Crestwood Local Schools has many dedicated staff members committed to our students’ success. We strive to meet the needs of our students and will continue to work to get better every day.
This Quality Profile details our dedication, successes, and goals for improvement based on your feedback. In April 2022, the Crestwood Board of Education approved the new three-year Strategic Plan for the district. The plan includes eight goals: Communication; Culture, Climate, and Wellness; Facilities/ Infrastructure Safety and Security; Technology; Finances; Human Resources and Business Operations; Programming and Curriculum Development; and Board Relations. We will work toward attaining these goals.
I am proud of the efforts of both our students and staff, especially over the last three years of dealing with the pandemic. We will continue to grow as an organization from these experiences, and we appreciate your support in making Crestwood a great place for our students to learn and grow.
As always, it is a great day to be a Red Devil!
Dr. David Toth» CPS received a Hiram Community Trust grant to hold a Math Day to celebrate mathematicians.
» CPS received a Math Recovery Leader grant for $5,500 to further train staff in research-based math interventions.
» One Book, One School (OBOS) - CPS students learned about country singer Dolly Parton through our annual OBOS celebration. Each student received the book My Little Golden Book About Dolly Parton by Deborah Hopkinson and spent a week learning more about the Nashville star through a variety of writing, reading, music, art and math activities.This annual event culminated in our OBOS Family Night where CPS families got to experience seven different Dolly Parton themed stations.
» Crestwood 7-12 campus has been designated as a Class of 2022 Purple Star Award School.
» Crestwood 7-12 campus was recognized as a bronze award recipient for PBIS. CPS and CIS were recognized as Silver award recipients. The district also received recognition.
» Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award: Janice May and Susan McClure.
» CIS Ohio Wellness Grant - This initiative will continue within the CIS building. The CIS building was awarded a behavioral consultant through the
grant to support indirect services such as but not limited to mental health, behavioral health, and staff wellness. Crestwood will continue to work with Miami University, the State Support team and OSWI to continue to create a student assistance program.
» CIS was awarded an Ohio Middle Level Association (OMLA) grant to create more opportunities during recess for students to be involved in creating a more positive environment during this time frame. This $500 grant will increase student opportunities to work on teamwork and positive relationships. This will be created and developed by students.
» CPS first-grade teacher Jolene Reese received the Outstanding Mathematics Educator Award by the Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
» Two CIS students, Jeffery Hansen and Avryonna Barbee, were honored at the OMLA annual “Breakfast of Champions” event on May 11 for schools in Northeast Ohio.
» CHS inducted 13 students into the National Honor Society.
» CHS student Hannah Bainey represented the district at the HOBY conference this past summer.
» CHS student Keneth Stoots represented the district at the Buckeye Boys State Leadership conference this past summer.
• Crestwood Local Schools is dedicated to providing all-day, tuition-free kindergarten to all children to help them build a strong educational foundation.
• The district is Orton-Gillingham reading certified in grades PK-12. The district is Multi Sensory Math certified in grades PK-5.
• Crestwood Intermediate School researched and developed a STEM program. With an academic partnership with Sphero and KidSpark, CIS was able to order and procure necessary STEM supplies.
• Crestwood Intermediate School partnered with Defined Learning to develop grade level lessons that focused on a specific project that allowed students to not only focus on content standards but apply those standards through collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication.
• The district provides title services for math and reading in grades K-5.
• Crestwood Primary School’s Preschool Program received the Step Up To Quality 5 Star Award from the Ohio Department of Education.
• Crestwood Middle School students have opportunities to take high school credit courses. In the past, middle school students have taken French, Spanish, Algebra, Geometry, and PreEngineering.
• Four Crestwood Middle School students qualified for the regional Power of the Pen.
• Eighth-grade career classes create their own 2D video game (javascript) using www.code.org platform.
• One Book, One School continues to bring together our school community each year. “My Little Golden Book About Dolly Parton” was the book everyone read in the 2021-2022 school year.
• Career and technical skills leading to graduation, higher education and or employment are available through Maplewood Career Center.
• Crestwood High School now offers an American Experience Academy course focusing on the Ohio Frontier. The Academy is a fully integrated English, science and history class.
Our district’s academic program provides opportunities for all students to reach their full potential.
Student Chromebooks for academic instruction to ensure 21st century learning.
Class of 2022 scholarships.
CHS students taking one or more of the 3 Advanced Placement ® Courses or 12 Honors Courses offered.
Hours of College Credit earned by CHS students while still in high school
of 3rd-grade students met the 3rd grade reading guarantee.
was a Covid-19 exemption year, so the State of Ohio did not enforce retention.)
Average ACT score for all students who took the ACT during the 2021-22 school year (includes last year’s juniors and younger students seeking College Credit Plus admission)
Average ACT score for Class of 2022 students planning to enroll in college.
The 7-12 campus offers students opportunities to participate in art at all grade levels. There are 12 different high school art classes.
Crestwood students participated in a variety of art competitions: Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition, National Scholastic Art Competition, and the Crestwood High School Student Art Show. The following students received awards through Scholastic Art and Writing competition for 2021-2022 school year:
• Hayden Schultz received a Gold Key for his drawing Flower City
• Hannah Ward received a Silver Key for her photograph Giving Thanks
• Gianna Kalista received a Silver Key for her drawing Essence
• Sarah Maretka received an Honorable Mention for her photograph The Offering
• Isaiah Brisentine received an Honorable mention for his sculpture Fantasy Hand
• Emma Hopkins received two Honorable mentions for her photographs
• Ivana Quinn received an Honorable mention for her sculpture Mushroom Fairy House
High school art classes range from beginner to advanced within various mediums. Crestwood also offers traditional black and white film photography classes, utilizing the
darkroom. In the color photography classes students learn to use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, while developing their own photography business foundations.
Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, the district brought back the District Arts Show, which will now be an annual event.
The high school also has an Introduction to Graphic Design for middle school and high school students and an advanced Graphic Design in-house Internship Program that operates as a graphic design studio and print shop. The class has a 64” latex vinyl printer and cutter that is capable of printing a versatile range of high-quality, durable applications, an engraver, photo printer and T-shirt press. Students in this internship program learn to operate a small business while marketing their designs and products to the public. Sample projects include: large banners, window graphics, sports graphics, department sign graphics, senior and sports banners throughout the 7-12 campus and central offices and a and a large break-away banner made for youth football programs. The internship program also has their own website where their products can be ordered. The program is under the direction of Teresa Skully who has an extensive background in graphic design and marketing.
Annual evaluations occur for selected students to be identified as gifted in the visual arts in grades K-12.
Participation in performing and visual arts inspires students’ creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Student Internship is a course designed specifically for upperclassmen wanting a hands-on experience in a field of their choice. Currently, we have students who are grouped into a pre-professional track and another set of students interested more in the trades. The program was established last school year with 13 students in the 11th and 12th grades. In our second year, the program has grown to 22 total students. Most of our interns are
The fourth, fifth and sixth graders had their first concert in three years. The concert looked a little different this year. The fourth, fifth, and sixthgraders all sang together on the same stage in the old middle school gymnasium. The 6th-grade band had 40+ members and had three concerts showing great growth throughout the year.
The 7-12 Crestwood Vocal Program had an exciting year packed with concerts and OMEA contests. This year the students were able to perform a 7-12 Fall Festival, 7-12 Winter Concert with 7th/8th Grade
serving locally within the district at Crestwood Primary, Hiram College, Advanced Rehab and the Mantua Police Department to name a few. However, we also have students in neighboring communities such as Kent State University (Twinsburg), Giulitto Farms (Ravenna), Grantwood Golf Course (Solon) and Coldwell Banker (Streetsboro). These students are expressing interest in agriculture, excavating, maintenance and construction
Girls’ Choir, participate in OMEA Solo & Ensemble at Firestone High School, participate in OMEA Large Group Adjudicated Event, perform a 7th/8th grade Spring Concert with 7th/8th Grade Girls’ Choir, and complete their first full Pops Concert Experience, ‘Singing Through the Decades’ as the high school’s last performance of the year. The vocal program even performs for the community whenever possible, especially during the holiday seasons.
Students at the 7-12 campus are allowed to participate in the following:
• 7th/8th Grade Girls’ Choir
• 7th Grade Choir
• 8th Grade Choir
• Chamber Singers
as well as education, physical therapy, criminal justice, business and marketing. These interns spend two afternoons a week (6-8 hours) observing and working while learning the tasks and duties needed to be successful in their interested fields. At the end of the week, the students report back to class discussing the week’s events while chronicling their activities.
• OMEA Solo & Ensemble
• OMEA Large Group
• Annual Pops Concert
Due to the number of students interested in choir, the program has been growing immensely. Next year, we will be able to split the high school choir into two groups. The students continue to amaze High School Music and Choir Teacher Nicole Nero with their musical
Crestwood High Drama Club (CHDC) saw a revival like no other during the 2021-2022 school year. The students and new director, Cameron Crabtree, took on a huge challenge: revitalizing theater at CHS. Through many obstacles, this was a record breaking year for CHDC. The students were able to perform in their 2021 fall play “Night at the Wax Museum,” which captivated audiences and introduced tons of new faces to the stage. Another great achievement was our 2021 Winter One Acts, where the students were able to finally bring back a 15+ year tradition of up and close Blackbox Theatre. Then, to close out a successful run, our students put on the phenomenal Broadway classic musical, “Annie” in spring 2022. With record breaking numbers, this musical turned out to be one of CHDC’s greatest successes ever. With the great success of this year and incredible parent/guardian involvement and support, we hope to continue to grow our theater program, continue to entertain the public, and work to become true patrons of the arts.
Students and staff at Crestwood Local Schools are community minded. During the 2021-2022 school year, a variety of charitable collections took place including food drives, eyeglass donations, Giving Tree, book donations, Stuff the Bus, Thanksgiving baskets, and raising funds for 4C’s food pantry. The district also provides monetary and food donations to the Kids Weekend Meals Program which provides food for the weekend to participating families with students in grades PK-12.
The Crestwood Local Schools receive support from many community organizations and businesses, as well as Crestwood Primary School PTO, Crestwood Intermediate School PTO, Crestwood Middle School PTO, Alumni Association, Crestwood All Sports Booster Club and Band Boosters.
Crestwood Intermediate School partnered this year with students at Kent State University’s College of Education, Health and Human Services to connect teacher candidates with middle education level teachers. Each semester, CIS welcomed around 20 soon-to-be teachers into their halls and gave them hands-on classroom experience. In total, between fall 2021 and spring 2022, 40 Kent State students have had the chance to work with students in grades four and five.
The Safety Town program had more than 70 children attend this past summer. The district values our partnership with the Mantua and Hiram Fire Departments, Portage County APL, Deerfield Farms, Officer Amy from the Sheriff’s Department, and our music teacher, Jennifer Gilles, as well as the more than 30 parent volunteers that enjoyed helping and watching the students learn and grow. The community supports so many other events including:
The Crestwood Local School District student activities include a wide variety of athletic and extracurricular programs that foster fun, learning, and team building.
Body Safety Program
CIS Student Principal Advisory
CPS Music Explorers (Virtual Music Club in 20-21)
Culture Club
Destination Imagination
Drug Free/TI/STAND
Eighth Grade Hero Program
Eighth Grade Middle Honor Society
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Freshman Mentoring
Gay/Straight Alliance
Girls on the Run
Good News Club
Hiram College After School Literacy Club
International Club
Junior-Senior Seminar Service Learning Projects
Just Say No Club
Math 24 Club
Math Camp with Hiram College
National Honor Society
National Honor Society’s Fundraiser for Puerto Rico Rise Up
Power of the Pen
PTO Zoo Club
Science Club
Socktober Drive
Spelling Bee
Student Council
Town Hall II Drug Resistance Program
PBIS in all buildings provide incentives to encourage students to make positive behavior choices to “Care for School, Self and Others.” Incentives include but are not limited to Care Cards, Wonderful Wednesday Calls, Student of the Month, Student and Staff Shout Outs, and additional Student and Staff Recognition.
In 2021-2022 the Ohio PBIS Network and State Support Team Region 8 awarded Crestwood High School (CHS) with Bronze Recognition. Crestwood Primary School (CPS) and Crestwood Intermediate School (CIS) were awarded Silver Recognition. The district was one of only 16 districts to be recognized at the district level.
Crestwood Local Schools will be honored at the 2022 Ohio PBIS Showcase in December 2022.
• CMS and CHS students plan activities as well as integrate spirit throughout the year.
• The mentoring program allows upperclassmen to serve as role models to underclassmen. Freshman mentors meet regularly to analyze and assess how to best support the freshman at CHS and to help implement leadership skills, communication skills, and enhance self-esteem. Freshmen and their mentors meet monthly to work on projects, play games and build relationships, set goals for their futures and more. This group also hosts a freshman orientation day at the start of the school year, as well as a freshman retreat where students take a field trip off site to practice and learn some of the above skills from Crestwood’s amazing staff.
• The CHS Leadership and Community Engagement also supports PBIS. This course focuses on service to school, self, and the community. Students study the PBIS matrix developed by the PBIS team to help identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. This class also hosts several community events throughout the school year including Trunk or Treat, the Father Daughter Dance, and a huge retreat in the springtime for CHS where both staff and community members help teach and practice the characteristics required to be a strong leader.
• Students participated in activities such as Start with Hello week, Signs of Suicide, and Say Something Week.
• All preschool through eighth grade staff have been trained in PAX, a proven prevention that improves the peace, productivity, health and happiness of students.
• The PAX Good Behavior Game allows students to create and use a word-map of what they would see, hear, do, and feel more of and less of in a wonderful classroom, as well as strategies to support classroom management.
Gifted, Special Needs, English as Second Language, Health Services
• Gifted services adjust the pace of instruction to the student’s capabilities to provide an appropriate level of instruction. Staff continues to grow in the area of gifted through in-district professional development.
• The district provides services to students with 504 plans. A 504 plan provides instructional accommodations to assist students with disabilities in the general education curriculum.
• Special education is a specially designed instruction that equalizes the opportunity for students to be successful both academically and behaviorally in their least restrictive environment.
• English Language Learners (ELL) program helps students overcome cultural and language challenges.
• Nursing services are offered at all buildings.
Crestwood Intermediate School has many teachers and staff belonging to professional academic organizations for ongoing growth. The building has developed a partnership with the Ohio Middle Level Association (OMLA) to receive support and professional development. CIS teachers and administrators presented at their statewide conference about extending student creativity and developing leaders.
Individual teachers from all of our buildings belong to many organizations including but not limited to the International Literacy Association, Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, American School Counselor Association, and many other associations.
Grants received include:
• $2,200 grant from the Hiram Trust to provide a Math Day for CPS students (students will receive t-shirts, pencils, and a math game to take home for families)
• $6,500 grant for Math Recovery professional development
• Football - Chagrin Valley ConferenceValley Division
• Softball - Chagrin Valley ConferenceValley Division
• Louis Blasiole: FootballAll-Ohio Honorable Mention
• Ethan Strahan: Football - All-Ohio Honorable Mention
• Evan Daniels: Football - All-Ohio Honorable Mention
• Emily Linamen: Girls Bowling - 1st Team AllOhio (4th Place)
• Sydney Coburn: Girls Bowling - 1st Team AllOhio (10th Place)
• JP Wrobel: Wrestling - State Qualifier
• Mason Daniels: Wrestling - State Qualifier
• Mikayla Berquist: Softball - All-Ohio Honorable Mention
• Fall - 60 Total Student Athletes
• Winter - 35 Total Student Athletes
• Spring - 45 Total Student Athletes
• Student Athletes recognized as CVC 1st or 2nd Team All-League = 59
• Louis Blasiole- Football CVC Valley Offensive MVP
• Mikayla Berquist - Softball CVC Valley MVP
• Ava Mory - Track CVC Valley Runner MVP
• Head Football Coach Jack D’Amato - Coach of the Year Valley Division
• Head Softball Coach Leroy Moore - Coach of the Year Valley Division
• Football - Career Passing Yards = Evan Daniels - 3,511 - Career Tackles = Ethan Strahan - 277
• Girls Bowling - Baker Game High Score = 245 Julie Gerhardt, Aubree Rouse, Brooklynn Horner, Sydney Coburn, and Emily Linamen
• Girls Basketball - Career 3-pt Shots Made = Kylie Krupp - 103 - Single Season 3-pt Shots Made = Hannah Ward - 63
• Mikayla Berquist (softball) Morton College
• Sydney Coburn (bowling) Kent State University
• Kylie Krupp (basketball) Geneva College
• Ava Mory (basketball) Hiram College
• Louis Blasiole (football) Ohio Northern University
• Drew Ferrari (soccer) Hiram College
• New Softball and Baseball Scoreboards (CASB, BOE, Athletic Dept.)
• Baseball Field to be named Bob Corbett
• Athletic Wall of Fame - researching for updated display
• “Jack Lambert Stadium” light signageresearching quotes
• High School Gym Floor - Renew (Projected summer 2023)
• New Middle School uniform program initiated. Middle School athletic programs, starting with cheer and basketball, will begin to wear their own designated uniforms.
• BSN partnership provides more incentives, rebates, discounts and opportunities across athletic equipment and apparel.
While maintaining strict fiscal responsibility, the Crestwood Local Schools Operations Department strives to maintain and make continuous improvements to our facilities, grounds, equipment, and technology infrastructure. Each goal is made possible by leveraging grant opportunities and through the proper use of federal, state, and local funds. The district Operations Department and staff take great pride in ensuring that all district properties, equipment, and infrastructure are maintained, upgraded and replaced in a timely manner to offer our students, staff, and our community a safe, secure and operationally sound district that all can be very proud of. Many new projects have been completed, and several others are currently in progress, such as:
• 800 new Dell Chromebooks to improve and enhance student technology.
• Athletic Stadium security cameras to improve safety and security.
• District-wide security camera upgrades for added safety and security.
• Two new Dell file servers for improved file retention.
• District-wide cellular uplinks for burglar and fire alarm systems to enhance safety.
• Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus has additional computer network data drops installed for better connectivity of devices.
• A state-of-the-art wireless technology infrastructure to keep students and staff connected.
• New laptop computers for all staff.
• Additional new Chromebooks for Crestwood Elementary students
• Improved network security mechanisms.
• Improved anti-virus software suite.
• Vape detection technologies installed at Crestwood Intermediate and Crestwood High School.
• New and improved E911 security and safety software suite.
• Updated website slated for installation in Spring 2023.
• Stadium complex asphalt replacement project to remove unsafe, cracked road surfaces.
• Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus sidewalk replacements to remove cracks, holes, and uneven sidewalk surfaces for increased safety.
• Crestwood Intermediate and Primary School bus loop partial resurfacing to improve safety and aesthetics.
• Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus asphalt connecting ramp to provide a safe walkway between the staff parking lots and the building back entrance.
• Additional asphalt replacement projects district-wide to ensure safe and reliable transportation and access to the facilities.
• Front parking lot resurfacing at Crestwood High School.
• Asphalt resurfacing between the field house athletic complex and the softball field.
• Asphalt resurfacing at the rear entrance of the elementary buildings.
• Re-sealing of several parking lots including Crestwood Elementary front and High School rear lots.
• Re-lining and painting of all parking lots to increase parking lot space.
• Stadium scoreboard timeout panel installed on the new stadium scoreboard for competition.
• Stadium bleacher restoration and cleaning for improved aesthetics and protection of aluminum and seating.
• Installation of a new Athletic Field House fire and burglar alarm system to ensure the safety of our athletes and the public.
• Serviced, improved, and moved baseball and softball batting cages from Crestwood High School to the Crestwood Central Office gymnasium to increase availability to our athletes.
• Reconstructed and re-conditioned baseball and softball fields to offer our athletes the best possible playing fields.
• Upgrades to scoreboards at several athletic locations to improve functionality and aesthetics.
• New winch installations for basketball hoops at Crestwood High School.
• Replacement winch installations on basketball hoops at the Central Office Gymnasium.
The Northeast Ohio School Bus Driver Safety RoadE-O was on April 23, 2022. The competition was hosted at Streetsboro City Schools. All competitors had to drive the bus through an obstacle course, with a mock railroad crossing, they had a student pick up and drop off, and a right turn. Another obstacle was a reverse serpentine, backing up through cones. The competitors had to complete a written test and a bus inspection to find defects, both of which were timed.
After several years without competitors, Crestwood Local Schools sent five drivers to the event, with a fabulous outcome. The drivers received the following awards:
Third place team: Roger Rodhe, Sandy Wagner, Tom Knipper and Wendy Connair.
Lead by Example Award: Given to the highest scoring team with rookies competing on it.
Rookie of the Year: Megan Fields (Crestwood received a rotating plaque that we keep until the next competition.)
Fifth place and State Qualifier: Roger Rodhe.
• Installation of a new Crestwood High School 7-12 campus wheel-chair lift to better accommodate those with short and longterm disabilities.
• New floor wax burnishers to keep the hallways shining and clean.
• Five Clorox floor model disinfecting sprayers to combat infection through enhanced disinfecting and cleaning .
• Two Clorox backpack disinfecting sprayers to allow for a mobile form of cleaning and disinfection of our facilities.
• District-wide replacement of uniforms for custodial and maintenance staff and Transportation Department mechanics.
• Two sun protection umbrellas at the Crestwood Intermediate and Primary School playgrounds to allow our students to find some shade during the hot summer months.
• Parking lot light-pole base guards installed on poles at Crestwood Intermediate and Primary School to protect wiring and increase safety and security.
• Replacement of grounds maintenance equipment to ensure that the building grounds and athletic facilities are maintained, cared for, and aesthetically pleasing.
• Two water softener replacements at Crestwood Intermediate and Primary Schools to provide safe, clean and softened water for our students, staff and the public.
• 32 new touchless water faucets installed in all four buildings to allow for a safe, sanitary, and automated way to hand wash.
• UVA light installation in HVAC air-handlers at the Crestwood Intermediate and Primary Schools to combat COVID-19 and all other air-borne viruses and bacteria, and provide safe, clean air to the facilities.
• Additional cleaning equipment at each facility, including sweepers and floor scrubbers.
• New zero-turn mower with bagger for athletic field mowing.
• 75 new windows installed at Crestwood High School, with additional replacements in 2024.
• Using Federal Esser Funds, beginning during Summer of 2022, installation and construction of a new HVAC system at the Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus to offer our students, staff and the public a much needed, modern, sophisticated, and highlyefficient air conditioning and climate control system which will provide a comfortable, improved air supply. Project to be completed summer of 2023.
• Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus art room circuit improvements to allow for additional safe, reliable art program resources.
• District-wide landscaping upgrades to improve aesthetics and safety.
• Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus classroom partitioning to improve space requirements for students.
• Construction of a new Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus Guidance Department to improve access to guidance and counseling resources for our students and staff.
• Crestwood High School 7-12 Campus electrical system upgrades to increase safety and accommodate additional electrical demands.
• Soft playground surface replacement at the Crestwood Intermediate and Primary School playground to offer safety and protection to our students during playground use.
• Roof restorations at Crestwood High School to repair the roofs on the gymnasium, cafeteria, and the stage.
• New ceiling tiles and LED lighting for the entire upper and lower west wings at Crestwood High School.
• 15 staff members with 179 years experience and an average of 12 years.
• 9 staff members Ohio Dept. of Health “Personin-Charge” certified.
• National Milk Day with our local Fire Departments.
• Participate in the US Dept. of Defense Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program for over $15,000 of fresh produce.
• Farm-to-School & Harvest of the Month.
• Participants in the Great Lakes Apple Crunch.
• Participated in National School Breakfast. Week in March & National School Lunch Week in October.
• Team Nutrition School.
10880 John Edward Drive, Mantua, OH 44255 330-357-8206
Dr. David Toth, Superintendent Katie Hoffmeister, Treasurer
Crestwood Local Schools www.crestwoodschools.org@CrestwoodSupt
Supported by the Alliance for High Quality Education
Crestwood Primary School 330-357-8202 Preschool - Grade 3 11265 Bowen Rd. Mantua, OH 44255
Principal: Cindy Ducca
Crestwood Intermediate School 330-357-8203 Grades 4-6 11260 Bowen Rd. Mantua, OH 44255
Principal: Pat Griffis
Crestwood High School Campus 330-357-8205 Grades 7-12 10919 North Main St. Mantua, OH 44255
Principal: Dave McMahon
Todd Monroe, Bonnie Lovejoy, President Karen Schulz, Vice President Kristen Cavanaugh and Timothy Herron