Jaquo - Spring 2015 Edition

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JAQUO New Articles Published Daily!

In Print Spring 2015


An internet-based magazine - Something different every day.

TRAVEL New York City: The Food Capital of the World Find out why

Teach English Abroad

Get paid to travel the world...


An Interview with Bestselling author, Lauren Carr

An in-depth and exclusive interview


Saucy Seaside Postcards

In praise of the bawdy humour on seaside postcards in Britain during the 60s and 70s.


Our Good Food Guide

Tried and tested recipes, nutrition and a whole lot of tastiness

Entertainment • Craft • Lifestyle • Travel • Style • Health • Green Living • Society • Food • Books

To write what is worth publishing, to find honest people to publish it, and get sensible people to read it, are the three great difficulties in being an author. C H A R L E S C A L E B C O LT O N




Lauren Carr

Feng Shui 101

Lauren Carr is the best selling author of an exciting, yet charming mystery series featuring Mac Faraday.


Who is Travis McGee?

Living down in the Venice of America, you can still feel the unmistakable liveaboard vibe if you look hard enough.

JAQUO readers ask a Feng Shui consultant for her advice about their own homes.


A World Worthy of Travel

This relentless homogeneity is impacting upon our planet, and our minds. You might not have realised it yet.


Teaching English Abroad


New York City: Food Capital


Giraffes are Gorgeous


Housplants: Bring the Outdoors In


The Art of Instagram


Rescue and Adopt a Pet


Money Saving DIY Tips


The Main Ingredient: Recipes


Come Fly with Me. Fear of Flying


Ooh! Saucy Seaside Postcards


The Lost Chariots of the Gods



FROM THE EDITOR About JAQUO.com JAQUO.com is a fabulous online lifestyle magazine featuring huge variety of articles from a range of experienced writers. Meet them all on the following pages. What will you find at JAQUO? Visit JQUO.com and you’ll find a wonderful selection of news, book reviews, music articles, how-to information, recipes, health advice and quirky articles to keep you entertained and informed. New articles are added every day so visit JAQUO.com now and be sure to call back regularly. Who knows what you’ll discover next?




Instagram is the

The Book that Taught Me to be Really Healthy

I’m a Stranger Here Myself

go-to app for millions of mobile users globally. A social network built entirely around the sharing of photographs Instagram has captured the imagination.

First-hand experience of the way that yourdiet can truly change yourlife for the better.

An English Team JAQUO author reviews a book by American writer, Bill Bryson.


Ashtabula, Ohio. Learn more


Agatha Christie: Grand Dame of Fiction




Skin Game: The Dresden Files

Foods that Fight Inflammation

A Few Books Recommended by our Writers


The Man Who Sank the Lusitania


Word Quiz!


Who? What? Where? Why? When?

Find out more about how food can be the best medicine.



What do writers love to read? Find out..


Have you noticed

that every time new movie or book is released the production team are ‘proud to present...’? It’s become a very overworked cliché. But in writing an introduction to the very first print issue of JAQUO Magazine, I can think of no other phrase that so perfectly fits the bill. In this quarter’s edition, you’ll find aselection of the kind of articles you’ll find on JAQUO.com. I think you’ll agree that visiting the site every day is must. The thanks for the site and the print magazine must go out to all our writers - without doubt a truly splendid team.

Proud to Present...








Cheryl M


“Start telling the stories that only you can tell, because there’ll always be better writers than you and there’ll always be smarter writers than you. There will always be people who are much better at doing this or doing that - but you are the only you.” Neil Gaiman

Cheryl P





“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” Earnest Hemingway





“Write what should not be forgotten” Isabel Allende Giovanna


Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life as well.” Stephen King








“When we sit down to write, we psychically enter a sanctuary. This safe haven is our own personal space where we can say whatever is on our mind, where we can talk about what matters most to us, where we can imagine the kind of world that we would like to live.” Rob Bignell








Lauren Carr An Interview with Bestselling Author, Lauren Carr Lauren Carr is the bestselling author of an exciting, yet charming mystery series featuring Mac Faraday. That is how I first came to know her as an author. Since reading It’s Murder, My Son, I’m on a mission to read each of her many novels. As the author of the Mac Faraday series, the Joshua Thorton and Lovers in Crime series, there is a terrific variety ahead. Plus, a new spinoff begins soon. The Thorny Rose series first entry, Kill and Run, will be published late spring or early summer. It isn’t often a reader is allowed into the mind and the process behind a beloved novel. Which is one of the reasons I feel honored to have interviewed Lauren Carr about both her method and her series. You will appreciate the author’s willingness to share her experience. I hope you also come to see what delight she is to chat Merry with.




The Interview

First Lauren, would you give us a little of your background? I was telling stories before I could read and write. Yep, I was one of those kids with an imaginary friend. His name was Sam. When I started reading, I immediately gravitated toward mysteries. I think it’s because my mother is a huge mystery fan and would read Perry Mason to me at bedtime. Of course, children’s mysteries are not as thrilling as Perry Mason. So, I would rewrite the Bobbsey Twins mystery of the missing sea shell to turn it into a kidnapping story. As an adult, I worked for the federal government as both an editor and layout designer. That was where I learned everything that I use today to publish my own books and other authors’ books with my publishing company Acorn Book Services.

What took you from publishing to

writing? Was it always something you wanted to do? Actually, it was the other way around. I have always wanted to be a writer. Mystery writing was just a dream because I didn’t think I was clever enough to pull that off. My very first mystery, A Small Case of Murder, was published by iUniverse. It was named a finalist for the Independent Publishers Book Awards in mysteries. I paid them and they did everything, except the marketing. My second book, A Reunion to Die For was picked up by Five Star Mysteries and published as a twenty-five dollar hardback. They gave me an advance and did everything, except the marketing. I learned real fast that it is hard to sell a twentyfive dollar hardback when you’re an unknown. I knew my next book, It’s Murder, My Son, the first installment in the Mac Faraday Mysteries, had to come out in paperback. I had this uh-huh moment of, “Duh, you know layout and you are an editor. Why not do it yourself? No matter which way you go, you’re going to have to market the book yourself anyway.”

Believing that you are your own worst editor, I contracted out the editing for my book. I also contract with Todd Aune of Projeto Communications for my cover. He still does all of my covers. Before It’s Murder, My Son was released, I received two offers from traditional publishers but turned them down for various reasons. It’s Murder, My Son has been one of my most successful books in both reviews and sales. As a result of that success, many new authors have come to me for advice. Remembering how hard it was for me in the beginning, having no one to go to, I would respond. Next thing I knew, I spent most of my time answering emails for new writers. I had no time to write. So, I started charging for my time and even using my skills to publish other authors’ books.That’s how Acorn Book Services started.

I bet you are a lifetime reader. Did you have favorite authors that inspired you to JAQUO MAGAZINE


write in the mystery genre? That’s a hard question to answer. I grew up reading Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys. Then graduated to murder mysteries, which are the ultimate puzzle. That’s what a mystery is—a puzzle. You put all of the pieces together to uncover the picture of who did it. I considered Agatha Christie the Grand Dame of murder mystery writing. Her and Earl Stanley Gardner. I never dreamed I could measure up to them. So, as a writer, I started out writing comedy—humor columns for local newspapers—slice of life type columns. I would write two a week. But then, with the growth of the murder mystery genres and the sprouting of sub-genres, I did discover that murder mysteries have come a far way since the days of Murder on the Orient Express. After a long spell of reading really horrible murder mysteries where I would know who did



it by the end of the prologue, or with protagonists who I had no respect for, I had a moment where I thought, “I could do better than this!” So I did.

Did you always plan on writing mysteries? Oh, yes! Every one of my books has to have a dead body and it has to show up early in the book—by the end of the prologue or chapter one. I hate mysteries where you go halfway through the book with the characters sniping at each other and no one ends up dead until the middle of the book. I want the murder to be afoot real early!

Cozy mysteries have gained in popularity the last few years. Yet your plots are often more complicated than many of the cozies I’ve read. Did you plan for them to be considered cozies? The categorization of books was actually set up by book sellers so that they would know what shelf to put the books on for their customers. Publishers then adopted it. As a result, authors ended up being put into boxes called genres which dictated rules under which to write. For example, a rule in cozy mysteries is—never hurt the dog or cat. Cozy readers hate that! So do I. I come up with the plot, and the characters take me where the story goes without really any regard for the boundaries of the genre. My comfort level dictates my boundary and luckily most of

Lauren Carr Interview my readers agree with my comfort level. For example, I simply am not comfortable writing explicit sex scenes. I close the bedroom door on the reader and leave the rest up to their imagination, which may be wilder than mine. One reviewer called my books “gritty cozies.” They’re police procedurals but they have a cozy feel to them. While it has been receiving rave reviews from reviewers and readers, Three Days to Forever is not really a cozy, according to some reviewers. It has the family feel and humor and romance, but a few cozy readers have been

upset because they find the terrorists too brutal for the cozy audience. Sorry, I didn’t think it would be believable to make my terrorists lovable.

When you start a series, do you have your characters developed before you start, or do they appear and grow as you write? I know the characters overlap in the various series. I guess I’m wondering if that was the plan or did it just happen?

“A first aid training dummy, Uncle Eugene had been stabbed in the back, tossed off rooftops, and strangled on numerous occasions, all in the name of research. When he wasn’t being victimized, he sat in an overstuffed chair in the corner, dressed in a tuxedo with a top hat perched on his head. With one leg crossed over the other and an empty sherry glass next to his elbow, Uncle Eugene looked like he was taking a break while waiting for the next attempt on his life.” . Lauren Carr, It’s Murder, My Son

Just happened. My books are character driven. That means that I bring the character to life before I start writing. I will think about a character for weeks or even months before I start on the book or series. My first series star was Joshua Thornton. He and his family were the leads in the Joshua Thornton Mysteries (A Small Case of Murder and A Reunion to Die For). When I came up with the plot for It’s Murder, My Son, I knew that the lead in that book had to be a police detective, or retired police detective, not a lawyer. So, I created Mac Faraday and the gang at Deep Creek Lake. However, fans of the Joshua Thornton Mysteries wanted me to return to him. Seven years after I had left Joshua at A Reunion to Die For, I sat back to think about where he was now in his life. His kids were grown, except for the youngest. He was now ready for romance. But, I wasn’t ready to leave Mac. So, I had two detectives. I thought, “Why not have two mysteries that coincide?” That was the inspiration for Shades of Murder, where Joshua meets homicide detective Cameron Gates (Lovers JAQUO MAGAZINE


in Crime) and they meet Mac Faraday.

much more thrilling ride for the reader.

big head and for readers to hate him.

Right now, I am working on the first Thorny Rose Mystery, which is an off-shoot of the Mac Faraday and Lovers in Crime Mysteries. It features Murphy Thornton (Joshua’s son) and Jessica Faraday (Mac’s daughter). I worked on those characters for almost ten months before I introduced them in Three Days to Forever. Having said that, the most important thing—always—is the mystery.

Are you an author who writes with an outline or does the story lead you as it goes?

Just when Mac is in danger of getting a little too full of himself, Gnarly is there to jump on his chest and stomp on him back down to earth. I even have a scene in Blast from the Past where Mac points out to David O’Callaghan that he is sitting in the back of the police cruiser because Gnarly won’t let him in the front seat.

Before I start working on a book, I know the case and I know how it ends. However, I don’t force my characters to go in directions that they don’t want to go or do something that would not be consistent with who they are. For example, in Three Days to Forever, Police Chief David O’Callaghan is abducted by terrorists. As I had it planned, Mac Faraday, the protagonist, the star, was going to rescue him. But David started nagging me inside my head. He’s a police chief. He’s a major in the marines and spec ops team leader. No way was he going to sit back and wait to be rescued. So, I let him take me where he wanted to go and it did end up being a



Both. My mysteries are complicated. I love twists and turns. So I will write an outline, but it is a loose outline and I never refer to it. Just writing it helps to straighten things out in my mind. Then, when I start writing it, I will veer off into other directions, but I always end up at my planned final destination.

Gnarly plays an important part in your books, and I love him! Why do you consider him an important part of your stories? Readers and reviewers call him comic relief. But that is not so. Gnarly keeps Mac Faraday grounded. Mac is such a perfect character. He has a perfect life. Enough money to do whatever he wants. Go where ever he wants to go. He has a gorgeous wife. He’s smart. He’s respected. It would be very easy for him to get a

There’s another reason I have animals in my books. I grew up on a farm and I’m still a farm girl at heart. I love them and I am honestly suspicious of people who don’t love animals.

Your virtual book tour happened in March. The idea of it sounds very clever. Can you share a little about how it works? Since it is virtual, are they interactive on Facebook, in addition to guest blogs? Are they skype’d, where you are on camera and guests visit a book store to see you?

Lauren Carr Interview Today, most readers buy their books online or they learn about books online. It’s sad, but many brick-and-mortar bookstores are closing up. Also, it has been my experience that in-person book events aren’t that beneficial for authors who are still trying to break-through to gain their following. I actually calculated how much money in time and books and promotion the average author puts into an in-person book signing event at a brick and mortar bookstore and the profit he or she will make based on the average books sold at such events. It’s a dollar per hour! That’s if the event is successful and they sell books. There is no way to predict that an inperson event is going to be successful. You could plan an event for a day and have the weather be so gorgeous that everyone will want to go outside for a picnic and not come to your event. Or, there could be a horrendous storm and everyone will stay home. Been there! Done that! A string of bad book events can be very disheartening to

an author. It can affect their confidence and their attitude, which potential readers can pick up on. That’s why I rarely do in-person book events. I concentrate on promoting my books all around the world via the Internet. During a virtual book tour, authors make appearances on various blogs and book review sites all over the Internet. Some authors set up the tour themselves. It is hard to do. I use a tour coordinator, Dorothy Thompson of Pump Up Your Book Tours. She’s a gem! As with anything when it comes to book promotion, it is solely up to the author to make the tour a success. I have great success when on tour because I work hard to get the word out via social media. I will post tweets from tour stops months after the tour is over! Since I am always getting new followers and my postings can end up in a twitter feed anywhere or anytime, that constantly brings new readers to the blog (great for the blogger) and potentially discover my books for the first time. You can’t do that with an

in-person book event. Many authors who invest in a tour expect the tour coordinator and bloggers alone to get the word out and bring readers streaming in to buy their books. It doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t work that way with in person appearances and it doesn’t work that way virtually. The tour is set up months in advance. Stops are scheduled. The author does interviews, writes guest blog posts, and sends books out to reviewers. When the tour takes place, the author, blogger, and tour coordinator promote each stop. The author needs to be on hand to answer comments made to the blog. On one tour, I did make a Skype appearance at a BlogTalkRadio site. On other tours, I did appearances on Facebook for chats. As for a Skyped interview at a bookstore? No, but I’m game for anything.




Who is Travis McGee? Living down in the Venice of America, you can still feel the unmistakable liveaboard vibe if you look hard enough. There’s a characterful crowd of folks who choose to live on docked boats and yachts; idling away the hours for the rest of us. If you’re really lucky, you can still find the Friday night Margarita-timers sitting around on dock chairs putting the goddam world to rights. As wave upon wave of millionaire condos sweeps away the rented dock space from Miami to Palm Beach the best place to find your real artists of the floating world are within the pages of serial paperback novels. Lots of sun, surf, scuba, Jimmy Buffet, bottles of Dos Equis, great seafood, and – on the yellowed pages – murder. There are some cracking Florida characters in these pages. There’s Deborah Sharp’s Mace Bauer, Lawrence Sanders’ Archie McNally, and Carl Hiassen’s Clinton Tyree (‘Skink’ to you and me) all there to take you off the beaten track and into trouble. But the best man for the job has to be a fictional resident of Fort Lauderdale. Travis McGee. That “big brown loose-jointed beach bum, that pale-eyed, wire



haired girl seeker, that slayer of small savage fish, that beach-walker, gin-drinker, quip-maker, peace-seeker, iconoclast, disbeliever, argufier, that knuckle, scar tissue reject from a structured society” and arguably the finest fictional creation in the sunshine state.

McGee was a creation of John D. MacDonald, one of the first to really get into the meat of Floridian murder mysteries. It was as if those L.A. noir characters of Raymond Chandler and James Elroy had gone broke or cold turkey and found themselves on some beat up dock down in the sunshine.

Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs can get back in their big voice big laugh big cigar Ferrari We’re now on the edge of Daytona and hit the I-95. the cracker barrel with some of these tourist-dodgers. They are as wise and wily as fiction gets, and are as grizzled as the boats they are forever fixing up. By the time that Macdonald had conjured up Travis McGee he’d already created some memorable ne’er-dowells, including Cape Fear’s Max Cady.

Just as Sherlock Holmes had his 22B Baker Street, McGee – as wise and as haggard as Conan Doyle’s creation – had his own legendary address. Here it is located within one of South Florida’s most famous marinas – Slip F-18, Bahia Mar; at a houseboat named Busted Flush (won in a poker game from some Palm Beach sybarite).

Now kick off your loafers and pour yourself a Margarita and crack the spine of one of America’s finest. If you’re ready to explore the blackmail, the sleaze and the corruption of Florida’s crime fiction you’re going to be here quite a while Don’t get too sunburned, now, you hear?

Andy Royston




Feng Shui 101



A reader asks: ‘I have only just become aware of Feng Shui and it sounds very interesting indeed. I’m moving to a new apartment in a few months and I think it would be a good idea for me to ask for a Feng Shui consultant to call to see me in my new place. But in the meantime, I was wondering if there are any quick fixes that I can use on my current apartment before I move? Have you got any ideas for me?’



Valerie says: I sure do! And moving is the best time to get your shui started! The purpose of feng shui is to guide energy to bring you health, happiness, and good luck in general. But the energy can’t get where it needs to go if there is any clutter in its way. So when you’re packing to move, throw away anything you don’t absolutely need or love. Many people make the mistake of packing everything and figuring they’ll throw stuff away when they move in…which I promise you, they don’t! And what they bring is the energy,

dust and “clutter” that they had in their last place. Use packing as an excuse to start fresh. When you’re going through your things ask yourself these three questions. Do I LOVE it / does it bring me joy? Keep in mind that memories do not equate love. Be careful that you don’t hold memories that don’t serve you Do I NEED it? And if I NEED it … when is the last time I USED it? (A-HA!) Does it represent my current hopes, dreams and visions. Holding on to old accomplishments can keep you from achieving new ones. Starting fresh in your new home is the best way to invite healthy, vibrant energy into your life.

Do I need it? And if I need it … when is the last time I used it?


A reader asks: “We’ve moved and downsized often and have given lots of stuff away. We are now in a onebedroom apartment and have managed somehow to accumulate clutter again. I never thought that I’d let clutter take over again but life got in the way of clutter control. I can’t help wondering if I haven’t put something in the way of free-flowing energy and, in doing so, somehow contributed to this clutter propensity. We have begun clearing, again, a bit at a time, as we have so often in the recent past with little success. I wonder if you have any thoughts on what might help break this cycle so we can get back on track.”

Valerie says: What a great question, and common situation. The simple, not so sympathetic answer is that if there is clutter, it is blocking the flow of energy. The more detailed, empathetic answer is that it is not only normal, but very curable. Recognizing that clutter is a situation is the first step and understanding its impact is a great motivator. The main purpose of feng shui is to guide energy within your home to bring you good fortune, health and luck. The guides come in the forms of colors, shapes, textures, images and myriad other pieces to attract energy in that direction. If there’s clutter in its way however, it won’t be able to GET to the guide and will move on. This can impact your finances, your love life, your

friendships… anything And clutter builds on itself. Every additional item in your home that you no longer need or love makes the task of removing it seem that much more daunting. Just remember, you can’t get to your destination without making that first step. So just make a first step. Pick one room, one closet, the junk drawer; get that cleaned up and see how it feels. And just like anything, it took time build the clutter, it will take time to remove it. No guilt, no blaming, just clearing at your own pace, with permission to stop, cry or take naps during the process. It can be quite confronting, but in the end it will be cathartic and worth it. Instead of life taking over your clutter control, take your life back and take over your clutter. It just takes that first step.




A World Worthy of Travel This relentless homogeneity is impacting upon our planet, and our minds. You might not have realised it yet – but global corporate power is usurping our culture. Of course, this is not unknown. It even has precedent; the Romans sought to civilise all their neighbouring countries; whatever was alien to their city state was deemed barbaric. It is because of the Romans that we know so little about the ancient Etruscans. Now, we notice the parallel: we ‘civilised’ North America – leaving only remnants behind of the Native American culture. It is a harrowing thought, but one that must be considered in order to learn from it. Business corporations are the new Columbus, the new Augustus and the new Caesar. However, they have run out of land to invade – so instead, they invade our culture and thought.

Air Crossroads of the world in Anchorage, Alaska.



From personal experience, interrailing around Europe proved that the differing ethos of countries continuesthe mountains of Austria,

the music of Vienna, and the baths of Budapest. All had something diverse to offer – yet, all had similarities. Travelling through Russia on a budget is an adventure in its own, hiking the mountain of Borneo and living with its people is a physical and emotive journey. But in both contrasting nations, McDonalds infiltrated the major cities. There was still commercial authority in the capitals, and poverty in the rural regions. It is a difficult thought to process, but a logical one. Is it necessary for us to continue this divide and segregation of prosperity? Rather than building power upon power in the cities, we should collaborate and cultivate the traditions of the country. We should advocate a world of differentiation; unique cultures and alternate philosophies. In this way, the world will remain worthy of travel.

Lucy Anderson


Teach English Abroad

Teaching English abroad is one of the most rewarding ways of travelling there is. It has many advantages, the most obvious being that you get paid to travel, but the others are just as amazing. By teaching abroad you are invited into communities in places all over the world. You will be investing your time into something useful and rewarding. Native speakers of English are sought after in countries as far afield as China, Africa, and South America, as well as in Europe. Once you are in your country of choice you will be able to visit

neighbouring countries during your free time and extend you travel opportunities in this way.

When I returned home to the UK I found work very quickly teaching in an English Language school in London. Training online is straightforward My TEFL qualification has been very useful. It is a great and there are many courses thing to include on your CV that prepare you for various when you apply for other jobs. qualification levels. The more you study the more valuable If you enjoy meeting new your qualification will be. people, young people or if you are looking for It is not a difficult course but experience teaching children you do need to be a native in schools, then this is a speaker of English. They perfect opportunity. will teach you everything else. I started English teaching in Portugal, where I worked for six months, and then I travelled to Spain and Italy.

Giovanna Sanguinetti JAQUO MAGAZINE



New York City: Food Capital New York City has always fascinated me As a small kid living on a small island in the middle of the Pacific, New York city seemed bigger than life and I dreamt of the day I would visit the iconic city. My dream finally came true when I was 21 years old. I found myself being relocated for work to Philadelphia so after I getting settled, I took a weekend trip to New York. I still remember my first sight of the New York City skyline-I was beyond excited! There were so many experiences that I consider highlights on this first trip to the Big Apple that it’s hard to just choose a few. Seeing my first Broadway show, taking a bit of my first authentic bagel and seeing New York from the top of the Empire State Building were some of the top experiences on my list. But there are so many things about New York that I love. The architecture that range from the awe-inspiring Chrysler Building to the



charming brownstone apartments captivated me. The world-class museums and art galleries that would take me an entire lifetime to see. And the various ethnic neighborhoods that would entice me to enter and discover a whole new world of tastes and flavors.

The Food Capital of the World OK, that may be giving them too much credit but it’s not too far from the truth. Still New York has a lot to offer especially if you are a serious foodie. If you’re looking for the most authentic bagels or the perfect slice of New York style pizza, you won’t find it anywhere else. Top off your meal with the best New York cheesecake in the world. It was also where I fell in love with the pastrami sandwich and had one of the best Korean food I’ve ever tasted. And I haven’t even gotten to Chinatown or Little Italy yet!

Arthur Schwartz’s New York City Food A few years ago, I had a good friend visiting from Hawaii to for a few weeks so I asked him to get me a copy of Arthur Schwartz’s New York City Food. I knew it was my kind of bookit includes lots of pictures, historical facts and origins of iconic New York food and recipes that replicate these dishes.

As I flipped through the first few pages, I was immediately surprised at the amount of information as well as the plethora of delicious recipes included in each chapter. In fact there are 160 recipes to be exact. Some of my favorites include Manhattan Clam

Chowder, Lee Lum’s Lemon Chicken and Chicken Divan, a casserole dish of the 1950’s.

Dessert includes such tempting delights such as the famous Junior’s Cheesecake, Black and Whites and Lindy’s famous Strawberry Shortcake. Learn about New York’s gastronomic beginnings and trends as well as about the people, stores, restaurants, bakeries and events that make New York one of the dining capitals of the world. The stories of different immigrant group’s challenges and contributions to the culinary scene is informative and interesting. And even if you don’t cook, tidbits

such as how the Porterhouse got its name and why chicken and waffles became famous will keep your wanting to know more.

The Bottom Line When it comes to New York food, there really is no competition. Wellresearched and written by the authority of eating in New York City, New York City Food is an essential for any serious foodie. Every time I open the book, I have a sudden desire to hop on a plane and although I can’t always do that, it’s comforting to know I can replicate some of New York favorites at home.

Shinichi Mine




In Praise of the Giraffe Giraffes Are GorgeousBut They Need Help Come with me to learn about those tall, graceful, gorgeous animals known as giraffes. Their numbers in the wild are decreasing throughout the world each year. African Giraffes alone, are already listed as an endangered species because their habitat is being encroached upon by civilization cutting down trees to clear the land. Giraffes only eat leaves from the Acacia, Mimosa and Wild Apricot trees and once those are gone, they must sometimes travel hundreds of miles to find forage. Their numbers are also being significantly reduced by hunters, some just for sport, some for their meat, skin, tails and tendons. True, the latter items then support the human race, but lump all the numbers together, and the giraffe population is beginning to suffer



Wild Giraffe Numbers Are Dwindling Here Are Some Reasons: Giraffes have been hunted in Africa for the use of their meat for food and the skin as ornaments, their tails used for bracelets, necklaces and thread. Even the tendons were used for strings of musical instruments. But they began to be hunted for sport in the 19th century, where nothing was used, they were just trophies. At the same time, the destruction of their living space has increased, since trees are being removed from the landscape to make way for people, thus leaving giraffes no food. Generally, Giraffes are not considered as an endangered species, but they have become eliminated from many areas that were their normal range. In nations where they were normally found in great numbers, they have virtually disappeared. The West African giraffe and the Rothschild giraffe have now been listed as endangered, since their population has been reduced to hundreds.

Another species of giraffe, the Nubian, may have less than 250 remaining in the world. Some studies have indicated giraffe numbers are estimated to be as low as 80,000 world wide.

Wild Giraffes Are Threatened By Predators Lions, Alligators and Man Are Greatest Foes These giraffes are at their greatest vulnerability from all predators as they drink water. Fortunately, they do not need to do this often, as their forage usually contains enough moisture to meet their needs. But the most deaths from predators occur at watering holes.

Interesting Giraffe Facts You Might Enjoy Knowing Male giraffes do “battle” with each other for female affections by a maneuver called “necking,” where they wrap their long neck around the opposing giraffe’s neck.

Usually the battle is over when one of them has enough and walks away. The giraffe’s closest relative is an okapi, a mammal that looks as though it is related to the zebra because part of its body is striped. Most of the time, if you see a few giraffes, you will also see zebras. Zebras are smart and love to travel with giraffes since they will spot any predatory danger before the zebras get wind of it thereby giving the zebra a better chance of surviving.

Contrary to popular belief, giraffes are not silent. Courting males cough loudly, females bellow for their calves, and calves make numerous snorts, bleats and mewing sounds. Sometimes they’ve been known to snort, moan or hiss. The antenna-like protrusions on a giraffe’s head are known as ossicones, and lie flat on the calf’s head until a few days after it is born. They are ossified cartilage and remain covered with skin and fur, unlike antlers or horns.

Nancy Hardin

Giraffes grow from 16 to 20 feet tall. Calves are usually around 6 feet tall when born, and are dropped from the standing mother. The calves are able to recover quickly and are running around within a few hours of birth. Giraffes are ruminants, meaning they are much like cows in that they have multiple stomachs and regurgitate a “cud” to continue chewing. Giraffes see the world in full color and their sense of hearing and smell are keen. JAQUO MAGAZINE


HOME Houseplants: Why You Should Bring the Outdoors In Have your New Year’s resolutions fallen through? Are you eagerly awaiting the return of spring and summer? The solution: house plants. Well perhaps not the full solution, but they can perk up indoor spaces and, while sitting pretty, help you out in more ways than one. It seems the reign of houseplants has reached a high – truly inescapable when browsing interiors on Pinterest or even leafing through Vogue. Though it’s not fashions love for florals hitting the headlines, but rather simple green potted plants. So, why not forgo bright vases of flowers and opt for living leaves. Other than on-trend and something interesting to look at, adding house plants to your indoor space can carry benefits from improving your focus to cleaning the air you breathe. Why buy electrical air purifiers when you can purchase some houseplants



to do the job naturally? NASA has lead much of the research and found the best ones for grabbing and filtering polluted indoor air are aloe vera, peace lily and Boston fern. Then what about improving your focus? Studies from Norway and Michigan University (if they can be heard over the joyous cheers of city office workers) have found adding plants to the workplace can greatly improve memory retention and enhance concentration.

So after that unintentional tragedy my only advice is to remember to water!

Regardless of the claims made by research it seems to just make sense – of course less work will be done in a room devoid of nature, compared to one which contains living plants that can inject life into the atmosphere. Also, if Monday motivation hits rock bottom, just remember that at least you have the vital role of breathing out carbon dioxide for the plants around you!

The second time round I did succeed and have managed to create a green and harmonious work station. Improving your living or working environment can effortlessly improve your own performance and will hopefully will last longer than typical New Year’s resolutions (or my first cactus).

Many plants also require little time or attention to keep them healthy. That said, I should add I am one of the few people who have managed to kill a cactus by taking the ‘water sparingly’ advice to the extreme.

Lizzy Holling

MUSIC Bowling for Soup ‘Bowling for Soup’ is an American rock band with a punk influence. They are from Texas. The band members are: Jaret Reddik lead vocalist and lead guitarist, Chris Burney who plays guitar and is a backing vocalist, Erik Chandler who plays bass guitar, and Gary Wiseman on drums.

the kids that life will not get better after they leave. The song says you shouldn’t ever get your hopes up about leaving high school because life will be exactly the same as it was at school.

Everyone will still criticize you, everyone will want to know your business, and you will still get bullied. It also explains that when you leave high school you will meet people that are The guys met in high school exactly the same as the people where they eventually formed you know or see there, nothing the band in 1986. Since then will be better. Even though they have made 9 albums. this is a serious theme, it is a They didn’t have much song that doesn’t take itself success at first and they had very seriously and the video many different bands before this one took off, but now it is very popular.

is funny because the band get their own back on every bully in their school. It’s a pop punk song or American Punk as we call it here in the UK. If you know a young punk rocker and you’re looking for a cool CD to buy them, I would recommend Bowling For Soup for them any day.


I like them because they don’t take their music too seriously and they like to have a laugh. Their target audience is young people. My mum doesn’t like them very much, she finds them irritating, but I think they’re fun and if I had a party I would definitely play their music, which my friends would really enjoy. My favorite song is ‘High School Never Ends’. It’s about all the bullying that happens in high school and it warns JAQUO MAGAZINE



The Art of Instagram Instagram is the go-to app for millions of mobile users globally. A social network built entirely around the sharing of photographs Instagram has captured the imagination of so many. Yet the quality and variety of images shared on the network varies so widely it’s hard to find a reason why so many find the app compelling. How did this happen? I thought



that I’d share my own journey to Instagram to see if I can throw a little light on the matter.

The first share.

Back in the summer of 2009, on a morning walk along Fort Lauderdale Beach I began a Twitter account for the sole purpose of sharing photographs online. It wasn’t my first Twitter account – I’d

been running an account on behalf of an Indycar racing star so knew how it all worked – but since sharing and commenting on photos was becoming a part of the whole Twitter experience I thought I’d share an image or two of the sunrise that I was witnessing. I dedicated this @FTLauderdaleSun account entirely to photographs, just to see what would happen.

Uploading photographs from the beach meant using my cellphone, specifically the new iPhone3, which had arrived at around the same time that Apple’s app store had been upgraded. A twitter app was soon downloaded and the fun began. The possibility of uploading photos to Twitter had been made possible by another app, Twitpic, that had been around for a little while, and enabled the upload and cataloging of images to Twitter. As long as there was a decent connection (which in 2009 wasn’t always the case) I could share photographs directly from the shore.

Comments and Feedback. My uploads quickly began to receive responses from around the world, even though I didn’t consider the images to be particularly good quality. Sharing images, I quickly reasoned, was more about the feedback, the reaction and the conversation. Some images were shared – re-tweeted – and got more attention than others. Good feedback was encouraging, and as my subjects – the

dawn sky, the dune grass and palm trees – were upbeat I always received positive reactions. After a few years the connections had improved, and because of successive iPhone upgrades the quality and size of the images were so much better. But that wasn’t all. The snapshots were improving for one simple reason. Practice makes perfect.

albums. These days photo tutors might recommend starting a photo blog to present the 365, as this can focus your skills on taking at least one shareworthy shot a day. A scrapbook or a photo blog also encourages the habit of captioning, and perhaps to create an informal photo essay around the work. It also encourages the habit of building a narrative to the work flow.

Photography and the 365 Project.

I quickly realized that what I was doing on social media was just this – a 365 project – which has been a staple of amateur photography clubs for decades. But where the old school photography teacher might discourage sharing, the new social media channels such as Instagram actively encouraged communication. Adding a good title and a few words when tweeting really helped encourage the images to be shared to others, a process called ‘going viral’.

Photography teachers will recommend starting a 365 project at some point in your journey as a photographer. The challenge is simple. Take a photograph a every day for a year to practice your image making. These images are not for sharing necessarily and are not meant to be masterpieces. It’s just shooting for yourself, nothing more. Just a few short years ago you would be taught to keep the images to yourself – not printing them or sharing them – but since many 365 projects use family and friends as subject matter it was inevitable that these photos would end up in scrap books or family

The Instagram Effect When Instagram came along, with its endless stream of seemingly JAQUO MAGAZINE


random photos of nothing in particular, I didn’t immediately join the party. By this point I’d built up a tidy following on Twitter and had built other outlets for images that I was particularly proud of, such as Tumblr, another microblogging website. I’d also begun to share on my own dedicated website, and even though I was using a mere cellphone to shoot



with there were images that I felt were decent enough to publish in more dedicated photo environments, such as the long standing photography website Flickr.com By contrast it seemed that Instagram was more about self-promotion and social status than anything else. And looking at the stream of food shots, selfies and casual snaps

there seemed to be an awful lot of awful! But I joined anyway, and added instagram to my outlets. Connectivity was now excellent so uploading took place so quickly it didn’t interrupt my workflow too much. Soon I was adding my more experimental images to Instagram saving my ‘better’ shots for Twitter and my new

Facebook page. And sure enough it became a habit. I found that a great deal of the mobile photography and iPhoneography folks that I followed on Twitter had also made the step across, so I followed them on Instagram too. Also I was finding a new wave of Instagrammers who hadn’t previously shared work online in other places. A good example of this was two friends @cherryflea and #bindyboo – from Mackay, Queensland – just sharing the laughs they had with their kids on the beach. That they were both excellent photographers seemed bythe-by. The fun was the point.

Getting Better Together I found that by particularly following the people who were sharing cool and artful photos I was learning something myself too. I’d mainly taken straight-up photos, but after seeing the work of others I started using combinations of apps to alter and filter. Just to learn. Just to get better. Just to have fun visually. Instagram today is packed with users who are getting better and

better almost without noticing. That habit of shooting and sharing has actually started millions of 365 Projects, and everyone is improving their visual skills. Some users have become remarkably adept at storytelling and because everyone seems to get on there’s a lot of encouragement too. Instagram is regularly pilloried as encouraging envy, and is all too often a celebration of self. Look at what I’ve got. Where I’ve been. My cool stuff. But do you know what? Perhaps that #foodporn is also a still life. Maybe that #selfie is a portrait. That #vacay snap is a landscape and the #beachday a seascape.

Once you’ve shared your twentieth selfie or you hundredth #WhatI’mWearing you will quickly forget about the showing off and you’ll be shooting and sharing with the best of them. And in the process, that 247/365 has become a fabulous visual diary that’s appreciated and enjoyed without judgment or jealousy. It’s a wonderful visual ride and it’s getting better by the day.




Rescue & Adopt a Pet Want a pet cat or dog? Why not adopt one? There are many animals at your local shelters hoping to be rescued and adopted out to good homes.

My Kitty Adoption Story: Back in September 2014 we took in a lost girl tabby kitty. It was friendly, adorable and cuddly. She wasn’t afraid of you at all. The day we took her in she was found near the shelter hanging out in a tree. The shelter was not open so wasn’t sure if she’d been dropped off or just lost. At any rate she was young and we didn’t want to just leave her outside on her own. So we took her home. She was so friendly and cuddly I really wanted to keep her but we felt we should contact the radio station to see if anyone lost her. Sure enough after a few days we got a call. I had the caller describe her which the description fit. She came along with her kids to have a look at her. She belonged to this family. I found out that her name was Blackberry. I was sad to see her go but happy. Sad because we really



wanted to keep her but happy her family came to claim her. I’m glad that we were able to take her in. I’d never wanted a pet in the house before. Why not you may ask is because of the way I grew up with no pets in the home only outside or in the barn. As time has aged with me getting a bit older not that I am old; I’ve changed my mind about have a pet in the house. Especially after taking in Blackberry I for sure changed my mind. Another reason I think I changed about wanting a pet is that my boys are grown up now and not living at home anymore. It’s nice to have some companionship such as a pet to keep you company even though that is what your other half is supposed to do. A pet is just different and soothing to your soul. A few weeks later after taking in Blackberry my fiancée and

I went to the Rusk County Animal Shelter where we live at. They had a bunch of kitties with different ages to choose from. I had decided I wanted a tabby, small,

younger, a girl and friendly kitty. Not one with a big yapper either since we heard one that was so loud. So they choose this grey quiet tabby for us to check out. She was similar looking like Blackberry but with a light colored nose and with brownish tones mixed in the gray/black fur colors. Almost like a Torbie the shelter said. As soon as I held her I knew she was the one. She was 3 ½ months old which a nice young age to get her for training how we wanted. We talked it over and decided to get her.

the nearest animal shelter or even just picked up others. Jazzy was found at a Walmart parking lot here in my town. The shelter had her for a month until we came along and took her into our home. She was quiet and timid at first.

The shelter named her Sonya but I didn’t care for it. We renamed her Jazzy instead to which she now knows her new name. She doesn’t take to strangers Then the shelter went through right off the bat. I suspect it’s due to the procedures of getting where she came from. You us ready to take home. They really don’t know for sure how got the papers ready plus your pet will be when you get any other shots she needs. We were asked if wanted her it home. You don’t know what they went through from where chipped in case she got lost from us. It was free to do with they came from but as time them so we said yes. The chip goes by you see and learn how they are and in return is located on the top part of they learn you. It takes time to her neck. I then signed the adapt to each other. That’s how papers and she was ours to it has been with our Jazzy. take home. We’d adopted a kitty! We’ve now had her 5 months and she is about 8 ½ months Jazzy now. She has adapted well with us and has gotten to know It’s amazing how many animals our home. We’ve gotten use to are just left wherever, taken to her personality and how she is.

We’re very happy that we’ve adopted Jazzy. She is fun and keeps us on our toes.

Cheryl Mikesell JAQUO MAGAZINE



Simple DIY Money Saving Tips: Some Simple DIYs The estimated cost of minor home repairs is said to be about 1% of the cost of your home per year. So as the value of your home increases so does your repair costs. I’m certainly not a professional or an expert but I have learned some things over the years. I would like to share with you these some inexpensive tips for minor household repairs. I have used these tips at one time or another. Some of these things you may already know, but just maybe there is something here that you may say, hey I didn’t know that, I’m going to give this a try. Okay so let’s get started.

Tip 1 Leaking Drain You’re doing some late night dishes or getting ready for bed and find that your drain is leaking under the sink, right where the pipe goes into the trap. All the stores are closed so what do you do next?



Take a cloth and dry where the drain is leaking. Now get a roll of electrical tape, I hope you have some. Wrap the electrical tape tightly around the leak. As you know drains are not like water pipes and are not under pressure. So this method should hold it until you can make a permanent fix.

Tip 2 Clogged Drains Do you have a slow running or a clogged drain? Drain openers can be expensive and are loaded with chemicals. Here is a low cost, natural way to open up your drain with some common household items. Take ¼ to ½ cup of baking soda and dump it in the drain, now pour in ½ cup of white vinegar, and quickly plug it up or stuff a wash cloth in it to prevent the mixture from bubbling out all over the place. In a small pot, boil some water, and after about 10 minutes pull the plug out, and flush the drain with the boiling water. If this doesn’t work the first time, go ahead and repeat the process. We had a basement drain

completely clogged using a combination of baking soda, white vinegar and my trusty plunger we were able to open it up. Use this in your drains once a month to keep them running clean and smooth.

Tip 3 Painting Trim around Windows Do you need to paint the trim around some windows? Masking around windows can be tedious and time consuming Here is a little trick that I have used before. Get yourself a stick of Bees Wax and apply it to the window near the trim. Be careful; don’t get any wax on the surface that you’re going to paint as the paint won’t stick or dry properly. Now go ahead and paint the trim and don’t worry if you get some paint on the window because the wax will prevent the paint from sticking. Then simply wipe off the wax after the paint is dry. When I’m painting around windows I really prefer to free hand, and use

a flat razor to scrap off any excess paint that I may have made on the window. But if you don’t want to take the time to be careful, or use masking tape, the wax will work, you’ll just need to clean it off later. I would say that cleaning off the wax later is a little easier than using a razor blade to scrape off paint.

Tip 4 Replacing Window Glazing If you live in an older home, chances are that you have

the old style windows, with the glazing on the outside. Over time the weather will cause the glazing to dry and crack. So you’ll have to reglaze the windows. Scrap of the old glazing with a putty knife. After scraping off the old glazing, brush the wood with boiled linseed oil. This prevents the wood from drawing the oil out of the glazing compound too quickly resulting in premature drying and cracking of the compound, and also protects

the wood. If the old glazing is difficult to remove, you can use a propane torch to soften the old glazing. Be very careful here because if apply too much heat this will cause the window to crack.



The Main





Real Meals for Real People From soup to nuts... There are almost 250 recipes on JAQUO as I write with more being added daily. All these recipes have been tried and tested in our writers’ own kitchens. These are real meals for real people.



The Main Ingredient

Olivia Morris

The Most Amazing Pound Cake Ever If you are looking for an easy, quick and versatile recipe for cake that can be made to look ordinary or extraordinary, this is for YOU! Not only is this recipe one of the easiest to follow, it also lets you add almost anything to it to make it different or special. My family has been baking a variety of this cake for the last 50 years or more and they always ask for it again and again. Maybe because when I make it, it is never the same twice. The recipe lends itself to all kinds of additions and without fail you will have a cake that is ready in less than 15 minutes of mixing, and 70 minutes of baking. Once you have made this cake the plain way, then you can start to experiment with things that your family likes and add them to the basic batter. In no time at all, you will be making this cake for you family and always having great results. Instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar and eggs until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add the flour slowly,



Ingredients 5 eggs large 1 cup of sweet butter, softened 2 cups of sugar 4 cups of flour 1 cup of milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons vanilla

beating well and adding the milk in between flour additions especially if the batter becomes to thick and runs up the beaters. Add the baking powder after having added two cups of the flour. At the very end I add the vanilla and let the batter beat for a minute longer. If you have a Bundt Pan, this is the perfect recipe for it. But you can also use two loaf pans as well. Butter and flour the pans or if you are watching your butter intake, use PAM along the insides of the baking pans. After 55 minutes in the oven, insert a skewer into the

middle of the cake to see if it comes out clean, if it has batter stuck to it, bake for another 10 minute and check again. Depending on the additions you make to the basic cake, it may take one hour and 10 minutes to bake it completely. Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 60 mins Total time: 1 hour 15 mins Serves: 12 - 15 portions

Extra, extra, extra! Making my recipe, yours! I have given you the basic recipe for a pound cake. Now it’s up to you to figure out what you will add to make it your own. I’ll give you some of the things I have done with mine in the past. When your basic batter is finished, place half of it into the baking dish and return the other half to the mixer. Now add 6 tablespoons of Nestles Quik to this part of the batter and another ½ teaspoon of baking powder.

Mix into the batter well. If it gets a little too thick add another Âź cup of milk as well. What will happen is that this part of the batter will turn a brownish colour and be slightly thinner in consistency. When it is well mixed, add this part of the batter on top of the half

in the pan. Take a knife or spatula and drag it through both layers of the batter in the pan. Place the batter into the oven and bake for 1 hour. It will need the extra time because of the additions you have made. After 1 hour do the

cake test and see if the skewer comes out clean. If not bake another 5 minutes and check again. Once the skewer comes out clean your cake is done. Remove from the pan and let sit for a few minutes. To make it more appetizing, dust with powdered sugar.



When you cut into this cake you will see beautiful swirls of white and chocolate all through the cake. It will make your mouth water for sure. Now again you can make this your own, by adding more than half of the batter as chocolate or less. It is all up to you. Another variation is to add nuts to the chocolate part as well. Ground hazelnuts are particularly good. But I am sure that any nut would work. If you are adding lots of chocolate and having just a little white in the cake combination, you could make a white icing with icing sugar and a few drops of milk. Drizzle this over the cake when it has cooled down a little. If you add it to a warm cake the sugar will just run right down the sides and pool at the bottom of the serving plate. It’s much nicer if it stays on the sides of the cake.

Olivia Morris 38


More Recipes Basil Pesto Recipe My family and I had already liked Pesto, especially made with basil. Then one year after I had gotten back into gardening, I decided to grow sweet basil and parsley in my garden. We were looking forward to having a fresh batch of homemade pesto with fresh ingredients. Wow, were we impressed. It certainly does make a big difference in flavor when you can use fresh ingredients from the garden. Sometimes we purchase fresh ingredients from the grocery store, in the off seasons, and that is pretty good. But if you have the place the grow some of your own, I’m sure that you will enjoy this recipe that much more. Ingredients 1 Cup Chopped Fresh Basil Leaves

1 Cup Chopped Fresh Parsley Leaves 1 Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese ¾ Cup Olive Oil ½ tsp sea salt ½ tsp pepper 1 tsp garlic powder 1 pound of your favorite cooked pasta Instructions • Start a large pot of water on the stove to boil. While it is boiling, add the pasta and stir. • Depending on your pasta, add oil or salt to help keep the pasta from sticking.

Waldorf Salad How to Make Easy Waldorf Salad – A lovely summertime dish, chilled to perfection! A popular warm weather treat…chilled Waldorf Salad. It’s delicious as a side with grilled turkey or chicken. This was a favorite side dish for my sister’s family. She would use apples that were on sale at the time, keeping her cost down. Since the celery and walnuts were crunchy, it made no difference in the taste or crunchiness of the salad.

• While the pasta is cooking, assemble the remaining seven ingredients in to a blender and blend until pureed. • Remove the cooked pasta from the water and place in a large bowl. • Stir in the pureed pesto mixture into the pasta. Serves: 4

Prep time: 20 mins Total time: 20 mins Serves: 5 - 6

Ingredients 2 to 3 apples, chopped 4 to 5 celery, stalks, chopped ½ to ¾ cup walnuts, chopped ½ cup mayonnaise 2 Tablespoons lemon juice Instructions • Sprinkle lemon juice over chopped apples and stir to coat well. • Add remaining ingredients, including mayonnaise and mix well.

Nancy Hardin



Mock Pate Appetizers 1/4 cup chopped green onion 1 teaspoon Wyler’s Beef Bouillon granules Instructions Combine all four ingredients, beat until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve with Melba Toast rounds or fancy crackers.

How To Make Mock Pate for Appetizers This is a sure winner, for unexpected guests, or for entertaining.

bouillon mixture. Excellent when spread on small bread rounds or melba toast.

If by chance friends drop by unexpectedly, you can be prepared with these ingredients in your refrigerator. Even folks who aren’t fans of braunschweiger like this savory appetizer, because the flavor is not overwhelming due to the sour cream, green onions and beef

Easy Recipes: Mock Pate Appetizers



Prep time: 10 mins Total time: 10 mins Serves: 10 - 12 Ingredients 1 pound Braunschweiger 1 cup sour cream

Nancy Hardin

Quick Asian Beef Stew Recipe

An Asian stew stirs my taste buds. Doesn’t that sound like an interesting twist to traditional beef stew? Thoughts of soy sauce, teriyaki, hoisin or ponzu sauce, always inspire cravings. They have a unique and wonderful flavor.

Of course, I had to try one. Many of the recipes I found were for the slow cooker. Normally that would sound perfect—toss the ingredients in and let it be. This time I wanted crisp vegetables so I cooked mine in a large skillet. I can see if you are home

while cooking, you could easily adapt it to the crock pot simply by adding the vegetables after several hours. If you prefer to do that, I would let the meat, a portion of the onion, and the sauce simmer on low for 4 to 5 hours, then add JAQUO MAGAZINE


the onion and mushrooms. After an addition 2 hours add the cabbage. Minutes before serving add the spinach. When you serve still in the orange slices. I’ll try it that way next time, especially if using stew meat. For this recipe I used a steak. Serve it over rice if you like, but with all the vegetables it’s delicious as it is. It would be easy to prepare with chicken or shrimp if you prefer that to beef. Any would taste marvelous with the orange juice and tangy Hoisin sauce. It’s so easy to put together. Don’t let the number of ingredients scare you. As with any stew, you can use the veggies you have on hand. Using steak instead of stew meat, it took less than 30 minutes to cook.

Quick Hoisin Beef Stew Prep time: 20 mins Cook time: 60 mins Total time: 1 hour 20 mins Serves: 3 - 4 Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, finely diced



1 teaspoon fresh ginger, fine chopped 1 teaspoon hot sauce 1½ cups beef broth ⅓ cup Hoisin sauce ½ cup orange juice 1 steak or 1 pound stew meat, cut into bite sized pieces 1 onion, cut in chunks 2 stalks celery, sliced 4 mushrooms, chopped in chunks 3 cups spinach 1 - 2 cups cabbage or bok choy Instructions Prep vegetables, then set aside. Combine broth, Hoisin sauce, orange juice, hot sauce, and chopped ginger. Stir it thoroughly then set aside. In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon oil. Saute the garlic for 1 minute then add the meat until brown. Turn heat down to simmer, then pour in 1/2 of the sauce. If using stew meat, simmer for 20 to 30 minutes or until near tender. Add onion, celery, and mushrooms, and saute on medium heat until starting to soften. Pour in the remaining sauce

and the cabbage, simmering 4 to 5 minutes. Gently stir in spinach just until wilted. Serve, stirring in orange slices as you do.

Merry Citarella

Irish Ice Cream and Chocolate recipe

This is our absolutely favourite dessert. And that’s not just because it’s delicious. It takes only a few minutes to make and yet it’s elegant enough to serve at your next dinner party. It’s also a wonderful finale to a romantic dinner a deux. You can make this ahead by assembling the ice cream and the chocolate in attractive glassware and then keep them in the fridge leaving only the sauce to be added when you’re ready to serve. I use wonderful Cadbury’s chocolate for this

dish but choose the chocolate of your choice, whatever you personally prefer. It’s the same with the ice cream – we like a creamy,good quality vanilla but the wonderful thing about this dessert is that you can experiment. And experimenting with ice cream and chocolate is lot of fun :) It’s good idea to keep the chocolate in the fridge until you’re ready to assemble this dish. It’s quite surprising that something that takes only a few minutes to put together tastes so very good. Here’s the so quick and so easy recipe. Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 1 min Total time: 6 mins Serves: 2 Ingredients 2 large scoops ice cream 1 bar of your favourite chocolate 1 cup Bailey’s Irish Cream liqueur Fresh mint leaves

Instructions Take two decorative glasses and add a spoonful of ice cream to each Be sure that the ice cream covers the bottom of the glass Using a knife, shave chocolate chips from the bar on top of the ice cream Add another layer of ice cream Add another layer of shaved chocolate Repeat until the glass is almost full, finishing with shaved chocolate With a skewer, make several holes down through the ice cream and chocolate Warm the Bailey’s in a small saucepan - do not boil Pour half the Bailey’s into each glass Decorate with mint leaves and serve



Come Fly

With Me



TRAVEL Danny Gibson

Come Fly With Me Seven years of traveling from England to Ukraine by road has served me well enough. And that’s just as well, because I’ve sidestepped airports all my life, a dread of flying has seen to that. Why then, was I now browsing the website of an airline? I would take the coach again, surely. Or I could drive in my Smart car, or ride, even, on my Yamaha 650 – one thousand, five-hundred miles through six countries to reach the Ukrainian border – a biker’s dream ride out. The webpages of Wizz Air promised a short and pleasant flight to Kiev from Luton. The cost – adding the bus to and from the airport from my home – matched that of the coach: £170 return. Without a shred of conviction, I inputted my data, including my debit card details, and hit ‘send’. A return ticket was now waiting for me in my email, I just had to print it. No worries. By the morning I would come to my senses, claim a refund and then buy the only ticket I had ever bought to get me to the

Former Soviet Union and back: a COACH ticket. But that didn’t happen. A morning, a week and even a month can pass by real fast if you don’t keep an eye on them, and this month literally FLEW by. The day was now upon me; it was too late to do anything, except, FLY. The only planes I had ever seen were on the television, and they’d already crashed. I wasn’t looking forward to the signs waiting for me at the airport very much either: ‘Terminal’ – ‘Departure’ – ‘FINAL Destination’. And just a month earlier there was that closure of Luton Airport for several hours while the BOMB SQUAD carried out a “controlled explosion“. This life-long dread of flying seemed perfectly justified to me so far. I arrived at the airport in good time. Checking in was straightforward enough. I took off my belt and shoes and emptied my pockets as instructed. My naked-lady cigarette lighter with flashing bosoms forced a raised eyebrow from the African

employee entrusted to detect questionable items on persons and in luggage before they reach the plane. I told myself that his training in this matter would have been of the highest order and that he took his job seriously. He would foil any bomber long before they got comfy next to me on the two hours and forty minute flight to Kiev. I bought no food in the waiting lounge for fear of being sick during the flight. I wasn’t looking forward to my nose blocking up, ears continually popping and deep vein thrombosis, either – all of which I’d been told to expect by those in my life that regularly opt for this mode of transport. Once I boarded the thing (I’d come close to fleeing the second I saw it) there was about thirty minutes of not much (taxiing and waiting for clearance I now know they call it). The two stunning Ukrainian flight attendants I’d smiled at when I got on suddenly appeared in the aisle – this was more like it. But wait! What was this? Instructions on what to do JAQUO MAGAZINE


in the event of a CRASH? Life jacket? Oxygen mask? They don’t do this on the coach. And then, without any consideration for my anxieties, no warning, no honking of a horn or whisper in my ear from either of the two beauties, nothing… ‘WHOOSH’ – the most powerful pair of eager, acceleration hungry engines ever to transport me anywhere fired up and blasted me down a strip of tarmac that was no way long enough (according to my rapid calculations made from out of the steamed-up window). Those trees at the runway’s end were about to be mowed down. Brace yourself, Danny boy, the flight attendants weren’t joking with their crash instructions. My eyes slammed shut and I agreed with them. It is difficult to measure time during moments of severe anxiety. Sometimes what happens is that everything goes into slow motion. For me, now, it was perhaps a full two minutes suspended in flashback mode. My entire life played back to me. Would I have done anything differently? Yeah, I would’ve got the coach.



As this man-made contraption with wings and a tail shook and moaned and heaved its heavy body off the ground and into the air, a verse from Alanis Morissette’s ‘Ironic‘ kindly appeared in my thoughts, – something about: “he waited his whole damn life to take that flight, and as the plane crashed down…”. Great! Then another thought: if my mobile survived but I didn’t, the BBC News app I’d recently downloaded would display the details of my demise, in my pocket, on my dead and mangled body. Updates would come every thirty minutes. Other, disorganised but equally unsettling thoughts raced into my mind and vied for front place. One being that at least I haven’t a wife, children, mother or family of any kind to be informed of my death, at least that was something. My eyes eased themselves open without my permission. I saw that the aircraft was no longer pointing to the sky, it had leveled out. The sound inside was that of a relaxed machine doing its job, a bit like the coach cruising along the Autobahn. And the sound of

seat belts being unbuckled; a reassuring sound. I unbuckled mine; I couldn’t remember buckling it up in the first place, perhaps when Alanis had been singing to me. Stuck up in the air – God knows how high – I listened intently for signs of engine failure and heard none. My eyes darted around and searched every face for any kind of concern, and saw the opposite: reading, listening to music through earphones, chatting. Out came one couple’s iPad. Repeatedly, and with much concern, I peered out the window but saw no fire coming from the engine – no wing about to break off. Instead, I witnessed clouds, beautiful, fluffy clouds, Bedfordshire beneath them, down there. All was as it should be, it seemed. The two Ukrainian beauties appeared again, this time offering snacks and beverages; I took coffee and a sandwich – to hell with the extortionate prices. And I didn’t feel at all sick. With no impending doom to have to deal with I rested back in my seat,

Come Fly With Me gently closed my eyes, and daydreamed of my forthcoming two-week stay in Ukraine. And where would I be now if I had taken the coach? Probably still stuck in London battling the traffic on route to the ferry at Dover, with a full two days travelling ahead before stepping on Ukrainian soil.

window, like patches on a handmade quilt. Shacks and modest farms appeared. So did ant sized people; I tried to make them out. Village babushkas, hanging out washing, brooming up autumn leaves, nattering to neighbours. Men and boys working the farms. Horses and carts. Wild dogs. Taller buildings soon replaced all that: apartment blocks – some new, most old, built by the Soviets. Cars. Trams. City life. Kiev.

As I strolled across the Ukrainian tarmac and

through Zhuliany airport I realised something

The speaker above my head burst into life and startled me: “Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our descent. We will be landing at Zhuliany Kiev in approximately ten minutes. Please fasten your seat belts.” I pulled out my phone – two hours and thirty minutes since take off at Luton. Bang on time. Wow!

I’d always believed to be impossible: I felt… wonderful.

Beginning as tiny specs below, then becoming more discernible with every passing moment, the vast wilderness of the largest country in Europe began to reveal itself through my

something I’d always believed to be impossible: I felt… wonderful. I had faced up to a lifetime of fear and conquered it. But not only that… I had really enjoyed the flight, once I’d relaxed. And the beauty ‘up there’ I had never before seen; it squashed everything. I will never again spend two days in a coach to Ukraine (or anywhere else). I wish someone would have told me that flying is truly an amazing experience, and the safest form of travel. Or perhaps they have, and I just haven’t listened. You know, flying is truly an amazing experience. AND the safest form of travel!

Our wheels bounced a bit on the runway then quickly steadied. The plane slowed to a crawl. It turned and faced towards the waiting building, and stopped. I raised my hands in the air and applauded, because everyone else had, but I wanted to anyway. As I strolled across the Ukrainian tarmac and through Zhuliany airport I realised




Ohhh... Saucy Seaside Postcards


Growing up in the 1950s, a visit to the seaside with my family was always a treat. One day, I was walking along the promenade when I saw a group of teenage girls giggling over a rack of postcards. I asked my mum what they were laughing at.

The British have always willing to laugh at themselves and see the tragifunny side of life, particularly when it comes to intimate relationships, coping with mother-in-laws, and exposing their bare skins to daylight.

“Mucky postcards”, she said, “And you stay away from them!”

Rude Britannia



The Bamforth cards were populated with stereotypes, and every thing and anybody came into their target sights: fat people, thin people, nagging wives and henpecked husbands, oversexed and undersexed men and women, men with very small – or very large – genitals, women with big bosoms, small bosoms. Marriages – beyond the honeymoon night – were often a battleground, with men turning to drink to drown their sorrows. Misunderstandings, innuendo, double entendre

I didn’t, of course, and I still have a soft spot for the bawdy humour on seaside postcards in Britain, particularly those printed in the 1960s and 70s.

Today, holiday habits in Britain have changed; day trips have replaced longer stays at seaside resorts, and text messages have replaced postcards, so you would be hard-pressed to find shops selling these cards in British seaside resorts, even in the brashest resorts. A pity really, as these cards gave expression to human fears, frustrations, and libido in a harmless and arguably cathartic way.


One company that built a reputation for producing the fruitiest postcards of the lot was the Yorkshire publishing firm of Bamforth & Co., originally based in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire. For over 100 years, Bamforth & Co. founded by James Bamforth (see the photograph above), was one of the leading publishers of British saucy postcards, traditionally bought at the seaside during a holiday stay.

This opened up all sorts of illustrative design possibilities for publishers and tapped into the increasing travel and holiday opportunities opening up for the public. It was quite common by that time for families to go to the seaside for a week’s holiday, and picture postcards became enormously popular with them as a record of the occasion.

abounded, and physical defects – before it became politically incorrect to do this – were targeted, particularly vision-related ones. Shortsighted people, for example, particularly in nudist camps, were a rich source for the cartoonists. The same jokes on these postcards were often cribbed from British Music Hall and variety show performers and later reproduced in the ‘Carry On’ films of the 1960s, and by comedians, like Benny Hill, who tapped into a vulgar streak in many Brits (including me). Double Entendre A common theme up to the end of the 1950s was in the use of words or situations that could be misunderstood, or with double meanings attached to them. But as British society became more permissive from the 1980s onwards, the jokes and images became cruder and more explicit – and perhaps contributed to the eventual demise of these cards. Rapid Growth

James Bamforth saw the opportunity and the first twenty years of the 20th century were a period of rapid growth for the company. sent with a half-penny stamp attached to it by the sender – hitherto postcards could only be sold with pre-paid postage and with advertising graphics on them.

After 1902 James Bamforth, supported by his sons, Edwin and Frank, concentrated their production efforts on postcard production,

In 1894 the General Post Office in England granted publishers permission to design and sell picture postcards that could be JAQUO MAGAZINE


at first using photographic models. But when James Bamforth died in 1911, Edwin and Frank saw the opportunity to produce their own drawings. The first outside artist they employed in 1912 was Douglas Tempest, a local graphic artist, who created the comic style that set the tone for the future, including the introduction of characters – particularly the henpecked husband and dominant wife During the First World War Bamforth & Co made its contribution to the war effort by producing moraleboosting cards by poking fun at the Kaiser, but the ‘saucy postcards’ line continued, with the introduction of increasingly risque jokes (but tame by comparison with today). The 1930 – 40s. The 1930s saw a significant growth in the number of cartoon-style picture postcards produced. It is estimated that 16 million cards a year, produced by around six British printing companies, including Bamforth & Co., were sold during this period.



The social impact of these cards prompted even George Orwell to write an essay on the subject. Orwell observed that the subject matter of the cards could be broken into around six main categories: sex jokes “…ranging from the harmless to the unprintable”; home life where “…there is no such thing as a happy marriage”, and where ” No man ever gets the better of a woman in argument.”; drunkenness, which is often contrasted with teetotalism; lavatory jokes often involving embarrassing situations in public toilets or in the home; social class snobbery where both the habits and pretensions of upper class and lower class social groups are lampooned; and stock figures, particular Scotsmen (double entendre around Loch Ness Monsters and what is hidden under their kilts); swindling lawyers; serious vicars “…always a nervous idiot who says the wrong thing.”; mother-in-law jokes; and very fat ladies , usually depicted wedded to very thin and submissive men.

1950s – Watch Out for the Watch Committees The Conservative governments of the 1950s felt that the post-war society in Britain was becoming too permissive and out of control; lewd postcards were regarded as just another aspect of this. This sense of disapproval led to retailers being prosecuted for selling the most ribald of these cards. At first, the police seized postcards they regarded as obscene

Saucy!! and the shop owners selling them would be summoned to court. If the magistrates decided the postcards were obscene, the cards would be destroyed and the shopkeepers fined. In 1950, Derek Bamforth, grandson to the founder, James Bamforth, visited Blackpool, one of the biggest retail outlet towns for his cards, to meet with the Chief Constable about the police campaign that had resulted in 14 Blackpool shop owners being fined for stocking his and other publisher’s postcards. Derek Bamforth’s concern that the police should be the arbiters of decency in the town led him to campaign nationally for more independent and broader views to be applied to the matter. Later, and largely to protect shopkeepers, a censorship ‘Watch’ committee was set up in Blackpool to adjudicate and prevent the worst offending cards from going on sale in the first place. This policy was quickly copied across Britain.

Derek worked with the Blackpool Postcard Censorship Board to make sure his designs were acceptable; a shrewd move that was both cost effective and protected him from wider criticism. It marked out the company as a more responsible one and saved him from prosecution when publishers, instead of retailers, were targeted by some Watch Committees. For example, in 1954 the rival firm of D. Constance, and its chief artist, Donald McGill, were fined for obscenity at Lincoln Crown Court. However, Derek Bamforth’s defensive work at Blackpool did not always protect retailers in other parts of Britain from prosecution for

selling his cards. A card perfectly acceptable in Blackpool might be rejected as obscene elsewhere. And the definition of obscenity was often stretched to ludicrous proportions – on one occasion to include jokes about flatulence! The campaign postcards deemed obscene reached a peak in 1953, when over 32,000 postcards published were seized and destroyed by English police forces. But gradually a more tolerant approach crept in over the 1950s, and rapidly advanced post-1959 when Penguin Books were acquitted of obscenity for publishing JAQUO MAGAZINE


Lady Chatterley’s Lover in a paperback edition. The 1960s Onward By the early 1960s most censorship committees were fizzling out and Bamforth & Co were now selling their cards in Australia and South Africa and providing translation for the French, Dutch and Belgium markets – the cards previously banned by British censorship committees tended to be the best sellers! The 1960s and 70s was the heyday for the bawdiest cards ever produced by Bamforth. But by the late 1970s, the clouds were gathering over the cartoon postcard industry.



A more politically-correct mood was in the air, and cartoons involving religion, race relations, feminism, and disability were now frowned on, if not outlawed. Changing holiday trends in Britain also sounded the death knell for the company and in 1994 the Bamforth production was scaled down and moved to into the control of the publisher, E. Dennis & Sons. In June 2000 Dennis & Sons went bankrupt, but a Yorkshire businessman, Ian Wallace, purchased the Bamforth name with a promise that the postcard images would live on in other retail forms.

Last Word George Orwell:

” … they are a sort of saturnalia, a harmless rebellion against virtue … On the whole, human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time.”

Colin Neville

HISTORY Gotterdammerung: Lost Chariots of the gods… Somewhere south of seventh heaven, north of the ninth ring of hell is in an undisclosed location in the next world. It’s the abode of forlorn, forsaken gods. Once they commanded worship, sacrifice and devotion of countless acolytes. Now, they sit in the dustbin of religious history. Zeus is boltless, baffled. Baal bewildered. Thor is flummoxed. Quetzalcoatl’s feathers are ruffled. Horus is mummified by it all, a fallen falconcrest. Sun gods-too numerous to mention–bask belligerently in a post-twilight world. “We didn’t change with the times. All those interloper gods came along. And some of you guys took human sacrifice too far—you know who you are, “said Zeus. “He’s always upbraiding me for those burnt children,” muttered Baal. “I get it all the time too—a few virgin girls tossed in cenotes,” said some forgotten Mayan

deity. “Seemed to increase average annual rainfall. How was I to know meteorology — it hadn’t been invented. I only claimed to be a god, not an omniscient one. Why we invented a calendar ending in 2012 is beyond me. Didn’t pan out, but we got a few dopes convinced it was another Y2K. Created some interest, but that’s over.”

Hermes is clever. When he saw the way the wind was blowing, he started delivering flowers instead of my messages. He still has an earthly following.” The now godless nodded. The gods must be crazy.

“Maybe some of us did ride the cutting edge too long. I was quite partial to burnt offerings,” said Baal. Like his old, overzealous self, Zeus pontificated, “We should have evolved. One of my sons made the transition.




Foods That Fight




More and more it interests me how the foods we eat not only provide nutrition to our body, but also can help to heal it. Not sure why it surprises me that foods can be anti-inflammatories. I suppose growing up with aspirin, tylenol or ibuprofen, it simply wasn’t a topic for discussion. So it feels like news to me, though it’s been effective for thousands of years. It is good to know that eating fruits and vegetables alone can help inflammation. Fruits such as berries, apples, kiwi, citrus, and avocados have anti-inflammatory effects thanks in part to the antioxidants they contain. Likewise, vegetables like salad greens, kale, and spinach, green peppers, mushrooms, onions, green beans and even olives work as anti-inflammatories in the body as well. Just today I learned carrots belong on the list too because of the beta carotene and vitamin A a carrot contains. Naturally, antioxidants vary in different forms and different foods.

Since they work best together to help the body, it is important to eat a variety of foods that contain them. If you only eat a certain few you aren’t getting all the benefits. Because of their interaction between them, antioxidants from foods are often found to be more effective than as supplements. An example is the combination of blueberries and strawberries with spinach. When combined they slow or stop a particular enzyme in the nervous system that may affect some disorders like depression and schizophrenia.

What is an antioxidant anyway?

It does this by ‘donating’ an electron to the free radical. Our bodies make antioxidants that will ‘neutralize’ free radicals, but it may not produce enough, especially as we age. Another reason for a wide variety of antioxidants through foods that will supplement what our bodies manufacture.

Picturing this takes me back to school days studying chemistry. How various chemicals attached to each other and detached, seeing it diagrammed helped make the whole course more interesting and understandable. An antioxidant has the ability to block free radicals, stopping them from harming healthy cells.

Antioxidants are contained within foods in vitamins A, C and E, in lutein, selenium, beta-carotene, and lycopene. So you can see how the forms might each be different. What is a free radical? Free radicals are basically chemical fragments that are loosed as the body processes food into JAQUO MAGAZINE


energy. Exercise produces them as well. Smoking, pesticides, alcohol, and sun exposure also can increase free radicals. Free radicals can form changes in cells that lead to abnormal reproduction. The resulting reaction is thought to be part of how diseases developing in the body. Diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, cataracts, heart disease, and more.The process in which electrons are transferred to another is called oxidation.

Omega 3 fatty acids Foods containing antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, while grains, nuts and seeds, and good oils and fatty fish such as salmon may lower the chance of disease caused by inflammation.



especially • Berries, blueberries, plus

strawberries, acai, cranberry and blackberries

• Cherries • Apples • Oranges other fruits, including • Most pineapple • Artichokes green leafy vegetables • Dark (such as kale, spinach, swiss

Foods in this group include meat (especially fatty meats or those containing high Sweet potatoes. White potatoes too contain saturated fat), dairy (butter, antioxidants but don’t usually milk, and cheese), and make the lists vegetable oils. Processed Broccoli foods, fried food, and those containing refined grains Nuts including pistachios, and high amounts of salt or almonds, and pecans, sugar also seem to increase walnuts, and hazelnuts inflammation. Beans (such as red beans, pinto beans, and black The fascinating “master beans) antioxidant,” glutathione Whole grains (especially While I was learning more oats) about antioxidants and how Dark chocolate they work, I discovered “glutathione.” As we learned Salmon above, antioxidants stop free Red wine, Green tea, coffee radicals by giving them an electron. In doing so, the antioxidant itself becomes Fruit juices too! a free radical. The only Seasonings including ginger, antioxidant that does not do cloves, cinnamon turmeric that is one the liver creates, and oregano that being glutathione. chard and collard greens)

• • • • • • • • • •

Omega 6 Fatty acids also play a part in maintaining a healthy body. These acids aid in regulating the metabolism, as well as maintaining brain health, and bone strength. Yet Omega 6 also increases chemicals in the body that cause inflammation. Because of that, it is important to use them moderately in your diet, compared to Omega 3 fatty acids.

Health It has the ability to change them back into antioxidants from their new free radical status. Because of that ability, it is called the master antioxidant. You can see how important it is then to maintain the liver so it will produce more of the particular antioxidant. Yet as we age, the body slows its production. Specific foods and possibly supplements are needed for its production. Fruits and vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, watermelon are good choices. Also walnuts, garlic, turmeric, and ricotta cheese. These foods contain what is needed to help produce glutathione.

Those with vitamins C and E not only may slow aging, but also possibly reverse or even prevent memory loss. Eating plenty of blueberries may strengthen connections in the brain, improving its ability to maintain. Next time you have a salad or a dish of fruit, remind yourself that what you are eating may

be lowering any inflammation in your body, from aches and pains to more serious concerns. By decreasing inflammation you are helping your body reduce dementia and heart disease as well. Hopefully that is all the encouragement needed.

Because of their antioxidant content‌ Coffee can help prevent heart disease when the polyphenols it contains stops the oxidation of fats. Foods with antioxidants found in vitamin C, vitamin A and Vitamin E encourage immune system by inhibiting free radicals.

Merry Citarella JAQUO MAGAZINE



The Blood Sugar Solution The Book That Really Taught Me How to Be Healthy

I used to have one of the worst diets ever. I’d typically drink fruit juices with almost no real juice, or sodas, with plenty of high fructose corn syrup. I almost never drank actual water. I’d mainly eat white bread, the fluffy soft kind.

I’d eat candy all the time, ice cream for meals, or meals of goldfish crackers and chocolate mint cookies, and I loved fast food. In 2005 I began taking psychiatric medications for an anxiety disorder, and my health began to plummet. It continued to worsen, and by summer 2012 I was up to 239 lbs, when I had previously weighed 190 lbs. I also developed severe, torturous restless legs syndrome. Dr. Mark Hyman was introduced to me by my dad, who had me watch him speak on PBS. The explanations about health were different from what I was used to, although made perfect sense. I went to my local Barnes & Noble and purchased his book, The Blood Sugar Solution, and decided I was going to do



everything he recommends. The book has quizzes to see where your health stands in various areas. I scored in the awful range on six of them. Here’s what I changed First I stopped eating anything with MSG, trans fat, or corn syrup. Then I eliminated other types of sugar, white flour, and any drinks besides water. I began to avoid any foods with chemicals or anything artificial. I began to avoid GMOs and industrial oils, and discovered through Dr. Hyman’s advice that I’m sensitive to gluten – so I stopped eating all gluten grains. Part of what I did involved following Dr. Hyman’s advanced plan, which lasted 12 weeks, and I did everything he said to, including buying the supplements he recommends. I began to take walks every day, and to study other exercises I can do at home. I learned to avoid many common household products which are actually very toxic. I began to study health and nutrition constantly, and have become an expert where I

Health was once totally ignorant. The results have been amazing By early 2014 after following Dr. Hyman’s advice and changing my diet over the course of nearly two years, I’d lost over 50 lbs, and weigh less now than I did when I got married in 2003. Clothes I was not fitting now fit very comfortably. My anxiety disorder is more than 95% eliminated, and I don’t take psychiatric medications anymore. My restless legs syndrome symptoms have entirely disappeared – but come back some if I eat gluten, corn syrup, or MSG in any of its forms. Something completely shocking is that lifelong chronic allergies, which caused me to almost never be able to breathe through my nose for most of my life – despite allergy shots, medications, and everything doctors could come up with – completely disappeared. It’s gone, and this was a very unexpected but is very welcome change that came with all the other health improvements. On the tests in the book, I

now score in the safe range on all the ones I before had scored very poorly. This is all real, and I feel so grateful for Dr. Hyman and this book This doctor’s perspective is to treat underlying causes of health problems, rather than what the mainstream medical industry typically does, which is endlessly suppress symptoms with drugs. Bizarrely, his approach is labeled ‘alternative’ and ‘controversial,’ which I have learned means not supported by the drug companies, who control nearly everything in mainstream medicine – and their perspective is also promoted by government organizations, such as the FDA, and the mainstream media. What our medical system excels at is treatments in emergency or crisis situations, although other aspects often fall short due to the conflict of interest – they make money by us being ill, not healthy. Ask yourself if you truly want to be healthy, especially with the food you eat, which has a gigantic impact on

how you feel and on many problems the mainstream medical industry wants you to believe are incurable, have no known cause, and are only treatable with expensive prescription drugs. If you’re ready to really be healthy, I urge you to start listening to Dr. Hyman. With this book, you can truly revolutionize your health. It’s probably the best investment, moneywise, I’ve ever made. I love to share what The Blood Sugar Solution plan has done for me, and if you have any health concerns, chances are it will help you too. Very highly recommended for anyone serious about their health!

Note: Dr. Hyman also created The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook, with meals that meet his nutritional standards.

Jonathan Nielsen JAQUO MAGAZINE


A few books recommended by our writers




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Bill Bryson I’m a Stranger Here Myself… You’ve got to love Bill Bryson. Well I do anyway. I can almost guarantee a laugh when I read one of his books. And it’s not just any old laugh; it can range from an audible giggle to a roll on the floor until your belly hurts and you can’t see for the tears, kind of laugh; which is great if you want to improve your mood, but it can get kind of embarrassing if you happen to be reading one of his books in an airport waiting area. And yes, that happened to me not too long ago. On a recent solo trip to the UK and back I decided to take a Bryson book with me for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was the irony of the title, ‘I’m a stranger here myself’, seeing as I was returning to my country of birth, which having lived a quiet life in France recently, can seem a little overwhelming. Or perhaps I just wanted some entertainment on my trip. Anyway, whatever the intent, I found myself in a French airport chuckling to myself and trying desperately to



Perhaps I felt an affinity with the author as this to me was all about Bryson’s return to the USA after having lived in I don’t own all his books, though the UK for 20 years. I do have a great many of them, but I’d never managed to In fact it was all a mistake – he never meant to write it at all! get round to reading this one. hold my guffaws in! Somehow I’d forgotten how funny his writing could be.

Now you may be wondering how you accidentally write a book, so I’ll try and explain. The book is a collection of weekly columns written over a two-year period for a magazine supplement of a Sunday newspaper in the UK. Fair enough you may say, but I still don’t get it. The problem came about when the editor of said magazine rang up Bill one day, shortly after he’d returned to the States, to ask him to write a column about his life in the US. Bryson said no. Actually he said, no he couldn’t do it, he was way too busy and didn’t have the time. He also said, ‘I can’t take on a weekly column’ and a few other things, but the editor didn’t seem to hear him… Bill suspected that he was doing several other jobs at the time, including reviewing models for a swimsuit issue, but I suspect it was just a cunning ploy. Anyway after the editor had hung up Bill Bryson ended up with a weekly column to write for a British audience about his return to the US and I’m so glad he did. This book, written over the period 1996 to ’98, tells you about his fascination for garbage disposals, the

pinning Bill helplessly bent double, in effect leaving him ready for a crash landing. It’s only by flailing his hand around and pawing at the man sat next to him is he able to be released! Look, I’m even giggling now at the The thing is he’s funny. memory. I don’t know how he Whether it’s his way of does it. Bill Bryson manages looking at things, or just to paint pictures in my head the fact that he’s not very that make me fall about practical, or technical and laughing, and though I know seems to go through life in I’m not necessarily your a semi-permanent state of average female and tend bewilderment, I don’t know. to live a slightly different But he doesn’t half make me laugh! Let me try and give you life myself, I’m not the only one who finds his writing an example… Most of us travel hilarious. On the back of this at some point in our lives. Not book someone from the San always abroad, but we may Francisco Examiner tells me, have to use a train, bus or ‘Bryson writes about today’s plane as well as the good old reliable motor. Now remember, America in a way that is both trenchantly observant and Bryson is most known for his pound-on-the-floor, snorttravel writing, but he always seems to end up having some root-beer-out-your-nose funny’. Well you can’t say kind of minor disaster. fairer than that can you?! Take for example his time on an aeroplane where in his seat he realises his shoelace has become untied. Of course, not wanting to trip himself up later he decides he should retie it. Just at the moment he chooses to bend down in his seat to redo his lace the person sat in the seat in front opts to throw their seat back into the fully reclined position pros and cons of the UK versus the US postal systems, what drive-in movies are all about and his general observations on US life 20 years after having left the place.





Ashtabula, Ohio Ashtabula, Ohio – The Hometown of Urban Meyer and so Much More With the Ohio State Buckeyes’ huge win over Alabama’s Crimson Tide last weekend, people all over the country got a sneak peek at my hometown, Ashtabula, Ohio. So much attention was paid to Ashtabula because this is the hometown of Urban Meyer, the head coach of the Buckeyes. Ashtabula residents are proud of Urban Meyer and the city even had signs erected at the entrances to Ashtabula City proudly announcing Meyer’s hometown heritage. However, Urban Meyer isn’t the only thing to be proud of in Ashtabula. In fact, several other residents have achieved fame and notorious events have taken place here. Ashtabula, Ohio Ashtabula, Ohio is located in Ashtabula County, the largest county in Ohio. By definition, Ashtabula means “always enough fish to share,” which explains the areas maritime history and 30 miles of lakeshore. In the early 19th



century, Ashtabula was settled by Finnish, Swedish, and Italian immigrants. For generations, these three heritages denominated the population and many residents, including myself, have deep roots in these cultures today. At the 2010 census, there were 19,124 residents living in Ashtabula. Famous Ashtabula, Ohio Residents Ashtabula has been the hometown of many great athletes including Urban Meyer. Other Ashtabula residents that have gone on to find fame in sports include: • •

• Don Novello – actor, comedian • Tammy Cochran – country singer/ songwriter • T-Bone Slim – author, activist • Freddie Smith – actor (currently stars on NBC’s Days of our Lives) • Maila Numi – actress Ashtabula, Ohio’s Famous Mentions

If you aren’t from Ashtabula, and aren’t a fan of college football, you may have heard of Ashtabula in a Jim Bollman – Head coach few other ways as well. In of Michigan State University fact, my hometown has been mentioned in poems, Jarrod Bunch – An NFL songs, and books. In fact, player that played for the Carl Sandburg, wrote a Raiders and Giants poem entitled, “Crossing Frederick “Babe” Parnell – Ohio When Poppies Bloom An NFL player that played in Ashtabula,” Bob Dylan for the 1927 championship mentions Ashtabula in the NY giants song, “You’re Gonna Make Mark Wagner – An MLB me Lonesome When You player that was active with Go,” and Vern Sneider wrote the Detroit Tigers, Texas a book entitled, “The King Rangers, and Oakland As from Ashtabula.”

In addition to coaches and athletes, Ashtabula has grown quite a few lovers of the arts as well. Actors, comedians, and authors with roots in Ashtabula, Ohio include:

Ashtabula’s Maritime History I always say if I move from Ashtabula, I would desperately miss the lake

(Lake Erie). Over the years, friends and family have moved away and one of the things they miss most about Ashtabula, besides Romanburgers from Mr. Hero, is the lake. Walnut Beach is located in the city of Ashtabula, and boasts beautiful scenery and gorgeous sand. Lake Shore Park is located a bit east of Walnut Beach in Ashtabula Township and offers everything that Walnut Beach offers and more. At Lake Shore Park, you can feed the ducks, watch the boats come in and out of the dock, and take in the beauty that is Lake Erie.

One of the best parts about living in Ashtabula is the city’s strong maritime history. The city is a coal port, has a Coast Guard station, and is home to the Ashtabula Maritime Museum. From 1953 to 1982 the Navy vessel USS Ashtabula (A0-51) roamed waters around the world and was the only vessel to bear this name.

19 museums and historical sites located here Several former stops on the Underground Railroad were located in Ashtabula, Ohio Home to America’s shortest and longest covered bridge 20 award-winning wineries in Ashtabula County Ashtabula River Railroad Disaster

Fun Facts About Ashtabula

The Ashtabula River Railroad disaster happened on If I haven’t got your attention December 29, 1876, and yet, there is more you need is still remembered today. to know about Ashtabula; This train accident left 64 including these fun facts. people injured and killed Steelhead Capital of Ohio Ashtabula averages 68” of snow 92 people. Many people killed in the train disaster every year (mostly lake effect) JAQUO MAGAZINE


Wood engraving depicting the Ashtabula Bridge Disaster.

are buried at Chestnut Grove Cemetery, located on W.58th St in downtown Ashtabula. Twenty years after the train disaster, a memorial was erected in the cemetery to remember the unidentified victims of the train disaster. After the train disaster, Charles Collins, the bridge engineer, and Amasa Stone, the designer and architect of the bridge, both committed suicide. Both suicides were independent of each other and many believe the men took their lives because the train disaster was due to improper design. It’s no wonder that with such a sad, devastating event taking place in the boundaries of Ashtabula, that many people here and around the country believe Chestnut Grove Cemetery is haunted. The most common haunt that



people report is seeing ghosts walking amongst tombstones in the graveyard and Mr. Collins leaning on the Train Disaster memorial crying. Whether you only heard of Ashtabula, Ohio, because you are a huge fan of Urban Meyer and the Ohio State Buckeyes, or you have lived here your whole life, now you have a little bit more information about this quaint, lakeshore town, and have a monumental amount of trivia to share the next time someone asks you about our northeast Ohio town.

Tawnya Housel


Agatha Christie She continued to write through her childhood and into adulthood.

Grande Dame of Mystery Fiction Nobody does whodunits with the style and flair of Agatha Christie – no one. Known for creating sleuths more clever than the world’s greatest fiction detectives, Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie’s novels and stories have held mystery readers in thrall for almost ninety-five years. Her novels and stories are timeless. With over two billion books sold, The Guinness Book of World Records says that Agatha Christie is the best selling author of all time. Her writing received multiple awards. She also wrote under the pseudonyms Mary Westmacott and Monosyllaba. Christie started writing young, having written her first poem at ten years of age.

Her first novel, Snow Upon the Desert, was rejected on multiple occasions. Her first published novel featuring Hercule Poirot, was The Mysterious Affair at Styles.

One thing that distinguished her mystery novels from those of other writers of the day were the exotic settings in which many of her stories took place. She traveled to many of the places in which her novels were set. Her activities abroad also figure into many of her stories’ events. Her play, The Mousetrap has run continuously since 1952 when it opened on the lower east side. Her most famous detectives, Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, are known world wide. Many of her books have also been adapted to movies and television.

Not too long ago, in 1970, her notebooks were made available to John Curran, Christie archivist and expert. He wrote Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks




Skin Game Skin Game: The Dresden Files. Book 15

more with his newer mantle of powers. I do not want to say too much as to reveal any spoilers for those of you who have not read any of the books. Book 15 is just as awesome as the rest and you know he is going to have many scrapes and similar to the other books. You wonder how he is going to survive it all and get past so many obstacles to reach the goal at hand and live through it!

In book 15, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden the Wizard is up to his usual ‘has to go fight a plethora of bad guys’ routine, whilst getting injured many times. Dresden has the power to heal fast and comes back for even



There are many main characters who assist Dresden and they come and go in each of the books. His main partner from the Chicago P.D. is Karrin Murphy [Karrin is spelled this way in the book.] There is an Archangel called Michael, and also Dresden’s apprentice Molly. But it is great when they show up to

assist Dresden. I read books 1 through 5 in 2013. In January 2014, I started book 6 and read all through book 14 and finished in 8 weeks. Since I was not able to read many books for 30 years and have a plethora of books to catch up on. I became print disabled when I was age 13 and it slowed down my reading to a bare minimum for school and college. Now I am lucky in that I can go through a series of 6, 10 or 15 books one after another. I rarely have to wait long for books to come out. Longest wait were for two The Earth’s Children series by Jean Auel and two so far for the George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones series. I just finished all of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander 7 main Books except book 8 which I am on the waiting list from the local library. I use the CDs from the library if the books are not available from the Library for the Blind and Dyslexic. Actually, I listen to the books that I get from the state Library for the Blind. I put a book in and listen to it with my state government provided digital talking book

player. I download the books from the website that are zipped. I unzip them and add them to a special flash drive that is inserted into a cartridge. I listen while I am working on crafts. So I am actually multi-tasking. Book 15, Skin Game was released May 27, 2014 . After a 7 month wait time on the waiting list, I was able to get the CD from the library right after Christmas 2014. It has 13 CDs and I finished it in less than 2 weeks. A book that is intense with violence I have to listen to just 2 hours at a time. Jim Butcher has another set of book series he started in the later part of the Dresden series called the Codex Alera. I will be reading those 3 books as well and doing a review on them if I like them. Once in a while I read books that I do not care for even from the same author. I love the style that Jim Butcher writes in this series and Dresden is quite the character. There is a fair amount of dialog with in Dresden that he verbalizes like he is telling you a story about what is going on while it is happening. When

the situation becomes tense Dresden throws out some very funny lines which many are major references to real life characters or from movies and books. Of course they all fit in to the situation at hand. He usually uses these references to explain how he feels or a comparison to the situation. Similar to the television series Quantum Leap when Dr. Sam Beckett says “Oh Boy!” Dresden comes up with a few favorites such as “Hell’s Bells!” If you love private eye novels, action, tough scrapes, vampires and werewolves; shape shifters and monsters; the occult, magic and evil characters; fairies and the fae then you will love this book series.

different personality that in the books, unfortunately. Jim Butcher is working on book 16 of the series. Here is the list of the Dresden Books with their corresponding release dates. 1. Storm Front 2000 2. Fool Moon 2001 3. Grave Peril 2001 4. Summer Knight 2002 5. Death Masks 2003 6. Blood Rites 2004 7. Dead Beat 2005 8. Proven Guilty 2006 9. White Night 2007 10. Small Favor 2008 11. Turn Coat 2009 12. Changes 2010 13. Ghost Story 2011 14. Cold Days 2012 15. Skin Game 2014

The books were used as a basis for a TV series that had 13 episodes and was canceled. The series is currently available on Netflix as a DVD rental, as of January 20125. It is NOT available on Netflix streaming. I have watched half of the series so far and I did enjoy it and the actors were good who played the main characters. I especially love Dresden and Bob actors. Murphy is a




RMS Lusitania The man who sank the Lusitania – Walther von Schwieger On Friday, April 30th, 1915, a German U-boat left a naval base in the North Sea. The submarine traveled around Scotland, then down to Ireland. She was commanded by thirty year old Kapitänleutnant Walther von Schwieger The following day, the passenger liner Lusitania, with over fifteen hundred people aboard, left New York bound for England. The two vessels were to meet and the Lusitania would be destroyed, taking the lives of 1198 passengers and crew members. The U-20 was two years old and considered to be the height of German weaponry. Schwieger was from an aristocratic family and had joined the Imperial Navy when he was eighteen years old and risen through the ranks. Submarine technology was very new at the time, especially in warfare, and their commanders needed to be admirable seamen.



It’s said that Schwieger was respected for his courage and courtesy throughout the Imperial Navy. The vessel carried four officers and thirty men in conditions that were cramped and uncomfortable but had an aura of excitement and adventure. But the men wore comfortable clothing, fresh air was rare and the knowledge that they were contained in an underwater ship containing so much explosive material must have given them pause for thought. Whenever possible,submarines would ride on top of the waves rather than beneath but their success came when they stealthily slipped underwater. Schwieger was on duty almost constantly. The crew watched all the time for enemy ships. Their goal was to destroy these but they

knew that there was also the strong danger that their own vessel would be rammed or fired upon. The sight or sound of enemy ships brought the crew as much apprehension as it did excitement. If Schwieger was suspicious of a vessel or if he felt it was a threat, he would attack. Two days before the U-20 encountered the Lusitania, they sank a schooner, giving the crew a warning to abandon the vessel before they fired. Later that day,they spotted and fired at another British ship, but missed their target. On the following day, again they discovered a ship and warned the crew to disembark before they sent it to the bottom of the ocean. Shortly afterward, another British ship required two torpedoes to sink it and again,the crew had plenty of time to escape.

capable of destroying his own vessel. To Schwieger, there was only one option – he had to attack

Schwieger now had three torpedoes left available. He knew that the rules dictated that two of these should be retained for the homeward trip,should they be required when the U-boat was returning to base. The weather was intermittently foggy so Schwieger knew that the chances of his scoring another sinking were low. He decided that the submarine would return to Germany on the following day, May 7th. On the 7th, as the crew were preparing to return to Germany, Schwieger studied the horizon through his binoculars. He spotted a huge steamer. He immediately ordered that the vessel should dive. He ordered the crew to head towards the ship he had seen. In consultation with another officer, he decided that although the steamer

flew no flags revealing its nationality, it was bound to be one of four; the Lusitania, the Olympic, the Aquitania or the Mauretania. Schwieger faced the decision of his life. He was aware that these liners often carried munitions. He knew too that such liners were often used to transport troops; troops whose aim was to kill German soldiers. To be correct, he should have done what he did with the ships he had encountered during the last few days – fired warning shots and given the occupants the chance to escape before sinking the ship. But he also knew that these ships were given orders to ram or fire upon any U-boats they were to encounter – he believed, because Churchill announced this in parliament – that many liners were wellequipped with guns of the type that were perfectly

Just as he had made his decision, he realised that the liner was getting away from him. Its speed was far more than the U-boat could manage. He later recalled that the steamer was getting away and that the U-boat had no chance of catching them. Then, the ship turned. Schwieger said ‘she was coming straight towards us. She could not have steered a more perfect course if she had deliberately tried to give us a dead shot’. At exactly 2.10 pm, the ship was 400 yards away from the U-boat and Schwieger gave the order to fire. Eighteen minutes later, the Lusitania was on the ocean bed.




Word Quiz!

6 7 8 9 10


Can you think of a word that begins and ends in ‘und’?

This abbreviation has more syllables than its full form.

Try this word quiz The English language is so tricky. I’m glad that it’s my native language – it must be so difficult to learn if it’s not your mother tongue. I do love words though – where they came from, what they mean, what they don’t mean… Try these:

1 2 72

The following words are all anagrams of capital cities. PAIRS, SOLO, LOUSE, ANIMAL, HASTEN, MAIL

The first and last letters of the names of each of the continents are the same. TRUE OR FALSE?


3 4 5

Can you make an English word with a letter repeated three times in a row?

This capital city has three dotted letters in a row.

What six letter word is made up of only two letters?

Which state in the USA has only one syllable?

How many US States have Spanish names?

What do these three words have in common? ESCALATOR, CELLULOID, CORNFLAKES

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