Te Puna Pānui o Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu, Issue 8, December 2020

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TAMA 2050 -



Message from the Chair

Message from the GM Events for 2021

TAMA 2050 Strategy

Ngā Tīmoti Pouwhenua

Brightwater School win at Te Huinga Whetū

Grant Recipient Spotlight

Ngāti Tama Back to School Packs

Tribute to Tama Reps: Robin Slow & Judi Billens

The year of COVID-19

Ngāti Tama Census 2020

Ngā marae o Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu

Staff Wānanga at Te Āwhina Marae

Te Waikoropupū Water Conservation Order

Pānui Iti

Unveiling and blessing of Ngā Tīmoti at Ngatimoti School

Message from the Chairman

WelcometoTePunaPānuiDecember2020.Aswedraw closertotheendoftheworkyear,schoolyearand‘yearof Covid’,Ihopeourwhānauarelookingforwardto Christmasandthefestiveseason.Itisabusytimeforus andlikemanyofyou, wearekeentoclosethelidon2020 andstartfreshin2021.

2020 has thrown us many challenges, but it has shown above all to keep whānau wellbeing as the number one priority. This year we have all adapted through many changes and we thank whānauforbaringwithusthroughthose changes. We understand that whānau may still be struggling as we continue to feel the effects of lockdowns, border restrictions, unstable work, and reduced income. We want to support you our whānau as much as we can.

Our 2020 AGM was postponed to October due to lockdown and although some restrictions were still in place, we were able to gather a quorum and livestream the proceedings through our online Ngāti Tama app. We received positive feedback from many of you, whānau were able to make comments and put questions to the Trustees. We will continue to find ways such as livestreaming so that whānau can participate in Tama kaupapa. We look forward to hosting our next AGM and whānau wānanga in Whakatū, these dates are set for Friday 23rd of April to Monday 26th of April - save these dates whānau.

The National Iwi Chairs Forum meet every 4 month and recently we gathered in Ngāmotu, New Plymouth. Hosted by our Taranaki whanaunga, on the 5th and 6th of November, a date of huge significance as the commemoration of the 1881 invasion

of Parihaka, the mamae of this hara was acknowledged throughout the hui.

Te Whata, www.tewhata.io was launched at The National Iwi Chairs Forum and is an innovative data platform. Te Whata currently has Census, Te Kupenga data and Ministry of Education data available to access on an Iwi-by-Iwi basis and also has the ability for individual iwi to administer and customise to suit their purposes. This site was borne out of the bungled 2013 Census and the significant undercount of the Māori population.

Ngāti Tama also responded to the poor 2013 census data by delivering our own Iwi Census earlier this year. We had 28% of members participate, which is a relatively high iwi participation rate and a great benchmark milestone for us. Ngāti Tama will continue to deliver the census regularly as the data is invaluable to the Trust’s strategic planning and development.

The2020TamaCensus supportedthedevelopment oftheTama2050Strategy

Our new Ngāti Tama strategy is presented further along in this pānui. Post-covid Ngāti Tama is financially in a strong position. Tama Asset Holding Company decided to maintain higher levels of cash and now they are ready for good direct investments that might come up because of covid.

We understand that whānau may still be struggling as we continue to feel the effects. We want to support you, our whānau as much as we can. Now in recovery, we are finding ways to relieve pressure from families in addition to the relief grants, kai packs, and vouchers. Earlier this year Ngāti Tama secured funding from RUIA to supply back to school packs to our tamariki, tamariki nohinohi and rangatahi. Packed with stationery, books and Ngāti Tama merchandise, we can support our kids to be prepared for the 2021 school year. More details about ordering a pack is inside this pānui.

In closing, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, stay safe on the roads and if you are travelling, look after one another. To our whānau who live outside of the rohe, if you have no other plans I invite you to consider coming to Te Tauihu, to your place, to explore and learn, come for the holidays, the summer or come to our AGM in April – nau mai hoki mai ki te ūkaipō.


Nō reira, tēnā tatou e te whānau o Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu.
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Message from the General Manager

Whatayear2020hasbeen!Althoughhalfofthisyears plannedmahiwasdivertedtoCovidresponseandrecovery effortsIamproudoftheworkthatwehavebeenableto achievethisyear.

Our business case work across the operations team was impacted by the lockdown but we made good progress to achieve what we had set out to do in the last 12 months.

Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu is a group made up of all eight Te Tauihu iwi GM/CEs, born during lockdown to progress the collective priorities of iwi in Te Tauihu. We meet regularly to discuss the interests and needs of Māori whānau and post-covid the collective priorities are kai, housing and work/training.

This year the Ngāti Tama operations were focused on connecting with our

members; keeping members informed, understanding who, where and what your needs are.

This will put the team in a stronger position to continue to deliver results for the Tama Group and to whānau.

Over the next five years we will be focusing our efforts on the Ngāti Tama Strategic Plan priority areas;

1. Stimulate learners of Te Reo, tikanga and whakapapa

2. Develop opportunities to live and work in Te Tauihu

Our team in the office continues to grow as we look to recruit a Communications Support person, and with support from Te Puni Kōkiri we are building capabilities of our current staff through professional development.

3. Explore options to support whānau wellbeing and independence

4. Enhance our significant lands and waterways

5. Fit-for-purpose systems and operations.

We are looking to consolidate our work in 2021 and are so excited for what the new year will bring! Kia hāneanea te noho i te wā o te Kirihimete, ngā mihi matakuikui ki a tātou katoa mo te Tau Hou!

In this ‘new normal’ we are making the best use of the tools available to us to connect with members and bringwhānautogether.
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Ngāti Tama Operations Team

The national primary school kapa haka competition.

First held in Hamilton in the year 2000 Te Manakuratahi has celebrated Primary School Kapa Haka for over 20 years. The next festival to be held in 2021 will be hosted by Te Tauihu o Te Waka a Maui!

Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu Wh ānau Wānanga 202 1 Friday 23rd –Monday 26th April 2021 Te Ipukārea - October2021 TE PUNA | Page 4

1000+ YEARS AGO –arrival of Tokomaru waka at Tongapōrutu, Aotearoa.

1820'S - Numerous heke or migrations from Taranaki to Te Tauihu led by Te Pūoho ki Te Rangi and others, and the eventual conquest of western Te Tauihu.

1830'S Ngāti Tama pā and kāinga established in several places including Wakapuaka, Wainui, Takaka, Tukurua, Parapara and Te Tai Poutini.

Priorities 2020 to 2025


Explore options to support whānau wellbeing and independence.


Develop opportunities to work and live in Te Tauihu.


Stimulate learners of Te Reo, tikanga and whakapapa.

1840'S - Alienation of land through illegal purchases by Company officials leading to the displacement of whānau and many who were forced to leave Te Tauihu.


Fit for purpose systems and operations.


Enhance our significant lands and waterways.

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2003 - Ngāti Tama Manawhenua ki Te Tau Ihu claim heard by Waitangi Tribunal. 2020 - Establishment of Tama 2050 vision and commencement of Te Ahunga Nui priorities. 2050 – Our whānau thriving throughout our territories and around the world, proudly identifying as Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu. 2013 - Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu Deed of Settlement signed at Onetahua Marae. Establishment of Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust.
Tū Rangatira –courage, determination,growth
Arotahi ai tātou –collective,unified, inclusive
Mana Kaitiaki –restore, protect,sustain
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Akona kia tupu –learn, teach,evolve

The basic indicative design of the pouwhenua at Ngā Tīmoti School is a simple natural body Taking the form of a stylised Kaitaka with sparsely placed kōwhaiwhai patterns. These patterns reflect aspects of kaitiakitanga of the natural environment that the children and school community are involved with. The main surface pattern on the ūpoko and kaitaka border is the ‘ritorito’ pattern from the Taranaki carving tradition representing the flax family. This border pattern is based on the work of John H. Menzies, an ancestor of the carver and represents ‘ngā tuna o te awa o Motueka’.

At the base is the face of a tamaiti peering out from beneath the protective cloak representing the children at the school.

Te Pouwhenua ki te Kura o Ngā Tīmoti

‘TērāaMatarikikarewaitepae’– beholdMatarikion thehorizon,asignofnewbeginnings


Thereareseveralversionsastohowthe name of Ngā Tīmoti came about. One popular version follows the story of a man by the name of Tīmoti (Timothy)an avid eeler in the local area who carved, ‘Nā Tīmoti’ (belonging to Tīmoti), into a tree to mark his fishing spot. It appears that over the years, the name has gone through some changes and is now more commonly spelt as one word ‘Ngātīmoti’ which may be interpreted as ‘Ngā Tīmoti (the descendants of Tīmoti).

On Friday 11th December, Ngāti Tama unveiled and blessed Ngā Tīmoti Pouwhenua, a pou at Ngā Tīmoti School in Motueka to mark the connection Ngāti Tama has with the school and the area. The pouwhenua was commissioned by the Trust and carved by Ōtūwhero resident, Tim Wraight as part of connecting with schools that were returned to Ngāti Tama through our 2014 Treaty Settlement.

The top is the head of a Ngāti Tama Tupuna carved in the same way as the head at the top of a tokotoko with the conical peak representing Taranaki mounga. This has the face looking forward to the future and back to remember the past.

The eye of the pou is the Mānuka beetle (Pyronota festiva) which is prevalent in the area and represents the insect world.

The spiral pattern on the kaitaka refers to the birds around Ngā Tīmoti, and their flight paths above and across the valley, especially the kereru which at certain times of the year makes great swooping dives in the air.

Ngāti Tama acknowledges the carver Tim Wraight (resident at Ōtūwhero) for his creative interpretation and in particular for incorporating specific aspects pertaining to Ngāti Tama and their Taranaki origins and the local Ngā Tīmoti area. Tēnā rā koe kei te rangatira e Tim.

Ngāti Tama Trustee’s, staff & whānau
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Ngatimoti School students check out their new pouwhenua

Brightwater School win at Te Huinga Whetū

Ngāti Tama present taonga to first ever winners of the ‘bestwhakangahau'category fromTeHuingaWhetūFestival2020.

Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust presented the trophy to the first ever winners of the Best Whakangahau group from Huinga Whetū Festival 2020. The new category – best whakangahau –is an encouragement to students to rise, persevere and never give up and is being recognised with a taonga commissioned by Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust. Brightwater School are the inaugural winners of the kapa haka category The taonga, created by master artist

Brian Flintoff, is a pūmoana or pītātara made from a triton shell, wood, and feathers to represent the children of both Tāne and Tangaroa.

The name of the taonga is “Poutama”, and is to recognise the continual levels of learning, growth, and achievement in kapahaka.

In their first ever performance at the competition, Brightwater School won the non-aggregate category of best whakangahau group and is to encourage

new groups to think about participating in the competitive section.

Brightwater school were unable to receive the taonga at the prizegiving on the day and Waimea College accepted the taonga on the school’s behalf.

Brightwater School students, teachers, Te Tauihu Cultural Council and Ngāti Kōata welcomed Ngāti Tama to the school for the official presentation of the taonga to students. The next Huinga Whetū Festival is set for 2021.

Mereana Anderson

Ebbandflowisacollectionofprojectsthatdocument andexploredifferentaspectsofpersonalwellbeing.

Mereana has unpacked notions of wellbeing and created a website exhibition to display alongside her colleagues, as a collective. Ebb and Flow, encompasses differing states of mental wellbeing. Ebb and Flow; the push and pull of water, promotes a metaphor for unpacking psychological mind states. This idea links the ocean to the everchanging high and low tides of experience. The journey of drug addiction and overcoming the compulsion is a narrative that is familiar to many New Zealanders. “Surfacing” examines the impact of illicit drugs on an individual and

their Whānau. The documentary video represents a raw story which gives a voice to the people with first-hand experience. The story embodies a journey of recognition, submission and cooperation that is to conquer all the odds.

Documentary link:

https://hjw09438.wixsite.com/ebbandflow project

Documentary Video Dedicated to Rosline Ellis & Paulie Anderson

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The taonga was named Poutama to recognise the continual levels of learning

Order a Ngāti Tama School Pack for


Get a jump-start on the 2021 school year and pre-order a Ngāti Tama School pack for your tamariki and rangatahi. Orders available NOW via the Ngāti Tama App


Log on to the app at: whanau.ngati-tama.iwi.nz and log in with your tama email

Complete a short questionnaire

Enter your postal details and tamariki details

Wait for your school pack to be posted in January 2021.


or higher

Ngāti Tama Education Grants 2021openingFebruary

Earlier this year Ngāti Tama teamed up with RUIA to deliver Rangatahi programs for our April 2020 whānau wānanga. However, due to covid-19 and lockdown we were unable to deliver the amazing activities we had planned. We were able to repurpose the RUIA funding to provide these packs and help our tamariki connect with Ngāti Tama.

150packs availabletoorder ona‘firstinfirst served’basis. Orderviathe NgātiTamaApp

T&C’s: School packs can only be ordered by parents of the school aged child and the child’s parent MUST be registered to Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust School packs are available to tamariki who are currently attending preschool/kōhanga reo, primary school, intermediate or secondary school One school pack per child. Limited to 150 packs in total. Once all packs are allocated Ngāti Tama will discontinue any further orders Orders will be available from Dec 22nd 2020.

3. 4.
of iwi members have attained NCEA Level 1
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Ngāti Tama gives thanks

Ngāti Tama’s representative on the Suter Art and Museum Iwi Kōmite

Whanaunga Robin Slow has been Ngāti Tama’s representative on Te Aratoi o Whakatū (The Suter Art Gallery) and Nelson Museum Kōmiti in recent years. During his time on the kōmiti Robin represented the interests of Ngāti Tama iwi to uphold Te Reo me Ōna Tikanga values and principles in exhibitions and throughout the museum. The kōmiti consists of a representative from each of the six recognised manawhenua lwi of Whakatū, who meet for the purpose of

Whaea Judi Billens

Ngāti Tama’s representative on Nelson Marlborough Iwi Health Board

We also give thinks to long time standing representative, whaea Judi Billens who has resigned as a Tama Representative on the Nelson Marlborough Iwi Health Board after 20 years’ service

The Iwi Health Board is the principal Māori health advisor to the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board exercising its responsibilities as a treaty partner for Māori residents in Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui in relation to ensuring improvement in health outcomes. This includes contributing to decision

ensuring kaitiakitanga and tikanga Māori are an integral part of Nelson Museum and the Suter, including any future developments. Robin Slow is an artist and educator. Robin was born in Wairau and has lived and worked throughout Te Waipounamu as an art teacher. He undertook a Diploma of Teaching with an art major at Christchurch Teachers’ College going on to work in Christchurch, Twizel and Golden Bay. He was an art teacher at Golden Bay High School in Takaka for thirty-one years. Since 1991, Robin and his wife Rose (pictured), have worked as part of

Te Whānau o Mohua to establish Onetahua Marae. In recent years, he has committed to full-time art practice with regular solo and touring exhibitions. One of his most recent, Ngā Hau Ngākau was recently in Whakatū and Upper Hutt. There were luminous paintings, intricately carved taonga pūoro and beautiful music woven together to form the extraordinary exhibition.

We thank Robin for his contribution and commitment to Māori Art and Artists in Te Tauihu.

making, and participation in the delivery of health and disability services. The Iwi Health Board is a representative voice for the eight iwi and all Māori across Te Tauihu. Whaea Judi’s has held many representative roles in Te Tauihu, including; Te Tauihu Iwi Health Board, Māori Women's Welfare League, CYF Care and Protection Panel, Rep of Kotahitanga Nelson City Council Iwi forum, Rep for Ngāti Tama RIF, Cultural Council for Ngāti Tama, Wakatu Inc, Te Rito Violence, Age Concern, Women's Refuge,


Trust, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology Iwi Advisory Board, Nelson Marlborough District Health Board & Health and Disability Support Advisory, Nelson Area St John Advisory, New Zealand Care Advisory Board, NMHC Public Health Advisory, Principal Director of Aotearoa Tourism Maori since 2010. We thank Judi her for her contribution to Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu and the wider whānau of Te Tauihu.

Photo: Robin Slow Robin and his wife Rose ti Tama ki Te Tauihu Manawhenua
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Photo credit: Stuff Judi & Peggy Whitton

The year of COVID A Ngāti Tama Reponse

In March of this year when the country moved into Alert level 4, Ngāti Tama and its Trustees prioritised the health and wellbeing of whānau and team members. Our Covid-19 response plan saw the operational team check in on 100% of members that we had contact information for. We provided 417 relief grants to whānau in New Zealand and abroad and distributed 333 kai packs or kai vouchers to Ngāti Tama whānau throughout Aotearoa. Some whānau suffered loss of income and work, some felt isolated and disconnected in lockdown, some lost loved ones during that time, and our thoughts are with them.

Ngāti Tama’s response was swift and far reaching. Ensuring that Ngāti Tama whānau feel supported and not alone during the lockdown was our paramount concern. Ngāti Tama will continue to administer Covid-19 relief for our whānau as the impacts continue to be felt.

We are also pleased that the collective work of the eight Te Tauihu iwi has come into sharper focus as a result of Covid-19. A recovery plan to focus on the kai, housing and work needs of Te Tauihu whānau has been initiated by the GMs of Te Tauihu iwi and it is heartening to see this work progress and develop.

TillieWilkinsonwhānau MoyaMcConnellWhānau Ngahiwi KelvinTapuke KatrinaO’Hara JosephStafford makingTāmaki deliveries NicoleDeath(Mason) JudiBillens Mr&Mrs.Joseph AliRei ArielleParai
AdamWalker RussleighParai&whānau LeanneMason CodiHippolite TuohyWhānau JohnStudd

Ngā marae

o Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu

Onetahua Kōkiri Marae

Whare: Te Ao Mārama

Wharekai: Te Whare Mātika

Waka: Tainui, Tokomaru

Maunga: Parapara

Awa: Te Waikoropupū

Tikanga / Kawa: Taranaki

Iwi / Rūnanga: Ngāti

Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu, Te Ātiawa o Te Waka ā Maui, Manawhenua ki Mohua

Farewell Spit, and is translated as ‘heaped up sand’. The whare tūpuna, Te Ao Mārama, was opened in 2001. Onetahua connects ancestrally to the waka Tokomaru, the maunga Parapara and the awa Te Waikoropupū.

Address: 71 Pōhara Valley Road, Pōhara

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Whare: Te Ao Mārama

Wharekai: Te Whare Mātika

Waka: Tainui, Tokomaru

Maunga: Parapara

Awa: Te Waikoropupū

Tikanga / Kawa: Taranaki

Iwi / Rūnanga: Ngāti

Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu, Te Ātiawa o Te Waka ā Maui, Manawhenua ki Mohua

Te Āwhina Marae

two maunga,Pukeone and Tūao Wharepapa

Te Āwhina connects ancestrally to the waka

Tainui, Tokomaru and the awa Motueka and Riuwaka.

The kawa for the marae is Tānga kawa. Address: 133 Pā Street, Motueka, 7120

Whare: Kakati

Wharekai: Mauri Ora

Waka: Tainui, Kurahaupō, Tokomaru

Maunga: Maungatapu

Awa: Mahitahi

Tikanga / Kawa: Tū atu Tū mai

Wāhi: Whakatū (Nelson)

Iwi / Rūnanga: Ngāti Koata, Ngāti

Kuia, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te

Tauihu, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Te Āti Awa

Whakatū Marae

Whakatū marae is located in Taitapu Bay, Nelson. Whakatū is the southernmost marae associated with the Kingitanga movement. The whare tipuna named Kakati and was opened on 1 April 1995.

Whakatū connects ancestrally to the waka

Tainui, the maunga Maungatapu and Tūao

Wharepapa, and the awa Maitahi. The kawa of Whakatū is Tū atu Tū mai.

Address: 99 Atawhai Drive, Atawhai, Nelson 7010

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Staff Wānanga to Te Āwhina Marae

On the 18th and 19th of November, Ngāti Tama staff attended a 2-day staff wānanga hosted at Te Āwhina Marae in Motueka. Regular wānanga with staff support professional development and build a deeper understanding of Ngāti Tama cultural spaces and hītori. Staff were treated to beautiful kōrero about the whare, the pou and tukutuku panels that adorn the inside, and the pou that stand in the front of the whare. Staff were taken around the rohe to visit our schools returned to Ngāti Tama as part of settlement, including Ngatimoti, Tasman School and Mahana School where Pouwhenua will be erected. The first Ngāti Tama Pouwhenua was erected at Motupipi School in Takaka in December of 2019. Staff also visited the Te Puna o Riuwaka, it is where the northern branch of the Riuwaka River rises from caverns deep below the Takaka Hill. The water, as pure as Pupū Springs, runs through marble rocks and passages down to the foot of the hill to spring out into a deep, crystalclear pool. The river tumbles on down the hill through a series of pools, including the stunning Crystal Pool.

He Rau Mahara

Makete Pō – Night Market

He Rau Mahara, the book launch for Te Āwhina Marae. The day will begin with a pōwhiri at 11am followed by the book launch and hākari. The festivities are looking to be completed by 2pm. A Mākete Pō – Night Market will commence at 5pm and finish at 9pm.

Te Puna o Riuwaka is regarded as a supernatural place where some would come to cleanse and heal their bodies and sustain their spirits. Staff also learned Te Āwhina Marae is launching their marae book on Saturday 9th of January. The book, written by Pohe Stephens, explores the history of the pā and brings to paper the kōrero of the whare and pou.

Te Waikoropupū

An update on the Water Conservation Order (WCO)

In 2017, the Minister for the Environment accepted the WCO application and referred to a special tribunal for consideration.

In March 2020, the Special Tribunal issued its report and recommendations to the Minister. Other parties were able to make submissions to the report.

On 8 May 2020, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) notified us that 10 parties had lodged further proceedings with the Environment Court in respect to the WCO application.

In Sep 2020, all parties including Ngāti Tama attended a mediation hui in Takaka. A further mediation hui is scheduled for Feb 2021.

If you would like to know more about the WCO, you can go to the EPS website here: https://www.epa.govt.nz/publicconsultations/decided/te-waikoropupu-springs/

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Paul Marlow at Te Āwhina Marae

Education Grants

Open from February 2021

Maximum one Education Grant per person per year may be granted. Parents (of children 17 years and under), tertiary students & adults can apply for:

• Pre-school grant: up to $50 per year

• Primary school grant: up to $100 per year

• Intermediate school grant: up to $200 per year

• Secondary School grant: up to $300 per year

• Tertiary degree education grants: up to $1000 per year

• Postgraduate scholarship: $2500 one off

• Non-degree, Poly-technical courses/trade training: up to $500 per year

MANAAKI GRANTS - Open all year round. Up to $500 per year

Maximum one Manaaki Grant per person per year may be granted All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

HOW TO APPLY - To apply for a grant for yourself or for your children, you’ll need to be a registered iwi member of Ngāti Tama.

Application forms for Education Grants will be available on the website from February 2020. Manaaki Grant Applications are available online.


For any whānau members who have recently turned 18, or who are not yet registered with us:

To register as an iwi member or to update your contact details, go to Ngāti Tama website or contact us in the office.

Ngāti Tama Ki Te Waipounamū Trust

P O Box 914, Nelson 7040 www.ngati-tama.iwi.nz

Ph. 0800 TAMA IWI



Order Ngāti Tama hoodies and t-shirts

USE THE PROMO CODE TAMA50 TO GET 50% OFF (Only while stocks last, so be in quick). Order from ngatitama.konstruct.com. More merchandise coming in 2021.

Office Close Dates Ngāti Tama Office Christmas closure dates

2pm Thursday 24th December – 9am January 5th

Log in to the Ngāti

Tama Whānau App

Apply for grants & keep up to date with pānui

To login to the Ngāti Tama Whānau App:

• Go to "Ngāti Tama Whānau App

• In the login screen enter your email address (only registered iwi members can access the app)

• a unique pin number will be emailed to you

• Enter the pin and you are in

• A new pin will be needed each time you access the app to keep your information secure

To log out click the three lines in the top right corner of the app or contact whanau@ngati-tama.iwi.nz for help.

How to apply for grants and help:

• Select the support you need under the "My Account" Tab

• click “Apply Now”

• complete all the fields; and

• select submit

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Send your photos of Tama whānau enjoying summer and go into the draw to win a $100 voucher for The Warehouse. Simplysendyourpicstowhanu@ngati-tama.iwi.nzorour Facebook.SendyourphotosinbeforeFeb28tobeinthedraw.

Registrations: pouawhina@ngati-tama.iwi.nz

Online subscriptions: whanau@ngati-tama.iwi.nz


Website: www.ngati-tama.iwi.nz

App: www.whanau.ngati-tama.iwi.nz

Facebook: @NgatiTamaKiTeWaipounamuTrust

NGĀTI TAMA KI TE WAIPOUNAMU TRUST POST Ngāti Tama Ki Te Waipounamu Trust P O Box 914, Nelson 7040 OFFICE 74 Waimea Road, Nelson 7010 PHONE 0800 TAMA IWI – 0800 8262 494 (03) 548 1740
Ngāti Tama Staff presenting “Poutama” to the winners of ‘Best Whakangahau Group’ at Te Huinga Whetū, Brightwater School

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