The Big Bang Theory Detonation - Free eBook

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The Big Bang Theory Detonation

2 The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory is an attempt to explain the expanding universe. This phenomenon was confirmed in 1929 by astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble. The Big Bang Theory holds that all things in the universe had emerged from a large explosion or a Big Bang that set each celestial body in its place. This explosion had supposedly occurred about 13.7 billion years due to a large concentration of mass and energy. In other words, the Big Bang Theory infers the universe is this way and it is expanding because of a massive explosion that created it, that is, before this explosion the universe did not exist. Therefore The Big Bang Theory was conceived on a single variable or fact and ignores the possibility of expansion of universe is inserted into a much broader context. However, the next topic will be responsible to explain why this is all a big equivocation.


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