September/October, 2019

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The Jag

September/October, 2019

ROAR This Edition:

Mia Saucedo: SATs: are they worth it?, Page 3 Caroline Collins: Open Campus, Page 4 Drew Anderson: Judge McCafferty presides at WHS, Page 7 Briana Curran: Dangers of Vaping, Page 11

Photo by Andrew Sylvia, NH Union Leader Correspondant WHS junior Harry Driscoll asks NH Supreme Court Justices a question during the Supreme Court on the Road program

Grace St. Laurent: Breaking Stereotypes, Page 12

Court is in Session

Lianna Musto: Girl’s Volleyball plays as a team, Page 15

Students attend NH Supreme Court hearing at WHS

Josh Jezak: A story of redemption, Page 16

By Nika Luchanok JagRoar Staff WINDHAM - On Wednesday, October 16th, New Hampshire’s Supreme Court came to the WHS auditorium in order to hear oral arguments in regards to the interpretation of the New Bail Statute addressing non-dangerous, low-income defendants being held pending trial due to inability to post cash or surety bail. The case esstenitally asks: should trial courts be allowed to set bail at an amount that a defendant cannot afford when they find that the

defendant is not dangerous? The new statute requires courts to consider the financial situation of the defendant before determining bail. This issue of statutory interpretation resulted from the case State of New Hampshire v. Christina A. Hill who was charged with possession of heroin and crack cocaine and selling crack cocaine while released on bail for other charges. At the bail hearing on Hill’s new charges, the State requested that the trial court detain the defendant while she awaited trial, citing her as a Story continues on Page 9

Slug in bold: WHS now offers a gaming club, Page 17



Jag Opinion Senior Planning

I think I can speak for most seniors when I say that senior want to choose, what college you want to apply for, or even if year has been absolutely crazy! With senior year classes, college you want to go to college at all - you do not need to have everyapplications, and extracurriculars it can get a little thing figured out. EDITORIAL overwhelming! It can feel like there is a lot of pressure right If any underclassman are reading this, it may now to have a solid ten-year career plan including seem intense but: write your college essay rough your future place of residence and whether you drafts in the summer! It will save you so much want two point five kids. stress later. Many of my fellow seniors are also With the world so wide open, it can be scary taking the SAT this month - if you can take it in not to have a plan, but while a couple here and August, this can also be quite helpful. there may have known they wanted to be an ophTime seems to fly by especially fast this year, thalmologist since they were twelve, most of us so if you can find ways to reduce the stress of are still figuring this all out. college applications, I highly recommend it. As someone who does not know where I want Amanda Pirani However, with the constant discussions of the to attend college or what path I want to pursue, future that come senior year, I wanted to discuss a this is something I have had to remind myself point I do not hear often enough: it is okay if you frequently. Even if we have plans, life so rarely do not have a plan. allows us to stick to them. Whether this means you are not sure about what major you

JagRoar Staff Amanda Pirani: Co-Editor In Chief Features Editor Caroline LeBlanc: Co-Editor In Chief Opinion Edior Nika Luchanok: Activities Editor Drew Anderson: News Editor Taylor Pendleton: Sports Editor Meghan Bachman: Copy Editor Kiley Collins: Copy Editor Briana Curran: Copy Editor Cailyn Peddle: Copy Editor Sophia Sehulster: Copy Editor Journalism I Class: Correspondents Mrs. Kristen Sullivan: Club Adviser

We’ve Bin Recycling

By Kiley Collins JagRoar Staff

WINDHAM – Do you recycle? It’s something you hear about all the time, but do you actually recycle? Many towns are thinking about getting rid of their recycling programs. It has become too expensive becuase people are putting things that shouldn’t be recycled in recycling bins. Everything that we recycle has to be gone through because of contaminated objects that belong in the trash. “When and why did this start happening?” you may ask. According to “Stop Pretending Your Trash Is Recyclable,”an article on lifehack, “China banned the import of most recycled plastic and paper. One reason for China’s decision was that too much of the recycled material coming from the U.S. was contaminated by items that shouldn’t be there.” To cover the cost of recycling programs cities everywhere will have to raise taxes and fees. Recycling programs should be affordable so that everyone can recycle if they choose to. If more people want to and are able to recycle there will be less trash going into our landfills and oceans which means a safer environment for people and animals.

Recycling should not be expensive for citizens as it is something that has many social and environmental benefits. If programs were cheaper more people would be able to recycle which would mean less trash on Earth. Rachel Belanger, a senior at WHS, stated what she thought would happen if our town were to get rid of recycling. “Everybody is being affected, animals, people, recycling plants, jobs will be taken away.” “Recycling is an investment for the future,” said Mr. Munsey, the latin teacher at WHS who believes it’s important that we recycle as we’re running out of reusable materials. Recycling allows us to save money by reusing viable materials. Katie Boermeester, a senior at WHS said that “By recycling and reusing things you are saving money for the future.” Recycling programs should not be taken away as they are essential for our planet since we can save money and our environment. Recycling is an essential process that allows for natural resources to be conserved and less trash to be put in our landfills. Therefore it should be enforced to allow for the safety of our future.




Standardized Testing: Outdated and Ineffective By Mia Saucedo JagRoar Staff WINDHAM – Since the 1930s, standardized tests such as the SAT have given students the opportunity to show high level education systems that they are smart and prepared for an increased workload and higher level thinking. Now, with more accurate readings of college readiness, such as a 4-year cumulative GPA and teacher recommendations, it is apparent standardized testing is an ineffective way to measure students’ capabilities. Most colleges require students to provide either an SAT with essay or ACT with essay when applying. The SAT includes reading, grammar, math, and writing, while the ACT adds science creating a STEM-focused test. These tests are around 5 hours long. Madison Furnari, a college student at the University of New Hampshire said “[The SAT] stressed me out because I am not great at standardized testing. It asks questions about some topics I didn’t even learn in high school and still have yet to learn in college”. She made it clear that, the SAT didn’t make her any more prepared for college. Hadley St.Cyr, a senior at Windham High School stated that she doesn’t believe the ACT is effective because it only measures STEM topics. In reality most people excel in classes they intend to pursue in college. For her that is her psychology class, which has no appearance on any standardized tests.

This is an official SAT test prep book that everyone is suggested to go through before taking the real SAT exam. This book alone is around $30 and to take the actual test is $64. Standardized tests can also can serve as a barrier for certain minorities. The SAT originated in 1930, as it used to help colleges notice underprivileged students, but now studies show that a majority of students who do not submit test scores are part of a minority (PBS). Colleges that no longer require a standardized for admission, enroll and graduate more students with diverse backgrounds, including low-income and first generation students. In “Defining Access: How Test-Optional Works,” Steve Syverson, an assistant vice chancellor at the University of Washington Bothell, and co-author of the study stated “Our research clearly demonstrates that these students graduate at a higher rate.” Standardized tests cost money, and most

students take the test more than once to be able to get a better score (NPR). In New Hampshire, it is mandatory for all highschoolers to take the SAT, but in states where that isn’t required, or in less developed schools throughout America, students may not have enough money to take the test, limiting the colleges they apply to. “Two years worth of data shows that students who got into George Washington University with high test scores performed no better as freshmen and sophomores than those who got in without submitting their test scores” Forrest Maltzman, the university’s provost and chiefacademic officer said (NPR). Payton Furnari, a junior in high school agreed that standardized testing is very expensive. She guessed she would take her test three times to be able to get the highest score she possibly could, which would cost her about $200. She also said that because the scores are so important to colleges, she was going to join a SAT prep class which costs more money. SATs and ACTs should not be a required step to get into college. It has proven to be less effective in showing college preparedness than a student’s grade point average (PBS) and teacher recommendations. Most high schools students have agreed that it is expensive and not accurate to their true capabilities. It has also proven to be unintentionally discriminatory for those unable to take the test or those uneducated about when and where to take it. Standardized testing needs to come to an end.

Technically, The Future Is Tech By Briana Curran JagRoar Staff

More Technology Has WINDHAM More Benefits Over the last couple

of years, Windham has gained more resources to use technology in the classrooms. This is important because there are many different ways to learn, rather than just sitting in a classroom with a teacher. There is an abundance of apps and websites that are designed for educational purposes. The Windham School District explains the purpose of having Internet access in the school district in the WSD Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Technology isn’t just beneficial for academic classes, it can also be used in electives. Mr. Cirelli, the photography teacher at WHS said, “Students use pictures more than they ever have and teaching to communicate with pictures is important in any field.” It is also used in classes where it is least expected, such as in the

music department. Most people would not realize it, but there are several apps and websites frequently used. “In the piano class, it is more organized and cost-effective to use MIDI keyboards. Without this, more time would be needed to set up from one class to the next and having larger equipment would need larger storage space,” said Mrs. Sheila Cuneo, the choir teacher here at WHS. This also shows how music classes would be affected if technology was not present. Even outside of WHS, technology can still be used. Hannah Allgood, a senior at WHS, has been taking some online college classes and agreed that using technology is beneficial, as it allows both students and adults to take classes without having to travel to the campus. The one potential argument is that computers are a gateway for many dangerous topics shown. However, according to School Board Policy IJNDB, the Windham School District has technology that blocks inappropriate material that could harm students. They do not have access to materials that are not used for educational purposes.




The Month Of First Impressions A New Year Brings A Fresh Start and Exciting Challenges By Nika Luchanok JagRoar Staff WINDHAM - September is filled with first impressions. During this one whirlwind of a month, students from every grade form their opinions about one another, their classes, and their teachers. For the Freshmen, September is about exploring what exactly it means to be a student at WHS. For example, Hannah Robinson confesses, “I was expecting a bit more drama, to be honest, but everything seems very calm so far! My teachers are all very nice and helpful, which is great, as I was expecting them to be stricter. Overall, it’s a lot of work, but everyone is supportive of the effort it takes.”

Meanwhile, sophomores struggle to in the Athletics Department. “I notice this balance a sudden increase in work and remostly in soccer practice and in games. As sponsibility, as well as driving classes. At an upperclassman, I am looked to by the this point, they have an idea of what high younger girls to lead them drills and I feel school entails, but sometimes find themmuch more like a role model than I did selves sorely unprelast year!” she says. pared. Many sophoFinally, seniors are not mores enroll in driving Let’s Make It Amazing wasting any time. With classes over the course college less than a year of the school year, away, work has to be taking time away from an already packed done. Kathryn Williams explains, “From schedule. the first week of school it was evident that For juniors, real life is starting to knock my classes were not wasting any time.” on the door. And, although juniors are And while the college application process able to take classes they are genuinely can be stressful, seniors try to make time interested in, the workload reaches new to enjoy their last year. “[It’s about] exheights. Melissa Sun elaborates, “Many periencing all of my lasts with the people people told me when I was a freshman and who have been there since the firsts,” a sophomore that junior year would be the Kathryn states. toughest, that it would test your limits. I’d For every student, freshman or senior, say so far, it’s true to an extent.” AddiSeptember is filled with first impressions tionally, the juniors immediately noticed and new opportunities. Personally, I can’t that they were officially upperclassmen. wait to see what this year brings - let’s Alyssa Tarabocchia really felt this change make it amazing.

What Time Is It? Open Campus Time!

Greater Freedom From The Campus Would Help All. By Caroline Collins JagRoar Staff

WINDHAM-As a Senior, I feel that open campus privileges would be positive for students who work hard in the classroom and maintain a high GPA. For students who excel in the classroom, leaving study hall to focus on other responsibilities would improve time management and organizational skills. Rewarding a group of students would likely inspire others to raise their academic standards. “I think open campus is a good idea. It kind of seems like it would transition almost into your next step like if you are going to college, something where you have that freedom,” WHS Senior Kayla Antounucci said. Antonucci’s words give a voice to underclassmen whose free will and judgement is vital in establishing successful organizational skills. The effect of the lack of privileges for

underclassmen can be seen through the outlook of a WHS student. “...My sister was a senior when I was a junior so she drove me when I didn’t have my license…,” Senior Katie O’Brien said. Like O’Brien, underclassman whose older siblings have late arrival or early dismissal privileges are often deprived of means of transportation when their older siblings leave campus. When asked about this policy, Mr. Malila, WHS Assistant Principal said “...The lure of leaving campus to go to Dunks or to go to a friends house might be greater than making up a test or doing homework during study hall.” Though this may be true for some students, GPA requirements would make it so that eligible students would be high achieving academically, therefore less likely to waste time at dunks or a friends house. According to an article written by the Public Health Advocacy Institute, when students do in fact spend their time and money at businesses such as Dunks during open campus, “These businesses may in turn make donations to support the school.” Leaving campus would allow students to take a break from the responsibilities

of being a High School student where according the National Public Radio, “half of all teens — 45 percent — said they were stressed by school pressures.” Based on the interviews and research I conducted, it is apparent that the benefits of open campus outweigh the harm. It would allow students to progress in ways curriculum cannot teach; that is, how to act outside classroom walls when there are no teachers

Pictured: McDonalds in WindAmanda Akker ham, N.H., a possible location where students would go if they had open campus privileges. Have something to say? Email


Jag News


Photo by Michael Reynolds (Shutterstock) The Capital Building in Washinton D.C.

Impeachment Inquiry Announced Pelosi presents a formal impeachment inquiry of the president

By Amanda Pirani JagRoar Staff WASHINGTON- On September 24th, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House would launch a formal impeachment inquiry against President Trump, and political uproar on both sides of the aisle has quickly ensued. The inquiry charges Trump with betraying his oath of office and national security by seeking to enlist a foreign power for his own political gain. The inquiry claims to address several points of contention within the Trump administration, but was announced most recently in response

to the scandal involving the president’s call with Ukraine (although it should be noted that the clarification of whether the intention of the conversation was truly scandalous will be dependent upon your cable news channel of choice). “The actions taken to date by the president have seriously violated the Constitution,” Ms. Pelosi said in a brief speech invoking the nation’s founding principles. Mr. Trump, she added, “must be held accountable — no one is above the law.” While many even on the left had long thought impeachment too extreme, a recently conducted POLITICO/Morning Consult poll has revealed opinions are shifting as the Trump administration has found itself entangled in more and more hot water. For the first time, more voters support than oppose proceedings to impeach Trump from office. Forty-six percent of votes said that Congress should

begin enacting impeachment proceedings against Trump, while forty-three percent said they should not. Eleven percent had no opinion. This poll represents a three point increase from last week, in which voters were perfectly split on impeachment proceedings. Regardless of the outcome, one cannot help but be fascinated in observation. Only two presidents in our history, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, have been impeached; neither of the two were actually removed from office. With the whole world watching, the results of the inquiry may very likely define the legacy of the Trump administration.




Shooting in a Pelham Church

Wedding ceremony interrupted by frightening attack By Kiley Collins JagRoar Staff

PELHAM-On Saturday October 12, 2019 a man, later identified as Dale Holloway, went into the New England Pentecostal Church just after 10 am and fired shots at multiple people. This shooting occurred during a wedding ceremony. Holloway

shot Bishop Stanley Choate, the minister conducting the ceremony. He also fired at and hit the bride, Claire McMullen, in the arm. The groom, Mark Castiglione, was hit in the head with the gun and received an injury. While waiting for the police to arrive at the church, wedding guests tackled Holloway and were able to pin him down. Thankfully, no one was killed during the shooting. According to NECN “‘This does not seem to be a random event,’ Roark told reporters.” It’s confusing why Holloway acted this way. Days before this, Holloway’s stepdad was shot and killed by the son of the

groom. It seems that the shooting was premeditated; Holloway was likely going into the church to get revenge on the family of the man who killed his father. Holloway is now in custody and is facing charges for attempted murder, second-degree assault, and simple assault. This incident has left those affected reasonably shaken. Kathryn Williams, a senior at Windham High School, believes that this is especially worrying for people who attend church regularly, as this event likely hits much closer to home for them.

iPhone 11 Launches Worldwide By Sofia Sehulster JagRoar Staff

Photo by Abby Shields Juniors and Seniors competing in the tug-of-war event at the pep rally.

Annual Pep Rally a Success Spirited, lighhearted competition pits classes against each other

By Abby Shields JagRoar Staff WINDHAM- Windham High School’s annual spirit week was a success as always. Spirit week is a week long event where students dress up in different costumes every day and on Friday the school hosts a pep rally. The school puts on this week to not only boost the spirit of students, but also to bring the entire student body

together. At the pep rally, students from all grades can participate in different games to try and win as many as possible. Alyssa Gehlmann, a senior, has a new idea to get students to participate more. “They should create a point system for each advisory that participates the most and the grade with the most points wins a prize.” Aidan Strang, a junior, says that the time of the pep rally should be changed. “I think it could be moved earlier in the day, that way students won’t just ditch school.” Students are making suggestions to improve the pep rally and it is predicted that there will be changes in the upcoming years.

NEW HAMPSHIRE - As the fall season came around, everyone knew it was time for the annual release of new Apple products. The iPhone 11 came out on September 20, and it’s all over the internet. The iPhone has brand-new features such as multiple camera lenses, an Apple Arcade, brand new colors, and more. It has been broadcasted and sold all over the world via Apple’s website and at their store locations. The iPhone 11’s new features include a completely revolutionized camera, a larger display, a more durable screen, and a stainless steel backing on the iPhone 11 Pro. The new durability has made the phone more sustainable under water. A local New Hampshire photographer recently got the new iPhone. “So far, I am really liking the new camera features,” said 18-year-old Molly Paris of Raymond, New Hampshire, via text message, “It’s really fun to play around with, especially because I’m so interested in photography.”




WHS Hosts N.H. District Court Judge McCafferty holds naturalization cermony at WHS

By Drew Anderson JagRoar Staff

WINDHAM- On October 8th, Windham High School hosted a naturalization ceremony for new citizens of the United States. Landya McCafferty, Chief United States District Judge of the federal District Court of New Hampshire presided over the court proceedings. Judge McCafferty was appointed to the

District Court by President Obama and was confirmed in late 2013. She is the first female judge to serve on the New Hampshire District Court. In her years as a judge, she has performed the naturalization ceremony many times. However, she still finds it to be an incredibly meaningful and special ceremony, “As a judge, it is an honor to welcome these new citizens… it’s important to me that I get to speak to them about and celebrate what it means to be an American citizen.” After the ceremony, Judge McCafferty took time to greet, shake hands, and take pictures with all of the new citizens and

their families. WHS Students were very active in helping the ceremony go smoothly as well participating in it. Organizers even had to turn down student volunteers because there were too many who were eager to help out. During the proceedings, the WHS choir sang the national anthem, in addition to a couple of other patriotic songs; two students read letters addressed to the new citizens, welcoming them and sharing their own experiences with the naturalization process; and lastly, the sophomore class officers led the new citizens in the pledge of allegiance.

Golden Brook School Renovated By Cailyn Peddle JagRoar Staff

Photo by Cherry Sung A group of young students protest climate change in South Korea

Students March for Reform Teenagers protest across the globe in climate strikes

By Cailyn Peddle JagRoar Staff NEW HAMPSHIRE - Teenagers and young adults are protesting climate change in countries around the world led by 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. Greta is an activist who has spoken at the United Nations and in front of the U.S. Congress to plead her case. “My experience at the strike was so positive!... To see all the

kids at the strike was just so inspiring, seeing their passion and how aware they are already at such a young age,” said Antonia Bäckman of Helsinki, Finland via an Instagram direct message. “My opinion has definitely strengthened as a result of the strikes,” said Cherry Sung of Sejongno Park, South Korea. Cherry marched with her classmates to the Blue House, the Korean equivalent of the White House. According to Greta’s Instagram page, @GretaThunberg, millions of kids and young adults attended a strike somewhere in the world within the past two weeks, and the numbers are not expected to dwindle in the upcoming protests.

NEW HAMPSHIRE - Golden Brook School (GBS), an elementary school in Windham, New Hampshire, was voted by residents to undertake a massive expansion to better support the increasing size of the student body. The construction was completed before the start of the 2019-2020 school year according to the Eagle Tribune. The renovation had a budget of $38.9 million, with $38.1 million dedicated to GBS and the remaining sum left for some upgrades at Windham Middle School (WMS). Previously containing only kindergarten, first, and second grade, GBS now is one of the largest elementary schools in New Hampshire with grades preschool through fourth. The near 1,000 students will have a brand new place to learn that meets all safety and health standards, as there were some issues in the past with maintaining those codes. “I absolutely voted for the renovation to take place because not only have the schools been severely overcrowded, but they also lacked more sophisticated/updated infrastructure,” said Alan Laurentano, a Windham resident with two boys at GBS.



Jag Features

The justices on the bench during oral arguments Photo courtesy of Andrew Sylvia, Union Leader Correspondent

NH Supreme Court “On the Road” at Windham High School

Kathryn Williams JagRoar Staff

WINDHAM- The New Hampshire Supreme Court is “On the Road,” to Windham High School for an educational court proceeding on October 16, 2019. The Supreme Court on the Road program, launched in 2002, is the only time that the Court travels outside of the Supreme Court building for oral argument ( The students of Windham High School had a unique, interactive experience through this program. The attorney general came the day before the proceeding for a question and answer session. On the day of the event, the students filed into the auditorium. Former Chief Justice Lynn gave students a brief introduction to prepare them for witnessing oral arguments, as well as Q&As with both attorneys and the justices themselves. The case presented dealt with posting bail. Justice Gary Hicks explains that they begin looking for appropriate cases roughly 8 months in advance. Associate Justice Hants Marconi says they have to ask the case lawyers and be mindful that the case they select could be delayed. AP Government student and son of Justice Donovan, Connor Donavan, says that the events of the day made him realize “how intricate court proceedings are.” According to the NH Supreme Court website, “the justices will refrain from asking questions during the first three minutes of each attorney’s argument, but this

period of non-questioning may be waived. Attorneys presenting oral argument should assume that the court is familiar with the facts.” In an interview, the justices laughed and said that being in a school setting, they try to follow the rules, though it is difficult to hold back questions. Junior and AP Government student Sam Hoyt said, “in looking at [and] listening to the thoughtful and constructive questions asked by the justices to the lawyers, my biggest takeaway from the proceeding was that good justices, or other judges of the law, do not make up their mind about an issue before sitting down on the bench.” Mrs. McKenna, Director of Social Studies and World Language (5-12) and coordinator for Supreme Court On the Road at WHS, says this event had been in the works for a year. She credits fellow educator Mrs. Smith for getting the ball rolling the previous year. Mrs. McKenna worked with the Communications Manager for the NH Judicial Branch, Carole Alfano, Esq., as well as Head of Maintenance, Scott Hardiman; Director of Fine Arts, Susan Veilleux; and Principal, Sierpina to coordinate logistics. “These types of activities require a lot from students, teachers, staff, and administrators,” said Mrs. McKenna, “but when it is such a unique learning experience it is well worth it!” Associate Justice Hants Marconi said it “opens the process to more people” and “breaks the perception that they are cloistered away.” The justices acknowledged that the program is an excellent civics lesson “for those who stay awake.”


Court continued from page 1 danger to the community. Meanwhile, the defendant’s attorney argued that Hill was not dangerous. The trial court decided releasing the defendant into the community would not be dangerous; however, they set cash bail at $10,000, arguing that Hill was a “flight risk,” and a lower amount would not guarantee her appearance in court. The defense council disagreed, stating that under the new bail statute, the trial court may only detain a defendant if found dangerous. In all other circumstances, including a flight risk, the court must set bail in an amount the defendant can post. Setting bail so high the defendant could not afford to pay it, achieves the same result as setting no bail at all. Furthermore, given Hill’s modest means, the proposed $300 would have provided enough incentive to show up for the trial, according to the defense. The State counters by arguing that a court’s first priority is to ensure the defendant is present for her trial. Thus, a court is within full right to set a high bail in order to guarantee the defendant’s appearance. Prior to the hearing, on Tuesday, Octo-


ber 15th, the Attorney General for the state of New Hampshire, Gordon J. MacDonald, as well as the Solicitor General, Dan Will, visited WHS. They gathered students for a discussion regarding the events of the next day. They asked students about the purpose of bail, and whether or not it should exist. At first few spoke up. However, soon the discussion progressed, becoming more and more heated. MacDonald and Will mimicked an actual debate and stimulated what would be happening at the proceeding the next day. Rhe actual court proceeding was not a like a scene from law and order. There were no teary outbursts, shocking discoveries, cross-examination of witness, or jury. In reality, both sides - the defense council and the State - had fifteen minutes to present their arguments. During this time, the opposing side remained silent while the NH Supreme Court Justices asked questions. The dynamic between the defense council, State, and Justices displayed an incredibly high level of rhetoric. While opposing each other the lawyers displayed an immese level of respect for all involved. The defense lawyer, David Rothstein,


and Lisa Wolford, the lawyer for the State, worked together prior to this case. Before the proceeding they sat next to each other, engaged in a cordial conversation. At the Q&A session after the hearing, both spoke highly of one another. Additionally, all of the Justices hold both Rothstein and Wolfold in high esteem. The Justices were very kind and spoke freely about what inspired each of them to pursue a law career, and a position as a Supreme Court Justice. Additionally, they explained what it is like to not have a Chief Justice on the bench. Justice Gary Hicks, the Senior Associate, said that the dynamic on the bench has not changed at all. Most of the work of the Chief Justice fell on Hicks; however, all of his colleagues have stepped up. Finally, both the lawyers and the Justices shared some of the more dramatic moments in their careers. Lisa Wolfold recounted a time when she prosecuted a woman for threatening to kill two judges. During the opening statements, the accused woman warned, “I am a witch. I could put a curse on you, but I won’t.” At the end of the trial, she was found not guilty.

Ninth Annual WHS Blackout Week

By Abby Shields JagRoar Staff WINDHAM- September 27th: the big game. The football field lit up Windham High School, and food trucks lined up the parking lot. Balloons and streamers were strung along the fences. The high school football players put on their black jerseys and were hyping themselves up in the locker room. The excited energy from students filled the school all week and after months of planning, everything had come together. People from all around town joined together to support one cause: to put an end to pediatric cancer. “Project Blackout is a 501C nonprofit organization that originated in Windham. It’s mission is to “Turn the Lights Out on Pediatric Cancer”. “Project Blackout aims to raise awareness and funds for Pediatric cancer research and support,’’ says Tracey Lamb, a teacher at Windham Middle School and an organizer of Project Blackout. Another organizer at the Windham Middle School, Karin Rogers, described Blackout week: “It has raised well over a hundred thousand dollars towards pediat-

ric cancer research. It unites the Windham community towards a common cause and raises awareness all over New Hampshire”. For some students, Blackout week is their favorite time of the year. “My favorite event of Blackout week is the Friday night football game,” says WHS senior Grace Harootian. “It’s a cool experience because the entire town comes together for one event and one cause. It’s a great way to fundraise and a fun friday night activity for students.” The events of the week vary from sports games at the high school to trivia nights at local businesses like Red’s Tavern, all of which the community can get involved in. The significant impact of Project Blackout can be seen throughout the week. “The pinnacle of the evening is at the halftime show” says Lamb, “It honors the cancer families. The comfort that is brought to them is felt immediately”. The halftime show has students run onto the field, hold hands, and recognize those who have been impacted by pediatric cancer. According to Children’s Cancer Research Fund, more than fifteen thousand

kids and young adults are diagnosed with cancer each year, which is about forty three children per day. The Windham community strongly believes in supporting this cause: “Perhaps the biggest reason of all is to raise awareness of the number of children diagnosed and the need for more research funds,” Lamb explained. The week is set up so that everyone in the community can get involved. “Local businesses donate their time and money are instantly connected to the cause. The athletes who participate in various games. Every person who buys a t-shirt is impacted” says Rogers. “Most importantly, the VIP families are impacted with the energy of thousands who stand in support and roar in applause for them.” Fundraising takes place all over town from t-shirt sales, to direct donations. Every penny helps and produces astonishing results. “Through generous community sponsors and donations, the committee is able to sell t-shirts, hold a raffle and other various events,” Lamb says. The tradition of this week will continue for years to come and will, without a doubt, make an everlasting impact on everyone involved.




WHS Hosts Naturalization Ceremony Second Year in a Row

By Grace St. Laurent JarRoar Reporter

WINDHAM- The Naturalization Ceremony was an important and long-awaited day for many individuals in attendance. On October 8th, the Naturalization Ceremony was held at Windham High School. 50 people from 33 different countries gained total citizenship, completing a long term goal for many people. This year is the second year Windham High School has held the Naturalization Ceremony, and it has created a great opportunity for student volunteers to get involved in an important event. Gaining naturalized citizenship is a long, difficult process for people looking to come to America. When talking to one new citizen, she said that she had come to America in 2005 in order to obtain citizenship, and she is just now getting her full citizenship in 2019. She spent 11 years just working to get her green card, plus another 3 years to get full citizenship, totaling 14 years working to gain total citizenship. According to the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Service’s information provided on their webpage, “Citizenship Through Naturalization”, there are ten steps people must complete in order to become a citizen, including filling out numerous forms, biometric testing, interviews, oaths, and a testing involving the topics of english and civics. Completing all of these steps can

take years, especially when it is taken into consideration how crowded the system is. Hundreds of thousands of people are looking to immigrate to the U.S. by going through this process, making it take even longer than it normally should. There are many reasons that people decide to immigrate to America, ranging from better opportunities for work to providing a safer place to live and raise a family. Isabelle, a woman from the Dominican Republic, said that the main reason she decided to become a naturalized citizen is “for the better opportunities available.” Another woman, Crisley Campos, emigrated from Brazil. She chose to come to America for similar reasons, saying, “with citizenship, I was able to go to college and get my bachelors, and was able to get a good job with lots of benefits.” She left Brazil to escape the violence, and found America to be very welcoming and supportive of her working to provide a future for herself and her husband. Mr. Haemker, one organizer of the event, knows that the event is important to so many different people, which is one reason that he volunteers to work on it. “It’s a really cool event,” he said, “and the experience shows us that we’re part of something bigger.” When asked if he had anything else to say about the ceremony as a whole, Mr. Haemker wanted to make sure that all the volunteers knew how vital they are in

making the ceremony such a success. “I am very impressed with all of the student volunteers and the students in the audience,” Haemker said. Thanks to the help from volunteers, the ceremony went as planned, providing a positive experience for those who were achieving their citizenship that morning.

Photo by Grace St. Laurent Three student volunteers (from left to right: Amanda Bozzi (12), Sammy Webb (12), Kathryn Williams (12)) and Mr. Haemker, an organizer of the ceremony.

A Journey through American History By Taylor Pendleton JagRoar Staff

Photo by PxHere Beautifully waving American flag

BOSTON - The Honors American class, playfully nicknamed SmithO’Con 11, recently got the opportunity to travel the Freedom Trail in Boston. After an agonizingly long bus ride, the class ventured to Old North Church. There, a short oration was given on what actually happened during the events of Paul Revere’s nighttime ride. After passing through Charlestown, the trek up the Bunker Hill monument began. The 294 steps started off with little

difficulty, but soon came to feel almost insurmountable. A ferry was then took SmithO’Con across Boston Harbor to briefly visit the Boston Aquarium and take pictures with the seals, and after a short walk up State Street, the class came upon the site of the Boston Massacre and Old State House. This trip along Freedom Trail presented another way for the students in Honors American Studies to connect with the nation’s history. They were taken away from the world of words on a white page to a city with many attractions and a rich, deep history.




WHS Cracks Down on Inappropriate Behavior By Kathryn Williams Jagroar Reporter WINDHAM - It is a common fact that the upstairs boy’s bathroom has been the hub for inappropriate activity at Windham High School. This year, there have been new measures in an attempt to control the growing issue. Mr. Malila, co-assistant Principal at Windham High School, explained that the school is working to improve supervision throughout the school. On the third floor teachers have been assigned to sit in front of the bathroom to monitor student traffic. Administrative presence has also increased. Teacher A, a third-floor bathroom monitor, expressed their admiration for their position. They said that their presence is “supporting them in their learning” since monitors remind them to get back to class. Teacher A said they feel proud to prevent vandalism, and that people have not been spending unusual amounts of time in the bathroom anymore. Senior Conner Sills, however, does not believe that these new measures have solved the issue. He said that the monitors make students go out of their way to vandalize another bathroom, noting that the condition of the basement bathroom has declined. Conner said that the inappropriate behavior became an issue in his sophomore year became increasingly worse as the new classes trickled in. He believes this is because the freshman like to imitate the grades above them, and thus instigated a string of inappropriate acts. Mr. Malila recognizes the power that upperclassmen hold. “If we all collectively own it and especially maybe some of the upperclassmen say something... especially if that upperclassman has some clout,” he said. The Windham School District continues to inform the community and promote health and safety. Students have been caught in the use of vape products and, in some cases, illegal substances. The District posted to Facebook to inform parents that they have witnessed an increase in drug activity and urged them to monitor their children. One parent commented, “Does anyone know the school consequence of vaping at WHS?” Mr. Malila said that their policies have not changed. The student handbook states that the punishment for illegal substances is “Administrative action including, but not limited to, suspension(s).” Mr. Malila went into more detail. Students caught with

By Briana Curran JagRoar Staff

alcohol or drugs receive a 10-day suspension, in some cases, they are handcuffed and brought to the police station. He said that this has already happened once this school year. For possession of nicotine products, which are illegal for people under 18 and banned from all “Public educational facilities at any time” according to RSA 155:66, students are given a 3-day suspension. However, Mr. Malila said they are trying to implement a restorative justice program in which students who are caught with nicotine products can come in on a Saturday to get educated about the realities of nicotine use. This would reduce their suspension by one day. The Windham School District also tweeted links to “some additional information on vaping” for parents in the hope to spread education and awareness.

Photo by Kathryn Williams Mr. Westwood is on hallway patrol while a student signs into the restroom.

WHS Issues With Vaping

WINDHAM - Over the last couple of years, many students have been caught vaping at school, most often in the bathrooms. This has become a serious issue, as more and more students are using vape devices. Windham High School is not the only school with vaping problems. Here at Windham High School, there is a new program that is going to be implemented in the next month. “The policies have not changed, but Catch My Breath is a form of restorative justice. When athletes get caught, restorative justice is

required after a two week suspension. In court, a judge will force two options and this is one of those,” said Mr. Malila, the assistant principal at Windham High School, who has been very involved in the vaping problems here. “People don’t know all of the side effects, similar to the 1950s, when they did not know the dangers of smoking cigarettes. The health effects might not be known for another 12-15 years,” said Officer Iworsky, the police officer here at Windham High School. This clearly shows that since we are not aware of the issues, society could have several health affects that nobody sees

coming. The “Catch My Breath” flyer gives an overview of a program, which is to help students who have become addicted to JUULs and e-cigarettes. It also explains how long sessions are and that there is no cost, which is one benefit from this program.




Feel Good Movie of the Year

By Grace St. Laurent JagRoar Reporter

WINDHAM - The Peanut Butter Falcon is the story of Zak, a twenty-two-year-old with Down syndrome, portrayed by Zak Gottsagen. After escaping the nursing home from which he receives care, Zak befriends an outlaw and they make their way down the Mississippi River. In his journey to achieve his dream of wrestling, Zak works with his companions to develop as an individual, through the respect and love from those around him. This story is a representation of how all types of characters can be portrayed in the media. In recent years, the media has focused on fair depictions of diverse types of people. Often times, if a person with a disability is shown in a movie, their disability defines their character. For example, Anna North commented on the addition of a character with down syndrome in her Jezebel article “Family Guy’s Down Syndrome Episode: Adding Insult to Interesting. While the show

By Meghan Bachman JagRoar Staff

added a diverse character to the episode, Sarah argues “the episode yields some more upsetting bits — notably a bunch of jokes… all of which are tasteless”. The movie The Peanut Butter Falcon breaks these common stereotypes. Mrs. Bourque, a teacher at Windham High School, has a stronger connection to the story than the average viewer. Her oldest son, William, has Down syndrome. When asked about representation, she “loves that this movie includes a positive character with Down syndrome”, and that it “is a big step towards total inclusivity”. The Peanut Butter Falcon is a movie that forms a positive storyline of individuality around a disabled person. As one fan of the movie said it, “It is important to have a character for every type of person to connect to.” Another viewer in the theatre commented on this idea, saying “It’s one thing to be told that we’re all human and we all have dreams, but portraying these lives in movies really allows you to walk a mile in their shoes.” If you’re interested in helping the cause

of equality and understanding of those with Down syndrome, there is a way you can help. Mrs. Bourque is preparing for the NYC Marathon in November, and is raising money for LuMind, an organization that conducts research into understanding the development of people with down syndrome. In the description of her fundraiser, Mrs. Bourque said about her son, “Things are harder for him. Nevertheless, [he] doesn’t see his obstacles as barriers. He sees what he needs or wants and finds a way to get it”. There are people all over the world just like William, and through the support of the community, they are able to live a healthy, happy life.

Mrs. Bourque is raising money for LuMind by running the NYC Marathon in November. lumind-awards-gala/

On the Mouse’s Toes

ORLANDO - During the week of October 10-14, 2019 The Carlene Nazarian Dance Center traveled to Orlando, Florida to compete in the Disney Performing Arts Program. According to Emily Fitzpatrick, a dancer at CNDC, age 16, “The Disney Performing Arts Program ... gives performers of all kinds (music, dance, etc.) the chance to experience what it is like to be a Disney Performer.” This event takes place yearround, and The Carlene Nazarian Dance Center has taken part in twice. Since CNDC has multiple levels of difficulty, there were many different kinds of dances. Level one, the most advanced level, performed two dances: ‘Fight Like a Girl,’ a jazz dance choreographed by Lauren Jabara, and ‘Crazy in Love,’ a Minnie Mouse themed tap dance choreographed by Carlene Nazarian. Level two performed their jazz dance, also choreographed by Lauren Jabara, titled ‘Don’t Bring Lulu’. Level three performed two dances: ‘Charlie Chaplin’ and ‘Footloose’, choreographed by Carlene Nazarian. Finally, level four danced

‘Down at the Twist and Shout,’ a tap dance also choreographed by Carlene Nazarian. The girls also participated in master classes taught by current Disney performers. They learned the techniques, facial expressions, and the work ethic of a true Disney performer. When asked what the purpose of this event was, Ava McGrath, another dancer for CNDC, age 15, responded with, “Being apart of this improves our dancing because we got a feel for what it’s like to dance as a performer and what it takes and we can challenge ourselves to work for that goal. It was a fun experience and it made me realize just how much work it is and how many hours of practice are put into being a Disney Performer.” There were many other dance schools that took part in this competition, ages ranging from elementary school all the way up to college. As Disney says about the purpose of this event, “For some, a Disney performance is a crowning achievement. For others, it’s a launchpad to greatness. After your performance, experience the excitement of Disney’s world-famous theme parks and discover why Walt Disney World Resort is the place where dreams come true.” By taking part

Photo by Allison Fitzpatrick Carlene Nazarian Dancers pose at Disney Performing Arts in this event, the students of the Carlene Nazarian Dance Center can improve their skills and technique with hopeful futures in the performing arts in mind. This type of event is also beneficial for the school’s name. By going to the Disney Performing Arts Performance, the Carlene Nazarian Dance Center had the opportunity to show off its students to future employers, such as Disney, Universal Studios, and maybe even directors for similar productions. With students potentially being employed by such big names, the “school’s reputation becomes increasingly recognizable” as said on the Walt Disney World Website.



Jag Sports

Photo by Blackout Games High School students and any attendees were welcome to line up and allow pediatric cancer survivors and those affected by the disease to walk through a supportive chain of people clapping and cheering them on.

The Blackout Games

A brief summary of an inspiring cause. By Cam Rogers JagRoar Staff

WINDHAM - For the past nine years, Windham has been hosting the blackout week in support of pediatric cancer. Various varsity teams have designated games to play throughout the week. During that week thousands of people show their support for the cause and the teams that will be participating in the honorary games. All information on the history of Blackout, including the start of the cause, and the dates of every fundraiser and game are available on the Blackout promotional website. All fall sport teams are involved in

Blackout Week, including Soccer, Volleyball, Golf, Cheerleading, and of course Football. The Blackout football game is the most popular event of the week. It is a huge deal for not only the players but everyone watching as well. Nearly the entire town showed up on Friday the 27th at Windham High School. Our very own Windham Jaguars took on and defeated Manchester Central. The final score was 28-21. Alessandro Jacobellis, a senior on the football team, was asked what it was like to be the main attraction of the week, and he said, “there is a sense of pressure as we are performing in front of so many people, and winning the game feels like we are winning for the children.” Hunter Boudreau, another Winndham athlete said, “The idea of winning for the cause actually inspired us to try even harder.”

When people are brought together for a certain cause, teams of people and those who support them will find a connection to the cause and support it with pride and generosity.




New Fall Season, New Athletic Director By Will Sette JagRoar Staff WINDHAM - Windham is entering its 2nd year as a D1 school in New Hampshire, and with a new athletic director taking the helm, how will they perform? Last year, Windham performed exceptionally well as a D1 underdog under the command of Athletic Director Bill Raycraft. However, during the summer leading into a new year of fall sports there was change in athletic directors, with Athletic Director Mike McCaffrey now in charge. With the fall season coming to a close, some players and coaches share their thoughts about the director switch and how they believe it will affect the future of WHS sports. Varsity football captain, Ri-

By Josh Jezak JagRoar Staff

ley Desmarais, said, “the change is a little bit weird, but since McCaffrey has worked with Raycraft in the past a lot of things are very similar.” Desmarais also stated that “McCaffrey seems like a nice guy and wants the best for Windham Athletics. He’s gotten a lot of teams new jerseys and goes to almost all the games”. Windham football is ... in a tough south division, however they appear to be holding their own against the competition division 1 brings.” Hopefully, with the support of McCaffrey Windham football can soar. When asked about the management change, longtime volleyball coach Jill Bartlett said, “the biggest change for me is how I knew Raycraft for 10 years and I have to adapt to new expectations. How-

ever, McCaffrey seems like a wonderful man and I’m eager to work with him in the future.” Her volleyball team is looking to be strong in future years, so to hear that the Athletic Director and coaches are all on the same page is a good sign. Despite Raycraft’s absence, even though he was so beloved, it’s good to see Windham’s sports players and coaches accept the new Athletic Director mid-stride and be supported by McCaffrey. Its should be no shock that there was mild tension after Raycraft’s abrupt departure, however McCaffrey has seemed to defuse all the skepticism around his position and made the town’s athletic community welcome him with open arms.

A Season for Redemption

Boys soccer makes a comeback WINDHAM - Currently the Windham boys soccer team is in 5th place with a 5-1-2 record in Division I boys soccer in New Hampshire, seen from After a disappointing season last year, the boys have been looking to getting redemption in 2019. In the 2018 season, the boys had a record of just 4-9-3. The team already has more wins than in their first Division one season in just half as many games. When Cam Atkinson, the team’s senior captain, was asked if the move up to Division 1 affected the team, he stated: “Mentally it did, it was a new mindset.” As a varsity player since sophomore year, Cam has been able to look at witness the transition first hand. When Stephen Rothenberg, the senior team manager, was asked when he first saw the potential for the team, he stated that he had high hopes for the team after their first official game against Salem. The team was able to battle out a difficult win in poor conditions. Aidan Peretz claims that the best game of the season was against Bedford. This game was, surprisingly, not a win; instead, it was Bedford’s only game this year that

did not result in a win for them. It is clear that for the Varsity Boy’s Soccer team to continue their success, individual players will need to take charge. The Windham soccer team looks to continue this great season and redeem themselves from a crushing last year, but with hope and determinaPhoto by Mr. Cirelli tion, they could very well Sophomore Dom Picciano competes in the playoffs be contenders for the against Pinkerton state championship.

Photo by Mr. Cirelli Junior Landon Neal competes in the playoffs against Pinkerton




Windham’s Girl’s Volleyball

By Lianna Musto JagRoar Staff WINDHAM- Will the windham girls volleyball team win the state championship this year, or be defeated? Read about how this season is going and the teams goals from the players and coach. Varsity coach, Jill Bartlett and players, Ashley Phillipe and Arielle Nysten discussed Windham’s girls volleyball team and what they’re up to this season. These girls, who all have a passion for volleyball, play from late August to early November. “Team dynamics are essential, like anything, you want your athletes to walk away from the court supported and confident and that needs to establish itself on and off the court.” Said Jill Bartlett, who is Windham High School’s Girls Varsity Volleyball Coach. Bartlett has been coaching since she was 20 years old, she started out at Bedford and has now been coaching at Windham for 11 years. Bartlett was a Defensive Specialist (DS) at Springfield College for three years, she has always had a passion for volleyball and a former teammate convinced her to start coaching. When asked how she prepares and

Photo by Mr. Cirelli Senior Cam Atkinson competes in the playoffs against Pinkerton

how the team prepares for the upcoming season, Bartlett said, “I start preparing from the day our season ends”. The team has 10-15 hour practices a week, in the first two weeks before school, Bartlett has goals she wants the team to reach, and this comes from hard work from every player. Ashley Philippe, senior captain and Arielle Nysten, junior, are both players for Windham High School’s Girls Varsity Volleyball Team. Philippe is 17 years old and she has been playing volleyball on a team only since her Freshman year of high school, “My friends talked very highly of it, so I gave it a shot!”, said Philippe. Nysten, 17, started playing volleyball in eighth grade she made Windham’s Junior Varsity Team as a freshman and sophomore and then moved up to Varsity in her junior year. Both girls talked about how important a team dynamic is, Philippe said, “I know if I make a mistake, they will always have my back”. Nysten discussed team bonding and said, “We need to trust each other to be successful, if we don’t trust each other on the court, we won’t off the court”. Evidently one of the most important goals for a successful volleyball team, for the players and coaches, is all around support and trust.

Windham’s Varsity Volleyball Team has a goal to work hard this season and succeed in the playoffs. The player and coaches both seem to agree that a team dynamic is crucial to success and that their hard work since they were young till now, will pay off this season. Windham’s Varsity Volleyball Team is determined and it will be a season you won’t want to miss.

Photo by Chuck Swierad Arielle Nysten serves the ball in a game against Salem High School

Photo by Chuck Swierad Ashley Phillipe serves the ball in a game against Salem High School

Photo by Chuck Swierad Coach Jill Barlett, encouraging her players from the sideline.


By Josh Jezak JagRoar Staff


A New Rule Changes The NBA

WINDHAM - For the 2019-20 season in the NBA, has decided to change a rule in the league. The rule allows each team to challenge one call within a game to attempt to overturn the call according to If the team challenges a call and the team is wrong they lose a timeout. This NBA rule change is good for the game allowing there to be a chance for less error from the officials. It should stay in the league for years to come in order to help the mistakes within games. Senior Will Sette, a former WHS Basketball Player, was asked his thoughts on the rule, and he says it’s because there is often outrage over bad calls in the NBA. Players, fans, and coaches all get upset with calls every year and a change was needed. The refs have decided outcomes of games due to calls that there was a lot of uncertainty with. When asked if the rule will help, senior Nick Frazier said that it will help with the calls and make people more satisfied. Although many people believe the new rule is beneficial to the

NBA, some believe that it hurts the league. Coach Steve Kerr of the Golden State Warriors stated “I don’t like replay at all. I think replay should be limited to the buzzer-beater at the end of every quarter if you want to review them, a buzzer-beater, that’s fine.” As a coach in the NBA, Kerr has a lot of experience in situations where a challenge should be called, but he does not feel like the challenge rule benefits the game. The challenge call may take away the human in the game by stopping the game to replay and review a past call. Although some people are not for the challenge call, there is a chance replay could help the NBA as seen in other sports containing the rule. When asked if the rule will stay in the league 53-year-old Walter Jezak a former basketball coach says that the challenge rule already works in the NFL so it should also work in the NBA. The rule is believed to have more of an upside than a downside when implemented into the NBA based on the potential to get more calls right. Errors made by officials have hurt the game and these may be decreased because of the new rule.

Windham VS. Pinkerton

Rival teams face off in one of the biggest games this year. Conner Sills JagRoar Staff


Sports Roundup

Field Hockey: Varsity: Regular Season 13 wins 1 loss By

WINDHAM- It is well known around Windham that both Pinkerton and Windham football teams are extremely good. Pinkerton’s football team uses their defense to their advantage while Windham, on the other hand, uses their strong offense as leverage to win their games. When talking to Jack Byrne, head coach of Windham Football, he said “Windham has a reputation to always have a strong run game but Pinkerton has a really explosive defense so it will be a good game for sure” many people can’t wait to see how these two opposing play styles will play out in the game against Pinkerton. Many Windham residedents believe that after one season of adjustment, the team will have the ability to comepte for a state title. The odds appear to be in their favor but, they need a big push from the senior class in order to win this game. When talking to some of the football players about this game, many of them are extremely excited to compete against this powerhouse.

Football: Varsity: Reglular Season 3 wins 5 losses

Field Hockey: Varsity: Regular Season 13 wins 1 loss

Boys Soccer: Varsity: Regular Season 11 wins 3 losses

Girls Soccer: Varsity: Regular Season6 wins 10 losses

Photo by Derry News WHS Junior Stefan Robert

Volleyball: Varsity: Regular Season 7 wins and 11 losses



Jag Activities

Photo by POPGI Adrain Yang, a Junior at Windham High School, is the founder of the up and coming E-Sports team. The E-Sports team is only one of the tens of clubs represented at the anual Club Fair

The Club Fair Comes to WHS A place to discover new interests

By Nick Frazier JagRoar Staff WINDHAM - The year is rolling into Autumn, and as the school year starts to pick up, students are ready to discover new activities. With many returning groups and a new wave of clubs joining the school, the club fair is the place to be. For those who don’t know, the club fair is a day where students from each school club get to set up a meet and greet by the cafeteria and try to recruit new people for their club. Because clubs have a tendency to change at WHS, the club fair is an amazing way to stay up to date and discover new extra-curricular activities. Students like the

chance to interact with new and unfamiliar people, as well as share information. Eric Carter, a Windham High School student, was running the club fair booth for the Bio team this year, and he is also a big fan of the club fair. Eric is a senior, but he likes to talk to all of the different grade levels and help them. Eric is also doing a biology internship, so he really enjoys the time he gets to show people what he is passionate about. Adrian Yang, a Junior who is a founder of the up and coming E-Sports team, also shared his ideas about the club fair. An E-Sports team tries to cross the line between physical sports and electronics, creating a league of people who compete with each other in all of their favorite games. Because WHS has not seen a club like this before and there is not much preexisting support, starting a club such as this can be a challenge, especially working

with everything behind the scenes. Despite the founder’s worries, the E-Sports team made a very good debut this year in the fair, gathering all sorts of attention. Though he may have been a little bit overwhelmed, Adrain loved the chance to talk to everyone and take in all of their suggestions and comments about the new club. He also enjoys the experience that can be gained through the challenge of creating a new club and working it into the system at WHS. “It’s fun to see all of the little kinks that we need to work out,” Adrian said, “Having everyone share their ideas helps us make the club stronger.” The club fair is an amazing place to be, and if you find yourself some free time during the next one, it’s a great experience full of potential clubs you could find a home in.



WMAA Shoe Drive, Collecting Now WMAA helps Windham School District music and theater programs By Tristan Adams JagRoar Staff WINDHAM - The Windham Musical Arts Association has just started its Shoe Drive. This association helps sponsor events ranging from school trips to learning opportunities. This association helps sponsor events ranging from school trips to learning opportunities. Currently, the WMAA is collecting new or used shoes for underprivileged kids in developing countries. This drive is very easy to donate to and any donation helps. The bin for donations is in the main lobby of the High School. The drive is ending at the end of November so get your shoes in fast! Amanda Foley is a Vice President

and leader of fundraisers in the WMAA. In addition to the shoe drive, she mentioned other events coming up for the WMAA, such as the Yankee Candle Sale. Another amazing fundraiser that is coming up is the craft fair. Taking place on October 26th, the craft fair is a great opportunity for the WMAA and 130 of the top crafters in this region. Additionally, the WMAA offers program ads for the Windham school district band and chorus events. Anyone can buy ads, and all of the profits go to the WMAA. You can also support the WMAA by using Amazon Smiles, a program that automatically donates 0.5% of the profit to the WMAA when when you purchase anything on Amazon, and after signing up, there is no difference from regular amazon. Another thing that the WMAA does for the students of the Windham High School is provide musical education from professional musicians. Visit for more information.

World of Marine Science Marine Science Team is filled with opportunities for science lovers

By Conner Sills JagRoar Staff WINDHAM - What is the Marine Science Team and what do they do? “One of the things that we do in this club is we learn about anything related to water. Eat ice cream. Dissect things. And compete in the Nor’easter bowl” said Mrs. Gauvin, a Science teacher in Windham High. Amanda Bozzi, one of the club members, says, “the marine science team is a place where I feel as though I can fit in with everyone else and thrive in an environment that I want to be in with the people that appreciate me for who I am and my intelligence.” Most of the time the team will observe the animals’ behaviors and try to understand what it is that really happens

Photo by Conner Sills Turtles are only one of the many animals observed by Marine Science Team members in an effort to understand what transpires in ocean and freshwater areas. In fact, the Marine Science Team has a pet turtle. in ocean and freshwater areas. Marine Science Team opens a whole new world to those interested in marine life, and allows you or your peers to understand lives outside of our own.


2019: A WHS Spirit Week Success By Lianna Musto JagRoar Staff WINDHAM- Windham hosts its annual pep rally and spirit week. Windham High School students have participated in spirit week for many years. Was this year the best spirit week yet? Or is participation and school spirit getting progressively worse as the years go on? Every year the student council at Windham High School plans the spirit week. Students and teachers all participate, some go all out more than others. The week always falls in October and “brings the entire school together for one week”, said senior class president, Peyton Gravell. Peyton Gravell, 17, believed that spirit week was a great success this year, she said, “Each class is able to show their pride and competitive spirit along with their supporting classmates and teachers”. Gravell had a very positive outlook on spirit week and is always looking to improve it with new spirit days and ideas. Abby Shields, 18, is a senior at Windham High School and a participant in spirit week. Shields’ views were slightly more pessimistic than Gravell’s. Regarding participation, Shields said, “I was disappointed this year”. She enjoys spirit week but said she was afraid, “people care too much about what others think”. Shields believes that if students did not care about what others think, then more people would participate in the week. Sarah Ellins is a teacher at Windham High School, who always goes all out for the week. Ellins has been teaching at Windham for 3 years. Ellins believes school spirit is alive, she said, “Seeing the school come together” is her favorite part of spirit week. Ellins believes spirit week will always continue at Windham High School. She said, “as long as the Student Council makes fun days, participation will keep happening”




Pep rally stirs up competition between classes By Gracie Hoadley JagRoar Staff WINDHAM- The pep rally between classes at Windham High School on Friday, October 11th got the students riled up for the annual homecoming game. The culmination of the annual spirit week is the pep rally. On Friday, each grade dressed up in its color and participated in games in to get the student body excited about the upcoming homecoming football game and school year. Class advisors and the student council planned this event months in advance. Each class decorated a section of the gym and a hallway during spirit week. Mr. Hall, a senior class advisor said that the class advisors played a vital role “helping to facilitate signups and coordinate what events will take place.” The pep rally consisted of an obstacle course, tug-of-war, and dodgeball. A game of musical chairs was also planned, however it had to be cancelled due to time constraints. Senior and pep rally spectator, Amy Prendergast, mentioned that she was sad that musical chairs did not happen, as many students signed up to participate. During the obstacle course, seniors Riley Desmaris and Ashley Phillipe took the win, defeating the freshman and juniors.

This boosted the morale of the seniors and set the tone as to how the rest of the pep rally would continue. However, the next game of tug-of-war did not go as expected. First, the sophomores were defeated by the freshman. Then, the juniors defeated the seniors in tug-of-war, but they were disqualified due to undisclosed circumstances. In the championship round the seniors went head-to-head with freshman. The seniors took a surprising defeat by the freshman. From a twitter post that WHS retweeted, Mrs. Micalizzi confirmed, “juniors got disqualified, seniors took their place then got owned by the freshman.” Senior Lindsey Murphey stated that it was “ridiculous how freshman won the tug of war this year.” Finally, the pep rally ended with a dodgeball ball game. During the dodgeball game, the freshman were defeated by the juniors. Then, the sophomores went up against the seniors. Surprisingly, the seniors suffered defeat at the hands of the sophomore. Finally, each grade participated in a noise competition to settle the dispute as to which class had won. In the end, the seniors were the reigning champions. However, the dispute continued with juniors, sophomores, and freshmen about which

class really won the pep rally, arguing that the seniors only won the noise competition and obstacle course. Overall, when the annual homecoming pep rally ended, students gained more school spirit in preparation for the Windham high school football homecoming game, as well as continued the beloved tradition of the pep rally.

Photo by Mrs. O’Connell Seniors Katie Boermeester, Morgan Mazzorana, Sydney Plant, Abby Shields, Lianna Musto, Kathryn Williams, Gracie Hoadley, Kiley Collins, Halle McGrail, Katie O’Brien pose with Ms. Ellins during class color day.

Photo by Mr. Cirelli Freshman compete in tug of war.

Photo by Mr. Cirelli Seniors celebrate spirit week 2019

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