Designed for Life 2018 Invitation Brochure

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dear friend Our lives are shaped by what we see and experience. It is said that “the eyes are the

Ps debbie li n d e ll

windows to the soul”. How true that is. Your eyes are what take in the world around you and then, in turn, reveal to the world what is hidden inside your soul. As I write this, I can’t help but wonder what your eyes look like. What color are they? Are they a little squinty, like mine, from a lack of sleep? Are they sparkling with joy from a day full of sunshine and laughter? Are they smiling back at my words with wrinkle lines framing their beauty? Or, as you read these words, maybe they are holding back some ready-tofall tears from the challenging days you are walking through? Those eyes of yours, if I could see them, would tell me a whole lot about you and what you are experiencing in this moment. And even though I cannot see your eyes, Jesus can, and He cares about every thought, every burden, and every longing behind those windows of yours. On the page to your left is a picture of a girl who was a part of last year’s Conference. I love this picture. I can still remember the moment I looked into that precious girl’s eyes...she had come to see. That picture represents all that Designed for Life is about. The worth and value of one. One girl who is designed and created on purpose. One girl longing to feel loved and embraced. One girl needing to know that she belongs. One girl, who when connected to this heaven-kissed, life-giving, and multifaceted sisterhood – is stronger and braver than before. One girl whose life was changed when she opened her eyes and looked at Jesus! “ Yo u r e y e s a r e w i n d o w s i n to yo u r s o u l . I f y o u o p e n y o u r e y e s w i d e i n w o n d e r a n d b e l i e f, yo u r so u l f ills u p w i th l ight” There was a girl in the Bible who unexpectedly encountered Jesus. She was just going about her day, when He showed up. He took one look into her eyes and knew that she needed what He had to offer – hope, unconditional love, forgiveness, joy, grace, acceptance, and a purpose for living. And when she looked at Him, she realized, in an instant, that she had finally found everything she had been searching for. Right then and there, her life was changed forever! And, I love what happened says she ran excitedly to tell her friends, “c o m e a n d s e e w h a t I h av e f o u n d !”

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