James Roland Jones Explains How Journalism Impacts Political Events

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Journalism and Its Impact on Modern Politics

James Roland Jones says the world of journalism is always changing, evolving and shaping the way modern politics is presented to the public. It has long been accepted that a news story, newspaper article or television broadcast can influence how an individual voter makes their decisions on election day, but the extent of that influence has yet to be determined. It can be argued that journalism and the news media play an incredibly important role in modern politics, one which cannot be ignored.

He says journalism allows the public to be informed on the issues that concern them and the candidates they might consider voting for. It serves as a crucial element of democracy, as the public cannot participate in a meaningful way in their society unless they are able to be informed on the relevant topics. Journalism brings transparency to political processes by keeping the public informed of their representatives’ actions, making it more difficult for elected officials to operate with impunity. By scrutinising

elected officials, the press ensures that government operations are transparent and subject to the rule of law.

Jones explains another role of journalism in modern politics is that it can act as a medium through which elected officials can explain their policies, giving them a platform to engage with the public in an effective manner. For instance, journalists often interview candidates on important policy issues, giving voters an opportunity to hear how each candidate would handle certain issues. This helps to make the election process more accessible to voters and encourages meaningful engagement with those elected officials.

James Roland Jones, news stories are the vehicle for exposing wrongdoings of those in positions of power, helping to ensure the ethicality of their behaviour and hold them

accountable for their decisions. This type of reporting is especially important in light of modern digital media, as elected officials have easier access to tools which they can use to spread misleading information to the public. Investigative journalism can help to stop such attempts at deception by uncovering lies and omissions.

The media also serves as an important form of advertising and campaigning for political candidates, allowing them to reach potential voters with their message and help sway the public opinion in their favour. Television broadcasts and news stories can bring candidates to a larger audience than the public square alone can, furthering the public’s knowledge and understanding of a candidate’s platform.


According to James Roland Jones journalism has an undeniable impact on modern politics, providing a voice to the public and creating a platform for elected officials to be held accountable. It is a vital element of the modern political system, without which our democracy could not exist. Journalism has a long and complex history and continues to play an important role in helping to ensure that our elected officials remain ethical, transparent and accountable.

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