Social Media Layout

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As we’ve all learned by now, the only constant in life is change. While we sometimes try to resist its pull, it often finds a way to consume us. For this generation, social media is one of the biggest changes we’ve watched unfold. In middle school, we made MySpace pages. In high school, we made Facebook walls. In college, we made Twitter accounts. While many of us still rely on at least one of these sites to give us our social media fix, dozens of new sites are emerging. Lately, one of the biggest changes has been that sites are now geared toward visuals as opposed to text. A limited amount of characters can get pretty old, which may be why visuals are taking their place. We’ve gone from writing about our interests on Facebook to revealing them on Pinterest or taking pictures and uploading them to Instagram or Flickr.


TREND SO A BOOK WITH PICTURES IS MORE ENTERTAINING than a book with just words. As children, we were more excited to read when it was a book with colors and pictures. As we grew up, the pictures disappeared and so did most of our interest. Pictures will always be a more creative and intriguing form of communication!

POPULAR?{ CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE IS MORE EXCITING when you make the initial connection through visualizing that you both have the same interests. Sites like Tumblr and Pinterest makes it easier for you to connect with people when you can see their interests and relate with them through images. INCREASINGLY, FACEBOOK AND TWITTER USERS are using pictures to share photos with friends and family. Visuals are a way for people to keep up with each other’s lives.

VISUALS ARE A GREAT WAY FOR BUSINESSES to promote products. These products can spark our interests and become good gift giving ideas or good gift ideas for ourselves! WHILE TWITTER, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE+ and similar networking sites can be used for fun, many employers are making it a priority to use them for hiring decisions. With Tumblr and Pinterest, you can have an escape from corporate America to express yourself freely without the pressure of someone analyzing your every post.

1 August 29, 2011


THOUSAND WORDS... PROFILE: Tu m b l r LAURIE ASAVA Studying Hospitality Business; junior

I absolutely love lighthouses. In Michigan alone there are 116 lighthouses scattered through out the coast and I have made it my goal to visit every one during my lifetime. Originally lighthouses were built for a practical use of leading ships safely around the harbor but what many people don’t realize is that each lighthouse is located at only the most beautiful spots on the lake. With every lighthouse I see, I also see a beautiful spot in Michigan that I never knew existed. So with nine lighthouses down and about 109 to go, I started a Tumblr to keep track of my adventures. On my Tumblr I post the photos of every lighthouse I visit and I cross off another lighthouse on the list. My Tumblr is like my own personal blog where I can change the colors, backgrounds and fonts, sort of like a virtual scrapbook. It is a creative and easy way to keep track of all of my life adventures.

Check out Laurie’s Tumblr:

2 August 29, 2011

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.