Te Puna Pānui o Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu, Issue 7, December 2019

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schools, Te Tauihu iwi and Ngāi Tahu through participation, rejuvenation of relationships and being involved.

Message from the Chair

Kia ora e te whānau, Kua tae ki te wā Kirihimete! Christmas has arrived!

This is the time of year to celebrate with whānau and friends and look back at what we have achieved for the year.

The last quarter of 2019 has been an energetic and engaging time for Ngāti Tama. We went out to our whānau to conduct a series of Engagement Hui across Aotearoa, Te Ipukarea was hosted in Motueka, and we have been connecting with our whānau regularly. We are continuing to strengthen our relationships with our

Ngāti Tama Staff and Board members went across the country in October to listen and learn about whānau aspirations and priorities. These hui were about listening to whānau aspirations which we will continue online with surveys and research over the coming months. Feedback and participation with this process will help to inform future NgātiTama strategies and will guide our trustees with future decision making. I encourage all our whānau to take part in the survey process either on our websiteorbycompletingthe survey included in this pānui. The results of the survey and whānau engagement will be made available at our 2020 AGM.

The Board and Tama Staff are planning for our Annual General Meeting in April 2020whichwillbehostedat Whakatū Marae. The AGM will coincide with our Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu Whānau Wānanga where we will share histories of Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu whakapapa, waiata, karakia and take a field trip to one our culturally significant sites. I encourage our iwi members to come and listen,engageandbepartof the AGM and weekend wānanga

We’ve had a fantastic end of year with four Ngāti Tama teamsenteringTeTauihuTe Ipukarea, the annual interiwi sports competition. Hosted by Ngāti Rārua in Motueka, sports included Netball, Basketball, Touch, KĪ-o-Rahi and Euchre. With the energy and tenacity of our young people, Ngāti Tama took first place for both the Rangatahi and Tamariki categories for KĪ-oRahi. A great result for our debut season

Ngāti Tama unveiled a Pou commissioned by the Ngāti Tama Board and placed at Motupipi Primary School in Mohua. The pou, carved by Tim Wraight is named Motupipiandrecognisesthe special relationship between the school and our iwi. This is the beginning of Ngāti Tama erecting Pou at significant sites around the rohe to commemorate the history and the connection Ngāti Tama have to those places.

Lastly, on behalf of theNgāti Tama Group, I would like to wish all our whānau a safe andfestive holiday season, I look forward to catching up with you all in the New Year

Ngā mihi o Te Wā meTeTau Hou, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Anthony (Butch) Little Chairman | Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust

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General Manager

Kia ora e te iwi, ngāmihi matakuikui i tēnei wāhanga o te tau.

I have now been in the GM role for 18 months and what a time it has been. 2019 has been filled with growth, activation, engagement and so much learning.

Firstly,Iwouldliketothanktheteamforalltheir hard work this year.

We are well on our way to delivering our 12monthbusinesscasesthatfocusonourcurrent priorities; Te Reo, Tikanga, Whakapapa, Environment and Education and I’m looking forwardtothedevelopmentoffuturestrategies when our current one expires in 2020.

I would like to extend my thanks to all those who sent in messages for Narissa Armstrong, who resigned from her role as Pouāwhina after 7 years with the Trust. Friends, staff and iwi members joined Narissa in a celebration dinner, and the Trust presented her with a taonga created by Brian Flintoff, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a personalised book filled with whānau tributes.

We recently welcomed a new member to our staff, Nikita Takai, who has returned home to Nelson after 11 years in Wellington,workingfortheMedicalCouncil of NZ. We also have two contractors to Ngāti Tama, who are delivering specific project based mahi for the Trust, in Education, Te Reo me Ōna Tikanga and Environment.

Lastly, I would like to wish all our whānau a safeandfestiveChristmasholidayasweall look forward to what the New Year brings.

Kia hāneanea te noho ki roto i ōu kāinga maha, kia tau tonu te manaakitanga o te Runga Rawa ki runga i a tātou katoa, mauriora!

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Jaqui x Te Pouwhakahaere | General
Ngāti Tama Staff Wānanga 2019 to Te Waikoropupū and Onetahua

Upcoming Dates

Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu AGM

25th April, 2020

Whakatū Marae, Nelson

Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu Whānau


Friday 24th – Monday 27th April 2020

Whakatū Marae, Nelson

Ngāti Tama Education Grants Opening

1st February 2020

Te Puna | Page 4
NGĀ KAUPAPA | CONTENTS Message from the Chair 2 Message from the General Manager 3 Whānau Engagement 6 Education & Te Reo me Ōna Tikanga Scoping Exercise 7 Ngāti Tama AGM & Whānau Wānanga 7 Te Ipukarea 8 Motupipi Pouwhenua Unveiling 10 Charitable Trust to take role within Tama Group 12 Tribute to Cultural Trustees 13 Te Mauri o Te Mana Kuratahi 14 Farewell to Narissa 14 Māori Business in Te Tauihu 15 New Employee Profile: Nikita Takai 16 Associate Trustee Profile: Johannah Katene-Burge 16 Staff Noho to Onetahua 17 Ngāi Tahu relationship 17 Te Taiao: Te Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance 18 Project Moturoa: Seeking registrations of interest 18 Ngāti Tama Grants 19 Notices 19 Kākahu 19 Carver, Tim Wraight Unveiling of Motupipi at Motupipi Primary School Te Puna | Page 5



InOctober,NgātiTamakiTeWaipounamuTrustheldWhānauEngagementHuiacrossAotearoa to get insight into whānau aspirations, goals and challenges for future strategy development

These hui was also an opportunity for Ngāti Tama to capture information around Te Reo Me Ōna Tikanga and Education. Ngāti Tama was granted funding to undertake scoping exercises to help inform the future development of a Ngāti Tama Te Reo me Ōna Tikanga Strategy and future Education Strategy.

The Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu Strategic plan 2015 is due to expire in 2020, and a new Plan needstobecreatedtoguidetheTrustforfuturedecisionmaking.NgātiTamasetouttocapture whānau voice to ensure future strategies reflect whānau ideas.

Have your say by going to https://ngatitama.nz/contact/survey/


What encouraged you to attend the whānau engagement hui?

I like to contribute and love to hear what others have to say. I know it is difficult to engage with whānau and also recognise the importance of Kanohi ki te kanohi engagement.

Why is it important for whānau to have their say in iwi priority planning such as this?

Thejobofthetrusteesisadifficultoneand more input from whānau makes the job a bit easier - if they know what whānau want it is easier to plan for.


What would you like to see the iwi doing for you and your whānau in 30 years?

After seeingwhat thePueblo do inNewMexico I canseearealopportunityforourpeopleof Ngāti Tama to benefit greatly from the treaty settlements. With a small membership base of 500 it could be really easy to be able to reach out and help whānau as groups achieve their dreams and aspirations - on an individual basis thatwillstrengthenourwhānau,hapūandIwias a collective.

Te Puna | Pag e 6
“itcouldbereallyeasytoreach outandhelpwhānauachievetheir dreamsandaspirations”

For the Trust to better understand the aspirations of iwi members

The scoping exercise is consisted of a series of workshops, surveys and research to provide insights into the current landscape of Te Reo and Education for our iwi members.

How would

future development of an education and te reo strategy.

The findings of the scoping exercise will be presented at the2020AGM.

Friday 24th April – Monday 27th April 2020

Whakatū Marae, Nelson

Ngāti Tama in 30 years time?
Itwillalsoincludeareviewof relevant literature and evidence that will help shape recommendationsforthe
Haveyoursay! Go to https://ngatitama. nz/contact/survey/ for more NGĀTI TAMA WHĀNAU WĀNANGA & ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Marae, Nelson
Saturday 25th April 2020 Whakatū
WHAKAPAPA | HĪTORI | WAIATA | KARAKIA | WHENUA whanau@ngati-tama.iwi.nz | 0800 TAMA IWI | 74 Waimea Road, Nelson Te Puna | Page 7 Whānau Wānanga
Start: 2pm
Contact Ngāti Tama office to RSVP for catering purposes


There was a great show of Ngāti Tamatanga at Te Ipukarea this month, hosted by Ngāti Rārua in Motueka.

MAUI Signing up to play for two teams wasn’t for the faint of heart, but a number of our rangatahiranbackandforthalldayfromthe netball court to the KĪ-o-Rahi field, with few breaks.

This is the first year Ngāti Tama has entered teams into the inter-iwi sports competition, andfirstimpressionsoftheevent wasthatthe air was electric Ngāti Tama Chair and staff showed support andmanaakiforourteamsbyprovidinglunch, snacks and cheerleading throughout the day. This year’s games saw teams competing in Netball, Basketball, Touch, Kī-o-Rahi and Euchre. All eight iwi braved the winds and occasionalrain to takeoutthe topspots.Most gazebo’s including ours, lost their battles with the strong winds of Tāwhirimātea but it didn’t put a damper on the days competitions.

Our tamariki and rangatahi teams were amazing on the KĪ-o-Rahi field Ngāti Tama tamariki and rangatahi displayed great sportsmanship and positivity and in the end were able to take home two first placings. Our euchre team had some intense games on the cards table, whānau came to play and they didn’t mess around!

A big mihi to our ladies netball team who represented Ngāti Tama with pride! And a special mention to Pohe Stephens and Pikiora Spooner for all your tautoko and organisation of Ngāti Tama teams.

Thank you to Ngāti Rārua and we look forward to Te Ipukarea 2020 being hosted by Ngāti Toa.

Te Puna | Page 8 HĀKINAKINA | sport
tamariki and rangatahi displayed great sportsmanship and positivity


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Ngāti Tama
Placings Tamariki Kī-o-Rahi
Tamariki Rangatahi Tāne Wāhine Kī-o-Rahi Tama Tama Toa me Kuia Koata Touch Rugby Rangitāne Rārua Toa Kuia Netball Kuia Kuia me Te Ātiawa Basketball Toa Toa Koata Euchre Rārua WHANAUNGATANGA
Rangatahi Kī-o-Rahi

Motupipi Pouwhenua

Inthecalmoftheearlymorning darkness,headlightsand torchlights converged around the flagpole that stands near the front of a small rural primary school.

Children, some still in their pyjamas, others bright eyed and bushy tailed, gathered on a tarpaulin splayed out on the dew laden grass. On the edge of the field, a lit up classroom strewn with mattresses and sleeping bags, evidenceof theovernightcampingadventure theevening before.

Parents, teachers and the community were joined by kaumātua, Ngāti Tama trustees, staff and whānau to unveil Motupipi. Carved by local carver, Tim Wraight, Motupipi was blessed at dawn to signify the relationship between Ngāti Tama and the Primary School.

The three metre tōtara pou was commissioned by Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust and marks the beginning of a series of Pouwhenua to be constructed and erected at a number of significant sites for Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu.

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‘Motu’ – island ‘pipi’ – shellfish

As the name ‘Motupipi’ would suggest, the estuary surrounding the island was renowned for the ‘gathering of the delicacy’.

At first glance it seems the island is detached from the mainland however it is joined and surrounded by farmland at its base.

It’s currently a popular recreational site for bikers and hikers alike and is now generally referred to as Motupipi Hill.

The surrounding area takes its name from the island including the local primary school and the newly unveiled pou which bears the same name. The pou signifies the important relationship between Ngāti Tama, the school and the local community.

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Cultural Trust to perform charitable role for Ngāti Tama Group

Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu Cultural Trust (NTCT) has been approved to perform the charitable role within the Ngāti Tama Group (the Group), following a review of the Tama entities including Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust (NTWT), Tama Asset Holding Company (TAHC) and NTCT.

Over the past eighteen months, the trustees sought and considered legal and financial advice about the overall structure of the entities to enhance operations across the Group. As a result of the review, NTWT approved to support NTCT to perform its charitable role within the Group.

NTCT will be guided by strategic and operational plansand advice from NTWT and current NTWT staff. This aims to result in effective and efficient use of resources, reduce risk of work duplication and mitigate any foreseen compliance issues.

All functions for the Ngāti Tama Group are performed by NTWT and all staff are employed by NTWT. These functions include servicesthatNTCTasaregisteredcharityhas taken advantage of since Nov 2016.

NTCTwillcontinuetoprovideNTWTandTAHC with services obtained at discounted rates due to its status as a registered charity.

New Trustees of NTCT will be appointed to ensurethatallNgātiTamaGroupexpenditure and charitable activity is being treated correctly and efficiently.

Cultural mahi will continue. This will happen aspartofday-to-daystaffresponsibilitiesand through guidance and advice from NTWT committees or working groups. The recent cultural trustees will have completed their roles and have been invited to be members of the NTWT Grants and Scholarships Committee.

The changes have begun and will be fully effective from January 2020.

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Furthermore, the name will be changed to Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu Charitable Trust to avoid confusion about its function and purpose.
IWI PĀNUI | Iwi notice
Bev Purdie – Recent Cultural Trustee

Cultural Trustees

acknowledged for their service

Te Waikoropupū Springs aquifer system and catchment area.

Over several years they have worked tirelessly to uphold the kaitiaki legacy of Ngāti Tama.

The cultural trustees have also provided opportunities for te reo and tikanga enrichment through whānau wānanga and through the expansion of education grants to include primary and secondary schooling.

We particularly acknowledge Margie Little and Leanne Manson who, in addition to their normal work have persistentlyledanddriventhe vast majority of work in mining, water conservation and environmental protection., on behalf of Ngāti Tama and with the full support of local whānau.

As you will be aware Ngāti Tama was a joint applicant with Andrew Yuill to lodge a Water Conservation Order (WCO) application over

The intended purpose of the WCO is to protect Te Waikoropupū and preserve the quality of the water. We are currently awaiting a response from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and our hope is that the WCO will be granted so that any Council freshwater management plans will reflect the need to protect this significant water body and wāhi tapu.

Leanne and Margie will continue to provide advice, guidance and leadership in our response to the WCO application.

The cultural trustees have also provided opportunities for te reo and tikanga enrichment

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On behalf of all whānau we wish to acknowledge the Cultural Trustees for their hard work and dedication.
Margie Little – Recent Cultural Trustee Leanne Mason – Recent Cultural Trustee NGĀTI TAMATANGA

Te Mauri

o Te Mana Kuratahi

In November, te mauri o Te Mana Kuratahi, was received by Te Tauihu Students, and accompanied back to Whakatū Marae.

Te Tauihu is set to host the

National Primary Schools

Kapa Haka Competition in 2021

NgātiTamawishtocongratulatethose tauira who participated in this year’s competition and we look forward to 2021

Te Tauihu is also host the National Secondary Schools competition in 2022 and Te Matatini in 2025


It was the end of an era for Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu, when we bid farewell tp our longest serving employee.

Narissa Armstrong stepped down as Pouāwhina for Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust on November the 8th.

Narissa has been with the Trust through milestone events such as receiving Settlement, the moving of Ngāti Tama Trust offices to Waimea Road, lodging of the Water Conservation order for Te Waikoropupū and she has supported three General Managers

General Manager Jaqui Ngawaka says “Narissa has been an enduring figure within Ngāti Tama offices throughout the years and is knowledgeable about every aspect of

theTrustbusiness.Shecouldputherhandon any paper in this office and know the who, what, when and why”

Narissa is the longest standing employee of Ngāti Tama and has seen all its members, trustees, directors, representatives and associates come through.

Narissa was joined by current and past trustees, iwi members, friends and staff to celebrate her contributionto the iwi and wish her well with her future endeavours.

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Margie Little with Narissa at her farewell dinner
Jane De Feu leads students onto Whakatū Marae. Credit: Stuff



The network members identified their aspirations and goals and Mākete Pō was born as one way to promote their mahi.

Mākete Pō supports its vendors to find pathways to get their product out to the general public and is a

The Regional Intersectoral Forum(RIF)inTeTauihuis made up of the eight iwi, and around 13 crown agencies, and the three councils (Nelson City, Tasman,andMarlborough).

In RIF there are four pou –cultural, social, environmental and economic. The economic pou is all about opportunities to support Māori enterprise in Te Tauihu. It’s very organicthe activity is driven by iwi/Māori/whānau aspirations.

In 2018, the members of the pou set about forming a Māori Business Network,

which is an opportunity for whānau who have a business to come together for advice, support, information, networking. It's first hui was hosted by Ngāti Kuia, the second by Ngāti Tama and the most recent one by Westpac in Nelson.

Ngāti Tama’s own Judi BillenswasappointedPatron of the Network, for her wealthofknowledgewithher 55yearsindustryexperience in business, and commitment to supporting Māori Business inTeTauihu.

The network host quarterly hui and invite Māori business owners to network, hear from other like-minded business owners and professionals in a whānau environment.

The aim is to provide avenues for Māori businesses to promote, sell and market their products.

Judi Billens of Ngāti Tama was appointed Patron of the Network in September

wonderful opportunity for Māori Business owners.

The event was established to support Māori businesses to be active, accessible and visible within Te TauIhu. The event promotes Māori arts, crafts, entertainment and Māori business.

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OHAOHA | economic
Pō 28 February 2020 Washbourne Gardens Richmond
Whānau enjoying Mākete Pō in Nelson, checking out the waka on display



I am a Nelson local and have recently moved back home after being in Wellington for the past 11 years. I have worked in administrative positions in several different areas, most recently in the health sector workinginregulationandcompliance with the medical profession.

Since moving back I am enjoying rediscovering my beautiful home townandhavinglotsoffamilyaround me to enjoy the moments with! I am excited to be appointed as the new Pouāwhina for the Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust and really look forward to working with everyone.



Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Toa Rangatira

Thetaongaofourtupunahavebeenentrustedto the current and future generations, for the benefit of our people. As an endeavouring young wāhine Māori, I now seek the opportunity to represent my generation in the strategic direction of our iwi and the prudential management of taonga tuku iho, for the future yet. With a commerce academic focus of strategic management and human resource management, I set purpose to embody the skills IhavelearntthusfaratTheUniversityofWaikato and to further develop this expertise alongside Ngāti Tama. In the age of modern management, processes are evolving, technology is upgrading, and business is expanding. Yet, underneath the evolution of change will always remain the peopleandtherelationshipswechoosetofoster. After all, the people are our greatest network, asset and priority. I am proud that my leadership is founded upon my identity as Māori and as Ngāti Tama.

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Photo credit: Kate MacPherson
WHĀNUI | profiles

In November Ngāti Tama office went to Onetahua Marae for an overnight staff noho in Mohua.

The first stop was to meet the legendary Fred Te Miha, who guided the team around Motueka to some Ngāti Tama sites inthe surroundingareas The team visited our property at Whakarewa Street and Te Puna o Riuwaka.

We then headed over to Onetahua Marae, where we were welcomed by John WardHolmes, Robin Slow,Mākere Chapman and Mairangi Reiher. They took the team to Te Waikoropupū springs to hear stories of the area and then to a Ngāti Tama site in Parapara.

In the evening staff were treated to kōrero from Robin Slow about the history of Onetahua Marae, and a glimpse of the treasures inside.

On day two the team stopped on top of Tākaka hill to see the physical representationofNgārarahuarau'sscales –akorerowe’d heard about the night before. On the return home to Whakatū we visited Puketāwai Reserve in Motueka.

Relationship with Ngāi Tahu rejuvenated

Ngāti Tama are rejuvenating the relationship with Ngāi Tahu to support iwi development and capabilities.

In2011,arelationshipagreementwassigned betweenthetwoiwiandwassignifiedthrough a touchstone and base to acknowledge the special intergenerational relationship between Ngāti Tama and Ngāi Tahu.

The pounamu touchstone was gifted by Ngāi Tahu. The rākau base was carved from the same tōtara log that was used to carve the pou tuarongo at Onetahua Marae.

There are two designs running into each other, carved by Tim Wraight. The pūngāwerewere for Ngāti Tama is a symbol of the web and weaving together of unity. The pākura for Ngāi Tahu is a double-sided spiral that signifies the two sides of life.

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WHANAKE | develop


EarlierthisyearNgātiTama forgedanalliance with iwi, councils and the Department of Conservation in the Te Tauihu to work collectively with communities to restore natural landscapes across the region.

The Alliance provides environmental leadership and coordination in working together and with others to protect and enhance the wider region’s diverse natural landscapes.

The landscapes include vast areas of beech forest, eastern dryland, alpine hinterland, the sheltered sounds of Marlborough, freshwater catchments and varied marine environments including extensive intertidal flats and wild and exposed coasts.

Hundredsofnativeplantandanimalspecieslive within those landscapes, including some unique to the region.

Since its signing, Ngāti Tama have been working with the alliance to work towards achieving the strategies outcomes. The Alliance has accepted an operational plan 2019/2020 to help guide the Alliance work focus

Existing projects such as project Moturoa are seeking registrations of interest from interested iwi members.



Ngāti Tama are taking fortheProjectMoturoaProgram.Currentlywe are seeking two tāne and two wāhine to be part of the 2020 intake

Starting February 2020 to November 2020, the program is underpinned by Whenua, NZ Certificate in Conservation (Operations) Level 4 on the NZQA Framework with the aim to a viable pathway of learning and employment that links Te Taia Kaitiakitanga to social, employment and economic outcomes.

Project Moturoa is an initiative by The Regional Intersectoral Forum (RIF) and The Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance to bring togetheropportunitieswhereiwicanenhance the mauri of the environment and the people

in an interconnected way To apply for the program, please go to the NMIT website to register at:

Any further questions please contact:

Pene Gieger | Course Coordinator

M: +64 272509837 pgieger@doc.govt.nz

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TE TAIAO | environment


The round will be open from 1st Feb – 30th Apr 2020

Maximum one Education Grant per person per year may be granted.

Parents (of children 17 years and under), tertiary students & adults can apply for:

• Pre-school grant: up to $50 per year

• Primary school grant: up to $100 per year

• Intermediate school grant: up to $200 per year

• Secondary School grant: up to $300 per year

• Tertiary degree education grants: up to $1000 per year

• Postgraduate scholarship: $2500 one off

• Non-degree, Poly-technical courses/trade training: up to $500 per year


Open all year round

Up to $500 per year

Maximum one Manaaki Grant per person per year may be granted

All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.


To apply for a grant, you’ll need to be a registered iwi member of Ngāti Tama.

Application forms for Education Grants will be available on the website from 1st February 2020.

Manaaki Grant Applications are available online.



USE THE PROMO CODE TAMA50 TO GET 50% OFF (Only while stocks last, so be in quick).

BUY NOW at ngati-tama.konstruct.com


Office Christmas closing dates

Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust offices will be closed from Friday 20th December and will reopen on January 6th

Catering Services

Expressions of Interest for catering during the 2020 AGM & Whānau Wānanga to be held Fri 24th – Mon 27th April 2020 are now being sought.

For more information please email comms@ngati-tama.iwi.nz The last date for submitting an EOI will be Fri 14th Feb


To register as an iwi member or to update your contact details, go to Ngāti Tama website or contact us in the office.

Ngāti Tama Ki Te Waipounamū Trust P O Box 914, Nelson 7040 www.ngati-tama.iwi.nz

Ph. 0800 NGATI TAMA whanau@ngati-tama.iwi.nz

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PĀNUITANGA | notices
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