Light Hall School Newsletter

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LIGHT HALL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER JUNE 2009 Dear Parent/Guardian As we approach the final half-term of this academic year I would like to ask for your support with the following items. 1. Annual Survey of Parents We greatly appreciate your views on the school and therefore ask if you could complete our annual on-line survey of parent views. For those parents with e-mail links to the school, you will receive details directly. If you don’t have an e-mail link please access the survey on the school website (address above). If you would like to receive a paper copy please ask your son/daughter to collect a copy at reception. The closing date for returns is Wednesday 24 June. All completed surveys will be greatly appreciated. 2. School Uniform Changes Following extensive consultation, there are some changes to school uniform to be introduced from September 2009. For all current students these changes are voluntary – they can continue to wear their standard items. A list of the new uniform regulations is attached. The main changes are: a) a new school tie. b) a new school badge. c) a new school blouse for girls. (Girls wearing the new school blouse will not have to wear a tie. This change will be adopted with immediate effect). 3. School Standards One of our key values is that of setting high standards in terms of behaviour and appearance. I greatly appreciate your support in ensuring that such standards are maintained. In particular, I would like to remind you of the following:a) Please ensure that your child has black sensible shoes for school. Trainers are not allowed. b) Hair must not be shorter than a “number 2” cut and coloured hair or stripes is not allowed. c) Personal items, such as mobile phones, are not allowed in school. 4. H1 N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) We have received the following advice from the Health Protection Agency regarding the above illness For children with flu-like symptoms to remain off school until they are symptom free and to seek medical advice. If school becomes aware of any child who becomes unwell with fever and influenza-like symptoms parents will be asked to collect and take them home as soon as practicable, and you should seek advice from your GP. Thank you again for your support. Yours sincerely

V Scutt Headteacher

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