Drunvalo melchizedek ancient secret of the flower of life (vol 2)

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fer. He wanted to be like his heroes, but he didn't have anyone higher than himself in his realm. He didn't have any heroes. He was the greatest archangel in creation. There was no one greater than he. Rather, the only hero he had was God, who was the only being beyond him, from where he could see. So Lucifer did something very natural—and I feel sure that God was aware that this would take place when he created him. He wanted to be as good as God—to actually be God—from a creation level. There's nothing wrong with merging with God, but that isn't exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to be just like God. In fact, he wanted to be even better than God. Lucifer wanted to surpass his hero. Lucifer was so intelligent that he knew how the universe was created. He knew the images, the patterns and the codes that had created the universe. But in order to be greater than God, he decided that he would have to separate from God. As long as he was part of God, he could not go beyond Him. So, evidently with God's blessing (since He created him), Lucifer started on a great experiment to see what could be learned by creating in a different way from how God/Spirit had made the original creation. He severed the love bonds between himself and God and created a Mer-Ka-Ba field that was not based on love, because once he severed the love between himself and God, he could no longer make a living Mer-Ka-Ba. Archangel Lucifer and many other angels started on this great experiment to see what could be learned in this new way. As we said, similar experiments had actually been tried three times before by other beings, but those experiments had ended in massive destruction and pain for everyone involved. Many planets had been completely destroyed, including one in our own solar system—Mars. But Lucifer was retrying this old experiment with a new method. So he severed the love bonds between himself and God (at least it outwardly appears this way) and created a Mer-Ka-Ba field that was not based on love. What he did was make an interdimensional time-space machine that we call a spaceship. This flying object—sometimes seen as a flying saucer but also many other shapes—was more than just a vehicle as we think of it, much more. It could not only move throughout the spectrum of this multidimensional Reality, but it could create realities that seemed to be just as real as the original creation. It is similar to what we are now calling virtual reality, only this was a virtual reality that could not be distinguished from the real thing. So Lucifer made this synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba to create a reality separate from God so that he could ascend to the heights and be just as good as God, at least in his own mind. He couldn't be God, but he could be like God, his hero. In order to convince other angels that this experiment was necessary, he chose a different pathway out of the Great Void to create his synthetic reality that was unique unto itself. To explain this in detail, we will move to the Garden of Eden. SEVENTEEN —Duality Transcended $ 4 1 3

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