Contemporary art at the Gozo Citadel 2017 issuu

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The 2017 exhibition of art by members of the Community of Malta Artists. Artists Exhibiting this year are: Mario Agius

Angela Haynes

Henry Alamango

Fiona Mackenzie-Spence

Barbara Attard Pettett

Gajik Manoukian

Jรถrg Bรถttcher

Stephen Mifsud

Anthony Camilleri

Thalia Stones

David Carrington

Carmel Theuma

Jeni Caruana

Lina Treble

Vince Caruana

Galina Troizky

Julia Curmi Cassar

Katrina Rose Vella

Gert Geisel

Madeleine Vella Satariano

Graham Gurr

Anna Verbenets Melanie Wilberforce

Twenty-Three artists, some of the members of the Community of Malta Artists (CoMA), from 7 nations, providing over 100 pieces of art for the exhibition Carnival, Culture. Enjoy reading about the artists and seeing images of their work in this booklet. The venue of the Citadel, Victoria, Gozo is spectacular. On the tentative list as a UNESCO world heritage site it has recently benefited from a substantial protection and renovation project. If you live on the Maltese Islands, or a visitor, look us up: CoMA provides a network linking artist to artist and artist to artistic stakeholder (business, promoter, gallery owner, NGO, government, etc). Through providing a supportive and collaborative environment for its members CoMA aims to stimulate debate, to enable artistic and professional development of the artist, and to support advancements in the wider Maltese artistic environment.


















Henry Alamango artist Henry Alamango was born in Sliema, in September, 1946, to Alfred and Eileen who, from an early age, instilled in him a love of nature that was to lead to a keen sense of observation and creativity. He has held several solo and collective exhibitions and his works now adorn several offices and homes, in Malta as well as overseas. Henry Alamango's art consists mainly of landscapes and seascapes of a distinctly Mediterranean character. Intense light and shade, the aroma of Mediterranean Sea-shores, the intoxicating wild thyme and figs that spring from barren hot rock, complemented by an intense social fabric, constitute the milieu of the eminently Mediterranean archipelago that is Henry's homeland. The treatment of his subjects often follows an ethereal form, particularly in the use of watercolour washes, illustrating a serene diffusion of light running through an equally pleasant use of colours. The world around us has shape, texture and colour. This last property is not an easy concept to grasp. Colour is not something you can touch. In scientific terms, it is the way that white light is split and refracted by an object's molecular structure, causing light of a particular hue to radiate from an object. It is known, however, that different hues stimulate us in different ways, whether taken in isolation or combinations. What the observer feels, therefore, is as much a product of the harmony or discord applied through the artist's palette, as much as it is a product of the subject matter itself. The 'artist's palette' is a matter of choice of colours (hues) as well as their intensity and tonal strength (relative to other colours). Henry's paintings typically convey a serenity enhanced by the softness, translucency and atmospheric quality of watercolours, the basis of most of his work. Even his work in oils and chalk pastels tend to emulate this diffusion, leaning towards an impressionistic style. At the conscious level, the viewer relates to a subject; at the emotional or subconscious level, hues and tones do much of the work.

Barbara Attard Pettett - ceramicist Barbara studied at Maria Regina School and the 6th form in Valletta but then continued her education at the School of Art in Glasgow University and was awarded her BA in Design (Ceramics, Critical and Historic Studies). On returning to Malta she continued to study glass and ceramics at Targa Gap, and MCAST under George Muscat, also travelling to UK and Ireland for experience in working in glass and jewellery. She now uses her knowledge and artistry to

produce beautiful practical items as well as sculptures, stoneware and raku firings.

Jรถrg Bรถttcher

artist and photographer

Jรถrg Bรถttcher was born in Berlin in

1949. He is self-taught artists and an accomplished photographer endowed with a keen eye for the ordinary with which he is gifted with the ability to discover something extra-ordinary. This keen sense of observation has helped him to find beauty in ugliness, and turned abondoned buildings, dilapidated facades, old doors, rusty cars, and what not, into pleasant and attractive decorative works of art. He first visited the Maltese Islands in 1978 and was fascinated with the colours and Mediterranean light. He decided to make Gozo his permanent home and has live in Zebbug since 1992. Jรถrg has had several solo exhibitions of paintings and photography and has participated in collective exhibitions as well. In his photographic work he tries to capture local life and heritage. Joe Camilleri 2006

Anthony Camilleri artist

Anthony Camilleri, (b. 1985) – known as ‘Pennellu’ amongst his artistic peers – lives in Nadur, one of the beautiful villages of Gozo. A fine, young artist, Anthony has experimented in creating modern abstract and landscape paintings. His choice of medium, mostly using acrylic oil paints, but this does depend on the theme. The works of Anthony Camilleri are inspired by various factors such as emotions, nature and his perception of life. The modern and abstract paintings show a great deal of creativity, usu ally based upon a depth of feeling and imagination. With the use of the palette knife, Anthony is able to reveal these exceptional pieces of work, thus exposing innate talent. Apart from painting, Anthony also carries out pyrography, which is the art of shading wood and other materials with burn marks, done in a delicate manner and with great skill. His abstract paintings already seen in Community 11 were first exhibited in Kanberg, Germany. The works were created by using acrylic painting on wood panels and a mixture of pyrography. Anthony’s recent work includes outstanding representations from Caravaggio such as the piece here. These works are much appreciated and are collectable.

David Carrington -


David Carrington spent most of his working life as an executive in the advertising business. It was only when he came to Gozo some years ago, that he developed his own talent in painting. His work is mainly figurative – that is to say, he paints what he sees as accurately as possible. But then takes some images and abstracts them, to express ideas or to portray the familiar in an unfamiliar way. He is especially interested in light and how it can change perceptions. Portraiture and “views from life” are his abiding interests. “Gozo’s light is special and no more so than after a storm. Gozo is also a small island and most of us are familiar with the usual scenes – in sunshine. Here, i am trying to capture the beauty of the cittadella just after the rain finished one winter’s afternoon. The rainbow was an unexpected gift of nature...”

Jeni Caruana - artist “For

me, there's nothing more exhilarating than painting really fast from something that's happening right in front of me. Trying to capture the atmosphere, the colour, the music and whatever else is going on is a challenge I love, but more than anything it's my fascination with the way that musicians blend into their instruments and become fused with the music. Or dancers go beyond their physical bodies into a space where any movement seems possible. As an artist, I can track that feeling through my colour and sensitivity, my ability to draw quickly and the sheer joy of the moment. I trained as an Illustrator because at the time (the '70's) it was the only course I could find that taught good solid drawing techniques. It has stood me in good stead ever since. I still love to work from models, nude or clothed, and I always have a sketchbook with me. There is something endlessly fascinating about trying to capture the human condition..... The connection that this creates between myself and the model becomes an intuitive feeling for anatomy and movement, so whether I am trying to paint, say, Flamenco dancers, a bass player or even an animal, I really feel as if I am inside them, moving in the same way. It is an odd feeling, but rather wonderful too. I even get a similar feeling with landscapes and inanimate objects, which is even odder! All I know is that I love what I do, and am very very lucky to be able to do it!�

Vince Caruana – artist Vince Caruana (b.1979) is best known for the often use of dominant colours and the dynamic interplay of transparent layers that create an almost spiritual light in his paintings. Although Caruana works predominantly in the medium of painting, his works include lenticulars, large scale murals and bronze reliefs. Caruana studied at the Malta School of Art, Penn Foster College (Scranton, P.A., USA), the Libera Accademia di Belle Arti (Florence, Italy) and at the Slade School of Fine Art (University College of London, U.K.). He has set up the Gozo Visual & Performing Arts School and was the Head of School for the past three years.

He has had several solo shows and participated in some major international collectives. An artist by profession, Caruana lives and works in Gozo.

Julia Curmi Cassar - artist



On the 11th of April in 1945 Gert Geisel was born in Bad Kissingen, Germany. As a 15-year-old he was the youngest pupil at the Cologne School for Arts and Crafts and he studied painting for 14 semesters under Professor O.H. Gerster, becoming a Meistergelehrter, a Master Scholar (akin to cum laude). He has taken part in numerous study trips abroad particularly to Italy and Greece. Since July 2008 he and his wife have been living on their beloved Island of Gozo. He has exhibited regularly and had his work included in publications from as early as 1966 when he secured Publication of Drawings in "Pan" an Inter European monthly Magazine. From 1968, regular participation in the yearly exhibitions of the Kölner Kunstverein (Cologne Art Society) and at the Winter-exhibitions in Düsseldorf by Fine Art Artists in North Rhine Westphalia was alongside solo exhibitions throughout Europe. His work can be found in private collections worldwide. Most recently Gert has completed a successful exhibition close to home in St. Ursula‘s Hall, Cittadella, Victoria. His feelings are free within the painting. The empty canvas is hungry. It wants to be painted until it is satisfied. His painting is multilayered. On the one side the attempts at the relationship of power between colour, form and line and the object itself, and on the other side the sequences or variations, which comply fully with his ‘chaotic fantasy’. He feels that the art of painting has a future, provided mankind has one: “Art of painting has a future provided mankind has one. That is my opinion. The art of painting should be close to and based on the painter´s universal concept of humanity. Personal confrontation with the artistic means should necessarily take us to the basics of mankind and sources of human beings, it can support us or lead us into desperation. The artist is not allowed to deviate from his own creative individual power. The artist shouldn´t bother about commercial success. Instead he should express himself sincerely without feeling conscious what others might think and develop his individual manner of expression. When we finally face the "finished" painting and realize that everything is said, the big mystery of mankind will be kept for us. Why? Where to? Each painting should also be appealing to attract our attention. The more our eyes enjoy - the better for us! “We can thank the great painters of the Modern Arts for that we can paint free today”.

GRAHAM GURR - Artist and Designer British artist Graham Gurr’s career is a fraught story of hardships and perseverance whose multiple lessons, influences and experiences inform the minutely detailed, rich and shifting visual style of his oils, acrylics and drawings. Now living in Nadur, Gozo, but raised in Scotland and England, Gurr’s life was marked by his parents’ experiences of war and his own episodes overcoming victimhood. Trained in interior design and architecture, his works in pen and pencil also feature multiple framing devices, conveying a sense of interiority and shelter in two dimensions. His influences range from realism in his still life pieces, through cubism and expressionism in his human figures, to abstraction and surrealism in his dynamic framing compositions. His striking, practically psychedelic palette of colours evokes the sun-drenched early expressionism of Cézanne and Van Gogh. Elsewhere, weathered forms drained of colour allude to his island home of Malta. Dividing his works into multiple frames, planes and spaces that flow playfully between one another, Gurr creates symbolic connections between his manifold influences.

Angela Haynes - Artist Angela Haynes has been painting for over 50 years and uses a variety of media depending on the subject matter and location. She has exhibited in the U.K. Including at the Royal Academy Summer exhibition.

Her painting is usually inspired by strong colours and geometric shapes, and her love of simple architecture and landscape has attracted her to places such as Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco, her interest in the history of art meant she has spent time in Florence, Milan and Venice, and she particularly likes the early 20th century American Artists.

FIONA MACKENZIE-SPENCE - artist Finding the artist within has come late in life for Fiona Mackenzie-Spence, who after many years of being in business, emerged as an Artist in July, 2013. With no formal training, but years of passion for both photography and Fine Art, she has now found what she describes as her reason for being. In a short space of time she has already found her distinct style and the first time one of her paintings was exhibited, she won The Vera Skinner prize. In November, 2015, one of her oil paintings was exhibited in the prestigious Royal West of England Academy Exhibition in Bristol. Fiona is an exciting emerging Artist with a distinct Abstract style that’s instinctive and reactionary. She’s captivated by colour, abstraction, texture and form.

A photograph may be taken and not changed in any way, or it may be taken and then used as a ‘palette’ from which to create from there, using technology, so that often the finished piece bears no resemblance to the original image. This process is beyond 'enhancement of a photograph'. It is this combination of camera and technology, used to create art, that lead to the registration by Fiona in 2013, of Cameratechart ™ as a ‘New Authentication In The Field of Works of Art’.

Exhibitions have included several successful solo shows, as well as a number of group Exhibitions. Fiona’s work is in collections throughout the South of England as well as in the USA.

“It’s as if art has been sitting there within me like one of those dormant seeds waiting years for the rain and as I take the initial steps into the world of art, it’s with an excitement and purpose that, until now, has eluded me.”

Gagik Manoukian - artist Gagik Manoukian was born in 1952 in Yerevan, Armenia. In 1976 he graduated from the College of Fine Arts after P.Terlemezyan. Since 1982 he has been a member of the Association of Artists of Armenia. The roots of Armenian art and culture, as well as the best traditions of Armenian avant-garde, especially Martiros Saryan’s shapes and colors, underlie the art of Gagik Manoukian. His compositions reflect various directions of modern art, such as cubism, expressionism and abstract art. Manoukian’s paintings display a wide range of different styles. The sunlight penetrates through the picturesque colours of landscapes and lyrical abstract compositions, emphasizing the artist’s unique love of depicting light. He created a world of dynamic compositions of paintings due to the unique contrast and delicate transitions of color tones. The artist is often inspired by female beauty, depicting it with all its psychological impact and in vivid colors. Manoukian is keen on the innovations and paintings with unrestrained and vivid colours. His compositions are heart-felt and express the complicated essence of human psychology and meditation in the modern times in a very extraordinary way. Gagik Manoukian has lived and painted in Czech Republic since 1996, as well as cooperated with MIRO Gallery in Berlin and Prague. Manoukian’s paintings can be found in a number of countries all over the world, public and private collections.

Stephen Mifsud - Artist and Sculptor Stephen Mifsud was born to Gozitan parents but raised and resided in Canada, however Stephen always felt the pull of his Gozitan roots. Finally in 2012 he left his life in Canada and came to live in the peaceful village of Qala. Stephen has been drawing and painting since childhood. His passion for inventive art forces him constantly to push his boundaries, to change and develop, resulting today in presentation of unique and varied artworks. There is seen in his current energy a novel combination of the fantastic and the industrial.

At 19 years of age Stephen experimented with the airbrush for the first time. Determined to succeed, he mastered this art which eventually lead to the opening of his creativity business Molitov Murals. His artwork was displayed in computer stores, restaurants, private homes and public events. Since returning to Gozo, and supported by his partner Alison, friends and family, Stephen has followed his passion for creating art, with paint on canvas, metal and wood.

This set the foundation for his metal sculpture creations, by recycling discarded metal, and applying paint to them, combining skills from two mediums and making one. Determination and courage has enhanced his art skills. Although using recycled metal as much as possible to create sculptures is challenging and difficult to prepare and utilize, it gives his art more character, a second life and is a better choice for the environment. “Why discard things which can be created into works of art?� These impressive metal sculptures reflect his passion.

Thalia Stones - Artist After gaining a first class honours degree in Education, Thalia taught for many years, however, painting has been her lifelong passion, and after her retirement from Headship, she has painted full time and taught budding artists on the beautiful Maltese Islands ever since. Exhibiting widely in Cornwall and Malta, she has paintings in galleries and private collections worldwide. As well as private tuition she instructs a monthly painting workshop which is open to all stages of development. At every opportunity, she will be found out and about painting plein air from daybreak to sunset, after 20 years has found all the incredibly beautiful places on Gozo.

Mediums include: Oil, watercolour, acrylic, mixed media, ink, and pencil and she is adept in each.

Carmel Theuma


Carmel Theuma was born on the 27th May 1956 in Xaghra, Gozo. His passion for painting began from his childhood. From 1981 to 1985 he attended art courses at the Malta Society of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce in Valletta under the tuition of Josette Caruana and Angelo Agius. He also attended courses at Wistin Camilleri School of Art in Ghajnsielem. Painting is an essential factor in his life as it gives Theuma the opportunity to express his innermost feelings onto the canvas. His love of Gozo, the isle of birth, with all its rich heritage such as pre-history, history, customs, traditions, myths and legends fascinates Theuma and provokes him immensely. Many of his works show his passion and love for Gozo. Carmel Theuma took part in several collective exhibitions and in July 2009 launched his first solo exhibition at the Ministry for Gozo. Currently he is working to exhibit in Malta.

Art has been a lifelong passion. From an early age he was always fascinated by colours and the ways one can express oneself by using them. Every form of art, be it a painting, sculpture, even a well taken photograph fires my imagination. “I consider myself lucky to be born and living in Gozo because my birthplace with all its rich heritage, history and colours inspires me immensely.� As always Carmel hopes you find his work interesting and enjoy his paintings as much as he enjoyed creating them.

Lina Treble - artist Lina Treble is a retired teacher who developed a love of painting after returning to Malta from years of living in the UK. She enrolled in two separate art and design courses which gave her the basic knowledge and confidence to develop her own specific skills in oils, acrylics and pastels and to experiment with different styles, colours and techniques. Lately she has been experimenting with bold shapes and patterns and vibrant colours which she uses in her abstract pieces. One of her most memorable experiences was to join a group of artists who had been invited to Treglio in Italy to paint Alfresco. This included having the pleasure of working under Professor Vico Calabro. It was totally different working on a wet wall to painting on canvas!! She found it really challenging but so enjoyable. Lina has taken part in several collective exhibitions one of which was CHOGM 2015 Commonwealth Women’s Forum Exhibition, one of 10 artists chosen to exhibit. This was held at the Intercontinental Hotel in St Julian’s. In addition to these she has been involved in setting up two others with her brother and sister at The Razzett tal Markis Mallia Tabone in Mosta. Just before Christmas 2015 she had a solo exhibition at The Imperial Hotel in Sliema. Through these various exhibitions, she has been commissioned to paint several pieces which are displayed in private homes in Dubai, UK, France and around Malta and Gozo. Painting is such a passion for her and she finds great pleasure and satisfaction when seeing a new project taking shape. Despite starting late in life, she enjoys developing and learning new skills and techniques and hopes to continue in the years to come and hopes you enjoy the result.

GALINA TROIZKY - Artist Galina Troizky was born in Moscow and studied applied art and fashion design at Moscow University, graduating in 1985. She progressed her artistic career in Berlin, before taking up permanent residence in Gozo between 2000 and 2008. She has worked since then both in Berlin and in Malta, and is now once again resident in Xlendi. Galina is a member of The Malta Society of Arts and of The Association of Graphic Artists in Moscow.

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS : 2016 KOELNER LISTE , Cologne 2015 Galerie Juliane Hundertmark ,Berlin 2014 Affordable Art , New York 2011 BERLINER LISTE, Berlin ART INTERNATIONAL, Zurich 2010 BERLINER LISTE , Berlin Solo exhibition at the National Museum of Fine Arts, Valletta 2005 Gozo : Solo exhibition at the Ministry for Gozo

KATRINA ROSE VELLA - ARTIST Katrina describes herself as a mortal living life to the full without any regrets. She lives in a world of her own imagination where everything is beautifully twisted. Talent. In 2011 she earned a Diploma in Art and Design grade distinction from the institute of MCAST Art and Design Mosta. Along the way some other credits, such as a certificate of merit in recognition of artistic ability by the Caravaggio foundation. She took part in the Malta Ceramics Festival 2011 with George Muscat who “influenced my art big time”. Art and photography were an influence since she was a little girl, unsurprising from the huge artistic and music authority from her family especially from her uncle, Richard Caruana. Lately focusing mostly on photography, She feels that she has exposed who she really is and what influences her the most, by showing the beautiful side of horror and dark photography. Abstract painting was always one of her favourite styles. “to paint, it’s like getting away with murder and perhaps no one can understand exactly what I felt in that moment” but she seems easily to convey herself in explosions of colour.

Madeleine Vella - Artist Madeleine is a self-taught artist. From a young age, she showed her passion for painting. Her father encouraged her to take up a medium and she choose watercolour. Since then Madeleine has also done many works in acrylic, oil and pen and ink. Her choice of medium depends on the subject she is painting. She chooses ink to depict the structured stone used in our buildings, Watercolours for the delicate flowers and birds, and acrylic for the wild movement of the sea which is present in many of her paintings. Madeleine had her first solo in December 2015. This exhibition called "Waves" was an expression of an emotional period in her life. She has also taken part in several high standard collective exhibitions. Madeleine is presently attending "The Malta School of Art" under the tutorship of Noel Azzopardi. Her ambition is to better her skills in Portraiture and she aims to take her art to a higher level.

Anna Verbenets

- artist

Anna Verbenets relocated to Malta some years ago, where she started to work from her studio. Anna Studied at Krivoy Rog Fine Arts School and after graduation at Krivoy Rog National University to gain her Masters Degree in Fine Arts and Pedagogy. At the moment she is doing her PhD work for pedagogy in fine arts. She is renowned for oil paintings, watercolours and pastels. Anna’s works are characterized by bright and vibrant colours in her palette and dark shadows, building shapes of objects by strokes, contrasts in l ight and shadows (warm and cold). Her works include portraits, animal portraits, still life, landscapes and scenes. Anna’s paintings have been collected throughout Europe and America. Anna is a member of the Community of Malta Artists, Watercolour Society of France, Watercolour Art Malta and the Malta Society of Arts Manufacture and Commerce. These days Anna Verbenets teaches Fine Arts and Technical Drawing at Russian Boarding School and Surikoff Fine Arts School in Malta and gives private lessons in her studio.

Melanie Wilberforce - artist Melanie Wilberforce was born in Aldershot, England the same year Star Wars was released in the cinema for the first time. Never staying in one place for long growing up proved an interesting experience allowing her to gain an appreciation of many varied cultures and allowed her to express her individuality from a very young age. Her love for anime, comics and video games has played an influential part in her love for art so it is unsurprising that it has also influenced her diverse styles. Working with various media she favours pastels, acrylics and silk paints, all of which are on display in this exhibition, but also enjoys experimenting with pencil, pen and ink, and sketching with biro. Moving to Gozo last September to help her family has allowed her to concentrate more on her art, taking over some of the space in her mother’s studio.

Hall One Listing Item 3.1 Title: Untitled Media: Photography Artist: Jörg Böttcher Price: €150

Item 3.2 Title: Untitled Media Photography Artist: Jörg Böttcher Price: €150

Item 3.5 Title: Untitled Media: Photography Artist: Jörg Böttcher Price: €65

Item 3.6 Title: Untitled Media: Photography Artist: Jörg Böttcher Price: €65

Item 3.7 Title: Untitled Media Photography Artist: Jörg Böttcher Price: €65

Item 3.8 Title: Untitled Media: Photography Artist: Jörg Böttcher Price: €65

Item 4.1 Title: Convolution Media: Raku Fired Ceramic Artist: Barbara Attard Pettett Price: €450

Item 4.2 Title: Maternal Instinct Media: Raku Fired Ceramic Artist: Barbara Attard Pettett Price: €125

Item 4.3 Title: Underwater Media: Raku & Marble Artist: Barbara Attard Pettett Price: €125

Item 4.4 Title: Eddy Media: Stoneware & Glass Artist: Barbara Attard Pettett Price: €450

Item 13.1

Item 14.7

Title: Song for Green

Title: Skeletons Shimsham

Media: Photography

Media: Metal Sculpture

Artist: Fiona Mackenzie-Spence

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Price: €175

Price: €160

Item 13.2

Item 14.8

Title: Symmetrical Dance

Title: Skeleton Rage

Media: Photography

Media: Metal Sculpture

Artist: Fiona Mackenzie-Spence

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Price: €195

Price: €225

Item 14.7

Item 14.10

Title: Skeletons Flimflam

Title: Hell on Wheels

Media: Metal Sculpture

Media: Metal Sculpture

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Price: €160

Price: €250

Item 14.7

Item 16.6

Title: Skeletons Eguptsham

Title: Repentance

Media: Metal Sculpture

Media: Acrylic on Gesso

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Artist: Carmel Theuma

Price: €160

Price: €350


Hall Two Listing Item 1.1

Item 2.3

Title: Il Senatore

Title: XEWKIJA ~ Wied Hanzir

Media: Olive wood

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Mario Agius

Artist: Henry Alamango

Price: €2500

Price: €380

Item 1.2

Item 2.4

Title: Liberation

Title: MGARR ~ Two Temples

Media: Sandstone

Media: Watercolour and Gesso

Artist: Mario Agius

Artist: Henry Alamango

Price: €900

Price: €380

Item 1.3

Item 2.5

Title: Metamorfosi del Ciclope

Title: NADUR ~ Rdumil-Kbir

Media: Carob tree

Media: Watercolour and Gesso

Artist: Mario Agius

Artist: Henry Alamango

Price: €950

Price: €380

Item 2.1

Item 2.6

Title: SAN BLAS ~ Panorama


Media: Watercolour

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Henry Alamango

Artist: Henry Alamango

Price: €450

Price: €450

Item 2.2

Item 2.7

Title: SAN BLAS ~ Cliffside

Title: LAND'S END: Ta Gurdan

Media: Watercolour

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Henry Alamango

Artist: Henry Alamango

Price: €380

Price: €450

Item 2.8

Item 9.3

Title: XEWKIJA: Autumn Sunset

Title: By the Brook

Media: Watercolour

Media: Oil

Artist: Henry Alamango

Artist: Julia Curmi Cassar

Price: €450

Price: €280

Item 5.1

Item 11.1

Title: Olives

Title: Victoria Alley

Media: Pyrography on African Samba Wood

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Anthony Camilleri

Artist: Graham Gurr

Price: €5000

Price: €295

Item 6.1

Item 15.1

Title: Rock of Ages

Title: Maltese Moonshine

Media: Acrylic on Canvas

Media: Oil

Artist: David Carrington

Artist: Thalia Stones

Price: €1500

Price: €180

Item 6.2

Item 15.2

Title: Rainbow over Rabat

Title: Maltese Harbour / Dusk

Media: Acrylic on Canvas

Media: Oil

Artist: David Carrington

Artist: Thalia Stones

Price: €800

Price: €300

Item 7.1

Item 15.3

Title: The Dance of Life

Title: Big Sky Country

Media: Watercolour

Media: Oil

Artist: Jeni Caruana

Artist: Thalia Stones

Price: €760

Price: €300

Item 15.4

Item 18.2

Title: Cloud Bank First Light

Title: Xlendi: La Vie en Rose

Media: Oil

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Thalia Stones

Artist: Galina Troizky

Price: €180

Price: €460

Item 15.8

Item 18.3

Title: St Marks

Title: Carnival in Nadur

Media: Oil on board

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Thalia Stones

Artist: Galina Troizky

Price: €300

Price: €350

Item 15.10

Item 18.4

Title: Nocturne

Title: City

Media: Oil

Media: Limited Edition Print

Artist: Thalia Stones

Artist: Galina Troizky

Price: €475

Price: €150

Item 16.1

Item 20.1

Title: Silent City

Title: A View of the Church

Media: Acrylic on Gesso

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Carmel Theuma

Artist: Madeleine Vella Satariano

Price: €200

Price: €400

Item 16.2

Item 20.2

Title: Sunset over Ghasri

Title: Mellieha Sanctuary

Media: Acrylic on Gesso

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Carmel Theuma

Artist: Madeleine Vella Satariano

Price: €180

Price: €400

Hall Three Listing Item 8.1

Item 10.2

Title: Ashore

Title: Brave Heroes

Media: Acrylic on Board

Media: Acrylic on Canvass

Artist: Vince Caruana

Artist: Gert Geisel

Price: €500

Price: €550

Item 8.2

Item 10.4

Title: Red

Title: Rococo Style

Media: Acrylic on Board

Media: Acrylic on Canvass

Artist: Vince Caruana

Artist: Gert Geisel

Price: €500

Price: €550

Item 9.1

Item 10.5

Title: Beautiful Childhood

Dancing with a birdcostume

Media: Oil

Media: Acrylic on Canvass

Artist: Julia Curmi Cassar

Artist: Gert Geisel

Price: €250

Price: €550

Item 9.2

Item 12.1

Title: Mother and Child

Inspired by Hopper's Harlequin

Media: Oil

Media: Mixed Media

Artist: Julia Curmi Cassar

Artist: Angela Haynes

Price: €280

Price: €225

Item 10.1

Item 13.3

Title: Where is carneval

Title: The Kiss

Media: Acrylic on Canvass

Media: Oil

Artist: Gert Geisel

Artist: Gagik Manoukjian

Price: €550

Price: €580.00

Item 13.4

Item 14.13

Title: Gold in Her Hair

Title: Circumnavigation

Media: Oil

Media: Metal Sculpture

Artist: Gagik Manoukjian

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Price: €580.00

Price: €300

Item 14.1

Item 16.3

Title: American Tour

Title: Solitude

Media: Metal Sculpture

Media: Acrylic on Gesso

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Artist: Carmel Theuma

Price: €300

Price: €200

Item 14.4

Item 17.1

Title: Illuminated Way

Title: Carnival Time

Media: Metal Sculpture

Media: Acrylic

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Artist: Lina Treble

Price: €300

Price: €300

Item 14.11

Item 17.2

Title: Undead Samurai

Title: Carnival Time 2

Media: Mixed media

Media: Acrylic

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Artist: Lina Treble

Price: €300

Price: €250

Item 14.12

Item 18.1

Title: Into the Blue

Title: Sky of Xlendi

Media: Metal Sculpture

Media: Oil on Canvas

Artist: Stephen Mifsud

Artist: Galina Troizky

Price: €125

Price: €460

Item 21.1 Title: Mysterious Beauty Media: Watercolour and Ink Artist: Anna Verbenets Price: €450

Item 21.2 Title: Charming Beauty Media: Watercolour and Ink Artist: Anna Verbenets Price: €450

Item 21.3 Title: Elegant Beauty Media: Watercolour and Ink Artist: Anna Verbenets Price: €450

Item 21.4 Title: Vibrant Beauty Media: Watercolour and Ink Artist: Anna Verbenets Price: €450


Hall Five Listing Item 3.3 Title: Untitled Media: Acrylic Artist: Jörg Böttcher Price: €300

Item 9.5 Title: Modern Flowers Media: Oil Artist: Julia Curmi Cassar Price: €280

Item 12.3 Title: Misty Venice Media: Mixed Media Artist: Angela Haynes Price: €260

Item 12.4 Title: Brooklyn in the Snow Media: Mixed Media Artist: Angela Haynes Price: €260

Item 15.5 Title: Black Waters of Dee Media: Oil on board Artist: Thalia Stones Price: €350

Item 15.6 Title: Rialto Venice Media: Oil on board Artist: Thalia Stones Price: €225

Item 15.7 Title: Rundle Gardens Media: Oil on board Artist: Thalia Stones Price: €225

Item 15.9 Waterlilies and Willows Media: Oil on board Artist: Thalia Stones Price: €300

Item 16.4 Title: Virtuoso Media: Oil on Canvas Artist: Carmel Theuma Price: €190

Item 16.5 Title: Frantic Media: Oil on Canvas Artist: Carmel Theuma Price: €140

Item 17.3

Item 20.3

Title: Poppies

Title: Early Morning in Xlendi

Media: Acrylic

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Lina Treble

Artist: Madeleine Vella Satariano

Price: €300

Price: €350

Item 17.4

Item 20.4

Title: Homeward Bound

Title: Rasil-Bajda Tower Xlendi

Media: Acrylic

Media: Watercolour

Artist: Lina Treble

Artist: Madeleine Vella Satariano

Price: €300

Price: €250

Item 17.5

Item 21.5

Title: Sunset over the Med

Title: Gladioli in the vase

Media: Acrylic

Media: Soft Pastels

Artist: Lina Treble

Artist: Anna Verbenets

Price: €350

Price: €480

Item 19.1

Item 21.6

Title: The Carnival Bizarre

Title: Autumn Mood

Media: Photography

Media: Soft Pastels

Artist: Katrina Rose Vella

Artist: Anna Verbenets

Price: €80

Price: €480

Item 19.2 Title: The Carnival Bizarre Media: Photography Artist: Katrina Rose Vella Price: €80

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