Balkan Blend - The Road to Renewal

Page 39

Since the fall of communism the Albanian governments have struggled to establish democracy and market economy. The country is heading in this direction and Albanians strongly yearn for the day when Albania will become an EU member. On 1 April 2009, Albania became a member of NATO and today has a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU. The agreement provides the framework for the rapprochement with the EU. Still, some significant problems remain: high unemployment, poverty and many Albanians leaving the country to find jobs and a better life. In addition, after the parliamentary elections in 2009, SP accuses DP of electoral fraud resulting in a hardened political climate. Albania still has a long way to go and many challenges must be resolved before an EU-membership might materialize. The main obstacle to this and further developments in Albania is the lack of rule of law, including weak and interest-driven state institutions, a high level of corruption and politicization at all social levels, including media and organized crime.

Text: Arba Kokalari Political Adviser at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

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