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Everything started 4 years ago when I was 12 years old. The story started the day in which we decided to travel to Italy. During the trajectory from our house to the airport we had found a traffic jam. This is why we arrived late to the airport. My sister and I decided to take a photo in front of the departures. After that my parents went to the departures and they realized the plane had taken off.

After that we went to talk to a company responsible for our travel. We talked to a lady who told us after having been waiting a long time that we could catch paying another plane to Italy. But what we didn`t expect was that once the plane had taken off, the plane would have a problem with the engine and we would have to make an emergency landing.

After we wait a lot at the airport another trip and finally we got to Italy. There we visited a lot of monuments. The Coliseum was very nice and much bigger than the one I expected. But to enter had to make a big queue as we see in this picture.

The same day we went to “La Fontana di Trevi�, there we thought as said the tradition one coin but what was our surprise when we realized my sister had fallen down in the Fountain. We can see the moment before she fall down in the water.

When my sister had dried herself, we decided to do a walk along one of the most important streets in Rome. In this street were many human figures. One of them was dressed made-up with black. We were very surprised and we decided to approach. In this photo we can see I and my two sisters giving the hand to this man.

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