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Friday, April 11, 2014

蔵蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵 蔵

Exotic Experience

Exotic Experience

Lunch: (Fri-Sun)12:00pm∼2:30pm Dinner: 5:00pm∼

Friday, April 11, 2014




Friday, April 11, 2014

News Photos From Japan / Quiet Space




News About Japan

Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014

News About Japan

Wine & Cheese

News About Japan

Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014

News About Japan

Japanese Restaurant

Kai Sydney

・ Photo : Kai Japanese Restaurant Writing : Ann Nazdo (upper left) The shoga-yaki (stir-fry with ginger) has a richly infused sauce and perfectly tender yet springy meat ($14.50). (upper right) The ten-don, with its crispy batter and sauce-infused rice, comes with mini-udon ($13.50). (lower left) Connoisseurs will be unable to resist the generous portions of the salmon set ($20.50). (lower right) You will be surprised at the size of the tonkatsu (battered pork) set ($14.50).

Shop is at the end of the alley in The Grove

Affordable, chef-quality lunch at a newly refurbished restaurant Enjoy authentic Japanese to your heart's content Neutral Bay is the ultimate place to go if you are craving Japanese food, from traditional noodles or rice dishes to Westernstyle Japanese. You are sure to find most types of Japanese cuisine in Neutral Bay, with plenty of restaurants and take-away stores. In such a competitive battlefield, Kai reopened in February this year with a new slogan, "The restaurant with the authentic chef", and a renewed affordable and quality lunch menu. Kai has a reputation for an uncompromised authentic taste and a desire to bring real Japanese food not only to the Neutral Bay, but eventually to Sydney as well. While this attitude has not changed, their lunch menu has reappeared in a new form that will keep both customers' stomachs and wallets happy! The must-try recommendation has to be the range of donburi (authentic dishes of meat, fish or vegetables over rice) starting from $13.50. Served with a mini-udon, the size of each meal is certainly satisfying. This satisfaction is then followed by the pleasant, nostalgic harmony of carefully selected ingredients and the blend of rice and sauce, which is said to be the foundation of donburi. The fried food is crisp and the cooked meats are very tender, allowing your chopsticks to cut through without any

difficulty. The mini-udon is the ideal and essential match for the main dish. Japanese authenticity can also be created with just bowl of rice and miso soup to accompany the main dish. Pork sh_ga-yaki (stir fry with ginger) is the representative dish and can often be hard to find outside Japan. The pork is fried with onions and chives, mixed with sauce, cut into bite-size pieces and served with rice. Surprisingly, $14.50 includes a tsukidashi (small appetiser) and a chawanmushi (egg custard). It definitely feels like you've been looked after. If you are really indecisive, and just want everything from the overwhelming menu, there is "Kai Special Lunch Set" at $29.50. It's a parade of Kai's classic quality meals, enough to fill anyone at a reasonable price. There are also sushi/sashimi Sets, which makes the decision over lunch just a little more difficult! Driven to continue providing genuine Japanese cuisine, Kai is also introducing dinner course meals from midSeptember. You will be pleasantly surprised that a five-course meal includes an entr_e and a main selection from three different combinations at only $55 per person. Whether it's a filling lunch or an awesome dinner you are hoping for, Neutral Bay is the place to be, day or night.

The Kai special lunch set is a parade of classic, quality Japanese cuisine ($29.50).

The harmony of the sauce with the tenderness of the beef in the Wagyu-don is just mouth-watering ($17.50).

Kai Sydney Address: The Grove,Shop 13,    166-174 Military Rd, Neutral Bay Phone: 02 9908 7045 Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday (lunch) 12:00pm∼2:00pm Tuesday - Sunday (dinner) 6:00pm∼10:00pm BYO: Fully licensed & BYO (wine only) Accepted cards: EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and other major cards

The chicken katsu-don's combination of batter, sauce and egg emphasises the traditional taste of Japan ($13.50).

Friday, April 11, 2014

Yellow Pages・Moneny & Tax Talk・TV Program about Japan

Money & Tax Talk






he Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends on 31 March 2014. If you are conducting a business now is the time to determine whether you are liable to pay FBT and also to take steps to reduce any liability that you may have.

A fringe benefit is a benefit that is provided to an employee that is not salary and wages. An employee includes a director of a company. A benefit could include the payment or reimbursement of the employee’s personal expenses, interest-free or low interest loans advanced to the employee, or letting the employee use an employer’s motor vehicle for personal use. The employer must determine whether any benefits have been provided and lodge an annual FBT return. The employer is liable to pay the FBT. There are many forms of fringe benefits but the most common are car fringe benefits, loan fringe benefits and expense payment benefits. A car fringe benefit arises where the employer owns or leases a car and it is available for private use by an employee. Private use includes letting the employee Glenn Burke B.Bus CA SFfin Glenn is a chartered accountant and financial planner with over 25 years tax and accounting experience. Glenn regularly presents lectures on accounting and finance.


drive the car to and from work. If the employee garages the car at their home this amounts to a fringe benefit as the car is available for their personal use. A loan fringe benefit arises where the employer loans money to the employee at an interest rate which is lower than the annual benchmark interest rate as set by the Australian Taxation Office. In the case of an employee also being a shareholder of the employer company the loan could either be a fringe benefit or could be an assessable shareholder loan. You should review the terms of such a loan to determine the correct tax treatment. An expense payment fringe benefit arises where the employer directly pays personal expenses for an employee or reimburses an employee for personal expenses that they have already paid. If the expense would have been tax deductible to the employee a fringe benefit does not arise. Good record keeping is essential for all taxes including FBT. These records will help you to determine whether you have an FBT liability and will also help you reduce any amount payable. If you would like further information on fringe benefits tax or any other taxation or accounting issues please contact us.

Proactive Business Advice

Suite 802, Level 8, 11 Help Street, Chatswood NSW 2067

02 9411 3598


Friday, April 11, 2014


Special Feature

Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014

Special Feature


Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014

イチオシ Pick Up・お助けレシピ


Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014


�������� ��������


シングルの方にとって恋愛、結婚は人生の重大事。良きパートナーを見つけるには、まず相手を知ら なければなりません。相手の心理を見抜き理解できるヒントなどを、コラムとして連載します。

������� 02 9221 0123(英語) (Mon-Fri: 10am-5:30pm Sat: -5pm) Suite 1708, Level 17, 109 Pitt St Sydney (Wynyard 徒歩 1 分 ) 素敵なパートナーにめぐり合いた い方、カウンセリングは無料です のでお気軽にご相談ください。

筆者: ��������(エヴァ・チェン) 1,000組以上の紹介成功実績を持ち、恋愛コラムを10年以上連載している プロフェッショナル。 「国籍問わずハイクオリティな男性・女性を紹介します。」

���������������������������������� まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください

TEL:(02) 9247-4554 電話を まずはお


Level 4, 58 Pitt St., Sydney


Friday, April 11, 2014





嚥下障害  嚥下障害(dysphagia)とは食べ物 を飲み込んだときに途中で引っ掛かる 感触をいいます。痛みを伴う場合とそ うでない場合とがあります。痛みを伴う 場合は食道の粘膜に炎症がおこってい かいよう たり潰瘍ができていたりすることがよく あります。




はこの疾患が疑われます。初期には胸 の痛みを伴うこともあり、また後期には 体重が落ちたり吐きもどしがおこった りもします。血管拡張剤を服用したり、 外科的な治療で食道の筋肉を収縮させ る神経を麻痺させたり、筋肉を切断す るような方法もあります。 * そ の 他 ─ 食 道 ウエブ(oesophageal web, 食道の中にできる膜のようなも けいれん の) 、食道痙攣、食道の外部からの圧迫 などで嚥下障害がおこることもあ りま す。

食 道 癌 と 食 道 狭 窄(oesophageal stricture)が一番よくおこる嚥下障害 の原因です。特に高年齢になると食道 癌の発生率は高まります。 * 食道癌─この場合、嚥下障害は何週間 ◆検査方法  まずしなければならない検査は食道 から何ヶ月にわたって徐々にひどくなっ のバリウム検査か胃カメラです。どちら ていきます。はじめは固形物が引っ掛 がいいというわけではなく、状況によっ かり、ひどくなると水分も通りづらくな けんたい ては両方しなければならないこともあ ります。体重も減り、食欲不振、倦 怠 ります。例えば機械的な通過障害が疑 感もおこってきます。治療法は手術で われる場合 ( 癌や食道狭窄 ) は胃カメラ 患部を摘出し、ときには放射線療法と化 のほうが適切です。検査のときに生検 学療法も行います。 * 食 道 狭 窄 ─ 胃 食 道 逆 流(Gastro- (biopsy)もでき、必要なら胃カメラを とおして食道を拡張することもできま oesophageal reflux) が お こ っ て い す。食道弛緩不能症の場合、食道バリ て 胃 酸 が 食 道 に 逆 流 し、 食 道 の 粘 膜 ウム検査が適切です。 に慢性の炎症をおこします。これは下 かつやくきん  注意しなければならないのは内視鏡 部 食 道 括 約 筋(lower oesophageal 検査でも食道のバリウム検査でも食道 sphincter)がうまく働かなく、食道下 弛緩不能症の初期の診断は困難かもし 部のしまりが悪くなるとおこります。 れないということです。  胸焼けやむしず(胃液が喉の奥にも  また、どちらの検査法でも軽度の食 どることによっておこる苦く感じる症 道 狭 窄 は 察 知 で き な い かもし れ ま せ 状)がおこります。食道粘膜の炎症が ん。診断が困難な場合、食道の検圧検 ひどかったり潰瘍ができていればもの 査(oesophageal manometry) や 食 を飲み込んだときに痛みを伴うことも 道運動性検査(oesophageal motility あります。食道狭窄のおこっている人で study)などが必要となります。 も約 20% は胸焼けやむしずを経験しな い場合もあります。また、胸焼けがあっ ても狭窄がひどくなるにつれて胃から ◆薬の嚥下障害  食道の通過が遅いので薬が食道の中 食道への逆流がおこりにくくなり、胸 焼けの症状は軽減することもあります。 で高濃度で発散されてしまい、食道の 粘膜に損傷を与え、潰瘍をおこすこと 内視鏡をとおして中から食道を拡張す もあります。Doxycycline(抗生物質) 、 る必要があるかもしれません。Proton 鉄剤、カリウム錠剤、消炎剤(アスピ pump inhibitor という胃酸を抑制する リンも含む)などを飲むときは水分も同 薬を一生服用することになります。 し か ん 時にたくさん飲み、30 分は横にならな * 食道弛 緩不能症─ Achalasia といっ ぜんどう いように注意するべきです。 て食道の蠕 動運動の障害からおこりま す。 (蠕動運動とは食道が収縮と緩和を 繰り返して波打つように食べ物を胃の 方向に押そうとする動きです。 )この筋 肉の協調がうまくいかず、食べ物がう まくとおらないわけです。嚥下障害の 度合いが日ごとに変化するような場合





投稿頂いた内容は、全て ジェンタに帰属いたします。


Friday, April 11, 2014



Publisher Takayuki Takahashi

TEL: (02) 9909 0111 FAX: (02) 9909 0888


02 - 9250 - 1000




13 - 1450

相談電話(Crisis Centre)

*深刻な事態(家庭内暴力、精神的問題、アルコール中毒等) にある人を救 済します。

02 - 9358 - 6577

歯科緊急電話(Dental emergencies)

02 - 9211 - 2224

毒物情報(Poisons Information)

13 - 1126


薬(Pharmacy) *夜間どこの薬局が現在営業しているか等を教えてくれます(24H対応) 。


*命に関わる問題、精神的問題等について電話または直接のカウンセリング が可能です。

02 - 9467 - 7100 13 - 1114


Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014


Friday, April 11, 2014



グループ A ① オーストラリア ② 韓国 ③ オマーン ④ クウェート

グループB ① ウズベキスタン ② サウジアラビア ③ 中国 ④ 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国

グループ C ① イラン ② アラブ首長国連邦 ③ カタール ④ バーレーン


対AFCチャレンジカップ2014勝者 at Newcastle Stadium


対イラク at Brisbane Stadium


対ヨルダン at Melbourne Rectangular Stadium

グループ D ① 日本 ② ヨルダン ③ イラク ④ AFCチャレンジカップ2014勝者 (5月30日に決定)


Friday, April 11, 2014

News in Australia

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Friday, April 11, 2014



Friday, April 11, 2014






Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.