Why Should an Artist Promote Music Through SoundCloud

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Why Should an Artist promote music through Soundcloud Social media as we all know has become a major part of our social life. Odd as it may sound this is really true. Now people not only get judged by their real life status but also by their virtual life. Hence it has become quite essential to be social in the virtual world and it does not matter whether you are an artist or a music producer. A few years back Social Media was all about Orkut, Facebook and MySpace for any artist no matter how popular and then came Soundcloud that changed the whole way of promotion on these social media sites. Soundcloud was new and uniquely different than the other competitors. So here are a few points on what makes Soundcloud a better choice for promotion of songs and music: Register for Free: Soundcloud like any other social media platform is free. You don’t need to pay a single penny to promote yourself online as a musician. You can register for an account here free of cost. Also to download something from here you might not even need an account at times. Advertise yourself without Irrelevant Ads: Yes, this is another benefit of Soundcloud that it does not let advertisements from other products to run on your page for the sake of revenue. Such ads are certainly annoying. Easy Sharing: Sharing is a whole lot easier with the Soundcloud bot. With the help of this automated tool you can share and promote your work not just on Soundcloud but on other platforms like Facebook too. There is also an option to customize widgets in order to share your work on a website or your personal blog.

Tablet and Phone Compatibility: This is a huge benefit for those people who are really passionate about their work in the music industry. Since, Soundcloud is available on phones and tablets; you can share, download your work as you create it. Instant sharing certainly is an important reason for any musician to be on Soundcloud. Reach Out to Your Fans: Soundcloud gives you an opportunity to reach out and connect with each and every fan that you have on and outside of Soundcloud. If you want to get feedback from people on your work then there is no better option than Soundcloud. By getting feedbacks and comments you can increase your fan base.

You are the Master and the Control Lies in Your Hands: There are several ways for you to control and see what goes on with your songs and music. For instance, sharing the Soundcloud link allows you to keep track of the number of times your song was heard over time. You can also control the downloading of your songs thus allowing or preventing a user from accessing your work. Soundcloud Analytics: Have you heard of Google’s Analytics? If you have then you know what it does and Soundcloud has a similar Analytic tool that how many visitors or listeners you have had in a particular time. It also helps you track the location from which these listeners are coming. This analytical data helps you to make sure that you are following the correct promotion strategy for yourself. The best interpretation of this data could be done in many ways. For instance, if you get a lot of visitors from London then you should plan a live gig in that city. The points mentioned above prove that Soundcloud is a great platform to promote your songs and music and hence you must not miss out on this easy to follow and free of cost online service. Self promotion was never easier than this.


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