What Should You Expect After a Breast Lift?

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What Should You Expect After a Breast Lift?

The best solution for saggy breasts is a breast lift. If you are looking at the last details before getting surgery, it is important that you know what you should expect after a breast lift in New York, NY. Women who have lost fullness and roundness in their breasts can feel frustrated. Though we all know that losing some firmness in the breasts is natural as we age, this can go beyond our comfort zone after breastfeeding or losing weight. If you are one of the women who are frustrated by their smaller than average breasts, a breast lift can help you get back to the golden age of your boobs. Looking to the day after the surgery, what do you need to do now? How long will it be till you can make a full recovery? Will it be painful? Are the scars from a breast lift too obvious?

Stages of recovery from a breast lift All cosmetic procedures have a recovery time, even a mini tummy tuck in The Hamptons, NY. To help you understand what will happen after your cosmetic surgery, we can look at breast lift recovery in 3 stages.

Stage 1. The moment that your surgeon is finished with your stitches and you are waiting for anesthesia to wear off, you are in the beginning of recovering from your breast lift. Within a few weeks, you will be able to show off your perky breasts. How do you know that things are going to plan? As doctors point out, you might notice that your breasts are a little sore, and they can be numb of swollen after a procedure. In breast lift surgery, surgeons remove excess skin, meaning that the breast is in a higher position.

Your body will react by bruising and swelling. 2 days after surgery you might notice that swelling increasing and bruises start becoming more evident. This is normal, and you can expect that things will get better from this time. In order that you can manage pain and discomfort, you should wear a surgical bra for a few days, and take prescription medicine. In this first week you should get help from a friend or relative, so that they can do your regular chores and activities for you. Most patients find it easier to have sponge baths at this point, so that they can avoid getting water in their sutures. You should also refrain from sleeping on your stomach, which will put pressure on your breasts. After you get home, the first week should be about resting as much as possible, with the exception of short walks during the day.

Stage 2. This can be the patient’s favorite period, and it occurs two to three weeks after your breast lift. Stage 2 is when you go back to feeling yourself, and you will begin seeing the results from your breast lift. For patients who get breast lifts and implants, this time is when your breast implants will settle naturally. Swelling will decrease, as will bruises. As long as you continue to avoid strenuous movement, you will be able to go back to your normal routine. What else do patients enjoy about stage 2? No more surgical bra!

Stage 3. In stage 3, which is three to twelve weeks after your breast lift surgery, patients will see an 80% reduction in swelling and bruising. Patients can return to physical activity in this stage, depending on how they feel and how quick their incisions heal. For patients who at this point are experiencing tingling or numbness in their nipples, this will likely disappear over time. Unless your surgeon states otherwise, recovery is completed at this point. Scars from breast lifts After you have learnt more about the recovery process from breast lifts, it is natural that you wonder about scars. As opposed to breast implants, where incisions can be hidden, scars from breast lifts are a bit trickier. Thanks to techniques which good surgeons use, incisions and scarring are usually very thing. As long as you protect your breast incisions by not scratching or exfoliating, while protecting them from exposure to the sun, they will continue fading to the point where they are barely visible. Do not try OTC balms or ointments, as they can interfere with scar tissue that your body forms. As you would do following a mini tummy tuck, consult with your surgeon if you have any further queries.

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