not the only one who has regret. -Jeremy raises his head back up. His smile fades as a look of realization comes upon his face. -Jeremy yelling at Bernard scene. JEREMY (V.O.) So don’t try to compare you and me and say you know what I’m going through because you don’t a fucking clue! BERNARD (V.O.) I do more than you think! - The pub scene.


JEREMY I lost my inspiration. BERNARD I know what that’s like. BACK TO SCENE BERNARD (V.O.) (CONT’D) I know what that’s like. Jeremy taps the taxi driver window frantically. JEREMY Driver, I need you to head back. DRIVER Back to the hotel? JEREMY Yes. EXT. VICTORIA HOTEL - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS The taxi stops. Jeremy runs inside the hotel. Valerie gets out and has a look of confusion. INT. VICTORIA HOTEL - QUEEN STREET BAR - CONTINUOUS Jeremy bursts through the door. Bernard sits at a table with an empty glass of lager, tears in his eyes. He looks up but has a look of sadness when he sees Jeremy. Jeremy walks up to the table. JEREMY Bernard, what are you doing here? Bernard swallows and looks down more. JEREMY (CONT’D) You said you were heading to London? To see Ian? BERNARD I lied. Bernard cries some more.


BERNARD (CONT’D) Ian killed himself twenty years ago. Jeremy’s curiosity fades to sadness. BERNARD (CONT’D) That’s why I left England. People wanted me to keep playing. I couldn’t do it anymore. You’re not the only one who gets inhibited by pain. JEREMY Why were so helpful to me if you couldn’t help yourself? Jeremy says this in process of sitting down. Bernard lowers his head. BERNARD That was my way of coping. I thought he would appreciate me helping people like him even though I couldn’t cure the sickness in my own heart. JEREMY You should write it. Bernard looks up. BERNARD What? JEREMY Write the pain and something beautiful will come from it. Bernard chuckles. Jeremy laughs along with him. JEREMY (CONT’D) A spontaneous quote of inspiration a great writer once told me. BERNARD How do you know he’s a great writer? JEREMY Cause he has great spontaneous quotes.


INT. LONDON - CLUB - MONTHS LATER Bernard walks on the stage with the guitar that Jeremy bought him back in Ireland. It is restored and repaired. He sits down. Bernard breathes from nervousness. BERNARD Sorry it’s been a while. A couple of football hooligans step from the bar. HOOLIGAN Let’s go Bernie, let’s go! Let’s go, Bernie, let’s go. The crowd starts chanting in unison. Bernard’s face brightens up. JEREMY (O.S.) Make Ian proud! Bernard starts playing and the crowd cheers. Jeremy stands in the back, clapping enthusiastically. INT. CHURCH - CONFESSIONAL - LATER Jonathan sits down in the confessional. He slides the little door back to reveal the screen into the confession booth. Jonathan does not realize that it is Jeremy in the other booth. JONATHAN Hello, my son. JEREMY Bless me father, for I have sinned. It’s been...well...forever since my last confession. JONATHAN What sin have you committed? JEREMY I didn’t forgive. JONATHAN That is really not a sin. JEREMY It is to someone who mattered to me. (MORE)

101. JEREMY (CONT'D) She would have forgiven this person because he was lost in his life as I was.

Jonathan slowly turns and sees Jeremy looking down. JONATHAN Go on. JEREMY I didn’t forgive because my eyes were clouded. I guess it took a trip to the other side that this person made to make it clear. Now that I see, I want to forgive that person if he’ll forgive me for being misjudged. JONATHAN I’m in no position to forgive you. But I’ll accept your forgiveness. Jeremy looks up and smiles. INT. CHURCH - CANDLE AREA - CONTINUOUS Jeremy walks by the candles. Three are lit. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - MS MYER’S CLASS - AFTERNOON Ms Myers grades papers as Jeremy stands in the doorway. She looks up and is startled by him. MS. MYERS Jeremy? JEREMY Hello. Ms Myers walks up and hugs him. MS. MYERS How have you been? JEREMY I’d say great but I’d be lying. But I’m good now. MS. MYERS I’m glad you came back.


JEREMY Thank you for always being great. I’m sorry the way I left before. MS. MYERS It was just a book. JEREMY Not really. I was Watson. MS. MYERS What? JEREMY It took a while for to realize it. Someone great gave their life to save me. I needed to forgive. But the main one I needed to forgive was myself. MS. MYERS Are you sure you’re Jeremy? You have his body but I think you’re someone else. Maybe somebody who’s been reincarnated. JEREMY I was. The new Jeremy died so the old Jeremy can live. I have been reincarnated. MS. MYERS I’m glad to hear it. I hope you do well with this new life. JEREMY I will. INT. JEREMY’S OFFICE - LATER Jeremy has a notebook that is full of writing. He starts typing on a computer. INSERT - COMPUTER STORY TITLE REINCARNATION Jeremy continues typing. He stops for a second and looks at newspaper clippings and pictures.


MONTAGE - CHARACTERS LIVES AT THIS POINT - A picture of Valerie and Bernard. - Valerie leads a suicide support group. At the group, Bernard stands up and tells his story. - A brochure of a high school - Alison teaches the class. A student makes fun of a girl who knows the answer. ALISON That’s really funny, Mr. Brooks. Do you know what’s the first letter of funny, right? BULLY Yeah. F. ALISON Which you just got for today. The bully scoffs. He is about to open his mouth. ALISON (CONT’D) You’re putting up quite an effort. What are two of the same letters in that? Keep talking and that’s the grade for two more days this week. The bully sits back and pouts. Alison winks at the girl. The girl has Josie’s Goth look and hairstyle. - Jeremy looks at a bunch of newspaper articles. - Dominic flips burgers at a fast food restaurant. - Bernard plays at another club. - Ethan, drunk and depressed, drives his car off a cliff. BACK TO SCENE Jeremy prints his story out and walks out. EXT. CONG, IRELAND - JEREMY’S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Jeremy walks down the street. The sun comes out. Jeremy looks up at the sun and smiles as the rays hit him.


FLASHBACK Jeremy and Josie laughing after the hammock broke. BACK TO SCENE Jeremy continues walking down the street. FLASHBACK Jeremy and Josie slow dancing. “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith plays. BACK TO SCENE Jeremy sees Josie standing by the well next to the church. She waves and fades away. Jeremy waves and closes his hand. He kisses his hand and continues walking the other direction while looking up at the sky. EXT. IRELAND - ROAD - DAY Jeremy skate boards down the road. He smiles as he holds his arms out wide. EXT. IRELAND Ashes float in the wind. INSERT - QUOTE SOMETIMES THE HARDEST PART ISN’T LETTING GO, BUT RATHER LEARNING TO START OVER. -NICOLE SOBON THE END

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