Weekly Address 18 9 2010

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Weekly Address: President Obama Castigates GOP Leadership for Blocking Fixes for the Citizens United Decision WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama called out the Republican leadership in Congress for defending the entrenched special interests and the status quo. After the Supreme Court overturned decades of law and precedent in the Citizens United decision, the administration tried to fix the new loopholes in the campaign finance system with a common sense law. This law would require public disclosure of who funds political ads and it would restrict foreign controlled corporations from spending to influence elections. But, the GOP leadership has blocked a vote on the law in the Senate in hopes that the special interests will reward them by funding attack ads against their opponents. The audio and video of the address will be available online at www.whitehouse.gov at 6:00 am ET, Saturday, September 18, 2010. Remarks of President Barack Obama As prepared for delivery Saturday, September 18, 2010 Washington, DC Back in January, in my State of the Union Address, I warned of the danger posed by a Supreme Court ruling called Citizens United. This decision overturned decades of law and precedent. It gave the special interests the power to spend without limit – and without public disclosure – to run ads in order to influence elections. Now, as an election approaches, it’s not just a theory. We can see for ourselves how destructive to our democracy this can become. We see it in the flood of deceptive attack ads sponsored by special interests using front groups with misleading names. We don’t know who’s behind these ads or who’s paying for them. Even foreign-controlled corporations seeking to influence our democracy are able to spend freely in order to swing an election toward a candidate they prefer. We’ve tried to fix this with a new law – one that would simply require that you say who you are and who’s paying for your ad. This way, voters are able to make an informed judgment about a group’s motivations. Anyone running these ads would have to stand by their claims. And foreign-controlled corporations would be restricted from spending money to influence elections, just as they were before the Supreme Court opened up this loophole. This is common sense. In fact, this is the kind of proposal that Democrats and Republicans have agreed on for decades. Yet, the Republican leaders in Congress have so far said “no.” They’ve blocked this bill from even coming up for a vote in the Senat e. It’s politics at its worst. But it’s not hard to understand why. Over the past two years, we have fought back against the entrenched special interests – weakening their hold on the levers of power in Washington. We have taken a stand against the worst abuses of the financial industry and health insurance companies. We’ve rolled back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. And we’ve restored enforcement of common sense rules to protect clean air and clean water. We have refused to go along with business as usual. Now, the special interests want to take Congress back, and return to the days when lobbyists wrote the laws. And a partisan minority in Congress is hoping their defense of these special interests and the status quo will be rewarded with a flood of negative ads against their opponents. It’s a power grab, pure and simple. They’re hoping they can ride this wave of unchecked influence all the way to victory. What is clear is that Congress has a responsibility to act. But the truth is, any law will come too late to prevent the damage that has already been done this election season. That is why, any time you see an attack ad by one of these shadowy groups, you should ask yourself, who is paying for this ad? Is it the health insurance lobby? The oil industry? The credit card companies? But more than that, you can make sure that the tens of millions of dollars spent on misleading ads do not drown out your voice. Because no matter how many ads they run – no matter how many elections they try to buy – the power to determine the fate of this country doesn’t lie in their hands. It lies in yours. It’s up to all of us to defend that most basic American principle of a government of, by, and for the people. What’s at stake is not just an election. It’s our democracy itself.

Thank you.


The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the United States and the chief authority in the judicial branch, one of three branches of the United States federal government. The Supreme Court hears appeals from decisions of lower federal courts and state supreme courts, and it resolves issues of constitutional and federal law. It stands as the ultimate authority in constitutional interpretation, and its decisions can be changed only by a constitutional

“Back in January, in my [Presidential] State of the Union Address, I warned of the danger posed by a Supreme Court ruling called Citizens United. “

The President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces. Article II of the U.S. Constitution vests the executive power of the United States in the president and charges him with the execution of federal law, alongside the responsibility of appointing federal executive, diplomatic, regulatory, and judicial officers, and concluding treaties with foreign powers, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The president is further empowered to grant federal pardons and reprieves, and to convene and adjourn either or both houses of Congress under extraordinary circumstances.[3] Since the founding of the United States, the power of the president and the federal government have substantially grown[4] and each modern president, despite possessing no formal legislative powers beyond signing or vetoing congressionally passed bills, is largely responsible for dictating the legislative agenda of his party and the foreign and domestic policy of the United States. [5] The president is frequently described as the most powerful person in the world.[6][7][8][9][10][11]

Citizens United is a conservative non-profit organization. Its president and chairman is David Bossie. Citizens United describes its mission as being dedicated to restoring the United States government to "citizens' control" and to "assert American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security." To fulfill this mission, Citizens United undertakes various educational projects, including television advertising and feature-length documentaries.[1] Citizens United was founded in 1988 by conservative activist Floyd Brown.[2] David Bossie has been its president since 2000. Its offices are on Pennsylvania Avenue in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, D.C. The associated Citizens United Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization.

John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936) is the senior United States Senator from Arizona. He was the Republican nominee for president in the 2008 United States election. Barack Hussein Obama is the winner of the 2008 United States Election. ?? Citizens United has a Connection with this Youtube Link : http://www.youtube.com/u ser/JohnMcCaindotcom



influential group: a group of people in business or society who have the same objectives or support the same cause, especially a powerful or influential group

“This decision overturned decades of law and precedent. It gave the [External] special interests the power to spend without limit – and without public disclosure – to run ads in order [Chain of Command, Internal Political Order] to influence elections. ”

Lakshmi Niwas Mittal (Rajasthani: लक्ष्मी ममत्तल; born 2 September 1950)[3] is an Indian[4][5][6][7][8] steel tycoon and the chairman and chief executive officer of ArcelorMittal. As of July 2010, Mittal is the richest man in Europe[2] and the fifth richest in the world with a personal wealth of US$28.7 billion or £19.3 billion.[2] The Financial Times named Mittal Person of the Year in 2006. In May 2007, he was named one of the "100 Most Influential People" by Time magazine.

Who is the largest contributor to the Clinton Foundation? Clinton donor list doesn't say who gave in '09

Former President Bill Clinton's charity released a donor list Friday under an agreement with President Barack Obama to prevent conflicts with Hillary Rodham Clinton's role as secretary of state, but it failed to identify who gave in 2009, her first year in the Cabinet post. http://www.scpr.org/news/2010/01/01/clint on-donor-list-doesnt-say-who-gave-09/

“Now, as an [November 2010] election approaches, it’s not just a theory [Special Interests, Special Application of the Monroe Doctrine?]. We [the People of the United States] can see for ourselves [Common Sense] how destructive to our democracy this can become [U.S. Constitution]. We see it in the flood of deceptive attack ads [Logic] sponsored by [External?] special interests using front groups with misleading names. We don’t know who’s behind these ads or who’s paying for them [While Claiming Links with high profile American Politicians to indirectly seek Protection Political or Public]. Even foreign-controlled corporations seeking to influence our democracy are able to spend freely in order to swing an election toward a candidate they prefer [Using Groups like e.g. Citizens United]. ”

Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideals, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular brand. These brands are usually paid for or identified through sponsors and viewed via various media. Advertising can also serve to communicate an idea to a large number of people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action.

binding or enforceable rule: a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by authority. Provided by Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © “We’ve tried to fix this with a new law – one that would simply require that you say who you are and who’s paying for your ad. This way, voters are able to make an informed judgment about a group’s motivations. Anyone running these ads would have to stand by their claims [Directly representing themselves instead of hiding]. And foreign-controlled [Multi National] corporations would be restricted from spending money to influence [the American] elections, just as they were before the Supreme Court opened up this loophole. [The Law as presented back then implied that the strong American Political Mindset would be capable of controlling the flow of money thus corruption would be limited or even easily eliminated]”

The brought of Financial Methods first developed and applied in Europe and North America in regions of the World such as India, Brazil and even Venezuela and China has also brought a feeling of National Pride which in many cases can be interpreted as Nationalism best seen through the relatively new founded Corporations. good judgment: sound practical judgment derived from experience rather than study provided by Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. “This is common sense. In fact, this is the kind of proposal that Democrats and Republicans have agreed on for decades. Yet, the Republican leaders in Congress have so far said “no.” They’ve blocked this bill from even coming up for a vote in the Senate [An Division on how the Political Thought should further handle aggressive lobbying by Foreign Multinational Corporations].

“Over the past two years, we have fought back against the entrenched special interests – weakening their hold on the levers of power in Washington [New Lobbies trying to take out old Centers of Influence including isolating the US House & Congress along with the White House]. We [the White House, the Congress & the House of Representatives] have taken a [n overall United] stand against the worst abuses of the financial industry and health insurance companies [When it comes to internal Corporations, the Argument of unfair Treatment towards American Corporate is also implied]. We’ve rolled back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas [e.g. Software Companies Exporting Jobs to India]. And we’ve restored enforcement of common sense rules to protect clean air and clean water [Corporate Interests active in Environment]. We have refused to go along with business as usual. [Include Foreign Corporations in American Decision Making]”

“Now, the [Foreign + Local] special interests [Seeking Alliance since they can not take over Washington on their own] want to take Congress back, and return to the days when lobbyists wrote the laws. And a [an Unnamed] partisan minority in Congress is hoping their defense of these special interests and the status quo will be rewarded with a [Money] flood of negative ads against their opponents [Media easily manipulated through legal financial channels, Corruption of American Values implied]. It’s a power grab [Chain of Command, Political Order Threatened], pure and simple. They’re hoping they can ride this wave of unchecked influence all the way to victory [Putting their people in key positions while claiming that they are “taking on the Washington establishment” using Groups such as ‘Citizens United’ loosely tied with already known Politicians to test methods and infiltrate the American Political Background].”

“What is clear is that Congress has a responsibility to act. But the truth is, any law will come too late to prevent the damage that has already been done this election season. [Warning] That is why, any time you see an attack ad by one of these shadowy groups, you should ask yourself, who is paying for this ad? Is it the health insurance lobby? The oil industry? The credit card companies? [Local Danger or Foreign Danger or an Alliance forged to take over the public opinion?]�

“But more than that, you can make sure that the tens of millions of dollars spent on misleading ads do not drown out your voice [Freedom of Speech, Thought and Action]. Because no matter how many ads they run [While watching TV or Browsing the Internet] – no matter how many elections they try to buy – the power to determine the fate of this country doesn’t lie in their [Alien when it comes to the American Spirit] hands. It lies in yours. It’s up to all of us [U.S.] to defend that most basic American principle of a government of, by, and for the people. What’s at stake is not just an election. It’s our [American] democracy itself [by Alien or Alienated Interests].

Thank you.”


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