What Is The Empower Network

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==== ==== Free tips on traffic generation, never release to anyone, if you are in my Team, join me here: http://www.empowernetwork.com/join.php?id=jhans ==== ====

If you have not heard of the Empower Network by now you have probably been hiding your head in the sand for the past few months. You may be wondering what it is and why there is so much "buzz" around the internet about the Empower Network. Empower Network vs. Your Own Personal Blog If you have ever tried setting up your own blog then you probably know how frustrating and timeconsuming it can be trying to get everything just right. It can be enough to drive a person crazy, figuring out how to install WordPress, choosing the right theme and layout for your blog, designing and uploading your header image, getting your opt-in box set up and positioned in the right place, finding and installing all the right plug-ins... And this is just the beginning. There are many other things you should do in order to set up your blog before you can start trying to drive traffic to it. Then you have to make sure it is optimized just right for the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing or else you will have no chance of even coming close to showing up on the search engines. Now you have the long, drawn-out process of trial and error adjusting and tweaking your blog to make it user-friendly and integrating it with the social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. If you want to sell anything on you site you will need to find products you can sell as an affiliate or create products of your own. As an affiliate you will probably only make a 20 to 50 percent commission on the products you sell and creating your own products can be very costly and timeconsuming. Once you decide on a product you will need to design a sales funnel around that product and now comes much more testing and tweaking to get it just right. This can also be a very time-consuming and costly process. Now that you have this all set up and ready to go, you need customers and without knowing exactly what you are doing you will have a hard time getting them. With the millions and millions of websites on the internet it can be like setting up a tanning salon in the middle of the Sahara. Of course, if you have plenty of money you can always just pay someone who knows what they are doing to handle all this for you. They could get it all set up and even drive traffic to your website for you. That would save you tons of time, headache and frustration but it might cost you your life savings and you will still have to go through the waiting process and trying to communicate to them exactly what you want.

Or, you could join the Empower Network and INSTANTLY have a search engine optimized, userfriendly, pre-tested and socially integrated blogging platform that the search engines love, with a built-in high converting sales funnel and products that you don't even have to create. And the best part is that you earn 100% COMMISSIONS any time someone buys any of these products. All you have to do is get people to the site and it handles the rest for you on autopilot. People are taken through the sales funnel and when they buy you get 100% commissions deposited instantly into your bank account. How much more simple can it get? In addition to this awesome system you also get access to the back office which has some amazing training material that will teach you everything you need to know in order to be very successful with the Empower Network. Many people have already built up a very large and substantial income in just a few short months with the Empower Network and you can also get started for only $25 per month. So... without really doing any work you can get this fantastic blog that sucks people in, sends them through a high converting sales funnel and when they buy you get 100% of the money instantly deposited into your bank account. For more information about Empower Network and to learn how you can get started earning 100% commissions follow the link below.

Learn More About Empower Network

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Kelsch

==== ==== Free tips on traffic generation, never release to anyone, if you are in my Team, join me here: http://www.empowernetwork.com/join.php?id=jhans ==== ====

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