The 2016 PhilaUrbSem FAQ

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Live.Teach.Learn In the City!

Click here to Pre­Register.



A 3-Credit Course Offered By the Department of Curriculm & Instruction and Penn State Outreach

Go Where? Live with students from all


over the state (and the world) for 2­weeks. Stay in Philadelphia, on La Salle University's campus.

Do What?

Observe and Assist Philadelphia Public School Teachers In:


Early Childhood Classrooms Elementary Classrooms Middle Classrooms Secondary Classrooms Placements for all subject areas & developmental levels available.


Learn anti­racist, anti­sexist, anti­ ableist pedagogy and practice for 21st century schools & society.

When? SUNDAY, MAY 22­

Cl i Pr ck h e­ Re ere gis to ter .




Read the next section to find out how to financially prepare for this 3-credit course.

1. How much does this course cost? This is a 3­credit course. Regular tuition rates apply. You will be billed by the Bursar’s Office for enrollment in a 3­credit course, approximately two to four weeks before the beginning of the course. For Pennsylvania residents, tuition is about $691 per credit; so, the total tuition cost for this 3­credit course is estimated at about $2,073. For non­ Pennsylvania residents, tuition is about $1,267 per credit; so, the total tuition cost for this 3­credit course is estimated to be about $3,801. If you have any questions about tuition or financial aid, please contact the Bursar’s Office. To calculate your costs for this 3­credit course visit this page and use the PSU Tuition Calculator:

PSU Tuition Calculator Click the words "PSU Tuition Calculator" to visit the site where you can calculate the cost of your tuition for this course. A non­refundable $400 course fee is also required. This fee must be paid in addition to tuition. The $400 course fee covers transportation to and from Philadelphia, course reading materials, entrance fees to mandatory civic excursions and community service experiences, lodging + six dinners at La Salle University, our host university, and a course t­shirt. This course fee will be due at the Mandatory Pre­ Orientation (see question #4), in the form of a money order, cashier’s check, or personal check made out to the Pennsylvania State University; please make a notation for “2016 Philadelphia Urban Seminar course fee” on the money order or check. This fee is non­refundable, so you may not be able to recover this cost after submitting the fee at the Mandatory Pre­Orientation. Finally, students will be responsible for incidental costs. You can expect to spend $150­$200 on these extra costs. The course fee does not cover all meals, so you will be responsible for the cost of all breakfasts, all lunches (which you may eat at your designated school site), and several dinners; we will take trips to the local grocery store and/or Target to purchase food during the seminar (see “Living and Dining Arrangements” for details). During free time on the weekend, students may also choose to spend money on fun activities around the city (which may include the cost of transportation, admission prices/tickets, food, or souvenirs).

Full Registration = Payment of Tuition + Course Fee

2. Who is eligible to participate in the Philadelphia Urban Seminar? This course is open to any Penn State student (on any Penn State campus) in good standing with the university. While the course is recommended for students in education­related majors, students in any major are welcome. If you have questions about whether this course will fulfill requirements for your major, please contact your academic adviser. All students MUST pay tuition and the mandatory course fee (see question #1) and submit all three required clearances (see question #3) by the stated deadlines in order to be fully registered and eligible to complete the course. 3. What clearances/background checks are required? Students must successfully submit all three official clearances (Pennsylvania State Police, Child Abuse and FBI clearances) by March 30, 2016. Clearances must be submitted to Pauli Badenhorst, who is the Teaching Assistant in charge of clearances, NOT to the Professor­in­Charge. You will receive an email from this TA before Mandatory Pre­Orientation. Contact Pauli Badenhorst ( for more information about clearances. 4. What is the Mandatory Pre­Orientation? The Mandatory Pre­Orientation is an informational session that you must attend in order to complete registration for this course. It will be held in April 2016 on the University Park campus; pre­registered students will receive further details with the exact date, time, and location, by email. At the Mandatory Pre­Orientation you will learn more details about the course’s required assignments and methods of assessment, schedule of mandatory and elective activities, expectations for participation/behavior, and other important information. You will also have the opportunity to meet the Professor­In­Charge, Teaching Assistants, and other participants, as well as ask questions about the course. Prior to the pre­orientation, you must read this document thoroughly, sign the last page (“Acknowledgement of Review”), and bring it, as confirmation of agreement and understanding, to the Professor­in­Charge 5. What is the Mandatory Survey? The Mandatory Survey is an electronic survey that will help the Professor­In­Charge and the Teaching Assistants gather important information to make arrangements for the course. You will receive the link to this survey via email in March or April, and you must complete the survey by the date noted in the email.

6. What are the deadlines for completing enrollment/ registration requirements? Complete Pre­registration (via the online Google form) by or before March 30, 2016 Obtain mandatory clearances and submit to Pauli Badenhorst ( by or before March 30 Pay the mandatory, non­refundable $400 course fee at the Mandatory Pre­ Orientation in April Attend the Mandatory Pre­Orientation in April • Bring medical insurance information – physician’s name, address, phone number; name of plan and client number; emergency contact’s name, mailing address, email address, home and cellular number • Sign the final page of this FAQ document and bring it to the Mandatory Pre­ Orientation • Complete additional paperwork as necessary during the Mandatory Pre­ Orientation Complete the Mandatory Survey by the date noted in the email sent to pre­ registered students Pay the 3­credit tuition via the Bursar’s charge to your Penn State account

Pre-register for The Philadelphia Urban Seminar Now. Click the term "Pre­ register" to sign up for this course.


Read the next section to find out the organization of this 3credit course.

Where? Wh o? When?

7. When is the Philadelphia Urban Seminar? The 2016 Philadelphia Urban Seminar will take place from Sunday, May 22 through Saturday, June 4, 2016 (these are tentative dates). Please note that readings will be shared approximately one month before the course begins. Some assignments are due approximately one week prior to the start of course. The Final Assignment is due approximately one week after the last day of the class. These assignments are noted on the syllabus and will be reviewed during the 2016 Mandatory Pre­Orientation. 8. Who teaches the course? Dr. Jeanine Staples is the Professor­in­Charge (PIC). Students will have regular access to the PIC during class sessions and other course activities. In addition, there are several Teaching Assistants (TAs), who are graduate students, recent graduates, and/or department instructors. Students will have constant access to the TAs, who will live in the same residence halls as the students. Each TA will be assigned to a small group of students, though students will have the opportunity to work with different TAs, and Dr. Staples, throughout the course.

To learn more about Dr. Staples, check out her 2014 TEDxPSU talk by clicking here.

To learn more about graduate TAs and former students, click here.

9. How many people will participate in the seminar from Penn State? How many will participate from other universities? About 50 students from Penn State will participate in the seminar this year. In addition, there will be one Professor­in­Charge (PIC) and several Teaching Assistants (TAs) from Penn State. Approximately 200­250 students, PICs and TAs from other universities across Pennsylvania, and three European countries will also participate in the Philadelphia Urban Seminar. These participants (including Penn State) make up the Consortium of participating universities. All Consortium members will participate in large­ group sessions, but not in small­group, Penn State­only sessions (see “Schedule during the Urban Seminar”). 10. My parent/guardian wants to talk to someone about the Philadelphia Urban Seminar. Who may he or she speak to? Your parent or guardian may speak to you about the course. You will have all the information you need, as an adult, to manage your affairs during this course. Neither the Professor­in­Charge nor any TA will speak to a parent or guardian regarding any aspect of this course via telephone, email, or in person. Students registered for this seminar are prohibited from providing parents or guardians with PIC or TA personal contact information. However, every registered student will be asked to provide emergency contact information so that, in the unlikely event of a mishap or emergency, the PIC or a TA can contact your parent/guardian or other designated person.

To Begin Securing The Three Mandatory Clearances for this Course, Click Here! DON'T WAIT! Securing the three mandatory clearances can take 6 weeks. Clearances are due March 30.


Read the next section to find out the requirements of this 3-credit course.

Speaking Listening Writing




11. How many credits will I earn for successful participation in the Philadelphia Urban Seminar? The Philadelphia Urban Seminar (CI 295D/A) is a 3­credit course. 12. I heard this course is pass/fail. Is that true? What kinds of assignments are required? The seminar is not pass/fail. Every student will earn a letter grade for this 3­credit course. There are various types of mandatory assignments for this course. Past assignments have included several 2­page analytic papers (on the extensive course readings and/or practicum sites). Other assignments have included digital videos summarizing, critiquing, and articulating application of theories and methods covered in the course, quizzes, and creative performances. This year's assignments will be in line with these options. The PIC reserves the right to expound upon or alter these options to advance the developmental level of the cohort. 13. I am a sophomore and I want to be accepted to the major by the time the course takes place. How do I do that? Entrance to Major (ETM) decisions made in March will be noted as provisional. That means, if you are a sophomore in the Spring 2016 semester, you will be conditionally accepted to the major based on successful completion of the 2016 Philadelphia Urban Seminar. If you have additional questions about the requirements for your major, please contact your academic adviser. 14. Does successful participation in the Philadelphia Urban Seminar mean that I do not have to complete elsewhere the 40 hours of work experience required for the Secondary Education major? Yes. After successful participation in the seminar, students may count the community service, and civic and social experiences they participate in toward 40 hours of mandated work experience (i.e. the diversity requirement). “Successful participation” is left to the discretion of the Professor­in­Charge (PIC). If you have additional questions about the requirements for your major, please contact your academic adviser.


Read the next section to find out the general schedule of this 3-credit course.

15. What is a typical day like during this course? What will I be doing during the Philadelphia Urban Seminar? You will spend most weekdays at your practicum site. Students spend all day in schools (from approximately 7:30AM to 3:00PM). After school, you will picked up by a designated driver and return to La Salle University (our host campus). Once at La Salle, you will attend Large Group Session (with all participants of the Consortium). After Large Group, all Consortium members eat dinner together. Once dinner has concluded, students will attend Small Group, every day of the week from approximately 6:00PM until 9:30PM. (Small Group is a Penn State Only Class Session). On the weekend and on the weekdays when you do not report to your practicum site (including Memorial Day), you will be required participate in other course activities in addition to Small Group. After these commitments, students must find the time to complete readings and assignments. You will have a limited amount of free time to enjoy Philadelphia. Students are expected to be on time and attend all regularly scheduled course experiences (including practicum attendance, attendance and participation at all scheduled class sessions, community service, and civic/social/cultural experiences noted in the syllabus and emails from the PIC). 16. Are the days spent in the seminar long? Yes. The course is a big commitment. Remember this important fact: the 2016 Philadelphia Urban Seminar is a full course that takes place in about two weeks. As a result, most days spent in the seminar last about 18 hours. The days are long and somewhat taxing…yet fun, very invigorating, and informative! 17. Am I required to attend evening classes during the seminar? What are the expectations for evening class sessions? Yes, attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. There are two types of class sessions: 1) “Large Group” sessions (with participants from Penn State and other universities, i.e. the Consortium) and 2) “Small Group/Penn State­Only” sessions. Large­group sessions are mandatory professional development sessions on various aspects of urban education. They are often led by invited guest speakers. Small­group sessions are mandatory class sessions where we will discuss your practicum experiences, analyze readings, go over assignments, and participate in structured activities that will help you to grasp and apply difficult pedagogical concepts; these sessions are led by the PIC, with TAs working with students in clusters. Students are expected to: • Attend and actively participate in all Small and Large Group Sessions • Be familiar with all assigned course readings (which will be distributed via ANGEL or Canvas about one month prior to the start of the course) • Discuss practicum experiences • Complete all assignments by the stated due date (*NOTE: Some assignments are due approximately one week prior to the first day of class and final assignments are due approximately one week after the last day of the class. These assignments are noted on the syllabus and will be reviewed during the 2016 Mandatory Pre­Orientation.)

18. Where will I be placed in for my practicum? Can I request a specific placement? Students are placed in an early childhood, kindergarten, elementary, middle, or secondary school for the practicum portion of the seminar. Sites may be secured in any of the Philadelphia Public Schools, including traditional public schools or charter schools. Placement requests are taken about one month in advance of the course via the 2016 Mandatory Survey. While there are no guarantees that all requests will be honored, they are taken into consideration when planning and usually met. 19. What will I do during at my practicum site? Students’ practicum experiences depend on the needs and preferences of the classroom teacher they are assigned to assist. Common experiences include student observations, assistance with teaching/learning activities, grading, curriculum review/inventory, IEP planning meetings, tutoring, class trips, and other school­based activities. Students are NOT expected to lead lessons during practicum, and will be supervised by their assigned classroom teacher. Students may or may not be visited by the Professor­in­Charge (PIC) and/or TAs while in placements. However, students may request a practicum visit and observation from any member of the Teaching Team, at any time. 20. What happens on the weekend during the seminar? On the weekend, between the two regular workweeks (May 28­29), there are some required activities and a limited amount of free time. Students are required to complete assigned community service activities, which may include planting flowers and trees, cleaning up school grounds and neighborhood parks, painting walls that need refreshing, assembling grocery bags for the homeless, picking up litter in school playgrounds, etc. There are also required social/cultural activities, which may include a Puerto Rican­ American heritage festival, trips to Philadelphia museums, salsa dancing lessons in Germantown, or tours of South Street and other famous attractions. Attendance and participation are required at all events related to community service, civic/cultural awareness, and academic development. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate course rules may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course.

21. Are we allowed to venture out into Philadelphia alone during the seminar? Students will have limited free time during the seminar. Students may explore the city but are encouraged to do so with a trusted friend, or group of friends, when they venture out. Students will be required to notify a TA of their whereabouts during any long period of time (2 or more hours) away from the LaSalle University residence hall. Students will be required to sign an official PSU Code of Conduct Form prior to departure to Philadelphia, in addition to an emergency contact form. These forms outline expectations for conduct and consequences associated with undesirable or unpermitted conduct. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate course rules may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course. 22. Will we have chaperones when not in class or a required course activity? No. However, students will have regular access to the Professor­in­Charge (PIC) and constant access to the Teaching Assistants. When students have free time they are expected to carry themselves as mature adults and representatives of the Pennsylvania State University. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate course rules and codes of conduct may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course. 23. May we celebrate the Memorial Day Holiday on our own or with family and friends? No. On Memorial Day, students are required to participate in course activities with the other participants in the seminar. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate course rules and codes of conduct may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course.



Read the next section to find out about accommodations and travel for this 3-credit course.

24. How do we get to Philadelphia and back? Can I arrange my own transportation? The Penn State Teaching Team will provide transportation from the University Park campus (via the Nittany Lion Inn, as meeting place) to LaSalle University in Philadelphia (at 1900 Olney Avenue). Transportation will depart the morning of Sunday, May 22 (the time will be determined and shared at the Mandatory Pre­Orientation). The Penn State Teaching Team will provide return transportation from Philadelphia back to the University Park campus the morning of Saturday, June 4. Each leg of the trip will take approximately 4 hours, which includes one stop. Timing depends on traffic. Alternatively, students may arrange their own transportation to and/or from Philadelphia. Students will be required to notify the Teaching Team of their travel plans via the 2016 Mandatory Survey. If a student chooses to arrive in, or depart from, Philadelphia by bus, train or flight, note that neither the Professor­in­Charge (PIC) nor any Teaching Assistant shall be responsible for transporting students from any bus, train station, or airport to our meeting locations. This rule applies to both the beginning and end of the course. There are no exceptions to this rule. 25. Where will I live during the seminar? What are the residence halls like? Do we have roommates? Students will live in LaSalle University residence halls. There will most likely be two students per room or more to a suite, and roommates will be pre­assigned. There are common bathrooms on each floor and common lounge areas. You will have access to a refrigerator and microwave, as well as coin­operated laundry. Residence hall floors may be same­gender assigned (for example, men on one floor and women on a separate floor). Transgender students should notify the PIC and/or TAs of residential life preferences. Couples of any sexual orientation or gender identity are not permitted to room together in the dorms. 26. Where will we eat our meals? Several dinners are provided by LaSalle University and included in the course registration fee (see question #1). For those dinners, students, TAs, and the PIC will eat in a cafeteria on the LaSalle University campus. Students are required to provide their own breakfasts and lunches. Non­perishable food items may be purchased during trips to Target® or the local grocery store. These items can be stored securely in residence hall rooms, which contain microwaves and refrigerators. In addition, students will have opportunities to eat at area restaurants during the seminar.

27. What are the rules in the residence halls? Smoke is not permitted in any LaSalle University residence hall (i.e. cigarette smoke, candle, or incense smoke). Illegal paraphernalia, such as drugs or alcohol, are not permitted within the residence hall or on campus. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate these rules may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course. 28. Do we have a curfew during the seminar? Yes. Unless specifically directed otherwise, you must be in your assigned residence hall room by 11:00 PM each weekday night. A weekend curfew may be extended to 1:00 AM; however, curfew extensions are not promised. TAs will check beds for attendance. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate course rules may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course. 29. What should I pack for the seminar? Students will be briefed on appropriate packing at the 2016 Mandatory Pre­ Orientation. In general, students should pack a very limited amount of professional clothes and supplies, as space in the Penn State vans is at a premium. Laundry facilities are available in the residence halls. In addition, students will be able to purchase food, personal supplies, and toiletries during trips to grocery stores and Target® during the seminar. So, there is no need to over­pack these items. 30. Will students have opportunities to shop for necessities (like snacks, toiletries, etc.) when needed?e bit of body text Yes. The TAs will plan periodic trips to Target® and the local grocery store (which is in walking distance from the residence hall) during the trip. Therefore, over packing such items is not at all necessary and should be avoided.

31. How will students be transported between school placements, LaSalle University, and the scheduled social/civic/service events? Penn State vans will be used for transportation to practicum sites and other course­ related activities. All registered students (including students from other universities) are placed with drivers who will transport them to and from the practicum sites each day; PSU students may or may not be placed with members of the PSU teaching team in a Penn State van. Penn State students are not permitted to drive themselves or anyone else to or from practicum sites or other required course activities. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate course rules may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course. 32. Are students permitted to drive their own vehicles during the Philadelphia Urban Seminar? Yes. Students are permitted to drive their own vehicles to/from Philadelphia; prior notice is required via completion of the forthcoming 2016 Mandatory Survey. You may use a personal vehicle during free time. However, even if you keep a car on the LaSalle University campus, you will be required to travel to the practicum site and other course activities, via PSU­sponsored vans only. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate these rules may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course. 33. I am from Philadelphia (or the surrounding area)/I have family that lives nearby. May I stay at home or with friends during the seminar? No. All students must stay in their assigned room within the LaSalle University residential hall during the entire seminar. This policy includes the Memorial Day holiday. There are no exceptions to this rule. Students who violate course rules may be dismissed from the seminar and, if so, will fail the course. 34. Is Philadelphia dangerous? Philadelphia is no more dangerous than any other major American city. Plenty of wonderful people live in Philadelphia and enjoy world­renowned educational, cultural, political, and social experiences. There are wide varieties of people to meet and many amazing places to see. It is reasonable and advisable to assume common safety procedures in any dynamic new place. Some of these include, but are not limited to, traveling in pairs or groups, keeping a functioning cell phone handy in case of emergencies, using a map or GPS to navigate unfamiliar neighborhoods or sites, and notifying the PIC or TAs of your whereabouts during free time.


The next page is your entrance ticket for the Mandatory Pre-Orientation.

Review of these FAQs indicates that the reader is fully informed and in total compliance with all regulations, rules, policies, practices, requirements, and expectations herein. “Review” is verified by the reader’s signature and email address below and noted on the Sign­ In Sheet at the 2016 Mandatory Pre­Orientation to the Philadelphia Urban Seminar.

IMPO RTAN T NO TE: S tuden ts wh NOT… o DO

Entrance Ticket for the 2016 Philadelphia Urban Seminar Mandatory PreOrientation

• Turn in this signed FAQ Review Page at the 2016 Mandatory Pre­Orientation • Attend the entire 2016 Mandatory Pre­Orientation • Sign all paperwork disseminated at the 2016 Mandatory Pre­ Orientation, produce all required emergency contact information (pertaining to family/guardianship/emergency contact and health care provider), and • Turn in the three mandatory clearances by or before March will NOT be eligible to participate in CI 295A/D: The 30, 2016…are NOT eligible to participate in CI 295A/D: The Philadelphia Urban Seminar. Philadelphia Urban Seminar.

There are no exceptions to this rule.

Student’s Name (PRINT): _____________________________________________ Student’s Name (SIGNATURE): _____________________________________________ Student's Email (PRINT): _____________________________________________ Today’s Date (PRINT): _____________________________________________

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