New Visual Language volume 3

Page 7

MAGAZINE PAGE LAYOUTS A few varients on page layout and sizing between text and image. Its easy to draw thumbnails of magazines but making a page work well with the text and images is much harder and i found not many of these even worked but the simple layouts worked best. I used the digital arts magazine as inspiration for my layout thumbnails, i always buy the digital arts magazines that are mainly digital painting and graphic design just beacuse its what i enoy most. And they were a big help as google image search only gets you so far. I didnt use the grid for the thumbnails but found a magazine grid on the internet which when placed behind my page and set to template worked great for all my inner pages. overall i stuck with the same few and varied them as i went through depending on what images i had and how much text, i found it really hard not to fill gaps even though gaps are fine and in digital arts it seems gaps are the best thing to have on a page. even though indsign is the software for this work i found it more complicated and ended up working in illustrator and seeing as most my work for he pages was being made in illustartor i thought it fit quite well.


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