Character Areas ǀ Burnside
Burnside Character Area: The Burnside character area will have lower-medium density housing which will follow the line of Linkwood Burn with access taken from the A941. This area will take on a ‘cluster’ development form derived from agricultural typologies. All housing parcels will have a paddock and meadow setting framed by woodland to the development edge.
Fundamentals: • Landmark building potential to South Burnside. • Paddock & meadow setting to all housing parcels. • Paddock fence and mown verge/tree lined consistent with setting and offset to A941. • Riparian habitat to burn edges and enhanced woodland. • Broad river/burn corridor landscape.
The Masterplan
• Predominantly ‘cluster’ development form derived from agricultural typologies. • Cul de sacs on the outer edges must provide cycle and pedestrian connections to each other, maximise permeability and connect natural desire lines. • All residential streets must be designed for a design speed of 20mph or lower.
OP02-03.0 Rev.H
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