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Friday, June 13, 2014

蔵蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵蔵 蔵 蔵

Special Feature

Special Feature

Lunch: (Fri-Sun)12:00pm∼2:30pm Dinner: 5:00pm∼

Friday, June 13, 2014




Friday, June 13, 2014

News Photos From Japan




News About Japan

Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014

News About Japan

News About Japan

Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014

News About Japan

Japanese Restaurant

Kai Sydney

・ Photo : Kai Japanese Restaurant Writing : Ann Nazdo (upper left) The shoga-yaki (stir-fry with ginger) has a richly infused sauce and perfectly tender yet springy meat ($14.50). (upper right) The ten-don, with its crispy batter and sauce-infused rice, comes with mini-udon ($13.50). (lower left) Connoisseurs will be unable to resist the generous portions of the salmon set ($20.50). (lower right) You will be surprised at the size of the tonkatsu (battered pork) set ($14.50).

Shop is at the end of the alley in The Grove

Affordable, chef-quality lunch at a newly refurbished restaurant Enjoy authentic Japanese to your heart's content Neutral Bay is the ultimate place to go if you are craving Japanese food, from traditional noodles or rice dishes to Westernstyle Japanese. You are sure to find most types of Japanese cuisine in Neutral Bay, with plenty of restaurants and take-away stores. In such a competitive battlefield, Kai reopened in February this year with a new slogan, "The restaurant with the authentic chef", and a renewed affordable and quality lunch menu. Kai has a reputation for an uncompromised authentic taste and a desire to bring real Japanese food not only to the Neutral Bay, but eventually to Sydney as well. While this attitude has not changed, their lunch menu has reappeared in a new form that will keep both customers' stomachs and wallets happy! The must-try recommendation has to be the range of donburi (authentic dishes of meat, fish or vegetables over rice) starting from $13.50. Served with a mini-udon, the size of each meal is certainly satisfying. This satisfaction is then followed by the pleasant, nostalgic harmony of carefully selected ingredients and the blend of rice and sauce, which is said to be the foundation of donburi. The fried food is crisp and the cooked meats are very tender, allowing your chopsticks to cut through without any

difficulty. The mini-udon is the ideal and essential match for the main dish. Japanese authenticity can also be created with just bowl of rice and miso soup to accompany the main dish. Pork sh_ga-yaki (stir fry with ginger) is the representative dish and can often be hard to find outside Japan. The pork is fried with onions and chives, mixed with sauce, cut into bite-size pieces and served with rice. Surprisingly, $14.50 includes a tsukidashi (small appetiser) and a chawanmushi (egg custard). It definitely feels like you've been looked after. If you are really indecisive, and just want everything from the overwhelming menu, there is "Kai Special Lunch Set" at $29.50. It's a parade of Kai's classic quality meals, enough to fill anyone at a reasonable price. There are also sushi/sashimi Sets, which makes the decision over lunch just a little more difficult! Driven to continue providing genuine Japanese cuisine, Kai is also introducing dinner course meals from midSeptember. You will be pleasantly surprised that a five-course meal includes an entr_e and a main selection from three different combinations at only $55 per person. Whether it's a filling lunch or an awesome dinner you are hoping for, Neutral Bay is the place to be, day or night.

The Kai special lunch set is a parade of classic, quality Japanese cuisine ($29.50).

The harmony of the sauce with the tenderness of the beef in the Wagyu-don is just mouth-watering ($17.50).

Kai Sydney Address: The Grove,Shop 13,    166-174 Military Rd, Neutral Bay Phone: 02 9908 7045 Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday (lunch) 12:00pm∼2:00pm Tuesday - Sunday (dinner) 6:00pm∼10:00pm BYO: Fully licensed & BYO (wine only) Accepted cards: EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and other major cards

The chicken katsu-don's combination of batter, sauce and egg emphasises the traditional taste of Japan ($13.50).

Friday, June 13, 2014

Yellow Pages・Moneny & Tax Talk・TV Program about Japan

Money & Tax Talk






he end of the tax year is fast approaching so now is the time you should consider whether there is anything you can do to reduce your tax. This article examines some of the basic strategies that you can use to reduce your 2014 tax payable.

If you are in business you should consider whether you can delay the receipt of assessable income. For taxpayers using the cash basis this would involve not receiving cash from invoices until after 30 June. For taxpayers using the accruals basis this would involve not issuing invoices until after 30 June. The cash flow effects of this strategy must be considered. The other basic strategy is to bring forward deductions into the 2014 tax year. For cash based taxpayers this would involve actually paying for the expense before 1 July. Again, your cash flow needs to be considered. If you are using the accruals basis you should receive invoices from your suppliers dated 30 June 2014 or before. Also if you are a small business there is an immediate deduction of assets costing less than $6,500. If you are considering purchasing a business asset that Glenn Burke B.Bus CA SFfin Glenn is a chartered accountant and financial planner with over 25 years tax and accounting experience. Glenn regularly presents lectures on accounting and finance.


costs less than this amount you may want to purchase this before 30 June to obtain the deduction. If you are a business owner operating through a company you should consider the amount of salary that the business pays you. As companies are taxed at a flat rate o f t a x o f 30% y ou c ould r e duc e t he company’ s taxable profit by paying salary to you and this would be effective if your personal average tax rate is less than 30%. The other thing you should consider is making superannuation contributions before 30 June. Superannuation contributions are tax deductible to the employer and so reduces taxable income. You should however ensure that your contribution does not exceed the concessional superannuation contribution cap of $25,000 as this will result in excess contributions tax being payable. If you are self employed you can also make deductible contributions but you should make sure that you can satisfy the requirements for the contribution to be tax deductible. If you would like to discuss the above or other ways you can reduce your tax please contact us.

Proactive Business Advice

Suite 802, Level 8, 11 Help Street, Chatswood NSW 2067

02 9411 3598


Friday, June 13, 2014


Exotic Experience

Further information You can obtain all information you need on travelling to Japan on the JNTO website at Alternatively, visit JNTO Sydney Office self-service Room at Suite 1, Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (About a one minute walk from Wynyard station) Opening Hours: 9:00 - 17:00(Monday - Friday)

Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014

Quiet Space


Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014




Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014


�������� ��������


シングルの方にとって恋愛、結婚は人生の重大事。良きパートナーを見つけるには、まず相手を知ら なければなりません。相手の心理を見抜き理解できるヒントなどを、コラムとして連載します。

������� 02 9221 0123(英語) (Mon-Fri: 10am-5:30pm Sat: -5pm) Suite 1708, Level 17, 109 Pitt St Sydney (Wynyard 徒歩 1 分 ) 素敵なパートナーにめぐり合いた い方、カウンセリングは無料です のでお気軽にご相談ください。

筆者: ��������(エヴァ・チェン) 1,000組以上の紹介成功実績を持ち、恋愛コラムを10年以上連載している プロフェッショナル。 「国籍問わずハイクオリティな男性・女性を紹介します。」

���������������������������������� まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください

TEL:(02) 9247-4554 電話を まずはお


Level 4, 58 Pitt St., Sydney


Friday, June 13, 2014





(Meningitis)-Meningococcus B  髄膜炎(脳膜炎)とは脳を包んでいる 膜に炎症をおこす病気です。ウイルス やバクテリアの感染から起こります。 重症になりがちなのはバクテリアによ る 感 染 か ら で、 特 にMeningococcus (Neisseria meningitides)というバク テリアです。このバクテリアには13の 菌種があります。オーストラリア国内 でこの病気をおこすのはほとんどがB型 (50%以上) とC型です。

◆その他のバクテリア  Meningococcus以 外 に よ く 髄 膜 炎 をおこすバクテリアにはHaemophilus influenza B(HiB)とPneumococcus という菌があります。HiBは数年前から オーストラリアの子供の予防接種スケ ジュールに含まれていて、集団接種が 功を奏して発生率はかなり減っていま す。この菌は髄膜炎だけではなく、肺 炎や咽頭蓋炎(こうとうがいえん)をお こすことがあります。Pneumococcus は髄膜炎よりもむしろ肺炎をよくおこ す 菌 で す。Pneumococcusの 予 防 接 種は慢性疾患でからだの免疫が弱い人 や65歳以上の高齢者に勧められていま す。

◆Meningococcusの発生率   オーストラリア全 体 ではMeningococcus菌 に よ る 髄 膜 炎 の 症 例 は 年 間 200∼250件程度です。子供や若い人に おこりがちですが、この年齢層に限ら れているわけではありません。健康な 人の20%までは保菌者で鼻や喉に菌は 常駐していて何も問題はおこしません。 何らかの原因でからだの抵抗力が落ち たときに発病します。伝染性はあまり 強くなく、人と人との近い接近でうつり ます。例えばキス、食器や歯ブラシの 共有、近い距離での空気感染(くしゃみ や咳) などです。

◆Meningococcus感染の症状  潜伏期間は2∼10日です。症状の進 展は比較的早く、数時間から1∼2日の あいだで現れてきます。乳幼児の場合 あまりはっきりとした症状がなく、高 熱、食欲減退、嘔吐、無力感、嗜眠(し みん)状態などです。子供や大人の場合 高熱、嘔吐、ひどい頭痛、節々の痛み、 光に対する不耐性、嗜眠状態、錯乱状態、

ひきつけなどがあります。どちらの年 齢層でも典型的な発疹がおこることが あります。この発疹が現れると菌が血 液に入り、敗血症がおこっていること を意味します。また、この状態のとき は四肢への血行が悪くなり、手足の壊 死(えし) がおこることもあります。



ビジネス ��������

◆Meningococcusの治療  この病気が強く疑われる場合は至急、 緊急病院で治療を受けなければなりませ ん。診断を確認するためには腰椎穿刺 (よ うついせんし)をして髄液の検査をする か血液の培養検査が必要です。検査結果 は待たないで早めに抗生物質を投与しな ければなりません。  発病者と近いコンタクトがあった人は 発病していなくても予防のための抗生物 質が投与されます。また、学校などの集 団の場で発病者が出た場合、全校生に予 防接種(Meningococcus C)が提供され ます。

◆Meningococcusの予防接種  従来はC型にたいしての予防接種があ りましたが、B型はカバーされていませ んでした。2014年からB型髄膜炎に対 する予防接種が販売されます。ただし オーストラリア政府が推奨する子供の 予防接種スケジュールに含まれるまで には時間がかかりそうです。そのため、 現在希望者は自費で予防接種を購入し なければなりません。Bexseroという商 品名で販売されています。料金は注射 液1本が約$150です。医師の処方箋が 必要です。

売ります ��������

◆Bexsero の接種スケジュール 年齢層

初期接種 接種間隔 ブースター 回数

生後 3 回接種 2 5 ヶ月 生後 2 回接種 6 11 ヶ月

1 ヶ月 2 ヶ月

12 ヶ月 2 回接種 10 歳

2 ヶ月

2 回接種

1 ヶ月

11 歳 以上

12 23 ヶ月 後に 1 回 12 23 ヶ月 後に 1 回

ブースターの 必要性不明



ブースターの 必要性不明

投稿頂いた内容は、全て ジェンタに帰属いたします。



Friday, June 13, 2014



Publisher Takayuki Takahashi

TEL: (02) 9909 0111 FAX: (02) 9909 0888


000 電話通訳(私的用件以外の緊急対応可)

13 - 1450


Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014



Friday, June 13, 2014

News in Australia

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Friday, June 13, 2014


Wine & Cheese

Wine & Cheese Wine & Cheese

Friday, June 13, 2014





10:00-19:30 10:00-20:00 Town Hall Station より 12:00-18:00   徒歩2分

537-539 Kent Street, Sydney 02-9267-0882

Sussex St


Kent St ���� ����� ���� ������� �������

Geo rge S t

Druitt St

����� ������ ������� ���

Bathurst St

����� ������

Liverpool St

チャイナタウン 方面

��������� Maruyu ����� Old Maruyu

Clarence St

York St


2014 FIFA ワールドカップブラジル大会が開幕 皆で日本代表を応援しよう!



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