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Aliquam erat volutpat.

Etiam in lectus mi, eget dapibus elit. In ac nibh tellus, nec laoreet eros. Vestibulum posuere turpis nec urna hendrerit sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In ut mauris lorem, in aliquet libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque vehicula erat ut quam luctus eleifend. Nulla metus nisl, facilisis in suscipit nec, elementum et quam. Vestibulum dui orci, fermentum id placerat quis, faucibus at velit. Vivamus sed odio neque.


Quisque ac quam quis leo molestie placerat vitae eu erat. Nulla eu purus sed velit iaculis rhoncus. Donec quis mi ac massa tincidunt pretium.

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laszlo moholy-nagy prior to WWI studied law at the university of budapest, only to then become a painter. known for his role at the bauhaus as a photographer and his work with materials and form, though he was also a great designer. moholy-nagy was apointed the director of the new bauhaus in chicago where he later opened his own


school, the school of design. the school of design is known today as the institute of design which is part of the illinois institue of technology. moholy-nagy greatly transformed the perspective arts through his artistic experiments.

MOHOLY-NAGY 1895-1946

it must be clear communication in its most vivid form.


served during WWI for hungary


bauhaus, weimar and desasu


director of the new bauhaus


opened the school of design


school of design becomes institute of design, chicago






On the 25th of November my wife and I got up went to Ravenna Nebraska where our future house awaited us. We were going to see the house to give it a final look-over before we decide to go forward with the purchase of the house. We noticed the house looked very different when all the furniture was out and rooms were clear. None the less we didn’t see any changes or major things that would deter us from buying. So we drove back to Kearney to close on the house. I wasn’t as excited as all those people you see on HGTV buying their first house. I was more excited that we would be making an investment that will help spawn the rest of our investments in life. After closing on the house we went back to the apartment for the last night to finish packing.


Moving Tip>> Buy a dolly hand truck cart. Buy one or rent one, it dosen’t matter either way they


7DAY EXPEDITION Closing The Big Move Cleaning Part One Apartment Finale Painting 101 Cleaning Part Two Painting Mastery

Curabitur pretium sodales dignissim. Proin rutrum massa et sem facilisis posuere. Maecenas vulputate condimentum nisi, id semper erat commodo ac. Fusce ultricies nulla non velit fermentum interdum. Sed sit amet dolor eu justo sagittis interdum pharetra quis sapien. Nulla vitae felis nunc, nec bibendum felis. Vestibulum convallis ante sed tellus tempor suscipit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet massa purus, eu tristique neque. Morbi mollis euismod consectetur. Praesent nibh erat, elementum a eleifend nec, pretium vel mauris. Praesent scelerisque egestas lorem. Phasellus pharetra imperdiet porttitor. Pellentesque sit amet justo orci. Cras non placerat purus. Nulla molestie est in neque egestas luctus. Morbi ut mollis felis.

The Big Move

Quisque eget metus augue. Donec vitae ante quam, ac varius arcu. Vestibulum id egestas odio. Quisque nunc magna, tristique non sagittis a, volutpat eget purus. Ut tincidunt, tellus sed vestibulum porta, odio est faucibus est, non viverra justo ante vel neque. Sed consequat neque suscipit mi tincidunt aliquet. Sed id metus metus.

It’s Thanksgiving Day and family is here to help us move. Everything is packed except my computer, desk and cleaning supplies. So we are already planning to make another trip to come back to the apartment in Kearney to clean and pick everything else up. My brother in-law brought down his cattle trailer for us to load up. Well with the help of everyone that could carry and some help from a neighbor we got everything loaded and mostly just in the trailer. We moved out to Ravenna to unload and even as dinner was bearing down on us we got there and unloaded before lunch. Electricity, water and gas have all been turned over to us but we are waiting for the previous owners to turn off cable service so we can get ours transferred. Now off to have a big Thanksgiving dinner with our helpful family.

are worth the money.




Apartment Finale

It’s November 28th and I’m excited to finalize everything with the apartment. My wife and I along with my parents and brother met up in Kearney at the apartment. We still needed to pick up some things that were left behind and thoroughly clean everything to maximize the amount of deposit we get back. With all the help we have it didn’t take to long to wipe down all the walls, vacuum and fill nail holes. Now that the apartment is all clean its time to make large purchase for the house, including some paint.

Moving Tip>> Labeling your boxes doesn’t do much justice. Painting 101

Everyone decided to sleep in today though we had a lot of work to be done. For Sunday November 29th, we decided the best thing that we could do with my family still there was paint. Every painter should know how to tape, or at least know somebody that can. In a house like ours where it’s really the woodwork craftsmanship that sells the place so well you need to be conscientious of any paint getting on that wood. The owners prior to us apparently didn’t tape the trim and floor boards what so ever. So after using what was left of the morning to tape, which was a whole lot of time, we began our painting excursion. My mother and wife delicately painted all the trim as my brother and I went along with rollers slopping paint on as if there was no tomorrow. My dad in the mean time was puttying up holes where we pulled out nails or screws out of the plaster walls. After the putty dried he would sand it all down to make it smooth and ready for painting.

As we were painting and the paint dried we noticed that the new paint we got was much lighter than the stuff we were painting over, and if I might add looks way better! Eventually my parents had to leave and everything was left to my wife and me. We finished painting two rooms that night and a closet. Glad we finished them we could now go to bed happy about how much better the house was looking already.









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join us as we investigate the use of lower case letters


neil rona



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case that needs a closer look!

1222 n. wallnut ave suite a chicago, il 60606 (505) 765-8990



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1222 N. Wallnut Ave Suite A Chicago, IL 38546



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a case that needs a closer look!

1222 n. wallnut ave suite a chicago, il (505) 765-8990



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December 1- 4 , 2011 Chicago Hilton 720 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60605 312-922-4400 Neil Rona 1222 N. Wallnut Ave Suite A Chicago, IL 60606

Lower Case Letters: a case that needs a closer look! An investigation into the use of lower case letters. How are lower case letters designed, and why we need them.

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Typecon 2011 with: STA of Chicago AIGA of Chicago Academy of Art University American Academy of Art Speakers / Guests Hermann Zapf, Typographer Marcia Laucen, Designer Kelly Bjork, Designer Tim Bruce, President of AIGA Chicago Sponsors / Products Adobe EPSON Apple Intell Font Bureau Glodan Microsoft Typography Font Shop Studio/Lab

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master of design: marcia laucen

Principal, Studio/lab & Director, School of Art and Design, UIC and Director Design for Democracy Marcia Lausen is a principal of Studio/lab and director of the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois at Chicago. At UIC, in addition to providing visionary and administrative leadership, Marcia teaches graduate and undergraduate students preparing for professional careers in design education, research, and practice. Marcia has served on the local and national boards of AIGA and is active in the election design initiative of AIGA Design for Democracy. Her book “Design for Democracy: Ballot + Election Design” was published in 2007 by the University of Chicago Press. Marcia received her MFA in graphic design from Yale University. She was named a 2004 Fast Company Master of Design for her work in election design. In November 2000, when the now-infamous butterfly ballot caused confusion in the state of Florida during

a hotly contested presidential election, the importance of well-designed ballots to a functioning democracy caught the nation’s attention. Recognizing that our entire voting process—from registering to vote to following instructions at the polling place—was in need of design reform, a multidisciplinary team of design professionals, educators, and enthusiastic students set about investigating the transformative effects that good design can bring to civic experience. Lausen tells the story of a grass roots effort, which became a strategic initiative of AIGA, which developed into federally endorsed guidelines, which resulted in a solid foundation for improved design—just in time for the 2008 presidential election.

a case that needs a closer look! the zapf!: hermann zapf Typefaces: Palatino, Optima, Zapfino

Hermann Zapf was born in Nuremberg in 1918. Between 1934 and 1938, Hermann Zapf served an apprenticeship as a retoucher at Nuremberg printers Karl Ulrich & Co. In 1938/39 Hermann Zapf worked in the Paul Koch printing workshop in Frankfurt am Main. From 1947 until 1956 Hermann Zapf was employed in the typographical division of the Stempel type foundry. There Hermann Zapf designed the Optima (from 1958), Palatino (from 1948), and Sistina (1951) typefaces. Between 1957 and 1974. Hermann Zapf served as an adviser to the Linotype Company in New York. From 1972 until 1981 Hermann Zapf taught typography at the Technische Hochschule in Darmstadt.


From 1972 until 1981 Hermann Zapf taught typography at the Technische Hochschule in Darmstadt. Between 1977 and 1987, Hermann Zapf was also a professor at the School of Printing in Rochester, New York. While there, Hermann Zapf did pioneering work in digitalizing a great many fonts for the new computer software. So prolific was Hermann Zapf as a typographer that he invented more than 200 typefaces, of which some are today among the most widely used standard fonts. From 1977 Hermann Zapf designed the ITC Zapf typeface and, from 1999, Zapfino. This is the Zapf!

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