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Friday, August 9, 2013

News Photos From Japan




Friday, August 9, 2013

Taste of Japan

Further information You can obtain all information you need on travelling to Japan on the JNTO website at

Alternatively, visit JNTO Sydney Office self-service Room at Suite 1, Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (About a one minute walk from Wynyard station) Opening Hours: 9:00 - 17:00(Monday - Friday)



Friday, August 9, 2013

News About Japan

Wine & Cheese

News About Japan

Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013

News About Japan

News About Japan

Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013

Yellow Pages・Money & Tax Talk・TV Program about Japan


A good business plan starts off with you having a good look at your business. This includes looking at where you started from, where you are now, and where you want to be in the future. What is your market and how are you positioned in that market? You should also consider your unique selling proposition. Why do customers come to you and what makes you different from your competitors? It is helpful at this stage to do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).

2014. This goal is specific, you can measure whether you achieve it, and it has a time limit on it. Once you have set your goals the next stage is to document specifically how you will achieve them. If your goal is to increase sales or the number of customers what will you do to get those sales or those customers? At this stage you need to develop a marketing plan. You need to consider where your good customers have come from in the past and develop your plan around this. ・ Photo : Kai Japanese Restaurant Writing : Ann Nazdo

ften the start of the new financial year is the time that business owners look at their business plans. It is important that all businesses have a business plan as this is a key document that will assist in achieving business success. It will set out your goals and objectives as well as documenting how you will achieve them.

Japanese Restaurant

Kai Sydney

Money & Tax Talk

Another part of your plan needs to be the development of a budget and a cash flow projection. This should be at least on a monthly basis for the next twelve months. It is essential that once you have these prepared that you compare your actual results with your budgeted results to see how you are going.

Once your plan has been documented it is important that you look at it regularly as your business may change. This you keep Shop will is athelp the end of the alley inwill Theallow Grove you to (upper left) The shoga-yaki (stir-fry with ginger) has a richlyWhen infusedconsidering sauce and perfectly tender springy meat track of your progress and where youyet want to be in($14.50). (upper right) The ten-don, with its crispy andyou sauce-infused with mini-udon make changes to your strategy if things are not thebatter future need to rice, set comes your future goals.($13.50). (lower left) Connoisseurs will be Your unable goals to resistshould the generous portions of They the salmon set ($20.50). working out like you had planned. be SMART. should (lower right) You will be surprised at the size of the tonkatsu (battered pork) set ($14.50). be specific, measurable, achievable, We have a number of tools to assist relevant, and time bound. For example, if your goal is to “grow your business” this is business owners in preparing a business plan. not SMART. A better goal would be to If you would like further information on setting increase sales by $250,000 by 30 June out a plan for your business please contact us.

Affordable, chef-quality lunch at a newly refurbished restaurant Enjoy authentic Japanese to your heart's content Neutral Bay is the ultimate place to go if you are craving Japanese food, from traditional noodles or rice dishes to Westernstyle Japanese. You are sure to find most types of Japanese cuisine in Neutral Bay, with plenty of restaurants and take-away stores. In such a competitive battlefield, Kai reopened in February this year with a new slogan, "The restaurant with the authentic chef", and a renewed affordable and quality lunch menu. Kai has a reputation for an uncompromised authentic taste and a desire to bring real Japanese food not only to the Neutral Bay, but eventually to Sydney as well. While this attitude has not changed, their lunch menu has reappeared in a new form that will keep both customers' stomachs and wallets happy! The must-try recommendation has to be the range of donburi (authentic dishes of meat, fish or vegetables over rice) starting from $13.50. Served with a mini-udon, the size of each meal is certainly satisfying. This satisfaction is then followed by the pleasant, nostalgic harmony of carefully selected ingredients and the blend of rice and sauce, which is said to be the foundation of donburi. The fried food is crisp and the cooked meats are very tender, allowing your chopsticks to cut through without any

difficulty. The mini-udon is the ideal and essential match for the main dish. Japanese authenticity can also be created with just bowl of rice and miso soup to accompany the main dish. Pork sh_ga-yaki (stir fry with ginger) is the representative dish and can often be hard to find outside Japan. The pork is fried with onions and chives, mixed with sauce, cut into bite-size pieces and served with rice. Surprisingly, $14.50 includes a tsukidashi (small appetiser) and a chawanmushi (egg custard). It definitely feels like you've been looked after. If you are really indecisive, and just want everything from the overwhelming menu, there is "Kai Special Lunch Set" at $29.50. It's a parade of Kai's classic quality meals, enough to fill anyone at a reasonable price. There are also sushi/sashimi Sets, which makes the decision over lunch just a little more difficult! Driven to continue providing genuine Japanese cuisine, Kai is also introducing dinner course meals from midSeptember. You will be pleasantly surprised that a five-course meal includes an entr_e and a main selection from three different combinations at only $55 per person. Whether it's a filling lunch or an awesome dinner you are hoping for, Neutral Bay is the place to be, day or night.


Proactive Business Advice 02 9411 3598

The Kai special lunch set is a parade of classic, quality Japanese cuisine ($29.50).

The harmony of the sauce with the tenderness of the beef in the Wagyu-don is just mouth-watering ($17.50).

Kai Sydney Address: The Grove,Shop 13,    166-174 Military Rd, Neutral Bay Phone: 02 9908 7045 Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday (lunch) 12:00pm∼2:00pm Tuesday - Sunday (dinner) 6:00pm∼10:00pm BYO: Fully licensed & BYO (wine only) Accepted cards: EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and other major cards

The chicken katsu-don's combination of batter, sauce and egg emphasises the traditional taste of Japan ($13.50).

Friday, August 9, 2013


TEL:(02) 9247-4554 電話を まずはお


Level 4, 58 Pitt St., Sydney




Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013


コラム 生活 【共同通信社】


Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013


Friday, August 9, 2013





HPV ワクチン   ヒ ト 乳 頭 腫 ウ イ ル ス(Human papilloma virus, HPV)に は100種 類以上の亜型があり、そのうちの40種 類以上は肛門性器部に感染するタイプ です。その中でも約15種類は発癌性の あるウイルスです。   オーストラリアで開 発され たHPV ワクチン(Gardasil)は発癌性の強い HPVのタイプ2種類(16と18型)と生 殖器のイボをよくおこすタイプ2種類 (6と11型)をターゲットにしたワクチ ンです。  このワクチンには4つの亜型だけ含 まれています。これで大半の起因ウイ ルスがカバーされますが、もし99%の HPV感染をカバーしようとしたらあと 20種類以上の亜型が含まれなければな りません。  Gardasilに 対 し て、Cervarixと い うワクチンもありますが、このワクチ ンにはHPV16と18型しか含まれてい ま せ ん。 オ ー スト ラ リ ア の 学 校 集 団 接 種 で 使 わ れ て い る の はGardasilで す。 イ ギ リ ス な ど で は 主 に Cervarixが使 用されている ようです。どちらのワクチン もよくおこる副作用とその頻 度はほぼ同じのようです。

◆HPV 感染の発生率  HPV はほとんどの場合が 性交によって感染する病気で す。ごくまれに母子間で出産 時にうつることや、間接的に媒介物を とおして感染することもあります。  性交の経験のある女性の70%は一生 を通して最低1種類のHPVに感染した ことがあるはずです。生殖器のイボで したら気づきますが、子宮頸部におこ る感染でしたらわかりません。子宮癌 検査(PAP smear)をしたときに検査 レポートにHPVが見られたり、CINの 変化がおこっていたりして感染に気づ くこともよくあります。  一番感染率が高いのは新しいパート ナーと性交渉を始めた時期です。年齢 的にも10代 後 半から30才 前 後までが 一 番HPV感 染 のよくおこる年 齢 層 で す。性パートナーが変わるごとに感染 リスクは高くなります。  もちろん性交渉でうつるわけですか

ら男性にも感染します。男性の同性愛 患者のあいだで肛門癌の発生率が比較 的 高いのもHPV感 染と関 連していま す。  コンドームを使えば感染のリスクは 低くなりますが、100%防げるという ことではありません。



売ります ��������

◆副作用  危険な副作用(例えばひどいアレル ギー反応)はまれで、安全な予防接種 です。接種部位の痛み、腫れ、赤みな どが一番よくおこる副作用ですが、頻 度は 1% 以下です。   日 本 で 2009 年 か ら 2012 年 ま で の 3 年間で約 8 百万回の接種が行わ れましたが、副作用が報告されたのは 1968 件で、そのうち危険とみなされ るレ ポ ート は 106 件 で す。ア メリカ (Gardasil 使用)やイギリス(Cervarix 使用)でもすでに何百万の接種が行わ れていますが、やはり副作用の発症率 は同程度のようです。  “ 危 険 ” とされ る副 作用には体の痛み、てん かん、歩行困難、慢性疲 労症候群、ギランバレー 症候群、それに脳炎など がありますが、いずれも ごく希におこる現象で、 HPV の予防接種との因 果関係はまだ証明されて いません。  たまたま、発症した時期が予防接種 を受けた時期と重なったということも 充分に考えられます。従って日本の厚 生省はさらに調査をしている段階なの で、この予防接種の “ 推奨 ” は取り 下げているようですが、この注射を禁 止したわけではありません。オースト ラリアも含めてアメリカやイギリスな どでは集団接種は続けています。副作 用のリスクよりもワクチンをすること のメリットの方が大きいからです。

投稿頂いた内容は、全て ジェンタに帰属いたします。






Friday, August 9, 2013



Margaret River

Publisher Takayuki Takahashi

TEL: (02) 9909 0111 FAX: (02) 9909 0888

TEL: 02 9261 0479 Suite 305, L3, 332 Pitt St, Sydney

TAB看板が目印の 「FURTUNA HOUSE」 ビルの3Fです


TEL: 02 9908 4110 Shop 3, 99 Military Rd, Neutral Bay

$2 OFF

初回ご利用のお客様に限らせていただきます 無料で会員証をお作りします 有効期限 : 2013年 8月末日

TEL: 02 9411 2256 226 Victoria Ave., Chatswood

TEL: 02 9279 3990 フィリピン航空ビル1st Floor, 49 York St, Sydney


Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013

News in Australia

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イチオシ Pick Up・書籍ランキング

Friday, August 9, 2013



Friday, August 9, 2013








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