JCI London Magazine August 2014

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MEET SARAH BECKWITH JCI UK Personal Development Director

Issue 8 August 2014


Ready for action 4

Meet Sarah Beckwith

Get to know the 2014 JCI UK Personal Development Director


Peace Day 2014 Get to know the programme of the conference to promote Peace & be part of the worldwide flashmob

12 European Academy A bootcamp for leaders?! 14 UK National Convention 2014 Meet the confernce director

20 Dare to Dream

Are you up for the Million Makers Challenge to support The Prince’s Trust?!

22 Event highlights in September

What is to come - upcoming

JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 2

Word from the president At this stage in the year many of us have had to face the reality that some of our goals or aspirations haven‘t realised as we planned. It‘s not surprising given that many of us were aiming for a level of achievement we‘ve never seen or executed in our own lives. If it helps, stand in front of the mirror and make the conscious decision to blame everyone, the team, the sponsors, me, your job, your parents, your life, the weather, whatever you want... Now make another decision. Decide to get over it. We won‘t lower our expectations, won‘t be disappointed. We won‘t change the vision, we will stick to the goal. We expect a lot from ourselves. It is ok. In fact it‘s normal. It‘s intelligent. To have goals worthy of our own respect is to live. Let‘s add a caveat, allowing ourselves the opportunity to learn to achieve the goal before passing final judgement on our progress. Let‘s allow ourselves to have fun learning whilst working our socks off to grow. “Better done than perfect” advice from 2013 Past President Simon Bucknall . Know the real goal. Don‘t let a string of set backs disturb focus. There‘s a bigger picture.

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JCI London insp!re Issue 1 January 2014 4


SARAH BECKWITH Get to know the 2014 JCI UK Personal Development Director Occupation: Chartered Surveyor JCI position: JCI UK Personal Development Director Why and when did you get involved in JCI London: I joined in 2006. A friend from university was a member in Fareham and kept e-mailing me telling me she was off organising charity events, black-tie dinners and doing public speaking training. She told me it was a great way to meet new people and I was interested in volunteering/charity work so went along to a meeting for the Gift of Christmas project. I soon got to know some members, took on a role in the project and was quickly convinced to start coming to training events too. I was then persuaded to become the community director on the council in 2007 and have never looked back. Biggest Personal Achievement: Becoming President of JCI London in 2011. At school I was the shy girl who actually got told off for not talking in lessons. Standing up in the House of Lords to deliver my inauguration speech to a room of almost 100 people really hit home to me just how far I’d come. Describe JCI in three words: Inspiring, life-changing, opportunities Describe yourself in three words: Organised, ambitious, loyal Favorite inspirational quote: This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognised by yourself as a mighty

one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me. It is sort of a splendid torch which I have a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it over to future generations. George Bernard Shaw A funny/inspirational story that you want to share: I have had many unique experiences over the years as a member of JCI. The German party at the 2009 European Conference is perhaps one of the most surreal: 2,000 JCI members from all over Europe partying in a spa in Budapest. There were two huge swimming pools filled with rubber ducks and beach balls (and JCI members) with a mixture of 80s cheese and random German music blasting over the stereo. This is why I love JCI – I have so many extraordinary memories like this that never fail to make me smile. What is most rewarding about being part of JCI and taking on a leadership position? Without a doubt the people that you meet and share experiences with. I have developed so much thanks to JCI and the best thing about taking on a leadership position is contributing in some small way to other members’ personal development journeys. Seeing people join the

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organisation not sure what they’re getting into, it then clicking with them what JCI is all about and them going on to absolutely shine is really special. What is the most valuable lesson that you learned during your time with JCI? Believe in yourself, everything and anything is possible. It is amazing what can happen when you are willing to push yourself outside your comfort zone and do this with a group of people doing the same. The results are generally nothing short of phenomenal. Why is JCI worth your time? I no longer have any idea what normal people (i.e. nonJCI members) do with their time and I don’t want to know. There is something about being part of a JCI event/project that leaves me completely buzzing. So when I’m sat up answering e-mails/editing documents at gone midnight or getting up at 6am on a weekend to trek half way across the city/country to take part in an event, I don’t ever doubt why – I constantly get so much out of this organisation that I know it’s worth it. Tell us what will be your next step in JCI after JCI UK training director role? I’m standing for the position of JCI UK Deputy National President 2015, which would mean (if elected) becoming National President in 2016. It’s a little scary, but really exciting! Tell us why JCI London members should attend JCI UK AGM this year? The AGM is all about making decisions about the future of JCI UK and is therefore relevant to all members of the organisation. It is an opportunity for local chambers and national board to come together and discuss major issues. This year we’ll be considering financial policy, amending the constitution and voting in some of next year’s national board. It will give members a great insight into the broader organisation, how it is run and how decisions are made. Hopefully it might even inspire some members to get involved at this level in the future.

JCI London IIssue 8 August 2014 8

PEACE DAy 2014 ONLY a few days to go - get ready We all put our differences aside, come together to celebrate and promote peace, for one day, then two days, then always! September 21st is World Peace Day. A day that promotes Peace all over the world with temporary ceasefires in combat zones to allow humanitarian help. In Afghanistan from 2007 to 2010 Peace One Day and the United Nations were able to stop the ongoing conflicts and vaccinate over 4.2 million children. This day is not only a way to promote Peace all over the world, but it can easily become a way to reach out and to experience what Peace can to/do. The motto or better to say the question JCI London is asking that day is: “Who will you make Peace with?”. What exactly did we plan? Well it is a day filled with Peace. In the morning there will be a

conference at UCL with amazing speakers that work around Peace. Such as Camilla Schippa, Director of the Institute for Economics and Peace who will answer the question “What We Can Learn From Measuring Peace” or Nairy McMahon & Dorothy Atcheson from CRR Global with their talk about “Connecting from Peace”. But the conference is not all that we have planned. There is going to be a flashmob at Trafalgar Square. We are very proud that the flashmob is going to be supported worldwide all accros JCI chapters - some have a lot planned and have TV stations joining them! Be prepared to DANCE, HAVE FUN and PROMOTE PEACE! Join Peace Flahsmob in London with your Friends to promote peace through dance: https://www.facebook.com/ events/29336515751256

the programme and speakers The preliminary programme of the Conference 09:30 Registrations and Refreshments 10:00 Welcome by JCI London President 10:15 Introduction: Peace Day team 10:30 Wake Up London with Peace in Ourselves, Peace in the World - short meditation session and talk (5 to 10 minutes) 10:45 Camilla Schippa, Institute for Economics and Peace with What We Can Learn From Measuring Peace 11:00 Simon Fulford, Khulisa with Peace- Building & Violence Reduction Through Personal Transformation 11:15 Rukiyah Khatun, Tutu Foundation UK with Peace starts with Ubuntu 11:30 Nairy McMahon & Dorothy Atcheson, CRR Global with Connecting from Peace 11:45 Panel 1 around a key question (4 people) 12:00 to 12:15 Break Possibility for people to record an audio message about what Peace means to them. Recordings will then be submitted to the Listening Project 12:15 John Loughton, Dare2lead 12:30 Martin Rowsell from Postcards for Peace with Making A Difference, One Postcard At A Time 12:45 Tom Morley and drums, Peace leader and activist, Peace One Day 13:00 Panel 2 (4 people) around a key question + Qs from the audience (5 min) 13:15 Concluding remarks with all speakers

Book here: http://www.kweekweek.com/JCILondon/891a1bbf3f JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 11

EUROPEAN ACADEMY A bootcamp for leaders?! By Soraya Bowen The 18th JCI European Academy took place during 1-5 August, in the town called Kungälv, north of Goteborg, Sweden. The event was attended by over 74 future local chapter presidents representing 22 National Organisations, from across Europe. JCI European Academy aims to increase understanding and co-operation between future leaders from different countries. The academy aims to establish a forum of representatives from all over Europe to facilitate an exchange of experiences, knowledge, culture and values through their Presidential year and beyond. The idea of going to another country and spending 4 days with a bunch of people that I’ve never met was. The JCI UK delegation Mark Smith (JCI Sheffield), Wasim Alfaisal (JCI Leeds) and Luke Evans (JCI Birmingham) decided to arrive a day early, based on the advice given we wouldn’t get much for the duration of the academy. It was even crazier that I opted to share a room with three guys! I managed to sleep through the night despite someone and was the best roommates a girl could have. After a restful night’s sleep the JCI UK delegation was up ready to for the start of the academy on which official started after lunch. Before lunch we spent the time networking and I was busy promoting JCI London World Peace Day dance flashmob. This was a great icebreaker and helped me to get know to the other delegates quickly. I won’t go into detail of what was involved. Just to say it was a fantastic experience and nothing like I was expecting as no one who went from the previous years would tell me much about what to expect. I will share a very brief overview of my time at the academy.

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After the welcome lunch on Thursday afternoon, it was straight into work which saw the delegates split into 3 different groups and assigned 3 experienced trainers for the afternoon which was then followed by an evening seminar on our Discovery Insights profile, where we found out about the different types of colours and personalities people have and how to interact with them. Saturday morning started off with the first General Assembly for the weekend which was attended by World President Shine Bhaskaran and after his inspirational talk, it was straight into the day’s activities. Monday morning was a nervous time for everyone as it was time to show how much we learnt from the last few days with a presentation that had been worked on throughout every waking moment during the weekend and then had to be presented in front of all the delegates and trainers. All the teams did an excellent job with their presentations, needless to say everyone graduated It was incredible team bonding experience which I will never forget. Let’s just say my short stay involved teamwork, late nights working on projects, laughter and a partying celebrate. I would say to any member that decides to step and take on the deputy role in 2015 that they should apply for place to attend JCI European Academy. What is happening in 2015? After attending European Academy I have come re-energised and will be working on creating a plan of action for the chamber for 2015. This will involve continuing the great work the partnership have created and working on at the moment. Along with taking into consideration JCI 100th Anniversary next year and planning where we want to see JCI London in the next two years. If you are interested in finding about joining the Partnership team in 2015, then get in touch with me today. Email:sorayab@jcilondon.org.uk Mobile:07957592398 Why not come to our Partnership team session ‘Take the lead, have fun and achieve’ on Wednesday 17 September to find more. Please visit our website to book: www.jcilondon.org.uk JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 13

UK National convention Meet the conference director - Nabil Imrit Why and when did you get involved in JCI London: I came across JCI London in July 2013 whilst on the hunt for good networking opportunities. It was probably my second or third networking event so I was pretty much clueless on reasons to why I should attending one. I didn’t really have stories and experience to talk about but I knew I had to get out there and learn from the real world. I met a number of JCI members that night and I think what really hit home with me was how genuine they all was. I think that’s the true essence of volunteering. It was just real people with philanthropic causes. Meeting Dexter Dash (JCI London President 2014) and Eyad Hamouieh (JCI London President 2013) was what really made me take the decision to join JCI. Dexter was just straight forward and I remember he told me to do my research before joining (which I did) and it’s now probably the best decision I’ve made. But like I said. Genuine People Occupation: Entrepreneur…yet Biggest Personal Achievement: I would say my biggest personal achievement so far is the massive transformation I made in 2013. From a point where I realise that dreams weren’t enough is when I discovered myself and recognise my potential. I knew from then that it was possible to become something out of nothing. Even though I am still on my way, it’s been an incredible journey and I have met some amazing people on the way. I believe that as long as you strive for your goal. You are going to make it. Period. Describe JCI in three words: Genuine. Encouraging. Pro-active. Describe yourself in three words: Eager. Receptive. Ambitious. Favorite inspirational quote: ‘Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it’ – Imam Ali (AS) and ‘Knowledge is only a rumour until it is in the muscle’ – New Guinea Proverb JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 14

How did you get involved with being the conference director for the national convention? It wasn’t until I went to my first ever National Convention that I really understood the magnitude of JCI. I was tremendously inspired and I remember saying to myself that this was only the beginning. Now from that to officially being the conference director is somewhat a blur. I don’t drink but I remember suggesting the idea to Michela during the Awards Ceremony and then Dexter mentioned and before I knew it, I approached Emma Eastwood and excitedly said ‘I think we should host next year National Convention in Canary Wharf’…’ From there, things lead to another. Had a first meeting with Dexter to writing up the official bid document to presenting our intention at the Inspiration Day in Barnsley. What is your motivation to be part of the team and organising the conference? When we meet up as a team and discuss what the potential of this event could be is a motivation in itself. Having the Eureka moment when faced with challenges. Inspiring other JCI members to organise bigger and better events. What inspires you? The underdog – individual or a team who has all odds against them and is expected to lose but yet proves everyone wrong. I admire them for accepting the challenge, anticipate during the challenge and left truly inspired for their courage of accepting the challenge. It definitely healthy to be proven wrong…just shows that you can’t be right all the time? What is your leadership style? I have quite discovered it yet! But I would like to regard myself as an open-minded visionary. I work best when I have the full scope of things and enjoy motivating my team members with the vision. I enjoy my team members challenging my ideas as it gives me an opportunity to look at things from a different perspective.

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JCI London Issue 7 July 2014 13

the convention and the team Some members of the National Convention Committee having a „Team Bonding“ session last weekend at one of the venues for this years National Convention. They say „all work and no play makes ......“ (Fill in the gap)

More about the convention and all of the locations: http://issuu.com/jcilondon8/docs/jci_nc_2014_88/0 JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 17

JCI World conGress 2014

Two world congress first timers tell us why they have registered to attend World Congress in Leipzig in November. Winnie Mak 1) Have you ever attended a World Congress or another JCI conference before? No 2) Why are you going? Having received different positive feedback from loads of JCI World Congress participants, I am always curious to get the first hand experience. As it is held in Leipzig this year which is relatively close to London, I see it as a good opportunity to get the experience this year and to visit a new city. 3) What are your expectations? Are you looking forward to something in particular? I try not to set any specific expectation so that I can be open minded to whatever the organiser has planned and maximise my experience there. If I have to list some expectations, I would say meeting amazing people from around the world and bonding with my home chapter.

Matt Beavan 1) Have you ever attended a World Congress or another JCI conference before? I have never attended a World Congress, and am excited to see what it will be like as I have heard many positive reviews of previous Germany congresses. I have previously been to JCI National Conference twice and really enjoyed this from a networking perspective, it is great to meet people from outside your chamber. 2) Why are you going? I am going to see what the experience is like, and also to understand the international connectedness of JCI. 3) What are your expectations? Are you looking forward to something in particular? I have only the expectations that it will be something that will be fun, I hope to make new connections, and understand the impact that JCI can have on an international level and how this can be bought to a local level.

What is a JCI World Congress? Every November, members from across the globe come together for the peak of the JCI year at JCI World Congress. At this global forum international officers will be elected for the upcoming year. JCI Members also explore ideas for international initiatives and recognize the achievements of outstanding active citizens. With JCI in more than 100 countries and territories, members have the opportunity to meet fellow citizens from highly diverse backgrounds. JCI Members will share experiences and find new ways to create positive change on both local and global levels. At this event, JCI’s critical mass of young people will unite to magnify the positive impact of the JCI movement. More about Leipzig and how you can register here: http://www.jciwc2014.com JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 19

Dare to Dream

Are you up for the Million Makers Challenge to s u p p o r t T h e P r i n c e ’ s Tr u s t ? ! By Ling Jin Who are we? And what are we doing to achieve? We are 10 passionate JCI London members, who have formed ‘JCI London Dare to Dream’ (D2D) team, representing JCI London, entered the Million Makers’ challenge competition, aiming to raise ÂŁ50k during the period from 1 August this year to 31 January2015, for The Prince’s Trust who has been striving to transform disadvantaged young people’s lives and help them move into work, education or training. This year, we are competing with 17 other teams in the South West region, including teams from Zoopla Property Group, EMC Computer Systems, Top Right Group, etc. ÂŁ50k is a lot‌ So‌ how are you going to achieve the target? We have created 4 business ideas to transform the initial seed fund ÂŁ1,500.00 we won from The Prince’s Trust, into ÂŁ50,000.00. They range from fun, outdoor team-building activity ‘London Adventure Race’, to ‘Buy Low Sell High’, from Gala dinner auctions to Legal master class specially tailored for Chinese law students. London Adventure Race Our grand London Adventure Race is having its debut on the evening of Thursday, 18 September, come and experience(hyperlink to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-adventure-race-tickets-12682189771) the team challenges, while having great fun!

You will receive a series of clues along the course of the race leading The Corporate challen you to complete an activity in a specific location. Upon successful completion of each task, teams receive their next clue. Whilst it is a race to the finish, there are BONUS points along the way. Progress too quickly Makers is an entrepreneurial competition which ch and you may miss out on the famous landmarks! Snap a Million picture to of up to 10 individuals to turn an initial investment of ÂŁ1,5 prove “you were there!â€? in style. The WINNER is the team who crosses Â… SURÂżW 7KH WHDP WKDW PDNHV WKH PRVW SURÂżW RYHU the finish line before 9pm and has collected the most points. QDPHG 1DWLRQDO 0LOOLRQ 0DNHUV &KDPSLRQ

The aim is for all the teams to raise a com total of £1 million for The Prince’s Tru

Assemble your team and sign up (hyperlink to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-adventure-race-tickets-12682189771) to the challenging adventure today! Want to have some fun and marshal on the day? Contact D2D team: Vassili at Vassili.jci@gmail. com Buy Low Sell High We are planning to sell walking animal balloons and glow products at a series of family oriented events, accompanies by a mass balloon release at the JCI World Peace Day (hyperlink to http:// www.kweekweek.com/JCILondon/891a1bbf3f) on Sunday, 21 September. Attendees will be encouraged to make a donation for a Peace branded balloon, write their dreams on them, and release them following a countdown. Have new product ideas to contribute? Have events you think will have great demand of this unique product? Or want to contribute your genius sales skills? Contact D2D team: Jay at jransom@hotmail.co.uk Gala Dinner Auctions & Raffles A series of exclusive and unique items, such as a signed T-shirt from ex Northampton Saints legend Rugby player Bruce Reihana, are sourced to be auctioned at our partnering Gala Dinner events: JLD (Junior Lawyer Division) International Weekends Gala Dinner (hyperlink to http://www.iw2014.com/) on Friday, 26 September, JCI National Convention Gala Dinner (hyperlink to http://www. kweekweek.com/jcilondon/jci-uk-phoenix-tale-national-convention-2014) on Saturday, 15 November, and potentially IoD (Institute of Directors) Annual Dinner (hyperlink to http://www.iod.com/connecting/events/ead14-annual-dinner) on Thursday, 27 November. Want to donate your services or products to be auctioned, for a good cause while getting your brand exposed? Want to find out what other unique items we’ve got down the line? Contact D2D team: Olivier at olivier.arnolin@nexmo.com Chinese Legal Master class We are organizing a series of exclusive legal master classes, specially tailored for Chinese law students, to facilitate them succeed in a legal career in London. The master class will provide legal industry insights; explain culture differences, and how to conquer the fear and frustration as a result of the culture barriers. The first event will take place on Saturday, 18 October. Are you or any of your Chinese friends who are pursuing a legal career in the UK, but suffering the pain, and don’t know where to start? Watch this space! Contact D2D team: Ling at ling.jin01@gmail.com Sounds exciting! I’m up for the challenge! SIMPLE! Drop us a line at jcilondondaretodream@gmail.com TODAY. AND let’s social! Facebook: JCIDaretoDream Twitter: @JCIDaretoDream All the love from JCI London Dare to Dream team JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 21

Event Highlights in September 06.09

JCI Presenter - The Effective Presentation Course in London JCI Presenter is recommended to anyone who is interested in becoming a better presenter. It is a full day course and focuses on the concepts of creating and delivering effective presentations. You’ll practice public speaking all day, so true learning by doing!

Here is an account of what makes JCI Presenter such a great opportunity! By Gareth Carson It was a cold wet and very rainy morning and I was wondering why I had to get up so early and go do presenter training. WELL how please I am that I did. The day started off with the fantastic Emma Eastwood giving us some small steps and ideas welcoming us to the world of present-

In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to: • Create a persuasive, effective presentation • Create a dynamic, powerful presence • Infuse your communication with engaging ing. content • Gain confidence when communicating with We then had the amazing Sarah Beckwith supothers porting Emma and our selfs on the day too. The day took us through many different styles of preWe promise a fun, engaging and supportive senting from small group presentations to large learning environment. audiences giving hints tips and techniques on how to deal and be prepared with each scenario. Costs: £ 35.00 for members, £ 50.00 for non members including lunch The day was a great experience leading up to a

2 minute presentation from each delegate using If you have any questions please contact: the tools and techniques we had learnt through JCI UK Personal Development Director, Sarah out the day. It was also a good chance to get Beckwith: sarah.beckwith@jciuk.org.uk some feedback from the trainers and other delegates on the course. Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ j c i - p re s e n t e r- t h e - e ff e c t i v e - p re s e n t a - I would highly recommended this course to antion-course-in-london-tickets-12261567679 yone even if you feel you already have a lot of experience. I learnt a lot of new things and grew in confidence over the day.

I have since had the confidence to put myself forward for more presentations within my personal and work life.

JCI London Issue 7 July 2014 22

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25th September 2014

Event Highlights in other chapters across the UK


JCI Southampton: Sea City Gala & AGM

The National Council of JCI UK is made up of National Board and Local Chamber representatives (Local Presidents or their nominated proxy). National Council meets three times per year to discuss and vote on important issues regarding the running and future strategy of JCI UK.

JCI Southampton are proud to announce this year’s Annual Gala Dinner - the Sea City Gala. This year we will be not only celebrating our recent European award success but also joining in the celebrations of Southampton’s Golden Jubilee of becoming a city (1964 - 2014) and just This year the JCI UK AGM will be held in Southampton on Saturday 13 September 2014, 11:00- like previous years this will be an event not to be missed! 16:00 at The 1865 (schedule for the day TBC). A light buffet lunch will be provided on Saturday but if you do have any specific dietry requirements/allergies, please let us know. Any fully paid-up member of JCI UK is welcome to attend and observe the meeting, however, they will not have speaking rights. If you wish to attend, you must sign up in advance.

More information about the event here: http://www.jcisouthampton.org.uk/ events/2014-09-13/1652-jci-southampton-seacity-gala/

JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 23


JCI Sheffield 87th Annual Dinner 2014

Let us take you back in time to the glitz and glamour of the Hollywood Golden Age... That’s right, this year’s JCI Sheffield annual dinner will even bigger and better than ever! We’re not going to give away all the secrets now but come prepared for a fabulous, star studded night. There may even be Oscars... More importantly though, this is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the impact members, senators, patrons and friends of JCI Sheffield have made over the course of the year. Individually and as a chamber we have focused on how we can be better so let’s see how we have done! We are delighted to announce that our guest speaker will be Hilary Massarella MBE DL, founder of our chosen charity, SAFE@LAST. Saturday 27th September 7pm for 7.30pm Carriages at 1am Book here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jci-sheffield87th-annual-dinner-2014-tickets-11082601359 Dress: a return to old school glamour (black tie) Your ticket includes... - welcome drink - 3 course meal (vegetarian option available) - tea/coffee - half a bottle of wine per person - disco and entertainment Usual price (after earlybird rate closes) - Members £45 - Non-Members £55 JCI London Issue 8 August 2014 24

Next issue coming September 2014 If you want more fequent updates sign up for our newsletter or use social media to keep track of us!


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