5 Reasons to Make the High-Intensity Workout a Part of Your Daily Routine

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5 Reasons to Make the High-Intensity Workout a Part of Your Daily Routine

Time is one of the most precious resources for a busy person, and they never seem to have enough of it. Some people do not have enough time to spend at the gym due to their long working hours. If you are one of them, here’s some good news— you don’t have to spend hours in the gym. All you need to do is follow a 15-20 minutes high-intensity workout plan. Here are the reasons why you should go for it.

1. It is efficient According to research, you can achieve more progress in just 15 minutes of training three times a week than anyone who is jogging on the treadmill for an hour. Based on a 2011 study, just two weeks of high-intensity workout can help improve your aerobic capacity as that of eight weeks of e Even if you have only five minutes. Along with this, you can also add an effective TRT workout plan for best results.

2. You will burn more fat Along with burning more calories, the high-intensity workout will also kick your body's repair cycle into hyperdrive, which means you will burn more fat and calories than you do after a steady-pace run. Therefore, if you are planning to get out of a morning jog with your friend, just tell them all about the benefits of your workout plan.

3. Your heart will grow more healthy Many people do not leave their comfort zone and try working out. However, in this case, extreme training helps produce extreme results. According to a 2006 study, the subjects could bicycle twice as long as they could after eight weeks of doing high-intensity workouts while maintaining the same pace.

4. You don’t need any equipment Running, biking, jump roping, and rowing all work great for a high-intensity workout; however, you don't need any type of equipment to do it. High knees, fast feet, or anything plyometric such as jumping lunges works just fine to increase your heart rate fast and enjoy the amazing benefits of a high-intensity workout. In fact, several pieces of equipment, such as dumbbells, can make the high-intensity workout less effective. This is because the main focus here is on pushing the heart to its maximum and not your biceps.

5. It can promote weight loss without muscle When you're on a diet, it can be quite difficult not to lose muscle mass accompanied by fat. While cardiovascular activities encourage muscle loss, many studies have shown that both weight training and high-intensity workouts enable the dieters to save their hard-earned muscles while ensuring fat loss from the fat stores.

You can also benefit from a TRT workout plan prepared by a professional. You can find such experts online.

Source URL: https://sites.google.com/view/trt-workout-plan/home

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