Jacob Thorsen PhD dissertation

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war and peace and how historically composed power structures of caste and gender structure social life and PAMP’s everyday lives. Lastly, the chapter provides a number of essential understandings about the two local radio stations as well as the town and the villages in which data for the empirical material has been gathered. This is all necessary in order to commence the analysis. Part III: Everyday Citizenship. In Chapter 10, I study the discursive and non-discursive facets of PAMP’s daily lives. I assert that PAMP’s appropriations of the apparently oppressive customs are not just to be deemed at face value. Their genuine appropriation affirms that PAMP are capable of reinterpreting strategies and turning situations in a constructive direction. Additionally, I pay attention to distinct ideals of equality, which are transmitted by the radio stations that challenge the fundamental conditions underpinning the war and the caste and gender power structures. I analyse these representations in radio programmes alongside PAMP’s appropriations of the ideals concerning caste and gender-specific issues. Inequalities and discrimination continue to persist in social life in the area of the study, despite the fact that, simultaneously, the radio stations are confronting these oppressive structures. I demonstrate how PAMP, whatever their caste or gender background, strongly assert their support for equality. PAMP’s everyday practices, nonetheless, are influenced by space; for instance, in the villages and the bazaar separation as well as discrimination remain, and PAMP may well, in fact, participate in replicating the inequalities, notwithstanding that this is contrary to their values. They do so in order to negotiate between what is feasible in the immediate present, where the older generations are likely to determine and also reinforce social conventions, along with what they envision in a future, which, in particular, the younger generation tends to define on their own.


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