ePortfolio Rubric

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CATEGORY ePortfolio

Additional Credit




The site is an excellent example of a professional ePortfolio. It displays quality work and insight that is evident throughout the site. Background is exceptionally attractive, consistent, professional, and does not detract from readability.

The site is a good example of a quality ePortfolio. It displays good work and insight, but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it. Background is attractive, consistent, professional, and does not detract from readability.

The site is an average example of an ePortfolio and features vague or unrelated elements.

The site does not display any qualities of an ePortfolio. Background detracts from the readability of the site.


Graphics are highly relevant, thoughtfully cropped, of exceptional quality, original, and enhance the ePortfolio.

Graphics are relevant, of good quality and enhance the ePortfolio.

Graphics are related to aspects of the ePortfolio and are of decent quality.

Graphics seem randomly chosen, are of low quality, or distract the reader.


Additional quality information is provided that displays creativity and higher level thinking.

All information provided is accurate and all components are featured.

Almost all the information is accurate, and most components are featured.

Some of the information is accurate and at least some components are featured.


The site has an exceptionally attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements. White space, graphic elements and/or alignment are used effectively to organize material.

The site has an attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements.

The site has a usable layout, but may appear busy or boring. It is easy to locate most of the important elements.

The site is cluttered looking or confusing. It is often difficult to locate important elements.

Links for navigation are clearly labeled, consistently placed allow the reader to easily move from a page to related pages, and internal links take the reader where he or she expects.

Links for navigation take the reader where he or she expects, but some needed links seem to be missing.

Some links do not take the reader to the sites described.


Color of background, fonts, and links form a pleasing palette, does not detract from the content, and is consistent across pages.

Colors of backgrounds, fonts, and links do not detract from the content and is consistent across pages.

Colors of backgrounds, fonts, and links make the content hard to read or distracts the reader.


The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.

A wide variety of fonts, styles and point sizes is used.


The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for heading and text. Use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) is used consistently and improves readability. Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy‐to‐locate and accurate citations for all borrowed material. No material is included from sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained. No copyright has been broken.

Borrowed materials are not properly documented or material was borrowed without permission from a site that requires permission. Copyright is violated.


Fair used guidelines are followed with clear, easy‐to‐locate and accurate citations for almost all borrowed material. No material is included from sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained. Copyright is questionable. There are 1‐3 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.



There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Background is consistent across pages and does not detract from readability.

There are more than 3 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.