Urban Parks as Habitat Networks: Sidewalk Labs Toronto Case Study Drawings

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Urban Parks as Habitat Networks: Promoting Resident Wellbeing Through Biodiverse Greenspace Drawing Set Prepared for Sidewalk Labs J Cameron Parkin Maya Przybylski

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 1: Regional Resistance Maps

Fig 1.1

Forest And Woodland Regional Resistance Map

Fig 1.2

Grassland and Scrub Regional Resistance Map

Fig 1.3

Lake and Shoreline Regional Resistance Map

Fig 1.4

Marsh and River Regional Resistance Map

High Movement Resistance

Strong Habitat

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 2: Regional Habitat Networks and Sightings

Fig 2.1

Forest and Woodland Regional Habitat Network and Sightings

Fig 2.2

Grassland and Scrub Regional Habitat Network and Sightings

Fig 2.3

Lake and Shoreline Regional Habitat Network and Sightings

Fig 2.4

Marsh and River Regional Habitat Network and Sightings

Forest and Woodland Site Development Anaylsis Extents

Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

Species Sightings Size relative to number of species

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 3: Regional Habitat Network and Sightings Overlay

Fig 3.

Regional Habitat Network and Sightings Overlay Forest and Woodland Site Development Anaylsis Extents

Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

Species Sightings Size relative to number of species

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 4: Site Development Resistance Maps Pt 1

Fig 4.1

Forest and Woodland Resistance Map Before Development

Fig 4.2

Forest and Woodland Resistance Map After Development

Fig 4.3

Grassland and Scrub Resistance Map Before Development

Fig 4.4

Grassland and Scrub Resistance Map After Development

High Movement Resistance

Strong Habitat

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 5: Site Development Resistance Maps Pt 2

Fig 5.1

Lake and Shoreline Resistance Map Before Development

Fig 5.2

Lake and Shoreline Resistance Map After Development

Fig 5.3

Marsh and River Resistance Map Before Development

Fig 5.4

Marsh and River Resistance Map After Development

High Movement Resistance

Strong Habitat

Panel 6: Site Development Habitat Networks Pt 1

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Fig 6.1

Forest and Woodland Habitat Network Before Development

Fig 6.2

Forest and Woodland Habitat Network After Development

Fig 6.3

Grassland and Scrub Habitat Network Before Development

Fig 6.4

Grassland and Scrub Habitat Network After Development

Forest and Woodland Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 7: Site Development Resistance Maps Pt 2

Fig 7.1

Lake and Shoreline Habitat Network Before Development

Fig 7.2

Lake and Shoreline Habitat Network After Development

Fig 7.3

Marsh and River Habitat Network Before Development

Fig 7.4

Marsh and River Habitat Network After Development

Forest and Woodland Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 8: Site Development Habitat Network Overlay Before

Fig 8.

Site Development Habitat Network Overlay Before Forest and Woodland Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 9: Site Development Habitat Network Overlay After

Fig 9.

Site Development Habitat Network Overlay After Forest and Woodland Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 10: Network Intervention Suggestions Before Development

Fig 10.1

Patch Add Suggestions by Habitat Before Development

Fig 10.2

Patch Enhance Suggestions by Habitat Before Development

Fig 10.3

Ecotone Spread Suggestions by Habitat Before Development

Fig 10.4

Matrix Smooth Suggestions by Habitat Before Development

Forest and Woodland Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

Urban Parks as Habitat Networks | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski

Panel 11: Network Intervention Suggestions After Development

Fig 11.1

Patch Add Suggestions by Habitat After Development

Fig 11.2

Patch Enhance Suggestions by Habitat After Development

Fig 11.3

Ecotone Spread Suggestions by Habitat After Development

Fig 11.4

Matrix Smooth Suggestions by Habitat After Development

Forest and Woodland Key Intervention

Port Lands Focus Area

Grassland and Scrub Quayside

Lake and Shoreline Patch Connections Opacity relative to strength

Marsh and River Habitat Patches Opacity relative to strength

1 1

13 Chipping Sparrow 12 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 12 Barn Swallow 11 Downy Woodpecker 11 Semipalmated Sandpiper 10 Least Sandpiper 10 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 10 Field Sparrow Brown Creeper 8 White-winged Scoter 8 Yellow-rumped Warbler 8 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 8 Common Tern 8 Hermit Thrush 8 Mallard (Domestic type) 7 White-breasted Nuthatch 6 Lesser Yellowlegs 6 Northern Flicker 6 American Crow 5 Hairy Woodpecker 5 Brown Thrasher 4 Pine Warbler 4 Wood Duck 4 Common Raven 4 Cedar Waxwing 4 Winter Wren 4 Trumpeter Swan 4 American Coot 4 Great Egret 4 Great Black-backed Gull 3 Greater Yellowlegs 3 Semipalmated Plover 3 Turkey Vulture 3 American Wigeon 3 Pectoral Sandpiper 2 Wilson's Phalarope 2 Yellow Warbler 2 Northern Pintail 2 Bank Swallow 2 Fox Sparrow 2 Eastern Towhee 2 Savannah Sparrow 2 House Finch 2 Ring-necked Duck 2 Franklin's Gull 2 Warbling Vireo 2 crow/raven sp. 2 White-crowned Sparrow 2 white-winged gull sp. 2 Mallard/American Black Duck 1 Green Heron 1 Red-necked Grebe 1 Northern Mockingbird 1 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Wood Thrush 1 Peregrine Falcon 1 Purple Finch 1 Buteo sp. 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull 1

Panel 12: Site Species

Sparrow European Starling Red-tailedNetworks Hawk 1 Urban Parks as Habitat | J Cameron Parkin | Maya Przybylski362824 House Barn Swallow 1


23 Red-winged Blackbird 21 American Robin 22 Ri 15 Double-crested 8 Corm E 14 Ring-billed Gull 13 Rock Pigeon 4 Mallard 8 3 Cedar Waxwing 8 Tree Swallow 2 8 Canada Goose 7 Song Sparrow2 7 2 American Goldfin 6 140Finch Rock P House 6 1 Mallar Yellow50 Warbler 5 31 1Euro Cliff Swallow 4 Wh Northern22 Mocking 3 1 HeH Killdeer 20 2 20 Eastern KingbirdRi 2 Dark-eyed 16 JuncoD 2 14 N American Crow 1 8 A American Kestrel 1 White-throated8 SparB 1 Black-crowned6NightN 1 Gray Catbird 5 1 H Baltimore Oriole 1 A Northern Cardinal 4 1 4 A 2 D 2 A 2 Gr 2 Re 2 Son 2 Com 2 North

Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk

Rock Pigeon



Common Raven

35 American Robin


gull sp. 2 Northern Cardinal 2 House Sparrow 2 Chipping Sparrow 2 American Robin 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 White-throated Sparrow 1 Black-and-white Warbler 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Northern Waterthrush 1 House Finch 1 Rock Pigeon


Red-winged Blackbird

Rock Pigeon


House Sparrow


Ring-billed Gull


European Starling


Common Grackle


Northern Mockingbird

1 1

Black-crowned Night-Heron

Red-tailed Hawk


hawk sp. 1

Herring Gull 1


Sharp-shinned Hawk

106 Rock Pigeon 72 Long-tailed Duck 66 Ring-billed Gull 21 European Starling 13 Canada Goose 8 Mallard 3 Herring Gull 1 Ring-necked Duck

American Kestrel


Northern Mockingbird

140 Ring-billed Gull 100 Mallard 100 Larus sp. 100 Long-tailed Duck 80 House Sparrow 50 Rock Pigeon 16 Red-breasted Merganser 11 Canada Goose Herring Gull 4 Common Goldeneye 3 swan sp. 2 Mute Swan 2 European Starling 1 Peregrine Falcon 1

311 Long-tailed Duck 71 Ring-billed Gull 44 Canada Goose 37 Mallard 24 Red-breasted Merganser 8 Common Goldeneye 6 Herring Gull 2 Wilson's Warbler 2 House Sparrow 2 Rock Pigeon 1 American Redstart 1 American Coot 1 Common Yellowthroat 1 American Robin


12 6 3

House Sparrow Rock Pigeon Red-breasted Merganser Ring-billed Gull

250 Long-tailed Duck 75 Red-breasted Merganser 20 Herring Gull 10 8 3 1

Ring-billed Gull Rock Pigeon Mallard (Domestic type) Mallard


Species seen surrounding Quayside the last five years

Site Development Anaylsis Extents

Port Lands Focus Area


Northern Shoveler


Northern Pintail


Ring-billed Gull


Herring Gull


Red-breasted Merganser


Great Black-backed Gull



Herring Gull Hooded Merganser

358 Long-tailed Duck 304 Ring-billed Gull 242 Canada Goose 211 Rock Pigeon 99 Mallard 77 Redhead 70 Red-breasted Merganser 63 European Starling 35 House Sparrow 32 Bufflehead 19 Common Goldeneye 19 Herring Gull 16 Hooded Merganser 15 Black-capped Chickadee 15 American Robin 10 Mute Swan American Goldfinch 9 Common Merganser 8 Dark-eyed Junco 7 Greater/Lesser Scaup 4 American Tree Sparrow 3 American Wigeon 3 Northern Cardinal 3 White-throated Sparrow 2 Iceland Gull 2 Peregrine Falcon 2 Gadwall 2 Downy Woodpecker 2 Black-and-white Warbler 1 American Crow 1 Northern Mockingbird 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Song Sparrow 1 Cedar Waxwing 1 Cooper's Hawk 1 Winter Wren 1

Long-tailed Duck


4 1 1

166 Ring-billed Gull 52 Double-crested Cormorant 42 Canada Goose 39 Barn Swallow 27 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 21 House Sparrow 14 Mallard Herring Gull 9 European Starling 9 Killdeer 9 Rock Pigeon 8 White-crowned Sparrow 7 American Crow 6 Common Tern 6 White-throated Sparrow 6 Red-winged Blackbird 6 Mute Swan 5 Long-tailed Duck 4 Blue Jay 4 Chimney Swift 4 4 Caspian Tern 3 Song Sparrow 3 Common Grackle 2 Trumpeter Swan 2 Mallard (Domestic type) 2 Belted Kingfisher 2 Mourning Dove 2 American Goldfinch 1 Yellow Warbler 1 American Robin 1 Baltimore Oriole 1 Whimbrel 1 Black-and-white Warbler 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Great Blue Heron 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Purple Martin 1 Northern Cardinal 1 Eastern Kingbird 1 Tree Swallow 1 Spotted Sandpiper 1 Great Black-backed Gull 1 Gray Catbird

20 Mallard 5 Canada Goose 4 Ring-billed Gull 4 Long-tailed Duck 2 Herring Gull 2 House Sparrow 2 Red-breasted Merganser 1 Merlin

Fig 12.

Long-tailed Duck

55 200 Long-tailed Duck 15 Mallard 12 Canada Goose

2802 Mallard 2127 Long-tailed Duck 2112 Ring-billed Gull 1318 House Sparrow 1177 Rock Pigeon Goldfinch 1094 Double-crested Cormorant 727 Red-breasted Merganser 344 European Starling 260 Canada Goose 181 Greater Scaup 175 Red-winged Blackbird 159 Common Goldeneye 141 Common Grackle 130 gull sp. 126 Redhead 108 Herring Gull 105 Barn Swallow 88 Mute Swan 46 Trumpeter Swan 33 American Black Duck 26 American Coot 19 Mourning Dove Long-tailed Duck 18 American Robin Common Goldeneye 17 Lesser Scaup Rock Pigeon 15 American Tree Sparrow 15 Blue Jay Bufflehead 13 American Crow Red-breasted Merganser 10 duck sp. 9 Chimney Swift House Sparrow 9 Tree Swallow Common Merganser 9 Common Merganser 7 sparrow sp. Trumpeter Swan 7 Bufflehead Mallard 7 goose sp. 25 Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull 6 White-crowned Sparrow 6 Winter Wren Ring-billed Gull 6 Greater/Lesser Scaup 6 American Goldfinch 1 Herring Gull 5 Iceland Gull 5 White-winged Scoter 4 Ring-necked Duck 4 White-throated Sparrow 4 Cedar Waxwing 4 Peregrine Falcon 4 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4 American Kestrel 4 Northern Cardinal 4 Song Sparrow 4 merganser sp. 4 Northern Pintail 4 Canvasback 3 Gadwall 3 Downy Woodpecker 3 Common Tern 3 Red-tailed Hawk 3 Caspian Tern 3 Great Black-backed Gull 2 Brown-headed Cowbird 2 Cackling/Canada Goose 2 Killdeer 2 swallow sp. 2 Purple Martin 2 House Finch 2 Hooded Merganser 2 Warbling Vireo 2 Hermit Thrush 2 Graylag Goose (Domestic type) 2 Mallard x American Black Duck (hybrid) 1 Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 Northern Saw-whet Owl 1 Northern Waterthrush 1 Tundra Swan 1 Turkey Vulture 1 Yellow Warbler winged Blackbird 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk -billed Gull

Rock Pigeon

56 American Robin 20 European Starling 12 Dark-eyed Junco 6 Canada Goose 6 Mallard 2 Northern Cardinal 1 American Tree Sparrow 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Eastern Bluebird 1 Cooper's Hawk


88 House Sparrow 21 Ring-billed Gull 14 Rock Pigeon 11 European Starling 9 Barn Swallow 2 American Robin 1 Common Grackle 1 Bald Eagle


European Starling


263 Rock Pigeon 189 House Sparrow 20 Ring-billed Gull 9 European Starling 4 American Goldfinch 1 American Robin 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 White-throated Sparrow 1 Common Grackle

Red-tailed Hawk


Peregrine Falcon Red-winged Blackbird

Ring-billed Gull




Herring Gull

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