The Success Story of Visionary Dr. Jack Kavanaugh

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The Success Story of Visionary Dr. Jack Kavanaugh

Successful Businessman in the USA

Admirable Personality - Dr. Jack Kavanaugh • A wise saying goes, ‘what actually defines a person is how well he can rise after a heavy fall.’ Dr. Jack Kavanaugh is one such admirable personality who has stood the test of time and proved his mettle. He completed his dentistry in the year 1973 and started handling a chain of clinics in California and Nevada. • Disaster struck in a skiing accident in which he fractured his neck and a leg. This disrupted his established practice in dentistry. However, he was not a man to be subjugated by the turn of fate. He took up this life challenge in a very optimistic manner and decided to show his flair for life.

• Dr. Jack Kavanaugh ideated that even if he cannot continue his dentistry practice, there are many up alternative avenues for him. His degree in MBA helped him in setting the stepping stones for his new dreams. After that he worked in mergers and acquisitions for some time with a former partner. Later they founded a management and M.B.A. consulting firm called International Strategy Consulting Group. A few years later, he bought the company which is now called Team Global and it was under his able guidance that their market share price soared to $27/share. Even after establishing himself in private equity, he went back to medicines and completed an M.D. degree and residency in Ophthalmology.

Calhoun Vision, Inc. • In the year 2000, Dr. Kavanaugh joined the Calhoun Vision, Inc. as a board member. This was a biotechnology firm focused on developing vision correction technologies for patients who had cataract surgery. They developed a light adjustable lens whose power can be changed even after implantation in the eye with the help of safe, noninvasive application of light. From then on, Dr. Jack Kavanaugh started serving the medical field in his own way.

ZetaRx Biosciences • His sound knowledge in medicine and outstanding business acumen proved to be an invaluable asset for the companies he served. In 2005, he associated with Nobel laureate Dr. Bob Grubbs and joined the board of Materia Inc which develops and manufactures revolutionary catalysts and advanced materials. He also joined PreCash, a telecommunications and financial services company, as a board member. In 2008, Dr. Kavanaugh founded ZetaRx Biosciences, Inc which presented the most advanced and innovative methods of immunotherapy that treat cancer and he served there as the CEO and Chairman.

Get in Touch Address: 2100 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 800 Los Angeles, Ca 90025, United States Phone: 1 (310) 806-9202 Email: • -chairman-of-the-board • -named-chairman-of-orbsen/ •

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