Trend bible: (non)sense

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Man vs Woman vs Machine The paradox of technology on loneliness. Can social care robots help young people to feel less lonely? Artificial Intelligence is a subject that is drenched in contrasts. Will it be good or evil? Male or female? It seems to divide people to think in opposites, and now, it has been linked with gender roles and stereotyping. The polarisation of machine learning is evident especially in the service industry, and the most common theme I came across in my research was the discussion about male and female values that are programmed into intelligent machines. AI can be a helpful tool for improvements, and since it learns from us, then why do we need to programme machines to think in the same male vs female mindset by attaching gender roles to AI?

Bias and stereotypes

Gendered AI

Technology is commonly known as a playground

If we look at the example of ‘Her’ a movie by

for men. Women hold just 16% of ICT specialist

Spike Jonze, it becomes apparent that the usage

roles in the EU, meaning that the majority of AI,

of Scarlett Johansson’s voice for the personal

in Europe alone, is being designed by men. This

servant can raise some eyebrows and draw

leaves room for a narrow-minded approach to

parallels with AI, women and the sex industry. It’s

design and causes gender bias in programming.

this type of stereotyping that women are here to

The characteristics of women, that are considered

serve men and need to act a certain way, that

stereotypical and offensive, are taught to our

causes upset. But if digital assistants are given

service bots and are accompanied by a seductive

female voices, it could also be because the

female voice as if to reference that women are

female voice is more helpful to listen to, whereas

more suited to serve. I read that “Part of the

a male voice is authoritative. If AI is being

problem with sexism in artificial intelligence

used by people who long for a connection and

appears to be that there aren’t enough women

communication, such as Theodore in ‘Her’, then

involved in its creation.” However, does it really

it makes sense that he is reaching out to someone

matter who programmes AI or whether it has male

of the opposite sex. Issues of portraying women

or female gender roles attached to it in the first

in the wrong way, in my opinion, have nothing to


do with it. If I, as a woman, would have my own digital assistant, it would probably be male and help me out with accounting tasks. That doesn’t 72

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