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Jaron Judd

United States

I am extremely complex. I can be the sweetest person in the world one second, and then I can be the biggest asshole you ever met. And I am always sorry for the latter. I hate that I can't control my mood. I'm a very strong person in some aspects, but in others I'm extremely weak. My heart isn't exactly calloused anymore, but its definately not soft. I love to meet new people. I live in baytown texas now. I'm trying to live life in the moment now. Dropping my past is the only thing that will allow it. No longer will I let those days bring me down. I look forward to tommorrow. It can always be the brighter day. I'm a musician and the beat moves me. You can catch me pitting to metal, or even dancing at a rave. I recently started the dancing down here in houston. Hopefully with time I can be respectable with it, but at the moment I am not that good. But it is a great way to meet amazing people. Forever changing. I am me. Jaron Blake.
