Tip of the Day 7 Are Your Emails Worthless

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Tip of the day #7 (Are Your Emails Worthless?) Someone once was not sure why he got many people on his list unsubscribing… after he sent out this email: Hi, Hope you have a great weekend. Bye It’s true you should build a relationship with your list and NOT always send them offers to buy. But this email is very much ‘out of place’… you don’t do it in real life… Think about it if you went with friends watching a movie then you say Goodbye after the night ends. But would you phone your friend just to tell him: Hi Jim Have a great weekend and then simple get off the phone line? It’s meaningless, odd, worthless and waste of his/her time… Your friend will think it’s some kind of joke. For instance if you went of vacation and took some videos you can upload them to youtube and tell them to go watch the amazing adventures you had or the nice photos you took! It’s entertaining for them it’s NOT useless and it’s a good way to build the relationship with them. Jack Sarlo

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