Social Influence Marketing

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Jenna Reverchon

Question 1. In YOUR own words, what is the difference between traditional word-­‐of-­‐mouth marketing and Influence Marketing? The difference between traditional word-­‐of-­‐mouth marketing and Influence marketing is that you focus on a small group of people who are not obviously from your segment but who can have an influence on your target market. Traditional marketing defines a part of the market which they call a segment and they focus on them, they are the target; however, with social influence marketing, people do not talk anymore about segmentation but they are looking for influencers who will talk about their brands and who can have an impact on the population so that they will gain customers. The difference between traditional marketing and influence marketing is that nowadays, customers choose their brands and not the contrary, as it was before. Today, brands need to focus on communities. Question 2. Post a link to the article you read, in addition to the Slideshare. Highlight the key quote. How did the article expand your understanding of the assigned presentation? Support -­‐ contradict? Please be specific. Article by David Friedman: “The six ‘C’s of social influence marketing”: Key quotes from the article: In less than two years, social networking has transformed the way we communicate. It isn't easy to join the communities that your customers have formed. 1. Content Content is a key factor in a consumer's decision to interact with a brand. Content that their "friends" would be proud to display, share, or support. 2. Customization It can add a significant dimension to a brand among a community of influencers. The customization of content and the dialogue is up to the consumer. 3. Community The adage "build it and they will come" is not applicable here. • Give users a reason to interact with your brand • Let your content travel • Consider adding social networking experiences on your site 4. Conversation Brands can tap into positive buzz Brands must also accept the negative conversation 5. Commerce Brands can gain a return on their investment beyond customer relationship building or branding. 6. Commitment Make a commitment to building a presence To keep their communities engaged

This article helped me to understand that there are different steps to consider in the process of social influence marketing. Brands cannot declare themselves as making social influence marketing just because they are part of a community and because they communicate with their “target”. The presentation gives some tools and examples to explain social influence marketing but the article gives a process to apply it. The article supports the presentation because both of the authors claims that it is a new trend and that nowadays, you cannot remain a marketer by marketing in an old way. People need novelty and overall they need to take decisions and to feel that they are important to the brand. Question 3. What is the relationship between communities and your social brand -­‐ give your insights for Slide 23.

The relationship between communities and your social brand is that you should consider your community first. Marketers usually put the brand first because they want to sell their products but in social influence marketing, if you do not put your community first, they will wonder why you have chosen to become part of a community. The brand has to listen to consumers’ needs and the community is here to make it happen. Being a social brand means that you are available for your customers – your community.

Question 4. What is the relationship between Klout scores and Influence Marketing? Is a Klout score meaningful? Klout scores help a brand to measure its reputation on the web but also your influence online and Influence marketing is all a brand can do to get people in a community of interest in order to influence their brand. The relationship between Klout scores and influence marketing is that when you get influencers, they talk about your brand and they increase your brand reputation on the Web; then your Klout score can increase as well. Klout score can be meaningful if you give content and not just because people talk about you. It is more about what people say about you and how they can influence your brand reputation. Question 5. Choose one of the two hotels below: • Create a SIM action plan • Clearly state your objectives • Select at least 3 Social Media as tactics (no points for Facebook) • Show how the selected Social Media have synergies • Explain why you selected these specific media • How will you measure the results of the Influence Marketing Hotel 1 -­‐ Aloft Brussels Hotel 2 -­‐ Missoni Choice of the Hotel: Missoni Social Influence Marketing Action Plan: • The goal is to attract more clients in the hotel in Kuwait because they are well known for their hotel in Edinburgh but not really in Kuwait as they opened recently.

Trip advisor only gives reviews about the hotel in Edinburgh but not about the one in Kuwait. The search engine Google also gives information about Edinburgh and very few of Kuwait. Social media: twitter, youtube, foursquare

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