Walking According to God's Will

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Ephesians - An Elevated, Complete, and Practical Book

reconciled to God through the cross of Christ. We also see that we were bought back to God by the shedding of the precious blood of Christ on the cross, through which He removed the enmity that existed between Jews and Gentiles, creating a new man from the two (vv. 15-17). Both Jews and Gentiles were baptized in one Spirit into the same Body which is the church, and have become members of the household of God (vv. 13, 16, 19). God wants His children to live in harmony and peace. Thus, in the church we ought to love one another, seeking to reconcile the saints and be harmonious with them. Christ has already brought down the middle wall of partition, the enmity, so that the saints in Christ all over the world may be part of the dwelling place of God in the Spirit (v. 22). Through these two chapters we can already see the greatness of God’s plan, will, and purpose.

Stewards of the Grace of God In chapter three, we see that all these things are part of the mystery of God’s will. Paul presented the dispensation of the grace of God given to him, which is the economy of God2, His plan or dispensing (vv. 2, 9). This was a mystery hidden in God, but it was revealed to His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. Now, through the church which is the mystery of Christ, the dispensation of this mystery is fully manifested and the multifarious wisdom of God is made known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (vv. 5, 10Economy of God or plan of God: The word economy derives from the Greek word oikonomia, meaning household management, arrangement, or administration. It implies a plan for the distribution of goods to the family members of a house. This word is translated into English in most versions of the New Testament by dispensation (Eph. 1:10). For better understanding, we recommend reading The Stewardship by Dong Yu Lan. 2


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