Brand | Pause

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Jayeeta Kundu | Instructor: David Hake | GR 620 Visual Thinking | Summer 14 | Pause Process 1 Book

Pause is a brand that inspires and empowers people who seek balance in their digital lives to relax, reflect, re-define and re-connect with life. What will you pause for?

Jayeeta Kundu | Instructor: David Hake | GR 620 Visual Thinking | Summer 14 | Pause Process Book

Contents 01 Topic Selection Topic Exploration Five Topics for Investigation Mind-mapping

02 Research Brand Framework Audience and Personas Competition

03 Brand Ideation Mood and Color Typography Tone and Keywords Identity and Logo Creative Brief

04 Deliverables Posters Narrative // Technology addiction Website // Technology addiction awareness Event // Print and promotional materials Products // Member’s welcome kit


Topic Selection

01 Topic Exploration 02 Five Topics for Investigation 03 Mind-mapping


Topic Exploration The topic selection process started with the sketch book. By looking within and writing down the list of 10 things that I like, 10 things I do not like, 10 problems in the world I want solved, 10 problems in the world that will never be solved and 10 problems I think would be solved if communication was better. Out of these fifty topics, I narrowed down to five main topics to further explore.

Looking Inwards

Looking Outwards

Looking Outwards


Five Topics for Investigation

Topic 01 // Technology Addiction

Topic 02 // Clean Streets

Is being constantly connected leading us to loneliness?

How can we motivate people to keep their neighborhoods clean?

Technology today shapes our personalities and relationships. We live in a world where we are constantly connected to each other and in a dis-illusion of virtual companionship, we forget how to actually communicate. We isolate ourselves as we get busy in our own worlds. We type as we talk and read as we chat. We ignore the little things that make us happy and as we do so, we slowly make ourselves more lonely.

Litter seems to be a universal problem. Even in communities that pride themselves on beauty and cleanliness, there are areas that go unattended. We live in a beautiful city that is praised for its progressive values and deeply set urban intellect of its residents. Why then, do we find ourselves, walking the streets with trash and rubbish accumulated along our sidewalks, roads and highways.

Is technology the problem, or is it about how we’re using these tools? Can we turn this around? How can technology be used to bring us together—to solve this most basic of human needs? Life is all about staying in balance, so following that thought, can we start using technology to our advantage; to connect in a deeper and more meaningful way.

Creating awareness through interactive communication tools would motivate people to keep the streets and neighborhoods clean by not only removing the eyesore and but by preventing littering.

Topic 03 // Reducing Stress

Topic 04 // Feral Children

Topic 05 // For the Keepers

In our fast paced lives how do we get through without stress?

Can children suffering from abuse and extreme isolation ever lead a normal life?

Why should we preserve cultures on the brink of extinction?

Our generation seems to be always anxious and stressed. Tight deadlines, poor time management, trying to balance work and life, taking too much on has led us in the path of poor mental and physical health. Using graphic design to aid better schedules, time management and promoting the importance of taking small mental breaks can help people cope with stress, lead a healthy lifestyle and ensure maximum productivity.

Feral children are human children raised in wild or extreme isolation, away from any kind of human and social contact. These children are results of parental ignorance, superstitions, neglect or poverty. These children suffer unimaginable and shocking physiological and psychological impacts of isolation and neglect. Though this is a less known problem, cases of such children are reported on a regular basis from all over the world. Through education, awareness and support, these children, can be rescued and rehabilitated and have hopes of a better future. call social cognition.

The uniqueness of humanity is in its extraordinary diversity of cultures, a large number of which are disappearing from the planet at an alarming rate. Each vanishing culture are expressions of the human imagination and heart, unique answers to a fundamental question: What does it mean to be human and alive? As they become extinct, they take with them, a bit of our history as mankind. Unique methods of life, languages and communities are lost. Awareness and education, can help restore and prevent these cultures from becoming extinct and maintain the unique eco-system we habit to deal with all the challenges that will confront us as a species over the coming centuries. call social cognition.



During the mindmapping process I divided the topic of technology addiction into three main ideas to further expand on. 01 What are we gaining from technology v/s what are we losing from it?

What are we losing?

What are we gaining?

// Closeness // Intimacy // Power of listening // Patience // Communities // Focus/Concentration // Value // Connections

// Distance // Being distant // Power of speech // Urgency // Seclusion/Isolation // Distractions // Speed // Connectivity

02 Humane v/s Mechanical


03 Uniqueness v/s Uniformity

// Errors // Textual/Handfeel // Emotions/Feelings // Deep // Warm // Conteplation // Reflection

// Privacy // Communication // Friends/Relationship // Attention // Addition // Engagement // Mental health // Self-Confidence

// Addiction // Mis-communication // Aquaintences // Anxiety // Fear of missing out // Obsession // Entertainment // Self-Image

Machine // Solitude // Inward // Freedom // Thoughtful // Inclusive // Intuitive // Real

// Precision/No Errors // Glossy // Devoid of emotions // Shallow // Cold // Productivity // Efficiency



// Talk // Handwritting // Personality/Culture // Talent

// Text // Type // Gadgets/Devices // Technology

// Loneliness/Lonely // Outward // Control // Swift/Fast // Invading // Mathematical // Virtual/Illusion


Research 01 Brand Framework 02 Audience and Personas 03 Competition


Brand Framework

Potential Brand Names 01 // Seek* (Meaning: to search, look for) Searching/Seeking human connections 02 // Mono* (Meaning: alone, single, one, uniform) With a quirky uniqueness that reminds us of what it means to be human 03 // De_Noise (Meaning: get rid of distractions/distur bances and noise) 04 // Pause_ (Meaning: short break, halt, stop) Take a break and look up from your phone / Pause before you connect to the infinite loop. 05 // Core* (Meaning: center, essence) Connect to your core/Get to your core. 06 // Mis-Connect Disconnect to find all those things/real connections that you are missing/have been missing.

NAME: Pause CATEGORY: Ideological LOCATION: Major cities of United States, for events and as a Web Platform. PURPOSE: Pause_ is dedicated to create a balance in the fast paced digital age. In an era of constant silicon valley acceleration, over abundant screen time, always being available, endless networking, information overload, tech driven anxiety, social media everything, digital dependencies and a constant fear of missing out, people need someone to slow down with, take a step back and re-connect with themselves and close ones. SCOPE: Technology dependency and addiction is a universal problem in our tech generation and is relevant for developed nations as well as developing ones. COMPETITION & INSPIRATION: Digital Detox | Grouper Social Club, New York | Dialog05 | Nextdoor, San Francisco | Reboot | GENERAL INFORMATION: Pause_ attempts to Inspire, empower and educate the tech generation, to help create more mindful, meaningful and balanced lives, both online and off. Using technology and interactive tools to connect people and organize events. Pause_ undertsands the importance of technology in our lives but also recognizes people’s needs to back up a little to re-connect with their core.


The audience for this brand are students and young professionals who use technology in abundance in their daily lives and are also dependant on it. They are addicted to their gadgets and inspite of realising that constant connectivity is affecting their health, personalities and relationships, find it impossible to switch off and take a break. Age Group // 18-32 years Preffered Social Networks // Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Pinterest, Flickr Foursquare and Tumblr Gadgets owned // Iphone, Ipod, Macbook Pro, Kindle Fire, X-box 360.

They can be categorized under three broad groups: Tech Addicts, Tech Discontents and Tech hipsters.


01 Persona

Group 01 // Addicts Addicts are people who cannot stay away from their phone or screens for more than a few moments at a time. Minutes spent away from the phone or screen makes them anxious and jittery. They realise they spent way too much time on the phone but can’t get a hold of their addiction. Through this brand, I hope to be able to create awareness and educate this group about their addiction and how that might be effecting their lives and health as well as to inspire them to find other things that might interest them and motivate them enough to switch off for a while.

Josh Josh is a closet gamer. He enjoys the online Role Playing Games and even though he is embarrased to tell that to his colleages, he spends hours behind the screen gaming or watching movies. Lately, he realises, his lack of social life and addiction is leading him to bad hygiene and extreme weight loss — but its impossible for him to do without his gadgets and he is still part of a virtual community.

Profession // Photographer

Goals // Josh feels disconnected from genuine relationship with others, despite constant online contact. He yearns for more intimate connections with friends and family, finding that faster and easier contact does not necessarily lead to better or deeper relationships. He feels the need to get in control of his gaming addiction and get a real life. Meet someone nice and probably get married in a few years.

Annual Income // $85,000

Facebook Friends // 440

Marital Status // Single

Preffered Social Networks // Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, Reddit

Age // 28 Location // Los Angeles.

Gadgets owned // Iphone, Macbook, x-box 360, Canon D6000, Leica M9 Morning Routine // Check news online, Check emails, Coffee, Morning Cigarette Passionate about // RPG Games, Photography, Blogging Bad Habits // Scanning through a hundred irrelevant blog posts, Smoking Style Statement // Casual, he’s most comfortable in his khaki’s and linen shirts. Social Score // 80


02 Persona

Group 02 // Discontents Tech discontents are those who are addicted to technology but also feel disconnected from genuine relations with others despite constant online contact. They yearn for more intimate connections with friends and family. Pause will offer this group opportunities to switch off and participate in activities and events that they are passionate about and can help them re-connect with themselves.

Stacy Stacy is a tech addict // She is dependant on technology and her gadgets for her work and finds it difficult to switch off even when she gets home. Moments spent away from her phone or screen makes her anxious and jittery.

Age // 32 Location // San Francisco,

Goals // She wants to regain control of her life rather than lose herself in distractions. In this attempt she has weaned herself off technology by trying to establish simple limits, such as no-screens at the dinner table or in before bed, no email on weekends, or no Facebook or Twitter until a certain time of day. Nothing has helped so far, and she has had her cheat days, but she is persistant.

Media Strategist.

She is hopeful that she would achieve that control and freedom to just be able to lay down and read a book or have a anxiety free play day with her daughter. Even if that means giving up her smartphone, so be it.

Annual Income // $130,000

Facebook Friends // 582

Marital Status // Divorced.

Preffered Social Networks // Twitter, Reddit, Scoutle, Nextdoor

Has a 12 year old daughter

Gadgets owned // iphone, ipad, Macbook Air, Pedometer

Profession // Blogger and

Morning Routine // Check news online, Check personal emails, Coffee, Yoga before getting ready for work Passionate about // Daily exercise, baking, writting and art. Bad Habits // Obsessive surfing, Texting during meetings Style Statement // Casual, she’s at her best in her summer dresses. Social Score // 67


03 Persona

Group 03 // Tech hipsters Tech hipsters are those who feel that the worship of social media is vastly overrated and want to make a statement of independence and counter culture that values retro technologies or complete disengagement from some technology. This group is the closest to the cause that my brand is trying to promote. Tech hipsters are already looking for opportunities to switch off and are taking steps to keep away from it in their daily routene. Pause will act as a platform for them to express their freedom and spirit to bring more people closer to the cause.

Lianna Lianna used to be a technology addict // She was addicted to her iphone, almost never left her laptop and was binging on television shows as well. Not anymore. She was perpetually connected through Facebook and Twitter. She now admits to cravings, anxiety attacks and depression when forced to abstain from using media. Goals // She now thinks that the mainstream worship of social media is overrated. She and her group of college friends wanted to make a statement of independence and counter culture that values retro technologies and a complete disengagement from some technology. She has been out of Facebook and some social media platforms and likes to boast about her lifestyle choices: reading physical books instead of e-books, sending postcards and listening to vinyl records.

Age // 22

Facebook Friends // 1032

Location // Chicago, US

Preffered Social Networks // Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Pinterest, Foursquare, Tumblr

Profession // Student.

Gadgets owned // Iphone, Ipod, Macbook Pro, Kindle Fire

University of Illinois.

Morning Routine // Snooze Alarm, Check Facebook and Twitter, Instagram and Youtube to finally wake up.

Major: Economics. Annual Income // $18,000 Marital Status // In a relationship

Passionate about // DIY, Urban Farming, Bad Habits // She hasn’t still been able to get de-addicted to her iphone completely and keeps checking it obsessively throughout the day. Style Statement // Casual, Stylish. Ocassionally she likes to pull off those pretty Free-people looks. Social Score // 54


Brand Ideation

01 Mood and Color 02 Typography 03 Tone 04 Keywords 05 Visual Identity 06 Creative Brief


Selecting a mood

When selecting the mood and color for pause I started with two color directions. Both color stories followed a similar pattern of having two to three bright and loud, almost neon tones, that represented technology. I was going for the feeling of technical lighting, artificial, catchy, loud and attractive, edgy contrasted with neutral tones and photography representing the human aspect I wanted to capture.

In contrast to the brand name Pause, I worked around the theme of swift movements, technical glitch and errors with shifted type and photographic styles, color overlaps and misprints that represent technology and humans at the same time. Along with that I had a clean and a precise and geometric sans serif typeface for the body copy.

When selecting the mood and color for pause I started with two color directions. Both color stories followed a similar pattern of having two to three bright and loud, almost neon tones, that represented technology. I was going for the feeling of technical lighting, artificial, catchy, loud and attractive, edgy contrasted with neutral tones and photography representing the human aspect I wanted to capture.

In contrast to the brand name Pause, I worked around the theme of swift movements, technical glitch and errors with shifted type and photographic styles, color overlaps and misprints that represent technology and humans at the same time. Along with that I had a clean and a precise and geometric sans serif typeface for the body copy.


Mood and Color For the final mood and color I chose the orange and pink set because it worked better with the concept. It was more edgy and vibrant. The blue set seemed soothing and almost pleasing.


04 // Tone Thought provoking: By asking questions and encouraging people to think about their life choices. Pause is an ideological brand, that persuades its audience to think and understand what matters most to them. It’s tone captures two vastly contrasting aspects. The swift, bold, attractive, edgy and loud tone that represents technology contrasted against human connections that are deep, toned down subtle and thoughtful. I want the audience to be visually attracted to it first, only to find out its deeper meaning and the seriousness of the topic and cause.

05 // Keywords Glitch is refered as a digital error that occurs from a sudden break in digital signals. This term resonates with the entire idea of the topic in terms of our digitized lives and the need to break away from it to live in the moment. The idea of an error is also more closely related to the imperfections of human nature. Rapid/Swift Movements and change is another keyword that describes this project. Caught up between the shifted forms of technology, media with bits of information and data from a multitude of sources represent the topic. Uniformity vs Uniqueness Technology makes all of us seem uniform. The devices as well as the way we use it brings a certain uniformity. However, we are not the same person, we are known for our unique selves that makes us who we are and should be cherished. Connected Being connected is a central theme of this project. This means both being connected physically through technology as well as being emotionally connected to each other through deep human connections and keep us alive.


Visual Identity


Initial Sketches

Refinements // Typographic Solution

Idea 1 Pause from the speed

Speed, Movement, Halt

Typeface: DinPro Black

Glitch, Error, Pause

Typeface: Klint Bold

pause Infinite loop of connectivity Typeface: Klint Bold

Take a moment, Half

Typeface: DinPro

Idea 2 Slow down

Take a moment, Slow down

In the moment, Be there

Typeface: DinPro

Typeface: DinPro

Initial Sketches

Refinements // Iconographic Solution

For the logo, I explored a lot of iconographic solutions, but the ones the stuck in the mind were the typographic ones. I knew I wanted a strong yet simplistic logo that would work well with all my deliverables and materials.

Idea 1 Press Pause




p a u s e


Idea 1: Slow down

Idea 2: Press Pause

pause pause pause


Idea 3: Pause before connecting

Idea 4: In the moment







pa u se P A U S E

pause P A U S E

pa u se P A U S E


Final Logo The final logo expanded on the idea of slowly pausing and taking a break from technology. I

what will you pause for?

wanted a simplistic typographic solution that would convey the feel of the brand without being too obvious. I used a neutral color for the logo for it to be able to work well on all the deliverables and materials and covey a feeling of contemplation and reflction. The typeface used for the logo is Din with 5 weights. I chose Din because it is a geometric typeface, thats speaks of precision and at the same time has a warm and friendly look that resonates perfectly with the brand image I was going for


Brand Competition Similar Brands and Products Digital Detox is an organization dedicated to creating balance in the digital age. They produce device-free events, lead work-shops, host retreats and summer camps, run corporate trainings & seminars and bridge the gap of disconnecting and connecting. Freedom, Moment and Anti-Social are apps designed to block the internet for a set amount of time, helps you track your smartphone use and notifies you if you exceed your limit and allows you to block distracting websites also for a designated amount of time to encourage peopls to enjoy a productive time offline and live in the moment. Freespace movement is an experiment in what is possible when a community shares the gift of physical space. A gathering place for people to come together, to create, teach, learn, and share the things which they are truly passionate about, and strengthen connections between individuals and communities through art and events. Gyro is a global ideas shop, an agency which works with other organizations to create ideas that are humanly relevant. Nextdoor and Neighborland are social groups designed for neighbors to meet personally and share knowledge about their neighborhood and discuss issues.

Logo Competition


Creative Brief

Background Our digital lives dominate our personalities and relationships. We live in a world of constant connectivity and rapid, distracted sampling of small bits of information from a multitude of sources. Our technology addiction and dependencies are slowly taking us away from each other with the illusion of virtual companionship. It is time now to slow down and reflect on the real human connections we avoid and the simple pleasures of life we miss out, in the process. It is time to press pause. Switch off our screens for a while. Pause is a brand/organization that attempts to reaffirm our humanity, mindfully limiting technology for other valuable reasons. In an era of constant silicon valley acceleration, over abundant screen time, always being available, endless networking, information overload, tech driven anxiety, social media everything, digital dependencies and a constant fear of missing out – Pause will inspire, empower and educate the tech generation, to help create more meaningful and balanced lives, both online and off. Pause is located in the major cities of United States and also works with institutions and workplaces to promote the culture of understanding these values and take a break from technology .

Pause inspires, empowers and educates the tech generation, to help them create more mindful, meaningful and balanced lives, both online and offline. Pause uses technology and other interactive tools to connect people, organize events like social meetups, art workshops, photowalks, talks, retreats and similar events, for people to come together and make real life connections. Pause works with organizations and institutions to inspire and also educate the tech generation about the harmfull effects of technology addiction to promote the importance of taking a break.

Message and Drivers 1. Inspire and empower the tech generation, to help create more mindful, meaningful and balanced lives. 2. Awareness and Education about technology addiction and its impact on our society and health. 3. Encourage people to slow down and switch off from their screens for a while to reconnect with themselves and close ones. 4. Using technology itself to connect people in the physical space to encourage real life interactions and new connections.

Deliverables Based on the objective and intentions of the brand, the deliverables are as follows:

01 Pause Narrative // Booklet or Brochure - This describes technology addiction, its problems and impacts on our society, lives and health and why it is important to switch off and take a break from our digital devices. - It Introduces the brand, its objective and values. - Lists down the services they offer and call to action.

02 Products // Member’s joining kit Pause offers several options for its paid membership, to gain access to certain events and getaways. To communicate the benifits for becoming a member, including all the special things that the members enjoy, there would be a joining kit that contains the following products: - Sketchbook - Seasonal Event Calendar Cards - Phone/tablet lock out pouches - Tee shirts - Tote - Fun Badges

03 Service // Website 04 Event and Environment // Promotional Material The core service of Pause is to organise social events, meet ups, talks, retreats, art workshops, photowalks and other similar events to encourage people to slow down and switch off their digital lives for a while and make real human connections. Promotional materials for these 2-3 of these events would be designed as flat series of posters/banners, and brochures along with the idea of venue of the events.

Strengths People seek balance in their lives and are looking to make deeper, more meaningful human connections. With the rapid growth of technology and increasing dependency on digital devices, people have started to realise what they are missing and are willing to slow down and switch off. Using technology to help people come together and share common interest and participate in activities will be the brands strengths.

Weaknesses With advancements in technology and our digital devices upgrading at a rapid rate, its difficult to keep people away from it. Inspite of its ill effects on our health and relationships its difficult to resist its appeal. For most people it is hard to even identify their use of technology as addiction.

Opportunities The scope of technology dependency and addiction is widespread and growing rapidly. It is an universal problem in our tech generation and is relevant for developed nations as well as the developing ones.

Threats There are competitive products in the form of social clubs and apps that offer similar services. The are not related to technology addiction but could be still be potential threats.



01 Posters 02 Narrative 03 Website // Technology addiction awareness 04 Event // Print and promotional materials 05 Products // Member’s welcome kit


01 Deliverable The posters show three tech addicts who are in different life situations but look awefully similar to each other while they stare at their digital devices. Each of them want different things from life but are so addicted to their devices that they end up avoiding the things that matter.

I took a persuasive and thought provoking approach for my posters. The intention of these three posters was to encourage the tech generation to find balance in their digital lives and pause for the things that matter most to them, to be able to reconnect with themselves and close ones.

Through these posters I wanted to portray how our technology addiction can affect real lives without people even realising it. I wanted to reach out to my audience who are obsessively connected through their devices but realises the need to slow down and regain control of their lives.




Posters in the environment



02 Deliverable


We are all speaking together, but are we listening to each other?


The narrative, was designed with the intention of spreading awareness and educating the tech generation about the problem of tech addiction. Inspired by the idea of moving images and illuminated screens that blocks and comes in the way of real life.


03 Deliverable

Similar to the narrative, the pause website serves the main intention of awareness and education about the problem of tech addiction. It illustrates the seriousness of the cause and why it is important for people to act on it. It also introduces the brand and what it does to address the problem. It is also a platform for existing members of pause to know about events and schedules, interract with other members and share their addiction stories.


I designed eight screens for the website. Following the homepage, the first two screens describe the problem of technology addiction and shares some data and statistics. The next two screens shares information on the brand pause and what it does, has pictures of the events and schedules. The next two screens are for reading the success stories of people who used the services of pause and recovered from

their addiction and the last screen forces people to act on their tech addiction by either shutting down the website or becoming a member. There are two ways of navigating through the website, sideways with the arrows and from the clickable drop down menu on the top. There are some more content available when someone clicks on the “about us� on the menu as well.




03 Event One of the main intentions of Pause was to encourage people to give up their digital devices and gadgets in exchange for an offthe-grid experience of personal growth, serenity and creativity.

These events would create a space that gives the individuals, freedom and permission they need to truly unplug and decompress. Participants put aside their digital arm to create, recharge, gain perspective, and reevaluate their relationship with digital technology and in turn create more mindful and balanced lives both online and off.

Since all the events were about actually doing things physically, the materials needed to be of a similar nature. I created a series of brochures with the events and their schedules listed, available at the event venues. The events were also communicated through large banners around the city. I also created several products to be used during the events.

I brainstormed and designed ideas for potential indoor venues that are interactive and bold, with the idea of engaging the audience, so that they can minimise their use of technology during the events and in general.







Event venues


04 Deliverable Membership Card

Event Calender cards

Products for members Buttons and Badges



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