About types of digital marketing

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SEM (SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING) SEM generally covers both PPC and SEO Its brings in traffic to your website Involves keyword/key phrase research It can be used for paid and unpaid means It helps your website ranking higher on search engines

SEM (SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING) The following types of paid listings are most common: Paid Placement Paid Inclusion Shopping Search Video Search Ads Local Search Ads Product Listing Ads

SEO (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION) Brings in organic traffic to your website Involves Keyword/Key Phrase Research SEO can also be performed on images as well as text It is crucial for generating more business from organic searches SEO should be practiced as an on-going strategy BEWARE! SEO is not a quick fix!

PPC (PAY PER CLICK) Location, location location – this rule applies to more than real estate Instead of Google setting prices, the market effectively sets Google Ads prices at what advertisers are willing to pay Insurance is always one of the most expensive keywords to purchase pay-per-click advertisements 52 percent of people shopping online prefer to click on paid advertisements at the top of Google’s search engine results pages If your PPC ad is among the top three PPC ad slots on the first search engine results page on Google, you’ve got about a one in six chance of an Internet user clicking on your page.

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING There is a social media network for every type of business More and more businesses are investing in social media Social media helps to reach new groups of prospective customers The biggest platforms are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Social media marketing can be used for long-term or short-term campaigns

CONTENT MARKETING Content marketing is the practice of providing valuable, interesting or helpful content which builds brand presence, authority and consumer trust. Content marketing covers the following facets: Articles and blogs Videos and webinars Free Guides and eBooks Podcasts Infographics Statistic and industry reports Newsletters

EMAIL MARKETING There are over 3.7 billion email users in the world currently The top 3 uses of email marketing are newsletters, promotional content and welcome series emails Surprisingly, 72% of consumers prefer to receive promotional content through email, compared to 17% who prefer social media Over 50% of all marketing campaigns are email Very low-cost way of reaching thousands of customers with very minimal efforts

INFLUENCER/AFFILIATE MARKETING Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. 70% of millennial consumers are influenced by the recommendations of their peers in buying decisions ⅓ of Twitter audiences follow and engage with social media celebrities and influencers. In the UK alone brands spend £1.3 billion a year on affiliate marketing 15% of all of the digital marketing industry’s revenue is generated by affiliate marketing In the UK, affiliate marketing contributes 1% to the country’s total GDP. This is more than the agricultural industry. YIKES!

VIRAL MARKETING Viral marketing is a method of creating buzzwords or marketing pieces that are memorable and attention-grabbing in our modern, always-connected world. Viral marketing can be related to any of the following practices: Influencer marketing Online PR analytics Online PR outreach Online PR strategy Real-time marketing Reputation management There is a common misconception that viral marketing depends on the ability to reliably create something popular. When in fact, a successful viral marketing campaign rests more on understanding how to connect with specific demographics by presenting them with valuable content that they engage with.

RADIO ADVERTISING Radio is still an important medium and an important part of any advertiser's strategy. Here are the key facts (These will surprise you!) Millennials (those born between 1980 and 1996) -More than 71.6 million millennials use radio each month -95% of Millennials are reached monthly by radio Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1979) -Nearly 80.5 million Gen Xers use radio each month -97% of Generation X reached monthly by radio Baby Boomers (those born between 1950 and 1964) -More than 41.2 million baby boomers listen to radio each month -98% of Boomers reached monthly by radio

TELEVISION ADVERTISING With competition from Netflix and a host of new video streaming providers, the television industry has undergone seismic changes over the last five years. There are lots of options for those that want to advertise on television without paying expensive ad slot costs. TV ads are intrusive, capable of interrupting whatever else a viewer might be doing to watch and listen to your pitch. No other advertising medium combines sight and sound and has such a grand impact Good TV ads are more than walking, talking messages. You determine how you want your audience to react

MOBILE ADVERTISING In the United States 90% of all mobile time is spent in apps It’s predicted that an estimated 2.87 billion people around the world will own a smartphone by 2020 App store optimization works in a similar way as SEO as the aim is to increase the visibility of your product Mobile search engine activity is readily replacing that of computers


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