Hatfield Christian School Yearbook

Page 1

Primary School


High School



Sport & culture P96

Mishka since 7 June 2019

CONTENTS Business Studies

Introduction Executive Principal Report


School Council Report


Pastoral Report


Pre-Primary Classes 4 Events 6


Events High School Events


Sport & Culture Sport Hockey 94 Soccer 106 Cricket 114

Primary School Head of Primary School Report


Junior Primary


Senior Primary


Touch Rugby


Tennis 118 Equestrian 119 Coaches 119 Swimming 122

Awards Fruit of the Spirit Awards


Athletics 123

Academic Awards


Chess 125 Awards

High School

Sports Awards


Head of High School Report


Head Girl’s Report


Head Boy’s Report



Junior Secondary


Senior Primary Choir


Senior Secondary


Worship Team


DIY Plays



Debating 129

Matric Tribute


Public Speaking


Matrics - some years back


Toastmasters 130

Matric Farewell


Media Monitors


IT Support


Awards Fruit of the Spirit Awards



Academic Awards


Cultural Awards




High School Subjects Afrikaans

English 71

Staff Photos


Art 72

Staff News


Mathematics 74 Accounting 75 Science 76


Geography 78

Mishka 138

History 79


Life Sciences

Aftercare 141


IT 80 Life Orientation

The Hive

140 142


EGD 81 Primary School |



Executive Principal

We live in tumultuous times, characterised by social upheaval and sometimes necessary challenges to questionable systems and traditions. Taken to an extreme, this can however allow license for the individual to live life according to his or her own inclination or selection of norms and values, which in the end leads to confusion and societal collapse. “There must be something more, something that will temper the otherwise unchecked impulses of which men are capable. There must be something outside and above man to which he will willingly defer.” 1 I’m so glad that the something more in my life is the person of Jesus Christ, and not just a philosophy or set of rules to aspire to. I’m so glad that we don’t just defer to Him, but follow Him as the Lord and Creator of our lives and everything around us. 2 As the world becomes a more confusing place, we cling ever more tightly to Jesus, by whose power the universe holds steady. “On Christ the solid rock we stand; all other ground is sinking sand.” In one of the most turbulent times in history, I appeal to you and your families to take heart and remember the things which we truly value. One of the foundation scriptures of Christian Education is: Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your mind, with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 5:6-7 I believe that now, more than ever, we need to be revisiting and reaffirming these fundamentals of our faith and beliefs, as we walk into a future which is uncertain. Probably the most important person that you can lead to Christ, is your child, and this first verse of a hymn written decades ago, speaks about winning the lost and the need for prayer in these endeavours.

Facing a task unfinished That drives us to our knees A need that, undiminished Rebukes our slothful ease We, who rejoice to know Thee Renew before Thy throne The solemn pledge we owe Thee To go and make Thee known 3 I am so grateful to the Lord for the men and women whom God has called to our school as we assist parents in this huge task of raising children who know and love Him. Although the time and commitment which have been sown into the children of Hatfield Christian School this past year is vast, it still feels (in some ways) insufficient to meet their needs. However, together with you as parents, we have sown seeds which we trust that God will cause flourish in His time. As families and individuals, may we look back one day on this unusual season as one of extraordinary growth. Please join us as we pray for your children, that together, both home and school will accurately portray and reflect the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray that our children will come to know and accept Him as the Lord of their lives. Pray that we will not sow seeds of confusion and hypocrisy, but seeds that will bring forth a harvest which glorifies the King of kings. Graeme Holloway

1 2 3


| Primary School

Campbell, J, The Grocer’s Daughter, Pimlico 2001 Edward Mote, “My Hope is built on nothing less”, 1843 Frank Houghton, “Facing a task unfinished”, 1930


School Council

We ended 2018 with much anticipation for 2019 and we certainly have not been disappointed. We are grateful for God’s goodness and the faithfulness of His people in our school community. The School Council, together with the School Executive, were able to initiate several new projects during the year. Two new classrooms have been built which will ensure that we have enough classroom capacity for the next few years. We are also investigating an upgrade to some of our sports facilities and look forward to being able to share our plans in the new year. We are grateful to the Lord that we find ourselves in a sound financial situation, being able to expand amidst the current economic realities. We have also engaged in a strategic and scenario planning process during the year with a broader staff leadership team. Whilst we have not concluded this journey, we have laid a solid foundation from which to build and plan going forward. Many highlights and achievements will be shared in the rest of this yearbook, each one being noteworthy. I want to echo what Mr Mandla Mthembu highlighted at our High School awards evening, the importance and value of a Christian education. The world we live in, and more so, the world our children will grow up in, will become more complex and challenging. Those with Godly character and solid Biblical values will find themselves better able to stand and adapt appropriately to the tides of change. The school leadership has offered exceptional staff, pupil and parent training this year, to help us meet the realities of this change.


We are privileged to Train Leaders to Serve Nations. We also thank Mrs Leonie Currin for her service on the School Council. Leonie has served as the External Academic Advisor on the Council for the last seven years. She has felt that it is time to end her season in this capacity. We wish her well. On behalf of the School Council, I wish to thank all the staff for serving the pupils and parents with distinction and dedication. The wonderful atmosphere, that is such a hallmark of the school, is largely attributed to the incredible staff who so often go way beyond the call of duty to care for and provide meaningful opportunities for our children. It has again been a privilege for the School Council to serve our community in 2019. Thank you to each one for your contribution to the school. Niel Bester


When I reflect on 2019, I am filled with such joy and hope not only because the Springboks won the Rugby World Cup for the third time, but because their victory reminded me of so many important realities in life that form the foundation of success. I realized, once again, that history will not remember how you stumbled and fell, but how you stood up again and finished. In addition, the “Boks” reminded me that, with hard work and (more importantly) a singular unifying focus, nearly anything is possible. It is for these same reasons that I am filled with joy and excited about all the events that took place here at Hatfield Christian School this past year. I saw many students making good decisions each day, picking themselves back up and working hard towards the goals they had set for themselves. Even more so, it is inspiring to see students going even further and abandoning themselves to the purposes of God. I never thought I would see the day that nearly every High School student would respond to the invitation of the Lord: but, in 2019, I did. It reminded me of what Jesus said to His disciples: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”. (Matt 9:37, NIV). Our students are hungry for the things of God and my prayer is that, as a school community, we will not only meet their needs but that we will also be ready to send them

into the field to share the invitation of Christ with everyone who is willing to listen. Lastly, 2019 made me realise again that as Rassie Erasmus and his team worked behind the scenes to orchestrate the Springbok’s success, Hatfield Christian School leaders, in turn, have done the same in working towards the success of our school. It is such a blessing to serve with leaders who are Spirit-filled and who are dedicated to the purposes of God. Their true desire is to see others shine and they find meaning and pleasure from this because they enjoy seeing others succeed. The formula for succeeding is not always difficult, but it always requires dedication. Jesus called us to love one another which is not hard to agree with, but hard to do every day. Dawie Thomas

Primary School |



Back (L-R): Mrs C. Pretorius, Mrs A. Mahlangu, Ava Boschoff, Velisa Dlamini, Matthew King. Middle (L-R): Elliana Naciti, Kingdom Ngwenya, Malaika Mamiala, Riley Lewis, Natalie Ourga, Caitlyn Vlok. Front (L-R): Natanya du Plessis, Callum Van Schalkwyk, Miguel Almeida, Heinrich Smit, Ava van der Spuy, Daniel Kabongo.



| Pre-Primary


Back (L-R): Miss E. Hofmeyr, Mrs R. Pinches, Peter Stamatiou, Nathan-James Greyvensteyn, Michael van der Westhuizen, Siya Hlope, T.J Moatshe. Middle (L-R): Ziara Faria, Ruby Ndirangu, Abigail Schulz, Hlakudi Modipane, Zoé Mosweu, Joel Springveldt. Front (L-R): Alexah James, Keanu de Freitas, Benjamin Godschalk, Hannah Riddell, Muzi Maposa, Sabaoth Lekola, Kwanda Mhlongo.

Back (L-R): Miss K. A. Lekalakala, Jacob Dube, John-Luke Finck, Ethan Kalonji, Kaboentle Mekwa. Middle (L-R): Marc Masters, Sithembile Longwe, Mrs K. van der Meulen, Aiden Rip, Caroline Bester, Isla Reyburn, Hadassah Allie, Robyn-Leigh Smit, Zoë Henning. Front (L-R): Michael Meyer, Giuliana Gouveia Reis, Ruarke Coetsee, Gideon du Toit, Madison Rahn, Coralee Rodda. Pre-Primary |



Mother’s Day We had a special morning with our moms and grannies on our Mother’s Day morning at school. Mrs Barber shared with us from 1 Corinthians 13:4: “Love is patient, love is kind…” and reminded our moms of the amazing job that they are doing. The children delighted their moms and grannies with a song and we got them moving with a dance, which caused much laughter. They decorated their tins with sticks that they painted themselves and added beautiful details such as sparkly stars and ribbons. The end product (with the succulents) looked beautiful and the children were very proud of their creations. We ended off the morning with cupcakes and a picnic on the Junior Primary playground. The children loved the quality time with their moms and grannies and will remember this event for a long time to come!


| Pre-Primary


Father’s Day

Pre-Primary |




| Pre-Primary

Pyjama Day


Concert & Graduation

Pre-Primary |


HEADS REPORT “Character counts”, is the first phrase that comes to mind when I think about the past year. In 2019, the Primary School added a new focus to the programme we are developing, working on building key characteristics in our children. Our champion teachers for the focus months did a sterling job of getting us all ‘thinking about, talking about and being Courageous, Connected, Committed, Creative, Considerate, Self-controlled and ChristLike’. It is such a privilege to be in a school where we begin the week with worshipping the Lord in chapel on a Monday morning, and where the thread of discipleship runs through the rest of the week. These aspects are key differentiators to a rich and full academic, sporting and cultural programme. 2019 also involved saying farewell to a couple of wonderful staff members, and it is through God’s provision that we have equally wonderful people replacing them in 2020. There is much to look forward to! I am grateful to Him for another great year of Training Leaders to Serve Nations and also thankful to the community of staff members and families who has worked so hard to make it that. Yours sincerely Andrew Bleeker


| Primary School


Back (L-R): Christine Smit, James King, Tyler De Sa, Alexander Cloete, Zaais Badenhorst, Atlegang Ngomane. 3rd row (L-R): Ezra Katende, Kitso Ijane, Yandisa Zimu, Emily Broberg, Naomi Mavhengere, Abigail Almeida, Ané Fischer, Matthew Earle. 2nd row (L-R): Zithembiso Thwala, Paige Oliphant, Annabelle Bester, Charné de Bruin, Ciara Koen, Vincenzo Naciti, Maya Masia. Front (L-R): Miss L. Steenkamp, Júan Botha, Ayden Wright, Kelechi Nzotta, Benjamin Machingura, Mrs A. van Schalkwyk.

Boy: You know ma’am, my sister is going to get another belly button. Teacher: How come? Boy: Don’t you know that when you swallow chewing gum you get another belly button? But only maybe... Teacher after break: I totally forgot to eat my lunch! Boy 1: What did you have ma’am? Teacher: I made a steak! Boy 1: What is a steak? Boy 2: It’s a mistake! When you eat something wrong!

At Easter time… Teacher: Gr0’s what day is it tomorrow? Boy: It’s hot cross buns Friday! Weekend news… Girl: This weekend I stood next to the technology fence and it shocked me on my head, but I didn’t even die. Doing eye tests at school… Girl: Teacher, are they going to give us braces if our teeth are wiggly? Primary School |



Back (L-R): Mila Newey, Kagiso KwaKwa, Luke Opper, Ronan Williams, Lianka Olivier, Noa SebastiĂŁo. 3rd row (L-R): Tara-Jade Milsom, Siphesihle Sibanyoni, Tyler Fourie, Apiwashe Gwanangura, Leyton Stroebel, Mason Viljoen, Fraser Tirivanhu, Addison Visagie. 2nd row (L-R): Jedidiah Miller, Rachel Thompson, Kira Wood, Tatum van Vuuren, Isabella Adams, Logan Cardoso da Silva, Matlhogonolo Ntsoelengoe. Front (L-R): Miss A. Hastie, Isabel Venter, Uhuru Mamiala, Botlhale Motlhamme, Lusungu Nshimbi, Miss N. Lee.

So proud of our red robots!

Wild hand-print lions!

Our river of rainbow fish


| Primary School

F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for nose-picking, gum chewing and sand licking. Here with my best buddies.

Celebrating teacher Nadia’s birthday!



Back (L-R): Logan Imrie, Unathi Sambo, Naledi Mwale. 3rd row (L-R): Atinatsira Moyo, Samuel Broadaway, Rilwele Mainganye, Riley Stander, Israel Kalonji, Genevieve Lapage, David Fosu. 2nd row (L-R): James Pinches, Yakha Ndunge, Charis Uken, Keira Marsh, Trudy Ketter, Wongamile Ralane, SiĂŠnna Thompson. Front (L-R): Miss P. Mahlangu, Eryn Forsyth, Munaye Chipango, Makatendeka Mangisi, Micaiah Losso Mosima, Miss S. Honiball.

Primary School |




Back (L-R): Samuel Finck, Grace-Joel Baudouin, Jonathan Ourga, Rearabilwe Kgarimetsa. 3rd row (L-R): Kari Halland, Caelan van Vuuren, Agape Mosweu, Sienna Wolter, Grace Rodrigues-Cook, Grace Intumu. 2nd row (L-R): Aden Voller, Gabriella van der Spuy, Quinten Lourens, Leo Khosa, Jesse Tshehla, Christy Mandiriza, Savannah Bennett. Front (L-R): Mrs L. Hofmeyr, Joshua Kolesky, Lihle Dlamini, Mikayla Leibel, Bianca du Toit, Mrs A. Nemaston-Johnson.


| Primary School



Back (L-R): Hannah Simpson, Madison-Lee Tol, Alonzo Singh, Litha Jantjies, Kirsten Dollenberg. 3rd row (L-R): Nathan Russell, Sean Chikwani, Phumelela Magagula, Nia Botha, Ryan Chikwani, Cameron Rip, Nathan van Schalkwyk. 2nd row (L-R): Thato Makola, Lukenya Ginga, Andani Muthavhine, Joyce Intumu, Liam Smart, Reabilwe Lethale, Phathu Mushanganyisi. Front (L-R): Mrs A. Fast, Jaime du Preez, Thato Ramutle, Creedyn Ramlagan, Ariella Faria, Miss N. Nene.

What Grade 1 Samuel loves about school: my friends, coming to school every day, break time, maths, my teacher, reading books, art, playing outside, drawing pictures of princesses, singing and going to music, spelling tests, comprehensions, cake sale, love it when my teacher reads a story to us and computers. Primary School |




Back (L-R): Alexi Kellaris, Rochelle Honegger, Abigail Carr Williams, Rachel-Grace Greyvensteyn, Andrew Stander. 3rd row (L-R): Jed La Foy, Thato Tau, Joshua Bower, Reitumetse Mosala, Kgosi Lehabe, Blaine van Noorden, Cameron Abel, Skhumbuzo Nshimbi. 2nd row (L-R): Kelsey Abel, Basi Moatshe, Thelo Ngomane, Skye van der Spuy, Lerato Bulaya, Audrey Machingura, Asher Viljoen. Front (L-R): Miss K. van Staden, McKenna Jenkings, Brett Stokker, Atarah Olupona, Alejandro Koen, Mrs L. Stewart.

Around the world meals


| Primary School



Back (L-R): Kachi Ozoemena, Mathéo Ndayishimiye, Nathan Broadaway, Skye Bennett, Christopher de Jager. 3rd row (L-R): Lindel Schulz, Bailey de Lange, Benjamin Wilcocks, Olivia Adlam, Keziah Southon, Gia Newey, Mandla Maposa. 2nd row (L-R): Annie Broberg, Keren Hurley, Andy Phillips, Nathan Simpson, Chloë Oliphant, Nicky Broberg, Jonah Somiah. Front (L-R): Mrs K. Stokker, Riley Wood, Sihle Ndleleni, Kelsie Basson, Kyle Mellis, Miss A. Stoltz.

Gorgeous self-portraits from

Grade 2 Ruth

Primary School |




Back (L-R): Jethro Karusseit, Joel Ajayi, Luke Payne, Zack Olivier. 3rd row (L-R): Elizabeth Miller, Faith Intumu, Chad Papastefanou, Nokukhanya Petja, Thomas Radley, Raelie Lourens, Ryan Ndirangu, Nina Laubscher. 2nd row (L-R): Amy-Joy Hawkins, Tori Youmbah, Ricardo De Abreu, Jonathan Stewart, Usihlelele Hlope, Chidinma Nzotta, ChloĂŠ Sherwood. Front (L-R): Miss L. Blackbeard, Nathan Carr Williams, Vivienne Rahn, Matthew Scherman, Rebecca La Foy, Mrs A. Ricco.

Readers are Leaders


| Primary School



Back (L-R): Ryan Opper, Joel Booysen, Suhyun Kim, Tyler Muyingi, Sarah-Jayne Crewe-Brown. 3rd row (L-R): Jayden Imrie, Makhado Tshibalanganda, Owethu Mathebula, Eden Wolter, Asibonge Mazibuko, Chloe Coetsee, Kyle Stokker. 2nd row: Bradleigh Nyabezi, Gemma Dollenberg, Giorgia Evangelou, Lathitha Nodada, Luke Leisewitz, Isabella De Sa, Madison Stephan, Tanaka Dzuranyama. Front (L-R): Mo Moatshe-Rous, Jason Mascini, Mrs M. Atkins, Scott Reyburn, Timothy Teffo.

Japanese Dress-up Primary School |


GR 0

GR 3

Market Day

The excitement was palpable and the Grade 3s did not disappoint. There was music and laughter and a lot of fun. Parents and grandparents were involved and the day was a huge success. Thank you to all involved but especially the children who showed up with more enthusiasm than they could contain.


| Primary School

PS Growing on the right track

This year, we introduced the 7 characteristics which we desire all HCS students to have. We embarked on a journey where we stopped and focused on each characteristic, defining what it means and how we can learn to develop it in our lives. Our focus was on becoming: • Considerate • Courageous • Connected • Self-controlled • Creative • Committed • Christ-like “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.” Phil 2:13

Primary School |




Back (L-R): Chloe Chinoda, Beau Matebesi, Isabel Sauermann, Jonathan Howell, Morakile Thage. 3rd row (L-R): Nthabiseng Litabe, Lebogang Kwa Kwa, Tumo Ijane, Rhiley Thompson, Sina Nyakale, Mark Milburn, Emma Thompson. 2nd row (L-R): Themba Longwe, Rafael Folgado, Ashleigh Bester, Jevonnè Cloete, King Khoza, Owame Ngwetsane, Keagan Alexander, Amo Ramultle. Front (L-R): Junior Masiapato, Omolemo Kgarimetsa, Mrs H. Smit, Lunè Nel, Brett Paulsen.

What we love about school...


| Primary School



Back (L-R): Siyabonga Phala, Matthew Marsh, L.B. January, Thato Phasha, Nguvayashe Chokuda. 3rd row (L-R): Abigail Henry, Emmanuel Lwayo, Zibusiso Thwala, Esihle Dladla, Maya Nel, Gabriella-Hope Greyvensteyn, C.J. Pretorius. 2nd row (L-R): Sisanda Mhlongo, Joshua Botha, Capri Loock, Abongile Tyiso, Uyanda Ngomane, Papa Junior Magagula. Front (L-R): Jethro Forsyth, Tawana Mangisi, Ms R. Joubert, Anje du Toit, Jordan Maan.

Primary School |




Back (L-R): Aidan Dyksman, Serine Katende, Ellah Bouwer, Aaron Davy, Isabella de Jager, Luke Broadaway. 3rd row (L-R): Khano Mudau, Lars Purare, Zac Swain, Eva Dalgleish, Andrew Springveldt, Nkazimulo Mthembu, Nicole de Ascencao. 2nd row (L-R): Lwandile Boya, Vhutali Magoda, Chipo Mhlanga, David Kabongo, Gabriella Dimitrova, Boitumelo Moagi. Front (L-R): Dean Mellis, Tshedza Muthavhine, Mrs C. Phillips, Zizile Ncube, Ethan Mandiriza.

Literacy Dress-up Day

Hard at work with tissues in our ears Eva and Gabi

Serine and Khano, reading


| Primary School

Zac and Vhutali, reading




Cultural Day

Primary School |




Back (L-R): Devin de Lange, Leann Bam, Jayden Pather, Joanna Olupona, Ben Stokker. 3rd row (L-R): Tyla Payne, Syan Sloane, Basetsana Khoele, Caitlin Stewart, Alicia Fosu, Nina Karam, Trent Hardie. 2nd row (L-R): James Earle, Kiara Chiveso, Daniel Ammanoeiel, Alex Uken, Jordan Levendal, Alwyn van der Merwe, Jordan Dippenaar, ZoĂŤ Lewis. Front (L-R): Cameron Reyburn, Tayla Campbell Watt, Mrs C. Smart, Keratilwe Moatshe, Lewis Bulaya. Absent: Oratilwe Mkhatshwa.


| Primary School



Back (L-R): Hayley Mascini, Xander Olivier, Mikayla Hurley, James Dyer, Daniel Smith, Rourke Swart. 3rd row (L-R): Kerrigan Adams, Emily King, Jake Radley, Liam Russell, Stephen Kuipers, Boikgantsho Mekwa, Hannah Zhou. 2nd row (L-R): Luke Phillips, Tiago De Freitas, Isabel Botha, Talia Lourens, Sibusiso Dube, Antonella Del Fabbro, Sara-Jane Simpson, Evan Voller. Front (L-R): Mickael De Abreu, Katlego Ntsoelengoe, Mrs C. Dicks, Sarah Leisewitz, Paris Kellaris.

Balsawood Plane Cultural Day

Diddakoi Dress-up

Designing a flag

Cullinan Mine Outing Looking for fossils Primary School |




Back (L-R): Danvir Coopoosamy, Ashley Egger, Buhle Ndukwana, Sikhumbuzo Nene, Brigita Henry, Ziyanda Zimu. 3rd row (L-R): Naledi Tau, Chazryn Govender, Bradley Loock, Jean-Luke Thomas, Mickaele Berndt, Ethel Tirivanhu, Sarah Bishop. 2nd row (L-R): Angelo Saunders, Lebogang Phasha, Abigail Botha, Motshepi Ijane, John Her, Joshua Papastefanou, Jordan Botha, Mbuya Mudau. Front (L-R): Kabelo Dolamo, Rachel Leisewitz, Mrs S. Grobler, Amber-Rose Pinches, Lee Viren.


| Primary School



Back (L-R): Madison Jenkings, Toni Alagbe, Roxanne Green, Candice Egger, Benjamin Crewe-Brown. 3rd row (L-R): Charl Botha, Naledi Manzana, Danlia Vosloo, Travis Loock, Jenna Radley, Joshua Milburn, Rhease Davel. 2nd row (L-R): Onthatile Moagi, Zaazi Ncube, Matthew Russell, Jessy Kabongo, Gabriela Blanco Castillo, Boitumelo Silinda, Craig van Reenen, Abigail van der Merwe. Front (L-R): Rafael Evangelou, Jirah Dollenberg, Mrs C. Bleeker, Kelsey Pershouse, Christiaan Coetzee.

Primary School |



Christmas Market


Dad & Kids Camp Out


| Primary School


Cultural Day

Primary School |



Easter Celebration

Our JP children had the privilege of taking part in a very special Easter Celebration in April. The theme of the evening was: “Raise a hallelujah at the wedding feast of the lamb.” We went on a three-legged journey. The first one was that of following Jesus’ life from birth to the crucifixion and resurrection. The second one focused on moments around a dining room table and the third part centred on the theme of the bride and the bridegroom. All of this culminated in the wedding feast of the Lamb in the New Jerusalem. Throughout the evening, there were moments where pupils read Scripture verses while others laid the table gradually to fit in with the verses. Miss Jennett and some of our Grade 3 girls danced to Kari Jobe’s “Forever”, portraying the story of the crucifixion and resurrection in a most moving way. Most of the songs were chosen to stick to the “Hallelujah” theme with “Raise a Hallelujah” as the main theme song of the evening. Bradley Loock, one of our Grade 6 pupils, beautifully sang, “Oh Holy City” before the audience stood for the “Hallelujah Chorus” by Handel with some flower girls throwing dried rose petals. School parents, Adelle Maan and Damian Philips, and friends blessed us and added so much to the celebration by joining the singing as a band. The JP team worked very hard to produce decor to create a wedding ceremony atmosphere with parents contributing cupcakes and grape juice for the “reception”. We worship God for the gift of His Son. Hallelujah!


| Primary School


Spotlight on Literacy During the course of 2019 we, as a Primary School, embarked on a new challenge. We focussed on Literacy - specifically our comprehension skills. We were entertained by Redhead Productions with a Zulu show and Afrikaans Boek Buddies shared their talents with us. Grannies, grandpas, aunts and friends sacrificed some of their time to read stories to us and we celebrated with the world on World Read Aloud Day. Our highlight of the year was our annual Speech Festival in which each child shared a prepared poem with his/ her grade. It was a real treat and our adjudicators were overwhelmed by the energy and talent at Hatfield Christian School. This year we created a portfolio showcasing our comprehension growth and involvement in all these tasks. This was proudly displayed for our parents to view.

Primary School |




| Primary School

Grade 5


Grade 6

“Camp was interesting! I really enjoyed meeting new people because it adds to my personality. Along with overcoming my fear of heights, my best experience was learning the new dances. This year’s camp taught me to be more social and positive.” Jessy “Camp, generally speaking, was fun but full of obstacle courses. My favourite was the catwalk even though it was really scary. When you jump down it feels as if you are flying. My worst experience was the mud because it got in my mouth. I was courageous when climbing up the mountain, trying not to freak out when some of us got lost. Grade 6 camp helped me to know more about a lot of people and make new friends.” Madison “Camp: It was lots of fun to see other people being brave on many obstacles and being creative keeping cabins clean and safe. My best experience was dancing with my friends. It will be the one thing I’ll never forget and I won’t forget the encouraging shouts as I skimmed up the catwalk. My worst experience was having to go to sleep after a fun-filled day. I overcame my fear of being myself and it was the best experience of my life! Camp brought me together with new friends I made and showed me I could be myself.” Jirah “…The best experience was the low ropes because it was fun and you do it with a friend. The worst part was the night walk because I was tired and it was dark. The part where I was most courageous was going there because I thought it would be horrible. The camp took me out of my comfort zone and that’s good.” Christiaan “The camp was super fun and cool. I met several people and in truth, I had never been on a camp. The best part was when we got dirty with mud and water. That was very funny! And the worst part I think was that sometimes I was very cold at night. Camp taught me to talk more and trust my friends.” Gabriela

Primary School |


GR 6

Entrepreneur’s Day

GR 6

Valley of the Waves


| Primary School

GR 6


Primary School |



Portfolio Presentations


Hands on & Clubs


| Primary School



Grade 4s dancing, counting in 3s (lumbering) Choir - Singin’ in the Rain

Grade 4s - Menuet in G by Bach dramatized

Grade 4s - Bach facts

Mallacoota Time 2 - Xylophones

Grade 5s Xylophones with Mallacoota Time Phase Mass Choir

Phase item - Rhythmical Round

Primary School |


Senior Primary Art

Senior Primary Art

Fruit of the Spirit

AWARDS OUTSTANDING CHRISTIAN CHARACTER Mark Milburn Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faith Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control

Alicia Fosu Sarah Bishop Onthatile Moagi Jessy Kabongo Boikgantsho Mekwa Zaazi Ncube Joanna Olupona Cameron Reyburn Nate Hurwitz Rhease Davel

Mark Milburn - Outstanding Christian Character

MOST IMPROVED CHRISTIAN CHARACTER Jenna Radley EFFORT We encourage our pupils to do everything as unto the Lord, with all their strength, minds and hearts. The following pupils have distinguished themselves in this regard. Lune Nel (Grade 4 Abraham) Capri Loock (Grade 4 Moses) Dean Mellis (Grade 4 Sarah) Kiara Chiveso (Grade 5 Deborah) Antonella Del Fabbro (Grade 5 Elijah)

Motshepi Ijane (Grade 6 Caleb) Gabriela Blanco Castillo (Grade 6 Joshua) Phase Winner Gabriela Blanco Castillo SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL Primary School Certificate of Excellence Benjamin Crewe-Brown (Chapel Band)


moment to pray. Instead of clenching my fist at new

my fist, may it only be in prayer. If I make a demand,

No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants

assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.

may it only be of myself.



I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone.I will be

I am a spiritual being…

bitterness. I choose love. Today I will love God and what God loves. I CHOOSE JOY…

kind to the rich, for they are afraid. And kind to the

After this body is dead, my spirit will soar.

I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance.I

unkind, for such is how God has treated me.

I refuse to let what will rot rule the eternal.

of the lazy thinker. I will refuse to see people as


I will be drunk only by joy.

I choose self-control.

will refuse the temptation to be cynical… the tool anything less than human beings, created by God. I

I will go without a dollar before I take a dishonest one.

I will be impassioned only by my faith.

will refuse to see any problem as anything less than

I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess

I will be influenced only by God.

an opportunity to see God.

before I will accuse. I choose goodness.

I will be taught only by God. I choose self-control.



I will live forgiven. I will forgive so that I may live.

Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not


regret their trust. My associates will not question my

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

word. My wife (husband) will not question my love.

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I CHOOSE PATIENCE… I will overlook the inconveniences of the world. Instead of cursing the one

And my children will never fear that their father

To these I commit my day.

(mother) will not come home.

If I succeed, I will give thanks.


And then, when this day is done, I will place my head

Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I

on my pillow and rest.

If I fail, I will seek His grace.

who takes my place, I’ll invite him to do so. Rather than complain that the wait is too long, I will thank God for a


| Primary School

raise my voice, may it be only in praise. If I clench

Poem by Max Lucado


Academic Cameron Reyburn Caitlin Stewart

DUX SCHOLAR Primary School Jessy Kabongo

ACADEMIC HALF-COLOURS Grade 06 Charl Botha Benjamin Crewe-Brown Jirah Dollenberg Joshua Milburn Buhle Ndukwana

JNR ENGLISH TROPHY Jessy Kabongo JNR AFRIKAANS TROPHY Ashley Egger JNR MATHEMATICIAN TROPHY Buhle Ndukwana TOP 3 IN ORDER OF MERIT Grade 06 Caleb Buhle Ndukwana (First) Sarah Bishop (Second) Ashley Egger (Third) Rachel Leisewitz (Third) Grade 06 Joshua Jessy Kabongo (First) Benjamin Crewe-Brown (Second) Jirah Dollenberg (Third) Grade 05 Deborah Alicia Fosu (First) Cameron Reyburn (Second) Joanna Olupona (Third) Grade 05 Elijah Hayley Mascini (First) Mickael De Abreu (Second) Talia Lourens (Third) Boikgantsho Mekwa (Third) Grade 04 Abraham Mark Milburn (First) Emma Thompson (Second) Beau Matebesi (Third)

Jessy Kabongo - DUX Scholar

Grade 05 Mickael De Abreu Sarah Leisewitz Talia Lourens Boikgantsho Mekwa Katlego Ntsoelengoe Jayden Pather Benjamin Stokker

GREATEST ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT Isabel Sauermann (Grade 4 Abraham) Thato Phasha (Grade 4 Moses) Aaron Davy (Grade 4 Sarah) Basetsana Khoele (Grade 5 Deborah) Mickael De Abreu (Grade 5 Elijah) Jean-Luke Thomas (Grade 6 Caleb) Gabriela Blanco Castillo (Grade 6 Joshua) SPECIAL MENTIONS Primary School INTERHOUSE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Certificate of Excellence for Top Overall Scorer Cameron Reyburn NATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPAID This year some of our Primary School students entered the National Science Olympiad, which has about 50 000 entries.

Grade 04 Moses Zibusiso Thwala (First) Tawananyasha Mangisi (Second) Jordan Maan (Third)

Certificate of Excellence for being placed 1st in Gauteng Cameron Reyburn

Grade 04 Sarah Isabella de Jager (First) Serine Katende (Second) Khano Mudau (Third) ACADEMIC FULL COLOURS Grade 06 Jessy Kabongo Grade 05 Alicia Fosu Hayley Mascini Joanna Olupona

Camron Reyburn - Special Mentions

Primary School |


HEADS REPORT SOME REFLECTIONS ON 2019 When I think of the many and varied events in the school diary, the variety of random “happenings” that I have to deal with on a daily basis (mostly positive!) and the richness of the unique children and staff that I deal with each day, I often reflect that education is a very rewarding occupation and am so glad that God chose it for me. I truly enjoy my job, and even more so because of the special place that HCS is. I trust that every family is experiencing the same sense of appreciation of what we have here. Talking of diaries, it takes a lot to prepare young people for life these days, and so we find our diaries, timetable and schedules filling up. Apart from our everyday interactions with the students which are opportunities and catalysts for growth and development, there are such worthy programmes that just add such good value in building knowledge, character and wisdom. We do intentionally ensure that what we put in the diary adds true value and we trust that it builds as positively as possible into your child. Years ago I read that the main influences in a young person’s life in order of impact, are: parents, church, school, media. Nowadays, and speaking more generally and globally unless we are intentional, it is more like media, school, parents, church. The media is leading the charge in influencing our children. We lead such busy lives, that our children spend large amounts of time exposed to influences other than us, or what we would choose if we could. I encourage you to be as intentional as you many these days, we must urge them to test what is true by comparing it with the revealed Word. can, and try to mitigate the many, varied and often dubious messages that are crying out for your children’s attention. I recall the story of how bank tellers are trained to recognize fake bank notes. They don’t expose them to fake bank notes. They Truth and righteousness bless those who search after them let them work with and get to know the real ones. When a fake and discover them. They can seem to be too far down on the priority list of children, generally, these days. We must urge our one is slipped into their pile of real ones, they pick up the “feel and look” of the fake one immediately. children to seek after these pearls, by searching for what God has put in front of them to draw them to Himself, but also urge It is always a privilege to partner with families for the common our children to become readers of the Word of God. If they don’t have a working knowledge of God’s Truth, they will not be goal of raising children God’s way. able to identify error when it comes along. Rather than spend Mr Tony Pienaar time warning our children of the lurking dangers, and there are


| High School

HEAD BOY I am honoured to say that I served Hatfield Christian School as the Head Boy of 2019 and I am privileged to write this: firstly, to thank everyone at HCS for the opportunity to learn and secondly, to expound on that which I have learnt. I was in a good place this year where I witnessed the core of leadership and the blood, sweat, tears and laughter that came with it. I learnt that having a vision was essential but having a supporting “backbone”, was critical. I learnt that a confident smile is your most important tool and that you can achieve anything with a heart after God’s own heart. I learnt that a present parent is vitally important and should be the biggest source of positivity for a young leader. Parents, your children are the future so please shower them with love, laughter and support. Students, you are the future so make every moment count! Punch through the ceiling of expectations and kick down the door of negativity! Boys, be the essence of man. Girls, be the women of calling. Never before has there been anyone else like you.

extensively over the course of this year. To help everyone achieve this trait, I thought I might encourage you with the words of Karen Ferry: “Model It”. We are the salt and light of the earth. Together, you need to walk into your heavenly leadership inheritance as we (the old Student Leaders) step down and move out. Remember to take up your responsibility and continue to serve nations. Lastly, I would like to thank HCS, the staff, teachers, Klara, our deputies, fellow Student Leaders, pupils and the dog for allowing us to serve and lead you this year. We wish you all the best as you continue from strength to strength. Thank you for a good year. Joshua Smith

The Miriam-Webster thesaurus defines a “trait” to be “something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kind”. This is amazing to hear because Training Leaders To Serve Nations is a lifelong quest that cannot be done without the trait of servant- heartedness - something I have learnt

HEAD GIRL Nine years later and I still get that great feeling when we drive up the hill to school every morning. Students in every school get to boast about their school in some way or another, but I think few get to call their school a family. It is so easy to feel at home here. So often, when we have guests at our school, they tell us what a special place we have here. Hatfield has left me with memories that I will cherish forever. Thinking back to the break time picnics, singing at the top of our lungs in the quantum on our way to matches, coffee in double Maths, the wise words and tips from Mr Pienaar and the hi-5s from the Grade 7s, leave a smile on my face. A significant part of the happy journey at Hatfield is the friends that we get to make. I am so grateful for all the incredible people that I have had the privilege of meeting. The greatest thanks goes to the teachers, who invest so much into our lives. We are incredibly blessed with such amazing mentors! Hatfield, thank you for allowing me to serve you as Head Girl for 2019 and for all the moments that have found a place in my heart. I pray that God continues to bless this special place abundantly. Klara Lange High School |


HIGH SCHOOL Head Student Leaders (L-R): Nomsa Kudzai, Luca Zorzi, Mr T Pienaar, Joshua Smith, Klara Lange.

Student Leaders Back (L-R): Sipho Mthembu, Liam van der Watt, Wynand Wessels. Middle (L-R): Gemma Burhs, Alizwa Matyunjwa, Amy Stanford, Michael De Sampaio, Alessandra van Viegen, Noxi Le Roux, Hannah Retief. Front (L-R): Mr T. Pienaar, Luca Zorzi, Joshua Smith, Klara Lange, Nomsa Kudzai, Mrs S. Munro.

At Hatfield from Grade 0 till Matric Back (L-R): Wynand Wessels, Liam van der Walt, Joshua Smith, Luca Zorzi, Sipho Mthembu, Zayne Clarke. Middle (L-R): Shakira Leece-Jones, Kiara Van Dyk, Joshua Botes, Alessandra van Viegen, Khwezi Tlala, Erin Pretorius. Front (L-R): Hannah Retief, Tolamo Khoele , Mr T. Pienaar, Tylo Sauer, Kiara Perez-Sanchez.


| High School

HIGH SCHOOL President’s Award Back (L-R): Jessica Willcock, Sandra Maina, Joshua Roebert, Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Christy Witter. Middle (L-R): Nicola Marneweck, Zoë Chetty, Jade Todd, Zoey Shannon, Megan Pistorius. Front (L-R): Miss K. Bosman, Dominique Crafford, Georgia Urquhart, Kaelyn Medhurst, Eliana Chetty, Rochelle Wubbeling, Mr A Boyes.

Student Council Back (L-R): Dehan Scheepers, Michael Roebert, Nathan Julius, Aidan Paveley, Callen Maan. 3rd row (L-R): Gabriella Signorelli, Taya Smith, Bonginkosi Phala, Jason Marais, Kean Maan, Joshua Roebert, Chad Barber, Christy Lowe. 2nd row (L-R): Covenant Ali, Zandile Maposa, Jemma van der Merwe, Nicola Marneweck, Tumelo Kekana, Manuela Marggraff, Gia-Lee le Roux, Ogaufi Mokomane, Senwelo Mokomane. Front (L-R): Tamara Levendal, Jessica Willcock, Mr C. Almeida, Jermi Ramakrishnan, Amanda Schroeder. Absent: Zoey Booysen, Chaz LeeceJones, Ndeme Mudau.

JCC Back (L-R): Chloë van Niekerk, Amanda Schroeder, Kristy Lowe. Front (L-R): Dominique Crafford.

High School |



Back (L-R): Luke Roebert, Georgie Carstens, Nyaki Rakwena, Kean Maan, Gia-Lee le Roux, Jaydon Gasson. 3rd row (L-R): Meagan van Reenen, Edan Oliver, Zoë Julius, Juliet Theron, Madison Fulde, Kayleen Weyer, Jonathan Witter. 2nd row (L-R): Luanna de Almeida Ganoza, Masego Moima, Micah Jayanath, Logan White, David Lee, Unathi Ndleleni, Nesia Chetty, Kehumile Morake. Front (L-R): Daniel Tredrea, Oreneile Motlhamme, Mrs L. Reyburn, Kiara Folgado, Gerber Pretorius.



Back (L-R): Shanté Wouters, Bonginkosi Phala, Alan Singh, Ezelle van der Westhuizen. 3rd row (L-R): Luke Marshall, Letlhogonolo Rous, Fabrizio De Abreu, Joshua Hurley, Declan Hardie, Bokamoso Mosweu, Jemma Van Der Merwe. 2nd row (L-R): Zoë Hewitt, Reotshepile Matsepe, So-Hee Kim, Emmanuel Youmbah, Andrea Zacharias, Mia Medhurst, Ahlumile Matyunjwa, Thatohatsi Mokhele. Front (L-R): Reabetsoe Silinda, Carmen de Clerck, Miss K. Bosman, Kesiametswe Paul, Kyle Bell.


| High School



Back (L-R): Warona Mokwana, Jade de Villiers, Zoey Jane Booysen, Tsungirirai Chokuda, Luke Mark Botes, Evan Gresse, Jemimah Olupona. 3rd row (L-R): Damita Angelides, Yasmin Berndt, Wesley Karam, Musa Ntabeni, Jackson Wolter, Timothy Paulus, Lila Van Graan. 2nd row (L-R): Reabetswe Ramutle, Maiwen Gallardo, Jessica Dyksman, Cassidy Swart, Caprice van der Merwe, Mnakekeli Msibi, Adrian Nyabezi, Matthew Waterston. Front (L-R): Ruan Nel, Raquel De Freitas, Mr J. Knoetze, Sanyu Hennig, Chaz Leece-Jones.



Back (L-R): Trysten Davel, Luan Coetzee, Luke Pillay, Callen Maan, Isabella van Viegen, Cailin Smith. 3rd row (L-R): Kuhle Ndukwana, Anna Kovandzhiyski, Sarah Potgieter, Gabriella Signorelli, Nicole Cunningham, Tenda Ntsieni, Rebotile Thantsa. 2nd row (L-R): Eden Snyders, Caitlyn Anthony, Isabella Somiah, Victoria Arendse, Noah Dollenberg, Masibulele Thobela. Front (L-R): Ryan Orwin, Anri Swanepoel, Mrs C. Almeida, Reese Nadasen, Nathan Chisadza. High School |




Back (L-R): Mogomotsi Moloto, Tamsyn Hofmeyr, Junior Phala, Anodaishe Nyamugama, Emmanuel Tshilombo, Jay Mashele. 3rd row (L-R): Claudia Hawkins, Rikus Conradie, Kaylin White, Caleb Naidoo, Abbygail Oosthuizen, Jessica Niemand, Aliyah Paulus. 2nd row (L-R): Esther Lancho Perea, Neena Crewe-Brown, Hayden Campbell Watt, Shannon Waterston, Nina Green, Liyah Pillay. Front (L-R): Pieter Roux, Makgobane Gaffane, Mrs M. Rabolele, Senwelo Mokomane, Covenant Ali.



Back (L-R): Caitlyn Cunningham, Liam Benjamin, Philip Smith, Michael van der Watt, Jonah Voller, Taya Smith. 3rd row (L-R): Timothy Wubbeling, Erin-Lyn Bose, Chad Barber, Tanzin Hurter, Ashley van Rooyen, Jeanin Mashele, Lakhe Thobela. 2nd row (L-R): Botlhale Tlala, Anesu Mandiriza, Hannah van der Merwe, Jaime Meyer, Oreratile Mabeba, Acacia Chisadza. Front (L-R): Tshiamo Pienaar, Amber Dippenaar, Mr A. Boyse, Michaela Wells, Diago Lopez More.


| High School



Back (L-R): Mark Herbst, Victor Santoro Martins, Edward-Nathan Cerff, Tiago De Figueiredo. 3rd row (L-R): Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Milla Kovandzhiyski, Joshua Roebert, Jason Hewitt, Charissa Naidoo, Jayden Marques, Makanaka Chokuda. 2nd row: Manuela Marggraff, Caitlin Gordon, Almieke Bronkhorst, Bautista Prieto, Caitlyn Willcock, Lesego Lewis, Michelle De Kiewit, Jurica Wessels. Front (L-R): Siyema Nodada, Ditza Santamaria Jimenez, Mrs C. Delport, Ruth Lancho Perea, Angeline Viren.



Back (L-R): Bruno Santoro Martins, Lethabo Mwale, Dehan Scheepers, Joshua Pienaar, Molemo Mosoa, Bianca Egger. 3rd row (L-R): Sarah Naidu, Olerato Sibanyoni, Oratile Komape, Ryan Chester, Russell Noviskie, Charles Jacobus (CJ) Kotze, Abigail Tredrea. 2nd row (L-R): Zandile Maposa, Sanele Maseko, Rudo Nyamugama, Logan Buckmaster, Kiara Ashman, Natasha Bulaya, Mieke Shannon, Georgia Urquhart. Front (L-R): Zoe Harris, Leandra Coelho, Mrs V. Adam, Wilmien Botha, Busisiwe Nkosi. High School |




Back row (L-R): Peter Calcott, Reynard Swanepoel, Kadin Barber, Nathan Julius, Albert Sauermann. 3rd row (L-R): Kyle Nel, Monique Truter, Heinrich Scheepers, Dayne Huysamen, Faye Botes, Daniel Schröder, Liam Dalgleish. 2nd row (L-R): Kaelyn Medhurst, Amy Roebert, Keane Jacobs, Lwandi Nkosi, Jacques le Roux, Christy Witter, Ashleigh le Roux, Megan Pistorius. Front (L-R): Dominique Crafford, Ogaufi Mokomane, Mr C. Almeida, Olivia Isaacs, Thando Dladla. Absent: Gabriélla Lubbé.



Back (L-R): Anton Schroeder, Antonio Delgado, Aidan Paveley, Reagan Govender, Aidan Swart, Amy Pillay. 3rd row (L-R): Pablo McKenzie, Sizwe Mlambo, Brandon Waterston, Sonique De Villiers, Joshua Kang, Conner Orwin, Matthew Botha. 2nd row (L-R): Kaylee Marais, Kirsten Nel, Kristy Lowe, Anastasia Fernandes, Zoey Shannon, Jessie Muller, Meaghan Bishop, Rochelle Wubbeling. Front (L-R): Zoe Stanley, Alyssa Chowles, Mrs E. Mylie, Danielle Pretorius, Eliana Chetty.


| High School



Back (L-R): Darian Chetty, Jason Dutton, Timothy Witter, Michael Roebert. 3rd row (L-R): Anika Solomon, Stuart Herbst, Andrew Smith, Evan Hawkins, Nathan van der Merwe, Victor Bulaya, Kyle Sauer. 2nd row (L-R): Tamzin Goodenough, Nicola Marneweck, Amu Nyalunga, Kiara De Abreu, Naledi White, Claire Chester. Front (L-R): Kalsee Nadasen, Gomolemo Moima, Mrs S. Munro, Ali Santamaria, Tiisetso Dolamo. Absent: Phindile Dlamini.



Back (L-R): Jaymin van Noorden, Ty Meyer, Jason Marais, Panashe Chikwani. 3rd row (L-R): Jessica Pienaar, Michaela Thomas, Mikayla Roebert, Jamie Mutasa, Joshua Smith, Kaitlyn Clark, Liam Kotze. 2nd row (L-R): ChloĂŤ van Niekerk, Nicole Lansdell, Zelri Kruger, Galaletsang Malomane, AmĂŠ Vermaak, Ashleigh Manley. Front (L-R): Vanessa Pathre, Tumelo Kekana, Mr D. Dollenberg, Dinah Naidu, Lena Moreira Da Silva.

High School |




Back (L-R): Daniel Hertzog, Liam van der Watt, Wynand Wessels, Luca Zorzi, Sipho Mthembu, Miguel de Sampaio. 3rd row (L-R): Joshua Botes, Kiara van Dyk, Jordan Arendse, Zayne Clarke, Amanda Schroeder, Klara Lange, Whaldo Isaacs. 2nd row (L-R): Tylo Sauer, Jermi Ramakrishnan, Anne-Knox le Roux, Jo-André Schutte, Tamara Levendal, Erin Pretorius, Zoë Chetty, Nomsa Mhlanga. Front (L-R): Kiara Pérez-Sánchez, Tolamo Koele, Mrs L. Marques, Jemma Bührs, Dominique Youmbah Corneille.



Back row (L-R): Emmanuel Naidoo, Joshua Smith, Alden Bronkhorst, Joseph Kim. 3rd row (L-R): Alessandra van Viegen, Belinda Boshoff, Amy Stanford, Nigel Kaseke, Tayne Orwin, Sandra Maina, Khwezi Tlala. 2nd row (L-R): Shakira Leece-Jones, Ndeme Mudau, Matthew Snayers, Sebastian Scheepers, Alizwa Matyunjwa, Jessica Willcock. Front (L-R): Hannah Retief, Bronwyn McLeod, Miss R. van der Merwe, Zena Ncube, Nkateko Maluleke. Absent: Heinrich Smit.


| High School



From the soaring notes of the Singing in the Rain musical, to the champion performances on the sportsfield and the diligent dedication to their academic endeavours, these Matrics gave their best in 2019. Their maturity and love for God shone through in their everyday lives and their earnest endeavours to leave the school a better place than they found it. They did not leave any possibility unexplored, any adventure undiscovered, any coffee undrunk, any hugs not shared or any praises to God, unsung. They stuck with each other through thick and thin and highs and lows and came out stronger on the other side. Their favourite song, from High School Musical, summarises their attitudes and hearts for this year so well: “Together, come on let’s have some fun. Together, we’re there for each other every time. Everyone is special in his own way. We make each other strong. We’re not the same. We’re different in a good way. Together’s where we belong. We’re all in this together. Once we know that we are. We’re all stars. And we see that. We’re all in this together and it shows, when we stand, hand in hand, making our dreams come true.” Matrics of 2019: “You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.” Matt 5:14 – 16 To the Class of 2019, you are leaders who will serve nations, and we salute you. Mrs L Marques and Ms R van der Merwe flock teachers

High School |



Jordan Daniel Arendse

Alden Bronkhorst

Zayne Clarke

Whaldo Isaacs


| High School

some years back

Belinda Boshoff

Joshua Botes

Jemma Bührs

Zoë Chetty

Miguel De Sampaio

Daniel Hertzog

Nigel Kaseke

Thuli Khoele


Joseph Kim

Shakira Leece-Jones

Nkateko Maluleke

Nomsa Mhlanga

some years back

Klara Lange

Knoxie le Roux

Tamara Levendal

Sandra-Chie Maina

Alizwa Matyunjwa

Sipho Mthembu

Bronwyn McLeod

Ndeme Mudau

High School |



Emmanuel Naidoo

Kiara Pérez-Sánchez

Hannah Retief

Amanda Schroeder


| High School

some years back

Zena Ncube

Erin Pretorius

Tylo Sauer

Jo-Anré Schutte

Tayne Orwin

Jermi Ramakrishnan

Sebastian Scheepers

Heinrich Smit


Joshua Smith

Khwezi Tlala

Alessandra van Viegen

Mia Youmbah-Corneille

some years back

Matthew Snayers

Liam van der Watt

Wynand Wessels

Luca Zorzi

Amy Stanford

Kiara van Dyk

Jessica Willcock

and so the years go... High School |




| High School




High School |




“ 62

| High School



High School |




| High School

40 days


polar bear swim

High School |


IEB Matric Results

AWARDS • • • •

47 candidates 100% Bachelor Degree passes 97 distinctions 10 pupils achieved 5 distinctions or more

Klara Lange 8 distinctions placed in the top 1% of IEB candidates for Afrikaans

Sandra Maina 8 distinctions

Belinda Boshoff 6 distinctions

Tamara Levendal 6 distinctions

Nkateko Maluleka 6 distinctions

Amanda Schroeder 6 distinctions

Shakira Leece-Jones Outstanding Christian Character


Fruit of the Spirit

OUTSTANDING CHRISTIAN CHARACTER Shakira Leece-Jones Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faith Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control Effort

Tumelo Kekana Zoë Chetty Tamsyn Hofmeyr Erin Pretorius Knoxie le Roux Alizwa Matyunjwa Hannah Retief Jason Dutton Christy Witter Zandile Maposa Nigel Kaseke

MOST IMPROVED CHRISTIAN CHARACTER Matthew Snayers OVERCOMER’S AWARD Tumelo Kekana Tumelo has, without any fuss, and often without the knowledge of even her close peers, overcome a number


| High School

of significant personal and logistical obstacles. Some have observed that even the fact that she arrives at school every day is extraordinary. More than this, her resolute determination to remain thankful and kind in all circumstances is exemplary. Her strong commitment to the Lord, her unwavering set of values and goals, and her deep appreciation for the opportunities she has been offered, are the driving forces behind her choices. The fact that her peers have consistently recognized her outstanding character, culminating in her election as the next Head Girl of the school, is testament to the extent to which she has overcome. SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL High School Certificate of Excellence Evan Hawkins (Chapel Band) Hannah Retief (Chapel Band) Jade Todd (Media Monitor) Olivia Isaacs (Student Tutor) Jessie Muller (Student Tutor) Megan Pistorius (Student Tutor) Michaela Thomas (Student Tutor)



DUX SCHOLAR High School Klara Lange TOP ACHIEVEMENT IN MATRIC Joshua Botes - Computer Applications Technology Jemma Bührs - Mathematics Joseph Kim - Geography Klara Lange - Accounting Klara Lange - Afrikaans Klara Lange - Business Studies Klara Lange - English Klara Lange - German Tamara Levendal - Dramatic Arts Sandra Maina - Information Technology Sandra Maina - Life Sciences Sandra Maina - Physical Science Nkateko Maluleke - History Erin Pretorius - Visual Arts Hannah Retief - Life Orientation Amanda Schroeder - Mathematical Literacy Joshua Smith - Engineering Graphics and Design TOP 3 IN ORDER OF MERIT Grade 12 Klara Lange (First) Sandra Maina (Second) Amanda Schroeder (Third) Grade 11 Charis Noviskie (First) Chloë van Niekerk (Second) Nicola Marneweck (Third) Grade 10 Jessie Muller (First) Megan Pistorius (Second) Kaelyn Medhurst (Third) Grade 09 Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann (First) Tiago De Figueiredo (Second) Zandile Maposa (Third) Grade 08 Aliyah Paulus (First) Cailin Smith (Second) Claudia Hawkins (Third) Grade 07 Zoey Booysen (First) Jemma van der Merwe (Second) Nesia Chetty (Third) ACADEMIC HONOURS Grade 12 Belinda Boshoff

Jemma Bührs Klara Lange Tamara Levendal Sandra Maina Jermi Ramakrishnan Amanda Schroeder Grade 11 Jason Dutton Ashleigh Manley Nicola Marneweck Lena Moreira Da Silva Kalsee Nadasen Charis Noviskie Michael Roebert Ali Santamaria Jimenez Anika Solomon Chloë van Niekerk Amé Vermaak

Matthew Snayers Most Improved Christian Character

ACADEMIC FULL COLOURS Grade 12 Joshua Smith Nkateko Maluleke Hannah Retief Ndeme Mudau Grade 11 Claire Chester Liam Kotzé Jason Marais Amu Nyalunga Andrew Smith Michaela Thomas Timothy Witter Grade 10 Eliana Chetty Dominique Crafford Thando Dladla Dayne Huysamen Nathan Julius Ashleigh le Roux Kristy Lowe Gabriélla Lubbé Kaylee Marais Kaelyn Medhurst Jessie Muller Kirsten Nel Aidan Paveley Megan Pistorius Daniel Schröder Anton Schroeder Zoey Shannon Christy Witter Rochelle Wubbeling

Tumelo Kekana Overcomer’s Award

Klara Lange DUX Scholar Top in Grade 12

High School |


AWARDS ACADEMIC HALF-COLOURS Grade 12 Jordan Arendse Joseph Kim Shakira Leece-Jones Alizwa Matyunjwa Tayne Orwin Erin Pretorius Sebastian Scheepers Heinrich Smit Alessandra van Viegen Jessica Willcock Grade 11 Kiara De Abreu Evan Hawkins Tumelo Kekana Nicole Lansdell Jessica Pienaar Mikayla Roebert Jaymin van Noorden


Jessie Muller Top in Grade 10

| High School

Grade 9 Wilmien Botha Almieke Bronkhorst Leandra Coelho Tiago De Figueiredo Caty Gordon Mark Herbst Jason Hewitt Milla Kovandzhiyski Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann Zandile Maposa Manuela Marggraff Charissa Naidoo Siyema Nodada Joshua Roebert Mieke Shannon Charis Noviskie Jade Todd Top in Grade 11 Georgia Urquhart Angeline Viren Jurica Wessels

For achieving above 80% Belinda Boshoff Jemma BĂźhrs Klara Lange Knoxie le Roux Tamara Levendal Sandra Maina Nkateko Maluleke Nomsa Mhlanga Tayne Orwin Hannah Retief Joshua Smith

Grade 10 Kadin Barber Meaghan Bishop Antonio Delgado Olivia Isaacs Pablo McKenzie Ogaufi Mokomane Danielle Pretorius Albert Sauermann Zoe Stanley Christy Witter




AWARDS Amy Stanford Khwezi Tlala Liam van der Watt Certificate of Excellence for Top ORT Project Tayne Orwin SPECIAL MENTIONS

Are extraordinary achievements which fall outside of our regular school activities. AFRIKAANS SENIOR GEBRUIKSAFRIKAANS OLIMPIADE The following student made the nationwide top 100 list: Amé Vermaak

Half-Colours Leandra Coelho Mark Herbst Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann Zandile Maposa Jayden Marques Charissa Naidoo Russell Noviskie Joshua Roebert Dehan Scheepers Cailin Smith Anri Swanepoel Abigail Tredrea Georgia Urquhart



Honours Chloë van Niekerk achieved Provincial Colours and is part of the Gauteng North Mathematics Team

The President’s Award for Youth Empowerment is an International Award started in the UK under the title “The Duke of Edinburgh Award.” This award program is currently being run in 111 countries around the world and has 3 possible standards to achieve: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

NORTHERN GAUTENG SCIENCE FAIR High School Colours Jemma Bührs Antonio Delgado Amber Dippenaar Jacques le Roux Jessica Niemand Jermi Ramakrishnan Anton Schroeder Mieke Shannon Gabi Signorelli Botlhale Tlala Jurica Wessels

To achieve Silver, one needs to be 15 years old or older and complete 48 hours of community service spread over 6 months, be involved in sport for 6 months, learn a new skill over 6 months as well as completing a 3-day adventurous journey in which one hikes a distance of at least 48 km. This evening we would like to recognise the following Matric student who achieved the Silver standard of the President’s Award. Jessica Wilcock - President’s Award Silver

Jessica Wilcock President’s Award Silver

Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann

Zoey Booysen

Top in Grade 9

Top in Grade 7

Aliyah Paulus Top in Grade 8

High School |




Die Seuntjie en die Wilde-eendkuiken Beskrywende opstel deur Klara Lange (Gr. 12 -2019) Die son is besig om sy koppie weg te steek en ‘n goue glans verkleur die lae westelike heuwels van die eiland. Tussen die heuwels kronkel ‘n uitgetrapte voetpaadjie waarin ‘n klein seuntjie gelate afstap. Die vars lug laat hom hard en uitbindig lag terwyl dit tussen die heuwels deur weergalm. Die seuntjie was op pad huis toe, toe ‘n voël laag oor sy kop met uitgestrekte nek en pote duik. Vlerke blink in die son se strale. Die oranje aan die voël se pote is duidelik in die sagte gloed sigbaar. Dit is ‘n wilde-eend! Stilletjies hardloop die seuntjie langs die waterstroom op en maak of hy onbewus van die wild-eend se bestaan is. By die plek waar die eend verdwyn, gaan die seuntjie staan en loer tussen die digte riete deur. Die water is nie diep nie, hy sal versigtig kan deurloop. Hy rol sy broekspype op en begin met lang, uitgestrekte treë deur die water loop. Hy is versigtig … amper bang. Sy een broekspyp rol af en beland in die water. Vinnig laat hy sy arms tot in die water sak en rol sy broekspyp weer op. Toe verloor hy balans en slaan plotsende in die water neer. Die eend vlieg met ‘n verwilderde “kwaak” op en verdwyn in die skemer. ‘n Paar oomblikke staan die kind versteen en verskirk net daar; dan klouter hy teen die nat gras op. Uiteindelik kry hy die nes. Die nes is slordig en met droë biesies, strooi en vere gebou. In dié nes lê een eier! Hy tel die mooi gespikkelde eier versigtig op en bewonder dit van nader. Deeglik bewus van sy verkeerde optrede, sit hy die eier vinning, maar baie saggies weer tussen die fluweelveertjies neer. Hy weet hy dit nie moes gedoen het nie en wonder of Maeend nou die eier gaan uitskop. ‘n Ontevredenheid oorval hom en diep binne in hom kla sy optrede hom soos sonde aan. Versigtig vee hy sy spore dood en verlaat dan haastig die area. Vroeg die volgende oggend op pad skool toe, spook die nes en die eier sonder ophou deur sy gedagtes. Daar is ‘n beklemming om sy hart en hy voel naar. “Sou sy die nes verlaat het? Nee, Ma-eens sal nie, ek weet sy sal nie!” Met ‘n kloppende hart hardloop hy direk na die skool


| High School

weer vinnig die kronkelende voetpaadjie af nes toe. By die nes staan hy afwagtende op die punte van sy tone en loer senuweeagtig oor die rand van die nes. Elke spier in sy liggaam soos ‘n boog gespan. Ma is op die nes. Die voël beweeg effens en ‘n vereballetjie kruip onder haar uit. Bedwelmd van vreugde en opgewondenheid, juig dit binne in sy hart! Hy trek sy asem diep in, maak asof hy niks gesien het nie en hardloop fluit-fluit met ‘n lied in sy hart terug huis toe.

‘n Geleentheid wat ek nie verby kan laat gaan nie Geskryf deur Amé Vermaak (Graad 11 - 2019) Rusland. Die land van sneeukoninginne, wolwe en wit, ruig woude. Vir my is dit ‘n massiewe land met ‘n eksotiese kultuur, versier met dinge wat ek nooit van sou kon droom nie. Hierdie is dus die land waarna ek sonder skroom heen sou reis, in die geval van ‘n geleentheid. Toe daar eendag juis ‘n geleentheid by die skool kom om ‘n uitruilstudent na Rusland toe te word, is ek op hete kole om dadelik my naam te gaan opskryf. Dit was werklik soos ‘n droom. In my geestesoog het ek al klaar daardie torings soos lekkergoed met goud gekroon, gesien. Rusland se ryk en koninklike geskiedenis gee selfs vir die hedendaagse land ‘n gevoel van misterie en fantasie. Vir my, ‘n ernstige boekliefhebber, is die aantrekkingskrag van hierdie anderwêreldse land, juis om hierdie rede ‘n natuurlike een. Opwinding en ‘n lus vir die onbekende het diep in my hart gedreun, die oomblik toe my naam op die lys verskyn. Ek het my baadjie stywer getrek en my wimpers gefladder om die klein diamantjie-sneeuvlokkies uit my oë te hou. Ek was besig om in ‘n nouerige straatjie af te loop, die lug was met die ryk klank van ritmiese musiek en diep, laggende stemme vanuit ‘n restaurantjie gevul. Rollende, ronde woorde het by al die straatwinkels uitgetuimel en my in ‘n transagtige, maar tevrede, gemoedstoestand gesit. In hierdie toestand het ek eindelik die pieke van goue torings hier en daar tussen silwer wolke sneeu sien uitsteek, die finale poging van hierdie land om my na die wêreld van geheimsinnige en fantastiese kultuur te ontvoer. Die dag moes toe kom wat ek afskeid neem ( met die stort van meer as een traan). Uit die vliegtuig se klein venstertjie sien ek toe vir oulaas die sneeubedekte berge in die verte, glinsterend soos juwele in die sonlig. Tot volgende keer, sneeukoninginne.



FROM CLAUDETTE’S PEN Every year, a renewed passion drives me - to develop a deep love for beautiful writing in my pupils. I do believe that it forms the intricately chiseled cornerstone of a brilliant and informed society. Intelligent and authentic expression, without fear, is surely one of the greatest gifts an English Department can give to its pupils. It opens doors, builds confidence and introduces new talent into a thirsty and barren world, spreading hope and divine love which comforts like a cool blanket. My heart rejoiced and my tired spirits soared when I read these words: “English has opened my eyes to a subject that sees past learning Grammar rules and poetic devices off by heart. I have been taught to use those tools to tell stories that will touch people’s lives. I never thought I’d be able to write essays and stories the way I did this year. Thank you for believing in us.” Kristy Lowe So, my dear pupils, as M.J. Bush so succinctly puts it, may you continue to “Step into a scene and let it drip from your fingertips”. I would love for the readers of this page to celebrate the success of our pupils as hard work “paid off” and Charis Noviskie came FIRST in the SACCE competition with the following essay…

Old Man’s Shoes Albert-Clarence Alby was ninety-two years old and wore military brogans. His daily ritual was fixed to the preciseness of a minute and consisted mostly of meals, newspapers at the kitchen table, and his primary occupation: a shuffle outside to smoke. He took his time and would reach the park by noon, if the weather permitted, where he would sit on that dilapidated bench which was presumably as ancient as he was, and smoke again. He had a face reminiscent of used tissue paper and a habit of pulling his pulpy bottom lip in too far. His limbs were like brittle wire, and his bulbous eyes too vacant and rapt—passers-by occasionally asked him whether he had lost his glasses. But for those who knew him a little better, Albert-Clarence Alby was the sort of ninety-two-year-old that required the instantaneous respect that is usually reserved for the adventurous antiques of history. He might be lacking his dentures, but the fossil himself had defanged vipers, wrestled ostriches and collected shark teeth not so many years prior. If one could refrain from reading between the lines of his face, one would find that his was a story better told by the spit-shined leather of his brogans than by anything else about him. He had been a military man, of sorts, in his youth—well-travelled, adventurous, daring.

He’d traversed most of Africa, Australia, and the Amazon rainforest, visited parts of Russia and the Middle East and once spent a few months in Scandinavia, herding reindeer. Over the decades he’d lost most of his military bearing— he was hunched over now and had forgotten how to make his bed without a crease—but his attention remained as sharp as ever. He could trace the meandering of a fly from across the street, and his mind was a filing cabinet stocked with memories accurate to the colour of thread holding the button on his neighbour’s best jacket. If one could hear his inner dialogues as he sat on his park bench and observed the neighbourhood so faithfully, one might hear things like: “I see Mrs Jenson’s glaucoma has improved” and “I do hope that Dillan has not left his favourite coat at school again” or “Good Mr Banks, I do believe he has finally polished his glasses”. He was as sharp, perhaps, as detectives such as Holmes or Poirot, but rather less arrogant and weaker at the knees. He would appear only briefly to the outside world, on those visits to the park bench which was widely regarded as Mr Alby’s bench, and had few mutual connections with the personalities of that bleak London square which he inhabited. To that busy society, his role was small. His trips outside had diminished a little over time—perhaps it was the smoking habit, his favourite vice—as his creaking joints grew to need more the oil of warm baths and cups of tea. In any case, Mr Alby was old. He had to end eventually. And when he had completed his final trip—the familiar bench, stage left, and his customary smoke—AlbertClarence Alby shuffled into his curtained home and stood a spell in front of the mirror. Then he reached up and peeled away his mask. Bit by bit, he removed Mr Alby—the white stubble, putty nose, wig, rouge, powder—and slid off the spit-shined brogans. He wiped away the stage makeup, watched as the youth underneath slowly reappeared. He hung Mr Alby on a hanger and put him carefully away. Then, with a solemn whisper, near to reverence, the actor said: “Until next time, Albert-Clarence Alby.”

Stay faithful to the stories in your head. - Paul Hawkins, author of Into the Water

High School |



Matric Art

The Visual Art Grade 12 class of 2019 was a special bunch. They were a joy to teach with their incredible work ethic and passion for art. Erin Pretorius created the most beautiful stop-motion animation and illustrated story book depicting the way in which shifting one’s perspective can change one’s ability to face challenges. Shakira Leece-Jones’s photographic works looked at the way in which stars and galaxies emulate how one finds balance by connecting to the centralising power of God— similar to the gravitational pull of planets inside their galaxies. Matthew Snayers developed his unique drawing style to express the challenges one faces in the liminal space of becoming better at the art of being.

Knoxie le Roux worked in different styles of portraiture and drawings of building structures. She explored the notion of Beauty and the Ideal, and how it shapes external culture as well as our internal worlds. Also featured here are some of the highlights in the works of the younger grades. The Grade 7s created watercolour paintings and were tasked with creating self-portraits comprising of geometric shapes. The hand and foot drawings from the Academic Awards exhibition show some of the work of our Grade 9 pupils. The 3-D artworks show their mastery of illusionistic art. Well done to all our students for their brave explorations and passionate engagement!

Erin Pretorius

Shakira Leece Jones

Grade 12

Grade 12

Shakira Leece Jones Grade 12

Knoxie le Roux Grade 12

Knoxie le Roux Grade 12

Matthew Snayers Grade 12


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Grade 12 and Mrs Reyburn



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6th place at the G7 Horizon Maths competition: Kesi Paul

Maths Department staff doing some Team Building: Mrs Adam and Mrs Mylie Fractions in action – using cake to demonstrate Maths!

Grade 7s learning about nets of various prisms

Mrs Black demonstrating the properties of various 3 dimensional shapes Solving a murder mystery

Mrs Rabolele in mid-explanation

Grade 12 Maths students demonstrating their knowledge of Geometry in the final week of school


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The Grade 9s learnt about investing and each pupil “inherited” R200 000 which he/she needed to invest. This entailed researching different investments and coming up with a plan. They practised their investing skills by playing the Cash Flow game twice during the year. The Grade 9s were addressed by Tiaan from Attooh, an investment company, and had an opportunity to join an investing platform to start their own investments. With the Grade 10s hard at work learning how to think analytically, the Grade 11s had more time to learn about “real

life” money management. They enjoyed reading a range of financial books, and had a fun day eating pizza and getting out of the “Rat Race” while playing the Cash Flow Game. They also manufactured bugs and learnt how factories work. The Grade 12s had the privilege of learning about stock control from Joe, the Financial Manager from Highlands Spar. They were also addressed by Nicole Baron, a past pupil and auditor working for EY. With all the challenges in society and in business today, these talks were extremely interesting and informative.

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Grade 12s gaining momentum with the air track

Grade 12s gaining momentum with the air track Chemical Equilibrium Practical

Finding the right catalyst

Electric Circuit Building

Mishka visits the Science Lab

Grade 11s doing acid-base titration


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Science SAYESS National Science Expo Back (L-R): Mrs C. Willis, Gabi Signorelli, Miss R. van der Merwe. Front (L-R) Amber Dippenaar, Jurica Wessels.

A DECADE OF SCIENCE EXPO AT HCS In 2009, Miss van der Merwe introduced HCS to Science Expo. Only the Grade 9s participated and the “finals” were held at school in one classroom. As it was our first year participating, we were only allowed to enter five projects for what was then called the Northern Gauteng Expo for Young Scientists. Gabriella Willis received our very first gold medal and the other projects, silver and bronze. We were thrilled and so proud of all of them. From 2010, both Grade 8s and 9s started participating. The school Science Expo grew from a small school “finals” in the Science laboratories and the Pavilion to what is now a Science Expo Gala Evening in the school hall with external adjudicators. 2017 saw yet another big change as we entered students for five different competitions at the North Gauteng Science Fair. This was also the first year that our provincial Science Expo sported a new name. Instead of the five projects we started with in 2009, over 40 students from Grades 7 to 12 are now entered every year! In the past decade, our students have competed in the Science Expo, Robothon Competition, Scientific Art Competition, Environmental Challenge, Programming Challenge

and Mathematics Challenge and the school has produced category winners in all of these competitions! We have grown from one gold medal in that first year, to several prize and category winners, multiple gold medals, national finalists and even international finalists in 2017 and 2019. Wow! Along the way friendships were forged (and tested), we’ve learnt that ants should never be used (even if we can prove that we kept them all alive), that HCS is the best at musical chairs, that project boards fit better in a Kombi than a car, and most of all, that our students are capable of extraordinary accomplishments through God who gives them strength. We are proud of our students who have learnt how to research something that they knew nothing about, who tested their own experiments (even if they didn’t work out as planned), who surprised themselves with how hard they can actually work and who discovered new possibilities. Students of HCS, you have made this such a worthwhile journey for us as teachers. Teachers of HCS, we could not have done this without your support. We salute you! To God be the glory.

North Gauteng Science Fair Back (L-R): Liam Benjamin, Anton Schroeder, Dehan Scheepers, Peter Calcott, Antonio Delgado, Phillip Smith, Cailin Smith. 3rd row (L-R): Abigail Tredrea, Gabriella Signorelli, Joshua Roebert, Mark Herbst, Tiago de Figueiredo, Jacques le Roux, Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Charissa Naidoo. 2nd row (L-R): Miss R. van der Merwe, Botlhale Tlala, Victoria Arendse, Sarah Potgieter, Caitlyn Willcock, Timothy Wubbeling, Jurieca Wessels, Hayden Campbell Watt, Mr J. Blight. Front (L-R): Mrs C. Willis, Leandra Coelho, Zandile Maposa, Georgia Urquhart, Jermi Ramakrishnan, Jemma Buhrs, Mieke Shannon, Michaela Wells, Amber Dippenaar, Mrs B. Botha.

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Gr 11 Harties Cableway Fieldtrip

Gr 8 Faerie Glen Nature Reserve

THE EARTH Earth Big, round Moving, spinning, changing Climate, culture, beauty, history Living, loving, dying High, deep, vast World Gr 7 Recycling Volunteer Project

Gr 10 Magaliesburg Canopy Tours

Gr 12 Streemorder Class Activity


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Gr 11 Air Circulation Class Activity



History is all about people, so the best way to learn it is relational: through stories, anecdotes and discussions. Much meaningful conversation takes place within the four walls of the History classroom, but it all takes on a new dimension when we explore our subject in creative ways. As the photographs on this page testify, History students know how to make learning fun, at home and away on field trips, where fresh perspectives are gained, and most return home with much to think about.

The Mfecane as never seen before!


Grade 11 at Lilliesleaf

Grade 9: Sobering moment at the Holocaust Museum

Grade 10s – guess where?

Life Sciences

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This year has seen us actively integrate more coding-related activities into our curriculum to ensure that our students keep abreast with developments in the future workplace. We have attempted to balance this without compromising the teaching of computer literacy skills, and allowing for students to explore their creative side in the Adobe Web Design Suite. In the Primary School, JP students used additional iPad apps to explore coding games. Students created stories on computer, focussing on the sequencing and animation. Grade 3 students used Scratch to create their stories. Grade 4 - 7 students explored coding with Google’s CS First curriculum and Code4Kids. Their experience will help us choose the most suitable coding curriculum to take them further in 2020. Grades 5 and 6 took part in the Computer Olympiad and achieved some impressive results ranking highly with other students nationwide. Students continued to grow in their awareness of online safety and the Grade 6s presented group findings on how to practise being safe online.

Finding resources

Grade 7s have placed more emphasis on typing skills, ensuring that they are proficient in their use of the keyboard. Grade 8 pupils used GrassHopper to get a taste of coding in JavaScript, and Grade 9s completed a basic module in Python programming. Grade 8 and 9 pupils also consolidated their knowledge of the Office suite, in preparation for possibly choosing CAT as a subject in Grade 10. They also expanded their creative skills in the use of Adobe Web Design Suite. Grade 11 CAT students created websites which were exhibited using iPads. Senior IT students were encouraged to take part in the national Computer Programming Olympiad, and earned the following certificates in Round 1: • Silver: Chloe van Niekerk in Grade 11 • Bronze: Jason Dutton and Andrew Smith in Grade 11 • Bronze: Aiden Paveley, Megan Pistorius and Dayne Huysamen in Grade 10

Grade 11 websites on display

Coding on iPads

Office skills - presentations Sequencing with BeeBots

SUBJECT Life Orientation is not just another academic subject. It is a subject that guides pupils to a place where they are better equipped to deal with the various challenges of life. We look at a wide variety of topics from social and environmental responsibility to selfawareness, the world of work, human rights and the importance of taking part in physical activities. All of these aim to lead young people to a place of acute selfawareness and responsible citizenship.


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Life Orientation



Engineering, Graphics and Design

The specific aims of EGD are the following:

• • •

graphical drawings as the primary means of communication in the technological world specific basic content and concepts within the contexts of Mechanical Technology, Civil Technology and Electrical Technology various instrument and freehand drawing techniques and skills • solving technological problems through graphical drawings

the application of the Design Process and the implementation of CAD (Computer Aided Drawings/Design) as a drawing method.

EGD is a 3-year course. We use the same textbook for 3 years and endeavour to draw 1 drawing a day. Classes are informal and we try to visit interesting places in interesting spaces. The EGD boys did very well in the 2019 Science Expo and won the Bridge Building competition.

SUBJECT Business Studies (in 2019) has been a wonderful journey. This year, the Matrics and I were able to complete the first alternative task by doing the Business Simulation Game hosted by Banago Trader. A group of our students came first in this competition against Curro Roodeplaat. This group of Matrics has shown great determination throughout the year. Investments and Insurance were new topics they covered this year. The Grade 11s (all 8 of them) have been a formidable bunch. They have tackled the curriculum with great maturity and were able to put some of their theory to good use in their Entrepreneurship Day. The day was a pilot exercise which proved to be a great success with rich learning opportunities. The learners were able to put their marketing

knowledge and feasibility studies to practical use. The Grade 10s have started the subject on a high note. They show a keen interest in the subject and we have held many mature and meaningful classroom discussions which relate to business in a South African context.

High School |



Canadian Exchange

On 1 December 2018, 7 friends and I stepped onto a plane that took us halfway around the world to Kelowna, Canada. After landing, each of us was welcomed by our homestay families whom we would be living with for the next three weeks. I was welcomed by my future sister, Rachel, my skyscraper of a brother Jeffery, my far-from-boring oldest brother, Riley and my two amazing temporary parents. Every day in Canada was magical! Heritage Christian School’s very own Mr G (Gordon Robideau) was our chaperone from the start and toured with us all over Kelowna. He took us skiing at Big White and to an indoor water park and although it didn’t snow, the wind made sure we froze to the bone. This trip was full of so many special memories and I made friends who will last a lifetime and I owe all of those memories to Mrs Hastie and HCS for organizing everything. Anamé du Toit On 1 December 2018, I went on exchange for three weeks to Heritage School in Canada. We were seven exchange students and were chaperoned by Mrs Hastie. After great excitement and over 2 days of long-haul flights, we arrived in a very cold Kelowna, in Canada. The school organised a full programme for us. Canadians went Zip-lining in SA We visited Heritage Christian School, got to go to an Ice Hockey match, the school’s basketball games, did some snowboarding/skiing and got to go shopping. We also went to an apple farm, had an interesting visit to a military museum, had fun at their aqua centre, learnt how to do curling and had great fun doing axe throwing. We even went to a travelling theatre. The highlight of our trip was, of course, going to

Big White, where we learnt to ski and snowboard - which was fantastic. I had the most wonderful experience ever. I will never forget it. Tamzin Goodenough Going with high spirits was one of the best decisions I could ever have made! It was just what I had imagined and much more. It was a one-of-a-kind exchange with awesome people and warm hearts. What a beautiful place and a really good exchange family! That was all I needed to make this trip a success but I got much more than just an exchange program. I got love, new friends and a second family on the other side of the world. I am thankful for every moment of it and for our teacher, Mrs Hastie! Without her this wouldn’t have been possible. A lot of memories and friendships were made. Without her, this wouldn’t have been possible. Going with this group was amazing as I got to know them better and got closer to some of them as well. It was totally worth every minute and I am so glad that I got to go on this exchange program! Vanessa Pathre

Rachel, Jeffery and Riley

The Saints basketball team from Heritage Christian School

Jesse, Belinda, Anamé, Tamzin, Vanessa, Whalodo and Amu

The Canadians arrive in SA

Mr G, Anamé, Tamzin and Belinda after skiing and snowboarding all day at Big White

Little munchkins we met while helping out the Grades 1, 2 & 3 teachers in Canada

Whaldo, Mrs Hastie, Vanessa, Anamé and Belinda


Amu and Tamzin at Big White | High School

Vanessa, Jesse, Belinda, Tamzin, Mrs Hastie, Lauren, Anamé and Amu

Anamé, Mrs Hastie and Mark at the Military Museum



The Suikerboschfontein Hiking trail is situated on a farm in the Carolina district of Mpumalanga. We hiked on a portion of the farm that has been proclaimed as a nature reserve. The area is rugged and scenic and is rated as a medium difficulty trail. We walked approximately eleven kilometres each day, staying in huts and cabins along the way. Pupils from all age groups enjoyed each other’s company, spoke of hilarious happenings and touched on deep, meaningful issues. We ate tons of food and that made our backpacks lighter!

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Autumn Social

It is safe to say that the Autumn Social was a huge success! This year it was a masquerade ball. The Grade 10-12s had an amazing time with each other as they socialised, sang, danced and ate. It was a great way to bring the senior grades together and unify them. The evening presented an opportunity to experience school outside the classroom. It is a great memory for us to hold onto forever.


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A special thanks goes to Mrs Munro and Mrs Sauer, respectively, for lending a “helping hand� and supporting us throughout the planning of the event. We would also like to thank all of the other teachers, parents and students who helped us make it a lasting memory and one of the best nights of the year. Jemma and Alizwa (Student Affairs)


Love Run

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Noon to Moon

Noon to Moon - in the words of the Gr11s - was a blast! The variety of games and entertaining movies created a safe, social environment where friends could connect with one another outside the classroom. The soccer games held on the sportsfield was a source of exhilarating entertainment which was followed by a jolly festive time of dancing. The mouthwatering tacos had everyone running to join the queue and delicious snacks which were provided to us kept us pinned to our seats during the movies. The friendly competition between peers over Pool games, Table Tennis and Foosball had spectators in fits of laughter. It was a wonderful time where new friendships were formed and the relaxed atmosphere allowed the students to connect with their teachers. Sad faces appeared as the end of the evening approached. However, we are all eager and expectant for next year’s Noon to Moon! It was a really good day and we got to spend time with our friends. The food was great and the movie was good entertainment. I had a lot of fun dancing and it was a great night. - Anonymous I liked the pringle taco stand... very creative! - Jessica

It was a safe environment where the students could be themselves and enjoy the company of their peers in a whole host of different activities. - Michaela It was a good time. I even made a couple of new friends in the younger grades and so it created a really good social time for all the grades. - Jaymin I really enjoyed getting to know some people in the other grades a little better. I think all the games just brought everyone together and really encouraged us to get along and have fun. The movie in the YPF was also really entertaining, especially with the snacks they gave us. To me, there’s nothing like a good movie to set the mood for a fun day. I will definitely come again! - Ame Noon to Moon was lots of fun and I enjoyed the soccer which was really fun. I also really enjoyed the tacos! - Mikayla My highlight was spending time with my friends, the movies and the food. - Ashleigh I enjoyed spending time with my friends and connecting in an exciting way and it was also very well organised. - Nicole It was lots of fun because it enabled us to be with our friends while still giving us a variety of things to do. I really enjoyed that the teachers took part and weren’t just spectators. - Lena


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Ride or Run

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| High School

What do you get when you take 80 students, 160 tap shoes, 140 umbrellas, 20 musicians, 6 months of rehearsal and 156 000 pieces of confetti? Singin’ in the Rain… 2019 saw the talented students of HCS take on the daunting challenge of this well-loved musical. With the entire cast learning to tap dance, mastering the American accent and learning to sing well (or not so well in certain cases…LINA!!), the audience was taken on a non-stop journey through the invention of talking films in the late 20s. The talented cast led by Miguel de Sampaio, Charis Noviskie, Michael Roebert and Amy Stanford proved that with hard work, anything is possible. The audience was left speechless at the incredible renditions of Make em Laugh and Moses Supposes. Who said boys can’t dance? Anyone who was privileged enough to watch the show was left humming Good Mornin’ for weeks. Even months later, we can’t stop thinking about the angelic voice of Kathy Selden and the painfully eardrum-bursting howls of the great Miss Lina Lamont. Through the taxing process of rehearsals, costume fittings and propbuilding, the cast and crew remained positive, excited and focussed until the final curtain call. And, when all is said and done, after the lights go out and the audience leaves, we are left with life-changing

memories that will last a lifetime. As the legendary Don Lockwood said… “We’re singin, and dancing in the rain…”

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Grade 7

The Grade 7 Orientation camp of 2019 was a camp to remember. During camp inspection, the Grade 7s intrigued the judges with their “Veggie Tales” and interesting sleeping arrangements. After some valuable bonding time in the evening, they were given “scary” challenges to traverse in the dark. Some were exhilarating and others, terrifying! Yet they were ready to participate with vigour in the obstacle course the next day and returned home, deserving of rest. Welcome to High School, Grade 7s.


Grade 8

Welcome to HCS! 2019 saw the largest number of new students enter the High School. More than twenty new Grade 8 students were welcomed into the HCS family in January. The first weekend of the term saw them all attend the first official Grade 8 Orientation Camp. It was a weekend of fun, laughter and bonding. The Grade 12 Student Council members and selected Grade 12 students were tasked with making it a memorable weekend – a task they wholeheartedly embraced.


| High School

The students were taken into the “Catacombs” under the church, slept under the stars and participated in the first “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN MASTERCHEF” competition. Incredible dishes were served and some students displayed amazing originality when asked to create dishes from the snacks they brought for the camp. It was a very busy twentyfour hours for all involved and in the end every new student was able to witness Hatfield Christian School’s caring and accepting attitude. Your HCS journey has now truly begun…


Grade 9 Frequent visits to the swimming pool were essential on a stiflingly hot weekend

Pupils worked in teams to score points throughout the camp. Here teams are presenting their “flag” designs to the judges

Insect collecting

Geography activity on “Weathering” taking place at the river

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Grade 10

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them, “Hold on!” – R. Kipling If you ask the Grade 9 students whether or not they are looking forward to the Grade 10 Camp, they often reply with both fear and excitement. Of all the camps HCS has to offer, the Grade 10 Camp is the toughest. Requiring the students to traverse large distances on a specially (or torturously) developed canned food diet, the camp pushes all those involved to breaking point while at the same time allowing everyone to exceed their selfimposed physical limits. Each girl was challenged in some way and has learnt from her


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experiences on camp. The girls shared situations and faced challenges (as a group) which enriched their lives and they are now a more tight-knit group. The Grade 10 Camp has taught them that the Lord has instilled so much more in them than they could ever have imagined. All the experiences and lessons learnt will remain with them throughout their entire school career. 2019, unsurprisingly, saw the Grade 10 boys excel at every challenge. They tackled the well-worn route with gusto, stopping only to refuel, rehydrate and refocus. It was a privilege to watch them develop throughout the week, starting out as a cautious group of boys, but ending as a close-knit group of young men. … and who can forget that the camp culminated in a group camp out at the infamous Keane Manor…


Student Leader

an eye-opening experience” “a time of personal revelation about where we are with God” “a unique and unforgettable bonding experience” “a great way to kick off a wonderful season of togetherness and amazing memories” “a time to get to know each other and come into alignment as a team” “real preparation for new roles and an opportunity to grow in self-confidence” “the funnest camp ever – from the cremation of Steve the lizard to the campfire marshmallow fights” “a great opportunity to learn from one another, about one another and about ourselves”



Theme: Ancient Greece The Greek word for community is ‘koinonia’. It refers to communion or fellowship, joint participation and the sharing atmosphere which one experiences with others. The long table seating plan; the mezze platters and the Greek dancing all pointed to the meaning of community and a sense of the

privilege that the Grade 9 group has of doing life together. The Grade 9s were sent into the senior phase of High School with individual words of encouragement from their teachers and an opportunity to participate in the Greek tradition of breaking plates as a symbol of breaking things in the past and celebrating walking into a new season.

High School |




| Sport & Cultural




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girls U7 Mini Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Hanna Simpson, Naledi Mwale, Unathi Sambo, Riley Stander. 3rd row (L-R): Charis Uken, Joyce Intumu, Kirsten Dollenberg, Phumelela Magagula, Agape Mosweu. Christy Mandiriza, Bianca du Toit. 2nd row (L-R): Reabilwe Lethale, Savannah Bennett, Grace Intumu, Yakha Ndunge, Sienna Thomson, Jaime du Preez. Front (L-R): Miss A. Donachie, Munaye Chipango, Ariella Faria, Miss P. Mahlangu, Lihle Dlamini, Makatendeka Mangisi, Mr M Botes.

U8 Mini Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Lindel Schulz, Olivia Adlam, Abigail Carr-Williams, Bailey de Lange. Middle (L-R): Miss N. Nene, Basi Moatshe, Lerato Bulaya, Keren Hurley, Annie Broberg, Miss A. Stoltz. Front (L-R): Kelsey Abel, Nia Botha, Audrey Machingura, Miss J. Martin, Sihle Ndleleni, McKenna Jenkings, Kari Halland.

U9 Mini Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Owethu Mathebula, Nokukanya Petja, Eden Wolter, Sarah-Jayne Crewe-Brown, Skye Bennett, Raelie Lourens. Middle (L-R): Vivienne Rahn, Chloe Sherwood, Tori Youmbah, Isabella De Sa, Chloe Coetzee, Faith Intumu, Chidinma Nzotta, Giorgia Evangelou. Front (L-R): Miss K. van der Merwe, Rebecca La Foy, Madison Stephan, Miss S. Honiball, Jasmine Pinches, Gemma Dollenberg, Mr J. Kidd.


| Sport & Cultural


girls U10A Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Zibusiso Thwala, Nguvayashe Chokuda, Serine Katende, Isabel Sauermann, Beau Matebesi, Isabella De Jager, Chloe Chinoda. Front (L-R): Miss K. van der Merwe, Sisanda Mhlongo, Nicole De Ascencão, Khano Mudau, Sina Nyakale, Emma Thompson, Uyanda Ngomane, Boitumelo Moagi, Mrs A. Fast.

U10B Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Ntabiseng Litabe, Gabriella Greyvenstein, Esihle Lindelwa, Rhiley Thompson, Lebogang KwaKwa, Eva Dalgleish. Front (L-R): Miss J. Martin, Zizile Ncube, Owami Ngwetsane, Nkazimulo Mthembu, Jevonné Cloete, Omolemo Kgarimetsa, Chipo Mhlanga, Tshedza Muthavhine, Mrs C. Almeida.

U11 Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Nina Karam, Hayley Mascini, Joanna Olupona, Mikayla Hurley, Emily King. Middle (L-R): Mr B. Joynt, Isabel Botha, Talia Lourens, Syan Sloane, Ellah Bower, Kiara Chiveso, Antonella Del Fabbro, Miss R. Joubert. Front (L-R): Sarah Leisewitz, Rati Moatshe, Tayla Campbell Watt, Sara-Jane Simpson, Zoë Lewis.

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girls U12 Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Candice Egger, Buhle Ndukwana, Sikhumbuzo Nene, Roxanne Green, Ashley Egger. Middle (L-R): Naledi Manzana, Danlia Vosloo, Madison Jenkings, Sethu Zimu, Leann Bam, Ethel Tirivanhu. Front (L-R): Onthatile Moagi, Abigail van der Merwe, Kelsey Pershouse, Rhease Davel, Mr S. Zorzi, Jessy Kabongo, Motshepi Ijane, Jirah Dollenberg, Zaazi Ncube.

1st Junior Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Kayleen Weyer, Nyakallo Rakwena, Georgia Carstens. Middle (L-R): Ahlumile Matyunjwa, Unathi Ndleleni, Sarah Bishop, Naledi Tau. Front (L-R): Mrs C. Smart, Reabetswe Ramutle, Sanyu Lisa Hennig, Thatohatsi Mokhele, Rachel Leisewitz, Carmen de Clerck, Kiara Folgado, Miss J. Martins.

2nd Junior Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Zoe Julius, Tsungi Chokuda, Yasmin Berndt. Middle (L-R): Bokamoso Mosweu, Meagan van Reenen, Juliet Theron, Cassidy Swart. Front (L-R): Miss C. Greyling, Luanna de Almeida, Zoe Hewitt, Tshepi Matsepe, Jessica Dyksman, Masego Moima, Oreneile Mothlamme, Mrs L. Hofmeyr. Absent: Madison Fulde, Jade de Villiers, Nesia Chetty, Musa Ntabeni.


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girls U14A Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Aliyah Paulus, Erin-Lyn Böse, Gabriella Signorelli, Cailin Smith, Tamsyn Hofmeyr, Taya Smith, Ashley van Rooyen, Anna Kovandzhiyski. Front (L-R): Miss K. Bosman, Jamie Meyer, Michaela Wells, Amber Dippenaar, Nina Green, Neena Crewe-Brown, Miss T. Morkel.

U15A Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Jade Todd, Makanaka Chokuda, Bianca Egger, Lethabo Mwale, Isabella van Viegen, Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Caitlyn Wilcock, Jurica Wessels. Front (L-R): Mrs V. Adam, Michelle de Kiewit, Caitlyn Anthony, Siyema Nodada, Busisiwe Nkosi, Mieke Shannon, Miss J. Martin.

U15B Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Rebotile Thantsa, Sarah Potgieter, Jeanin Mashele, Victoria Arendse. Middle (L-R): Eden Snyders, Botlhale Tlala, Kwakuhlekonke Ndukwana, Liyah Pillay, Esther Lancho Perea. Front (L-R): Mrs B. Botha, Makgobane Gaffane, Wilmien Botha, Acacia Chisadza, Senwelo Mokomane, Mr M. Ridge.

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girls U16A Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Ashleigh le Roux, Amy Pillay, Faye Botes, Lwandile Nkosi. Middle (L-R): Meaghan Bishop, Anastasia Fernandes, Charissa Naidoo, Megan Pistorius, Zandile Maposa. Front (L-R): Leandra Coelho, Zoe Stanley, Thando Dladla, Mrs C. Delport, Manuela Marggraff, Rochelle Wubbeling, Eliana Chetty.

U16B Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Milla Kovandzhiyski, Amy Pillay, Charissa Naidoo. Middle (L-R): Kaelyn Medhurst, Zoey Shannon, Nicole Cunningham, Caitlin Cunningham, Anastasia Fernandes, Rudo Nyamugama. Front (L-R): Mr M. Dyer, Makgobane Gaffane, Zandile Maposa, Megan Pistorius, Ruth Lancho Perea, Georgia Urquhart, Esther Lancho Perea, Mrs E. Mylie.

1st Senior Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Galaletsang Molomane, Alessandra van Viegen, Amy Stanford, Kiara van Dyk, Mr B. Joynt, Klara Lange, Michaela Thomas, Jessica Pienaar, Nicole Lansdell. Front (L-R): Jemma Buhrs, Nicola Marneweck, Tolamo Khoele, Thando Dladla, Helena Moreira Da Silva, Manuela Marggraff, Tylo Sauer.


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girls & indoor 2nd Senior Girls’ Hockey Back (L-R): Anika Solomon, Mikayla Roebert, Monique Truter, Miss L. Steenkamp, Amanda Schroeder, Sandra Maina, Jessica Willcock. Front (L-R): Zoë Chetty, Zelri Kruger, Tamzin Goodenough, Charis Noviskie, Mia YoumbahCorneille, Alitzel Santamaria, Claire Chester, Kiara De Abreu, Ashleigh Manley, Erin Pretorius.

U14 Girls’ Indoor Hockey Back (L-R): Tamsyn Hofmeyr, Isabella van Viegen, Mr M. Dyer, Cailin Smith, Gabriella Signorelli. Middle (L-R): Ashley van Rooyen, Taya Smith, Miss K Bosman, ErinLyn Böse, Aliyah Paulus. Front (L-R): Anna Kovandzhiyski, Caitlyn Anthony, Amber Dippenaar, Nina Green, Jaime Meyer, Neena Crewe-Brown.

U15 Girls’ Indoor Hockey Back (L-R): Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Bianca Egger, Charissa Naidoo, Caitlin Cunningham. Middle (L-R): Jurica Wessels, Caitlyn Willcock, Makanaka Chokudo, Nicole Cunningham, Jade Todd, Michelle de Kiewit Front (L-R): Mr T. Mylie, Leandra Coelho, Manuela Marggraff, Georgia Urquhart, Siyema Nodada, Mrs E. Mylie.

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indoor & boys U16 Girls’ Indoor Hockey Back (L-R): Kaelyn Medhurst, Amy Pillay, Anastasia Fernandes, Zoey Shannon. Front (L-R): Thando Dladla, Zoe Stanley, Meaghan Bishop, Mrs C. Delport, Megan Pistorius, Rochelle Wubbeling, Eliana Chetty.

U18 Girls’ Indoor Hockey Back (L-R): Michaela Thomas, Monique Truter, Anika Solomon. Middle (L-R): Tamzin Goodenough, Nicole Lansdell, Ms L. Steenkamp, Jessica Pienaar, Nicola Marneweck. Front (L-R): Alitzel Santamaría Jiménez, Tolamo Khoele, SandraChie Maina, Tylo Sauer, Claire Chester, Charis Noviskie, Helena Moreira Da Silva.

U7 Mini Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Sean Chikwani, Litha Jantjes, Grace-Joel Baudouin, Alonzo Singh, Jonathan Ourga, Rilwele Mainganye. Middle (L-R): Atinatsira Moyo, Cameron Rip, Israel Kalonji, Ryan Chikwani, Samuel Broadaway, Rearabilwe Kgarimetsa, Caelan van Vuuren. Front (L-R): Mr C. Lange, Creedyn Ramlagan, Liam Smart, Jesse Tshehla, Wonga Ralane, Phathutshedzo Mushanganyisi, James Pinches, Thato Mokola, Thato Ramutle, Miss A. Stoltz.


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boys U8 Mini Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Benjamin Wilcocks, Matheó Ndayishimiye, Cameron Abel. Middle (L-R): Blaine van Noorden, Andy Phillips, Mandla Maposa, Jed la Foy, Nicky Broberg, Joshua Bouwer. Front (L-R): Mrs L. Mulder, Kyle Mellis, Skhumbuzo Nshimbi, Brett Stokker, Andrew Stander, Thelo Ngomane, Asher Viljoen, Mr M. Dyer.

U9 Mini Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Ryan Opper, Sean Kim, Luke Payne. Middle (L-R): Jonathan Stewart, Sihle Hlophe, Zack Olivier, Kyle Stokker. Back (L-R): Miss A. Donachie, Nathan Carr Williams, Jason Mascini, Lathitha Nodada, Ricardo De Abreu, Luke Leisewitz, Scott Reyburn, Mrs K. Stokker.

U10 Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Zac Swain, Aidan Dyksman, Siya Phala, Emmanuel Lwayo, Lars Purare. Front (L-R): Miss C. Greyling, Chad Papestefano, Papa Junior Magagula, Abongile Tyiso, Vhutali Magoda, Raphael Folgado, Mrs C. Phillips.

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boys U10 Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Devin de Lange, James Dyer, Ben Stokker. Middle (L-R): Morokile Thage, Tyla Payne, Rourke Swart, Aaron Davy, Matthew Marsh, Jordan Dippenaar. Front (L-R): Miss A. Donachie, Mickael de Abreu, Cameron Reyburn, Luke Broadaway, Andrew Springveldt, King Khosa, Luke Phillips, Mrs C. Phillips.

U11 Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Charl Botha, JeanLuke Thomas, Daniel Smith, Joshua Papastefanou. Middle (L-R): Craig van Reenen, Tyla Payne, Angelo Saunders, Jordan Botha. Front (L-R): Lewis Bulaya, Kabelo Dolamo, Mrs R. Donachie, Jordan Dippenaar, Rafael Evangelou.

1st Junior Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Timothy Paulus, Joshua Hurley, Luke Botes, Alan Singh, Bobo Phala, Jaydon Gasson, Benjamin Crewe-Brown. Front (L-R): Nate Hurwitz, Mnaki Msibi, Jackson Wolter, Mrs C. Bleeker, Fabi De Abreu, Emmanuel Youmbah, Mbuya Mudau.


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boys U14 Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Junior Phala, Emmanuel Tshilombo, Luan Coetzee, Mrs C. Bleeker, Trysten Davel, Callen Maan, Ano Nyamugama. Front (L-R): Chad Barber, Timothy Wubbeling, Anesu Mandiriza, Omphemetse Mabeba, Covenant Ali, Pieter Roux, Noah Dollenberg, Lakhe Thobela.

U16 Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Peter Calcott, Kadin Barber, Aidan Swart. Middle (L-R): Mark Herbst, Brandon Waterston, Anton Schroeder, Victor Santoro Martins, Bruno Santoro Martins. Front (L-R): Mogomotsi Moloto, Joshua Roebert, Hayden Campbell Watt, Mrs M. Rabolele, Masibulele Thobela, Tenda Ntsieni, Keane Jacobs.

1st Senior Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Zayne Clarke, Kent Barber, Ty Meyer, Panashe Chikwani. Middle (L-R): Jason Hewitt, Jaymin van Noorden, Heinrich Scheepers, Joshua Botes, Kyle Nel. Front (L-R): Luca Zorzi, Joshua Smith, Ndeme Mudau, Mr D. Dollenberg, Kyle Sauer, Alizwa Matyunjwa, Miguel De Sampaio.

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girls & boys 2nd Senior Boys’ Hockey Back (L-R): Michael Roebert, Nathan Julius, Liam van der Watt Middle (L-R): Stuart Herbst, Jason Marais, Victor Bulaya, Nigel Kaseke. Front (L-R): Joshua Smith, Sizwe Mlambo, Jermi Ramakrishnan, Mr J. Knoetze, Matthew Botha, Sebastian Scheepers, Jordan Arendse.

U6 Mini Soccer Back (L-R): Alexander Cloete, Luke Opper, Tyler De Sa, Ronan Williams, Christine Smit. Middle (L-R) Mason Viljoen, Kitso Ijane, Atlegang Ngomane, James King, Matthew Earle, Leyton Stroebel, Tyler Fourie, Ezra Katende. Front (L-R): Júan Botha, Isabel Venter, Rachel Thompson, T.J. Milsom, Mr C. Lange, Fraser Trivanhu, Charné de Bruin, Botlhale Motlhamme, Ben Machingura.

U7 Mini Soccer Back (L-R): Samuel Finck, Litha Jantjies, Grace-Joel Baudouin, Alonzo Singh, Jonathan Ourga, Rilwele Mainganye, Sean Chikwani. 3rd row (L-R): Quinten Lourens, Caelen van Vuuren, Logan Imrie, Samuel Broadaway, Leo Khoza, David Fosu, Israel Kalonji, Rea Kgarimetsa. 2nd row (L-R): Jesse Thsehla, Phathu Mushanganyisi, Wonga Ralane, Ryan Chikwani, Cameron Rip, James Pinches, Atinatsira Moyo, Thato Ramutle. Front (L-R): Mr G. Kinsey, Nathan van Schalkwyk, Micaiah Losso Mosima, Aden Voller, Mrs L Stewart, Creedyn Ramlagan, Thato Makola, Liam Smart, Mr R. Herbst.


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boys U8 Mini Soccer Back (L-R): Cameron Abel, Benjamin Wilcocks, MathĂŠo Ndayishimiye, Keziah Southon, Kachi Ozoemena. Middle (L-R): Miss A. Stoltz, Andrew Stander, Mandla Maposa, Nicky Broberg, Jed La Foy, Andy Phillips, Blaine Van Noorden. Front (L-R): Asher Viljoen, Thelo Ngomane, Annie Broberg, Mr A. Kahlau, Joshua Bouwer, Kyle Mellis, Skhumbuzo Nshimbi, Miss K. Lekalakala.

U9 Mini Soccer Back (L-R): Tyler Muyingi, Nathan Broadaway, Suhyun Kim, Luke Payne, Ryan Opper. 3rd row (L-R): Usihlelele Hlophe, Jethro Karusseit, Eden Wolter, Zack Olivier, Nokukhanya Petja, Ryan Ndirangu, Jasmine Pinches. 2nd row (L-R): Lathitha Nodada, Jonathan Stewart, Ricardo De Abreu, Faith Intumu, Raelie Lourens, Kyle Stokker, Tori Youmbah, Nathan Simpson. Front (L-R): Miss A. Stoltz, Nathan Carr Williams, Tanaka Dzuranyama, Luke Leisewitz, Mrs L Stewart, Bradleigh Nyabezi, Jason Mascini, Scott Reyburn, Mr O. Matsepe.

U10A Soccer Back (L-R): Lars Purare, Andrew Springveldt, Emmanuel Lwayo, Thato Phasha, Siya Phala, CJ Pretorius, Tumo Ijane. Front (L-R): Riley Wood, Amo Ramutle, Vhutali Magoda, Miss R. Joubert, Joshua Botha, Ethan Mandiriza, Junior Masiapata.

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boys U10B Soccer Back (L-R): Brett Paulsen, Zac Swain, Aaron Davy, Aiden Dyksman, Luke Broadaway, Tysio Abongile. Front (L-R): Mrs R. Donachie, Themba Longwe, Jordan Maan, Papa Junior Magagula, Chad Papastefanou, Mr A. Kahlau.

U11A Soccer Back (L-R): Jack Radley, Alwyn van der Merwe, Rouke Swart, James Dyer, Trent Hardie, Daniel Ammanoeiel, Alex Uken. Front (L-R): Mr G. Kinsey, Mickael de Abreu, Jordan Dippenaar, Tyla Payne, King Khosa, Lewis Bulaya, Mrs C. Phillips.

U11B Soccer Back (R-L): James Earle, Liam Russell, Ben Stokker, Sibu Dube, Ora Mkhatshwa. Front (L-R): Mrs C. Phillips, Morokile Thage, Cameron Reyburn, Stephen Kuipers, Luke Phillips, Tiago de Freitas, Mr R. Herbst.


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girls & boys 1st Junior Soccer Back Row (L-R): Wesley Karam, Junior Phala, Fabi de Abreu. 3rd row (L-R): Timothy Paulus, Toni Alagbe, Luke Marshall, Benjamin Crewe-Brown. 2nd row (L-R): Mbuya Mudau, Dylan Crous, Luke Botes, Jonathan Witter, Daniel Smith, Matthew Waterston, Kabelo Dolamo. Front (L-R): Mrs R. Donachie, Gerber Pretorius, Mr O. Matsepe, Alan Singh, Mr A. Goodwin.

2nd Junior Soccer Back (L-R): Declan Hardie, Jemma van der Merwe, Kean Maan, Jackson Wolter. Middle (L-R): Emmanuel Youmbah, Mnakekeli Msibi, Micah Jayanath, Miss K. Lekalalala, Luke Roebert, David Lee, Xander Olvier. Front (L-R): Rafael Evangelou, Angelo Saunders, Adrian Nyabezi, Lebo Phasha, John Her, Jordan Botha, Chaz Leece-Jones.

U15A Girls’ Soccer Back (L-R): Anna Kovandzhiyski, Kuhle Ndukwana, Jeanin Mashele, Natasha Bulaya, Rebotile Thantsa. Middle (L-R): Esther Lancho Perea, Botlhale Tlala, Shannon Waterston, Hannah van der Merwe, Liyah Pillay, Ditza Santamaria. Front (L-R): Mr G. Kinsey, Makgobane Gaffane, Senwelo Mokomane, Michaela Wells, Sarah Potgieter, Eden Snyders, Acacia Chisadza, Mrs L. Coetzee.

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girls & boys U15A Soccer Back (L-R): Emmanuel Tshilombo, Junior Phala, Ano Nyamugama. Middle (L-R): Chad Barber, Trysten Davel, Mogomotsi Moloto, Mark Herbst, Joshua Roebert. Front (L-R): Mr O. Matsepe, Covenant Ali, Pieter Roux, Luke Pillay, Callen Maan, Anesu Mandiriza, Omphemetse Mabeba, Mr D. Dollenberg.

U15B Soccer Back (L-R): Caleb Naidoo, Jay Mashele, Mr A. Boyes, Jonah Voller, Tenda Ntsieni. Front (L-R): Mandilakhe Thobela, Hayden Campbell Watt, Tshiamo Pienaar, Nathan Chisadza, Masibulele Thobela, Noah Dollenberg.

U17 Girls’ Soccer Back (L-R): Tumelo Kekana, Tiisetso Dolamo, Milla Kovandzhiyski, AmÊ Vermaak, Ashleigh Manley, Dinah Naidu. Front (L-R): Miss R. Thantsha, Busi Nkosi, Gomolemo Moima, Galaletsang Malomane, Zandile Maposa, Wilmien Botha, Mr S. Zijlstra.


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girls & boys U19 Girls’ Soccer Back (L-R): Jessica Pienaar, Lethabo Mwale, Charissa Naidoo, Mikayla Roebert, Lwandi Nkosi. Middle (L-R): Naledi White, Ruth Lancho Perea, Michaela Wells, Thando Dladla, Rudo Nyamugama, Kiara de Abreu, Dominique Crafford. Front (L-R): Miss K. Lekalakala, Mia Youmbah-Corneille, Busiswe Nkosi , Zandile Maposa, Gomolemo Moima , Olivia Isaacs (Captain), Mrs L. Coetzee.

1st Senior Soccer Back (L-R): Sizwe Mlambo, Miguel De Sampaio, Liam van der Watt, Kadin Barber, Luca Zorzi, Jaymin van Noorden, Joshua Smith. Middle (L-R): Mr D. Dollenberg, Sebastian Scheepers, Kyle Sauer, Ndeme Mudau, Jermi Ramakrishnan, Brandon Waterston, Mr O. Matsepe. Front (L-R): Panashe Chikwani.

2nd Senior Soccer Back (L-R): Darian Chetty, Victor Bulaya, Jason Marais, Mr J. Knoetze, Ty Meyer, Michael Roebert, Nathan Julius. Front (L-R): Aidan Swart, Jamie Mutasa, Pablo Mckenzie, Matthew Botha, Kyle Nel, Stuart Herbst.

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primary school U6 Mini Cricket Back (L-R): Kitso Ijane, Ronan Williams, Luke Opper, Tyler De Sa, James King. Front (L-R): Mr C. Lange, Benjamin Machingura, Tyler Fourie, Mason Viljoen, Christine Smit, Botlhale Motlhamme, Ayden Wright, Mr R. Herbst.

U7 Mini Cricket Back (L-R): Rilwele Mainganye, Logan Imrie, Jonathan Ourga, Litha Jantjies, Samuel Finck. Middle (L-R): Nathan van Schalkwyk, Israel Kalonji, Rearabilwe Kgarimetsa, Atinatsira Moyo, Leo Khoza, Cameron Rip, Quinten Lourens. Front (L-R): Mr G. Kinsey, Creedyn Ramlagan, Liam Smart, Thato Ramutle, Phathutshedzo Mushanganyisi, Wonga Ralane, Thato Makola, Jesse Tshehla, Micaiah Losso Mosima, Mr M. Botes.

U8 Mini Cricket Back (L-R): Cameron Abel, Benjamin Wilcocks, MathĂŠo Ndayishimiye, Keziah Southon, Andy Phillips. Middle (L-R): Thelo Ngomane, Nicky Broberg, Mandla Maposa, Blaine van Noorden, Joshua Bouwer, Thato Tau. Front (L-R): Miss N. Nene, Asher Viljoen, Riley Wood, Skhumbuzo Nshimbi, Andrew Stander, Kyle Mellis, Mr J. Kidd.


| Sport & Cultural


primary school U9 Mini Cricket Back (L-R): Jonathan Stewart, Luke Payne, Ryan Opper, Kyle Stokker. Front (L-R): Mrs A. Fast, Jason Mascini, Lathitha Nodada, Luke Leisewitz, Tanaka Dzuranyama, Mr M. Botha. Absent: Usihlelele Hlophe, Ryan Ndirangu, Tyler Muyingi.

U10A Cricket Back (L-R): Aiden Dyksman, Thato Phasha, Aaron Davy, Siya Phala. Front (L-R): Mr G. Kinsey, Chad Papastefanou, CJ Pretorius, Tumo Ijane, Ethan Mandiriza, Brett Paulsen, Mr A. Goodwin.

U10B Cricket Back (L-R): Andrew Springveldt, Aiden Dyksman, Aaron Davy, Emmanuel Lwayo. Front (L-R): Mr G. Kinsey, Lars Purare, Rafael Folgado, Themba Longwe, Amo Ramutle, Vhutali Magoda, Mrs L. Hofmeyr.

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primary school U11 Cricket Back (L-R): Tyla Payne, Rourke Swart, James Dyer, Danny Smith, Liam Russell. Front (L-R): Mr B. Joynt, King Khosa, Ora Mkhatshwa, Alex Uken, Jordan Dippenaar, Luke Phillips, Mrs C. Phillips.

1st Junior Cricket Back (L-R): Wesley Karam, Kean Maan, Bonginkosi Phala. Middle (L-R): Gerber Pretorius, Declan Hardie, Benjamin CreweBrown, Trent Hardie. Front (L-R): Mr B. Joynt, Joshua Papastefanou, Timothy Paulus, Luke Marshall, Matthew Waterston, Mr G. Kinsey.

2nd Junior Cricket Back (L-R): Angelo Saunders, Jean-Luke Thomas, Joshua Hurley, Jackson Wolter, Jaydon Gasson, Jordan Botha. Front (L-R): Rafael Evangelou, Lebogang Phasha, Micah Jayanath, Mr M. Ridge, Charl Botha, Adrian Nyabezi, Mbuya Mudau.


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high school U15 Cricket Back (L-R): Anodaishe Nyamugama, Junior Phala, Emmanuel Katombe. Middle (L-R): Anesu Mandiriza, Luke Pillay, Mogomotsi Moloto, Tenda Ntsieni. Front (L-R): Mr J. Knoetze, Covenant Ali, Caleb Naidoo, Masibulele Thobela, Mr H. Greener.

1st Senior Cricket Back (L-R): Nigel Kaseke, Kadin Barber, Albert Sauermann, Kent Barber. Middle (L-R): Conner Orwin, Jason Hewitt, Joshua Botes, Jordan Arendse, Trysten Davel. Front (L-R): Mr B. Joynt, Jermi Ramakrishnan, Luca Zorzi, Kyle Sauer, Mr H. Greener.

Touch Rugby Back (L-R): Cailin Smith, Stuart Herbst, Ty Meyer, Panashe Chikwani, Luan Coetzee. Middle (L-R): Matthew Botha, Nicole Lansdell, Keanne Jacobs, Callen Maan, Jason Marais, Mikayla Roebert, Jessica Pienaar, Kyle Sauer. Front (L-R): Mr T. Mylie, Alitzel Santamaria, Michaela Wells, Tylo Sauer, Jaymin van Noorden, Mrs E. Mylie, Joshua Smith, Helena Moreira Da Silva, Zoe Stanley, Thando Dladla, Mr M. Dyer.

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TENNIS Primary School Tennis Back (L-R): Tshepi Matsepe, Luke Marshall, Zoë Julius, Xander Olivier, Andrea Zacharias. Front (L-R): Miss B. Dibakwane, Stephen Kuipers, Reabetswe Sillinda, Katelynn Schröder, Alex Uken, Chaz Leece-Jones, Mrs S. Grobler. Absent: Mrs A. Ricco

High School Girls’ Tennis Back (L-R): Miss B. Dibakwane, Mr A. Boyes, Miss R. van der Merwe. Front (L-R): Milla Kovandzhiyski, Kristy Lowe, Olivia Isaacs, Knoxie le Roux, Jade Todd.

1st Senior Tennis Back (L-R): Michael van der Watt, Jacques le Roux, Kyle Sauer. Front (L-R): Miss B Dibakwane, Whaldo Isaacs, Mrs L. Coetzee.


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various 2nd Senior Tennis Back (L-R): Alizwa Matunjwa, Nathan Julius, Timothy Witter, Daniel Schroeder, Liam Dalgleish. Front (L-R): Miss B. Dibakwane , Pablo McKenzie, Mr A. Boyes, Ryan Orwin, Mrs L. Coetzee.

Equestrian L-R: Caitlin Clark, Timothy Wubbeling, Rochelle Wubbeling, Miss R. van der Merwe.

Coaches Back (L-R): Chris Lange, Haydn Greener, Mitch Dyer, Michael Ridge, Arend Kahlau. 3rd Row (L-R): Ryan Herbst, Graham Kinsey, Tyronne Mylie, Ole Matsepe, Jason Knoetze, Joshua Kidd. 2nd Row (L-R): Kiana van der Merwe, Betty Dibakwane, Cheryl Bleeker, Laetitia Steenkamp, Matthew Botes, Ashley Donachie, Caylyn Greyling, Josie Martin, Liesl Mulder. Front (L-R): Bradley Joynt, Lizell Coetzee, Hendrik van der Merwe, Robyn Donachie, Dean Dollenberg.

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Primary School Swimming


High School Swimming

Back (L-R): Gerber Pretorius, Xander Olivier, Gia-Lee le Roux, Jemma van der Merwe, Fabrizio De Abreu, Roxanne Green, Siyabonga Phala, Kean Maan, Shanté Wouters, Joshua Hurley, Jayden Pather, Georgia Carstens, Devin de Lange, Benjamin Crewe-Brown, Benjamin Stokker. 4th row (L-R): Tyla Payne, Serine Katenda, Thatohatsi Mokhele, Rhease Davel, Caprice van der Merwe, Danlia Vosloo, Thato Phasha, Daniel Smith, Emmanuel Youmbah, Nina Karam, Jean-Luke Thomas, Sarah Bishop, Gabriella Blanco, Ellah Bouwer, Charl Botha, Matthew Russell. 3rd row (L-R): Mrs M Atkins, Tyla Campbell-Watt, Sarah-Jayne Crewe-Brown, Eva Dalgleish, Khano Mudau, Kiara Chiveso, Jirah Dollenberg, Jessy Kabonga, Syan Slaone, Chokuda Nguvayashe, Abigail Carr-Williams, Isabella Del Fabbro, Rhiley Thompson, Emma Thompson, Rati Moatshe, Eden Wolter, Mrs K Stokker. 2nd row (L-R): Mrs H. Smit, Kelsie Basson, Chloe Oliphant, Olivia Adlam , Chloe Coetzee, Sarah Leisewitz, Alex Uken, Joshua Papastefanou, Luke Broadaway, Raelie Lourens, Isabella de Sa, Bailey de Lange, Gemma Dollenberg, Kyle Mellis, Mrs R. Donachie. 1st row (L-R): Thomas Radley, Zac Olivier, Luke Payne, Miss A. Donachie, Mr H. van der Merwe, Miss L. Steenkamp, Andrew Springveldt, Joshua Botha, Jordan Maan. Seated (L-R): Brett Stokker, Nathan Simpson, Kyle Stokker, Chad Papastefanou, Luke Leisewitz, Benjamin Wilcocks, Riley Wood.

Back Row (L-R): Zayne Clarke, Faye Botes, Callen Maan, Aidan Paveley, Jason Dutton, Kadin Barber, Ano Nyamugama, Andrew Smith, Ty Meyer, Antonio Delgado, Monique Truter. 3rd Row (L-R): Caitlyn Wilcock, Brandon Waterston, Jacques le Roux, Kiara van Dyk, Isabella van Viegen, Anton Schroeder, Jaymin van Noorden, Whaldo Isaacs, Michaela Thomas, Sizwe Mlambo, Tamsyn Hofmeyr, Luan Coetzee, Victor Santoro Martins, Knoxie le Roux. 2nd Row (L-R): Erin-Lyn Böse, Caitlin Cunningham, Alessandra van Viegen, Luke Botes, Trysten Davel, Mark Herbst, Bruno Santoro Martins, Jason Hewitt, Joshua Roebert, Gabi Signorelli, Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Nicole Cunningham, Ashleigh le Roux. 1st Row (L-R): Danielle Pretorius, Dominque Crafford, Jaime Meyer, Neena Crewe-Brown, Tamzin Goodenough, Megan Pistorius, Matthew Botha, Chloë van Niekerk, Kristy Lowe, Tylo Sauer, Manuella Marggraff, Michaela Wells, Georgia Urquhart, Leandra Coelho. Front (L-R): Mr D. Dollenberg, Sebastian Scheepers, Joshua Smith, Klara Lange, Amy Stanford, Jemma Bührs, Mrs M. Rabolele.


| Sport & Cultural

Primary School Athletics


Back (L-R): Emmanuel Youmbah, Travis Loock, Zander Olivier, James Dyer, Georgia Carstens, Toni Alagbe, Bobo Phala, Kean Maan, Roxanne Green, Jayden Pather, Jemma van der Merwe, Gia-Lee Le Roux, Jonathan Witter, Daniel Smith, Sarah Bishop. 4th row (L-R): Mrs L. Coetzee, Lebo Phasha, Beau Matebesi, Jessie Kabonga, Serine Katende, Matthew Waterston, Thato Mokhele, Naledi Tau, Bradley Loock, Onthatile Moagi, John Her, Carmen De Clerck, Gerber Pretorius, Trent Hardie, Abigail van der Merwe, Jirah Dollenberg, Kiara Chiveso, Mr M. Botes. 3rd row (L-R): Owethu Mathebula, Joel Ajayi, Sara-Jane Simpson, Bokamoso Mosweu, Tumo Ijane, Kabelo Dolamo, Siyabonga Phala, Dylan Crous, Jordan Dippenaar, Rafael Evangelou, CJ Pretorius, Luke Payne, Emma Thompson, Tayla Campbell-Watt, Raelie Lourens. 2nd row (L-R): Mrs M. Atkins, Keira Marsh, Hannah Simpson, Audrey Machingura, Joshua Bouwer, Luke Leisewitz, Kyle Stokker, Keziah Southon, Sarah Leisewitz, Boitumelo Moagi, Rachel-Grace Greyvenstein, Gia Newey, Tshenollo Masiapato, Sikhumbuzo Nshimbi, Riley Wood, Agape Mosweu, Joyce Intumu, Mrs S. Botes. Front (L-R): Sean Chikwani, Ryan Chikwani, Nina Laubscher, Chloё Sherwood, Kachi Ozoemena, Chloe Coetsee, Joshua Botha, Faith Intumu, Chidinma Nzotta, Litha Jantjies, Samuel Finck, Quintin Lourens.

MIDMAR Midmar Back (L-R): Faye Botes, Aidan Paveley, Jason Dutton, Kadin Barber, Joshua Smith, Antonio Delgado, Michaela Thomas. 3rd row (L-R): Luke Botes, Mark Herbst, Bruno Santoro Martins, Jacques le Roux, Isabella van Viegen, Tamsyn Hofmeyr, Kiara van Dyk, Victor Santoro Martins, Joshua Roebert, Gabi Signorelli. 2nd row (L-R): Caitlin Cunningham, Nicole Cunningham, Alessandra van Viegen, Caitlyn Willcock, Sebastian Scheepers, Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Erin-Lyn Böse, Chloë van Niekerk. Front (L-R): Georgia Urquhart, Neena Crewe-Brown, Tamzin Goodenough, Jemma Bührs, Mr D. Dollenberg, Kristy Lowe, Manuela Marggraff, Michaela Wells, Dominque Crafford.

Sport & Cultural |



sport Half-Colours Hockey Player of the Year Lewis Bulaya (U/11 Boys) Kyle Nel (U/16 Boys) Luca Zorzi (Open Boys)

SPORTS PERSONS OF THE YEAR Senior Sportswoman of the Year Manuela Marggraff Senior Sportsman of the Year Kyle Sauer

INDOOR HOCKEY Half-Colours Indoor Hockey Player of the Year Manuela Marggraff (U/15 Girls) Tylo Sauer (U/18 Girls)

Junior Sportswoman of the Year Georgia Carstens Junior Sportsman of the Year Bonginkosi Phala Daniel Smith ATHLETICS Colours Athlete of the Year Toni Alagbe (U/12 Boys) Georgia Carstens (U/13 Girls) Half-Colours Athlete of the Year Kiara Chiveso (U/11 Girls) Jessy Kabongo (U/12 Girls) Gerber Pretorius (U/13 Boys)

SWIMMING Colours Swimmer of the Year Benjamin Crewe-Brown (U/12 Boys) Aidan Paveley (U/16 Boys) Manuela Marggraff Ashleigh le Roux (U/16 Girls) Chloë van Niekerk (U/17 Girls) Joshua Smith (Open Boys) Georgia Carstens (Open Girls) Half-Colours Swimmer of the Year Syan Sloane (U/11 Girls) Manuela Marggraff (U/15 Girls)



Colours Cricketer of the Year Benjamin Crewe-Brown (U/12 Boys)

Honours Tennis Player of the Year Knoxie le Roux Jacques le Roux

Half-Colours Cricketer of the Year Trent Hardie (U/11A Boys)

Colours Tennis Player of the Year Jacques le Roux (Snr Boys A) Knoxie le Roux (Open Girls)


Kyle Sauer

Half-Colours Tennis Player of the Year Chaz Leece-Jones (Jnr Boys) Whaldo Isaacs (Snr Boys)

Honours Rider of the Year Kaitlyn Clark Rochelle Wubbeling


Colours Rider of the Year Rochelle Wubbeling (High School)

Certificate of Excellence for Contribution to Tennis Olivia Isaacs



Colours Hockey Player of the Year Thatohatsi Mokhele (1st Jnr Girls) Caitlyn Anthony (U/14 Girls) Manuela Marggraff (U/15 Girls)

Colours Touch Rugby Player of the Year Jaymin van Noorden (Boys) Tylo Sauer (Girls)



Colours Hockey Player of the Year Omphemetse Mabeba (U/14 Boys)

Equestrian Sport Kaitlyn Clark Rochelle Wubbeling Jessica Niemand


| Sport & Cultural

Georgia Carstens



Golf Fabi De Abreu Northerns Hockey Naledi Tau Thatohatsi Mokhele Manuela Marggraff Caitlyn Anthony Omphemetse Mabeba Swimming Georgia Carstens Aidan Paveley Tennis Jacques le Roux Knoxie le Roux

Daniel Smith Bonginkosi Phala

PROVINCIAL COLOURS School Sport Equestrian Sport Kaitlyn Clark Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann Jessica Niemand Rochelle Wubbeling Certificate of Excellence for Provincial Colours Non-School Sport Rikus Conradie (Squash) Jason Hewitt (Squash) Victoria Arendse (Dance) Kaylee Marais (Gymnastics)

CHESS Primary School Chess Back (L-R): Jordan Dippenaar, Caitlin Stewart, Mrs L. Stewart, John Her, Alwyn van der Merwe. Front (L-R): Blaine van Noorden, Jonathan Stewart, Zack Olivier, Tumo Ijane, Joel Ojo, Jethro Karusseit, Tanaka Dzuranyama.

Sport & Cultural |


CHOIR SENIOR PRIMARY MUSIC CLASS SHOWCASE The music class activities culminated in an evening at the end of term 3 where we invited our families to enjoy a look into the music class at HCS. The choir welcomed everyone with some memories of our participation at “Singin’ in the Rain” followed by the Grade 4s introducing Bach as our composer focus. This included interesting facts, dramatizing of a Bach Menuet, and a piano solo. Each Grade shared a variety of singing, moving and bodyand instrumental percussion. The parents joined in the Grade 5s’ Boomwacker item. The whole phase came together at the end with mass items including part singing and some bucket drumming. The term certainly ended with a (musical) bang!


| Sport & Cultural

SENIOR PRIMARY CHOIR Mr Gregory Lediga and some pupils from Motheong School joined us this year at our choir day and taught us some of their traditional songs and dances, which the choir was able to perform later in the year at the Jacaranda Winter festival. It was a privilege to work with them and certainly stretched many of us to learn something new. The choir evening at the end of May was joined by several other schools who enjoyed our hospitality and contributed to a musical feast. We have been very privileged this year to sing with the Drakensberg Boys’ Choir at Woodhill College and at the ZK Matthews hall at UNISA with the Bronberg children’s choir and the choir from Loretto School. Our pupils enjoyed taking part and seeing a variety of instrumental groups from Pretoria as well as from the Hall School in London on tour in South Africa. We are grateful for the enjoyable and culturally enriching experiences our pupils could be a part of.

Primary School Choir


Back (L-R): Bradley Loock, Danlia Vosloo, Danvir Coopoosamy, Joanna Olupona, Roxanne Green, Sikhumbuzo Nene, Buhle Ndukwana, Madison Jenkings, Leann Bam, Devin de Lange, Mikayla Hurley. 3rd row (L-R): Motshepi Ijane, Emily King, Jessy Kabongo, Alicia Fosu, Aaron Davy, Naledi Manzana, Caitlin Stewart, Rhease Davel, Ellah Bouwer, Isabel Sauermann, Jordan Levendal, Boikgantsho Mekwa. 2nd row (L-R): Mrs L. Marques, Zoë Lewis, Talia Lourens, Kerrigan Adams, Esihle Dladla, Chloe Chinoda, Kiara Chiveso, Abigail van der Merwe, Beau Matebesi, Zee Thwala, Isabella de Jager, Isabel Botha, Lebo Phasha, Sara-Jane Simpson, Andrew Springveldt, Miss L. Pottas. Front (L-R): Amo Ramutle, Lars Purare, Anje du Toit, Nicole de Ascencão, David Kabongo, Emma Thompson, Cameron Reyburn, Mrs M. Pienaar, Khano Mudau, Vhutali Magoda, Ashleigh Bester, Sisanda Mhlongo, Jethro Forsyth, Themba Longwe, Brett Paulsen.

WORSHIP Worship Team Back (L-R): Callen Maan, Timothy Witter, Michael De Sampaio. Middle (L-R): KG Malomane, Khwezi Tlala, Jamie Mutasa, Caitlin Cunningham. Front (L-R): Covenant Ali, Rochelle Wubbeling, Kudzai Mhlanga, Ps. D. Thomas, Naledi White, Hannah Retief, Leandra Coelho.

Sport & Cultural |



various DIY Play 1 TNR News Back (L-R): Jamie Mutasa, Faye Botes, Stuart Herbst, Brandon Waterston, Kristy Lowe. Front (L-R): Mrs C. Almeida, Gomolemo Moima, Miguel De Sampaio, Zayne Clarke, Meaghan Bishop, Mr C. Almeida.

DIY Play 2 Banana Airlines Back (L-R): Dinah Naidu, Mikayla Roebert, Michael Roebert, Heinrich Scheepers, Nicole Lansdell, Tumelo Kekana. Middle (L-R): Olivia Isaacs, Zoe Stanley, Oguafi Mokomane, Thando Dladla. Front (L-R): Mrs C. Almeida, Amy Stanford, Tolamo Khoele, Dominique Youmbah-Corneille, Sipho Mtembu, Mr C. Almeida.

DIY Play 3 Soviet Horror Story Back (L-R): Sizwe Mlambo, Kadin Barber, Jaymin van Noorden. Middle (L-R): Kyle Sauer, Amy Pillay, Ashleigh le Roux, Anastasia Fernandes. Front (L-R): Mrs C. Almeida, Naledi White, Sebastian Scheepers, Nkateko Maluleke, Danielle Pretorius, Mr C. Almeida.


| Sport & Cultural


various DIY Play 4 That Dating Show Back (L-R): Lwandi Nkosi, Ty Meyer, Keane Jacobs. Middle (L-R): Charis Noviskie, Galaletsang Malomane, Kiara De Abreu. Front (L-R): Mrs C. Almeida, Ali Santamaria Jimenez, Tamara Levendal, Amanda Schroeder, Dominique Crafford, Mr C. Almeida.

Debating Back (L-R): Joshua Roebert, Jay Mashele, Andrew Smith, Michaela Thomas, Caitlin Cunningham. Front (L-R): Wilmien Botha, Tumelo Kekana, Mrs T. Hurley, Galaletsang Malomane, Jade Todd.

Public Speaking Back (L-R): Gabriella Signorelli, Sandra Maina, Michaela Thomas, Khwezi Tlala, Tumelo Kekana. Front (L-R): Helena Moreira Da Silva, Mrs T. Hurley, Kudzai Mhlanga.

Sport & Cultural |



various Toastmasters Back (L-R): Timothy Witter, Michaela Thomas, Tamzin Goodenough, Dinah Naidu, Charis Noviskie, Nicola Marneweck, Jason Dutton. Front (L-R): Galaletsang Malomane, CloĂŤ van Niekerk, Mrs T. Hurley, Helena Moreira Da Silva, Tumelo Kekana.

Media Monitors Back (L-R): Jurica Wessels, Caitlin Gordon, Tessa-Leigh Kriedemann, Jade Todd. Front (L-R): Tawananyasha Miriam Mangisi, Owethu Mihle Mathebula , Mrs C. Smit, Angeline Viren, Anje du Toit.

IT Support Back (L-R): Sandra Maina, Mrs L. Pretorius, Erin Pretorius. Front (L-R): Kiara Perez-Sanchez, Hannah Retief.


| Sport & Cultural



Performers ready! 2019 saw another successful year on the stage as the talented students of HCS entertained audiences throughout. The year started off with another musical – the highly acclaimed retelling of “Singin in the Rain”. This biannual event has become a staple of the cultural offering of Pretoria East. In Term 2, the Drama students showcased their playmaking skills during the DIY Plays – highlighting not only great performers, but great writers as well. The Grade 12

Drama students delivered heart-wrenching and authentic performances during their Final Practical Exam in September. The examiner was left speechless and all those who watched, knew that they had seen something special. Supper Theatre is the best way to end the year – food and theatre! Between the sounds of knives and forks, laughter and applause, those in attendance were left in awe. Well done on another great year!

Supper Theatre

Sport & Cultural |




CULTURAL AWARD OF THE YEAR Charis Noviskie CHOIR Primary School Chorister of the Year Cameron Reyburn

Colours Zayne Clarke Miguel De Sampaio Tumelo Kekana Galaletsang Malomane Erin Pretorius Hannah Retief Michael Roebert Joshua Roebert Sebastian Scheepers Amy Stanford

Colours Rhease Davel Roxanne Green Jessy Kabongo Naledi Manzana Sikhumbuzo Nene Half-Colours Kerrigan Adams Leann Bam Kiara Chiveso Devin de Lange Alicia Fosu Madison Jenkings Basetsana Khoele Emily King Zoë Lewis Talia Lourens Boikgantsho Mekwa Buhle Ndukwana Joanna Olupona Lebo Phasha Cameron Reyburn Caitlin Stewart Abigail van der Merwe Danlia Vosloo Hannah Zhou

Charis Noviskie

Cameron Reyburn

DRAMA Best Actor Miguel De Sampaio

SPECIAL MENTION Certificate of Excellence Grade 8 -Vocals Danielle Pretorius

Best Supporting Actor Michael Roebert Best Supporting Actress Amy Stanford


| Sport & Cultural

Half-Colours Meaghan Bishop Kiara De Abreu Noah Dollenberg Stuart Herbst Nigel Kaseke Tolamo Khoele Tamara Levendal Kristy Lowe Nomsa Mhlanga Jamie Mutasa Jermi Ramakrishnan Kyle Sauer Heinrich Smit Michaela Thomas Jaymin van Noorden Amé Vermaak Rochelle Wubbeling Dominique Youmbah-Corneille Luca Zorzi SPEAKER OF THE YEAR Sandra Maina

Best Actress Charis Noviskie

Best Director Heinrich Smit

High School Honours Charis Noviskie

Miguel De Sampaio

Cultural Excellence Hannah Retief Galaletsang Malomane Tumelo Kekana

Heinrich Smit

Sandra Maina



DIY plays

Drama Camp

Sport & Cultural |


STAFF Executive Team Back (L-R): Mrs A. van Schalkwyk, Mrs F. Barber, Mr C. Almeida, Mrs T. Hurley, Mrs D. Holloway. Front (L-R): Mr T. Pienaar, Mr G. Holloway, Mr A. Bleeker.

Admin Team Back (L-R): Mrs D. Payne, Mrs L. Vermaas, Mrs S. Dutton. Middle (L-R): Mrs G. Hastie, Mrs J. Swain, Mrs C. Bรถse, Mrs L. Smith, Mrs T. Broberg, Mrs B. Sauer. Front (L-R): Mrs P. Anthony, Mrs D. Holloway, Mrs D. Potgieter,

Support Team Back (L-R): Mr B. Nkomo, Mr M. Seopa, Mr J. Magoro, Mrs S. Mashabane, Mr S. Masinga, Mr M. Yende. Front (L-R): Mrs S. Phahlamohlaka, Mr J. Yende, Mr L. van der Merwe, Mr J. Ncongwane, Mrs L. Mojapelo.


| Staff

Back (L-R): Mrs C. Smart, Miss S. Honiball, Mrs C. Bรถse, Mr S. Zijlstra, Mr D. Le Roux, Mr D. Dollenberg, Mr M. Clayton, Mr A. Boyes, Mr J. Knoetze, Mr L. van der Merwe, Mrs C. Smit, Miss K. Bosman, Mrs G. Stanford. 5th row (L-R): Mrs G. Baudin, Mrs A. Mahlangu, Mrs D. Payne, Mrs S. Dutton, Mrs A. Ricco, Mr S. Massinga, Mr A. Goodwin, Mr J. Yende, Mr J. Blight, Mr B. Joynt, Mr M. Yende, Mr J. Ncongwane, Mr B. Nkomo, Mr F. Monakedi, Mrs C. Lewis, Mrs S. Rademeyer, Mrs A. Fast, Mrs M. Pienaar, Mr M. Seopa. 4th row (L-R): Mrs T. Broberg, Miss A. Hastie, Mrs L. Stewart, Mrs H. Smit, Mrs R. Joubert, Mrs S. Phahlamohlaka, Mrs L. Vermaas, Mrs S. Munro, Miss L. Steenkamp, Miss A. Stoltz, Mrs C. Jooste, Mrs L. Marques, Mrs C. Steyn, Mrs M. Atkins, Mrs L. Hofmeyr, Mrs N. Lee, Mrs J. McDougall. 3rd row (L-R): Mrs J. Wessels, Miss E. Hofmeyr, Mrs C. Bleeker, Mrs Z. Maroleng, Mrs A. Giddings, Mrs C. Willis, Mrs M. Black, Mrs V. Adam, Mrs S. Grobler, Mrs K. Stokker, Miss N. Nene, Mrs C. Delport, Mrs E. Mylie, Mrs M. Marggraff, Miss P. Mahlangu. 2nd row (L-R): Miss K. Lekalakala, Mrs D. Potgieter, Mrs P. Anthony, Miss R. van der Merwe, Miss A. Jennett, Mrs C. Pretorius, Mrs G. Hastie, Mrs J. Swain, Mrs L. Mojapelo, Mr J. Magoro, Mrs S. Mashabane, Mrs R. Pinches, Mrs K. van der Meulen, Mrs R. Donachie, Mrs C. Phillips, Mrs S. Botes, Mrs B. Botha, Mrs B. Sauer, Mrs M. Rabolele. Front (L-R): Mrs L. Smith, Mrs L. Coetzee, Mr D. Thomas, Mrs A. van Schalkwyk, Mrs D. Holloway, Mr A. Bleeker, Mr G. Holloway, Mr T. Pienaar, Mr C. Almeida, Mrs T. Hurley, Mrs F. Barber, Mrs C. Almeida, Mrs S. Noel.


Staff |




WELCOME • We have employed a new security guard, Beki Nkomo. • We welcome Selina Phahlamohlaka and Monique Krause to our staff. ONLINE SCHOOL • Congratulations to Shirley Noel on her new official title as Principal of the Online School. • Welcome to Tyrina Broberg appointed in an administrative capacity.

Beki Nkomo

Selina Phahlamohlak a

PROMOTIONS • It is a great joy to announce that Nqobile Nene will assume the position of Media Centre Manageress in 2020. • We are also pleased to announce that Mrs Avital Nemaston Johnson has been appointed as a SP teacher from 2020. TYING THE KNOT • Michael Ridge is getting married to Tash on 26 April. • We are excited for Avital who will be marrying Lucian Nemaston on 21 Sept.

Shirley Noel Tyrina Broberg

ENGAGEMENTS • Congratulations to Bradley Joynt and Michelle Short on their engagement.

Nqobile Nene Avital Nemaston Johnson

Michael Ridge

Lucian & Avital


| Staff

Bradley & Michelle



OUR HATFIELD FAMILY GROWS • We are so happy for Sunette Munroe who welcomed her fourth grandchild, Juan. • We celebrate with Michelle and Keegan on the birth of Caleb. • Congratulations to proud grandparents, Judy and Ian McDougall, on the birth of their first grandchild, Emily Grace. • Our heartfelt congratulations go to Graeme and Debbie Holloway on the birth of their first grandson, Blake. • Dawie and Roz Thomas welcome, Eden Rae. • Glenda Dressler welcomed her grandson, Aiden.

Michelle, Keegan & Caleb

Sunette, Poenie & Ju an

SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS • Cheryl Bleeker has been selected for the first squad to represent SA Hockey World Masters in August 2020. • We are so proud of Coach Hendrik who participated in the World Paralympics Swimming Championships in London.

Dawie Thomas & family

Debbie & Blake

Graeme & Blake

Glenda & Aiden

Coach Hendrik Ian, Judy & Emily Grace

Cheryl Bleeker

Staff |




| Mishka

school labra-doodle


school labra-doodle

Staff |




2019 marked the Online School’s tenth year of operation. This has been a significant year for the school. We tripled our student numbers from 2018 to 2019. Having established the necessary structures within the organisation, we were prepared for the additional students and have been able to (more than adequately) support them. Adding a second administrator to our team, as well as employing full time teachers, was essential to the growth strategy. Continuous content development is a key part of our business operation. Our project manager and her team of enhancers and content writers ensure that a high standard is upheld. The rebranding and implementation of our focussed social media marketing campaign on Facebook and Instagram have yielded a greater interest in the Online School and we look forward to seeing that translate into increased student numbers in 2020 and beyond. Three of the founding staff members have resigned as of the end of this year: Carol Lewis, Marina Louw and Shirley Noel. We thank them for their considerable contribution to the Online School and wish them all the best for their future endeavours. We are grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to provide education to students across the country. We trust that the Lord will continue to bless and grow the school as we endeavour to meet the needs in our country, innovatively.


| Online School


Aftercare A Day in our Shoes As the A-Team, we get to see the children lose their wiggly teeth as we keep their pretty faces clean. 'Praying before we eat' are prayers that stay with us forever, as we sing them to the beat. Whilst making sure the children read before they have a cookie treat; It’s our time for a cup of tea... to sooth the throat before "put your shoes on your feet" are words we have to repeat. There is nothing we can't beat; that includes face painting in the heat. As the A-Team, we work till the last child leaves with homework that is complete as well as neat and we love all the smiles in-between!� - The Aftercare-Team Staff 2019

Aftercare Staff |



The Hive

Back (L-R): Layla Marques, Annabelle Charles, Matthew Schrรถder, Michael Wouters, Lily-Tate le Roux, Caleb Bennett. Front (L-R): Miss J. Pond, Mrs E. Malan, Chris Lange.


| The Hive

Staff |


reflect on

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Collated by Felicity Barber Belinda Sauer

Official photos by O’Neills Photographers 082 334 8847

Assisted by Tinette Strydom

Design & layout by Jaclyn Dollenberg 074 674 3903

Editing by Claudette Jooste

A word of thanks to all staff, parents and pupils who have contributed to this publication

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