1 minute read

Iftaar Party

To mark the end of Ramadan, the Junior Chamber International of Quatre Bornes hosted an Iftar Party on Friday, April 22nd at the JCI Mauritius Secretariat. The JCI Mauritius Family were invited to our bring and share Iftar party. The tables were full of our traditional dishes, which included our local 'Alouda,' snacks, sweets, and lots of love. I wish to specially thank all participants who contributed to the success of this event.

The Iftar gathering was honorably graced by the presence of 2022 JCI Mauritius National President,Yudhish Rohee, 2022 JCI Mauritius National Vice President, Trishya Mukool, 2022 JCI Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill Local President Lubna Isseljee, and 2020 JCI Quatre Bornes Local President, Vaishalee Beedasy.


Lastly, I also extend special thanks to the 2022 JCI Quatre Bornes Local President Ashfaaq Ochatoya for his support in realising this project.

Shivangee raMSaMy

Project director