Demonstratives homework

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DEMONSTRATIVES Complete with the correct demonstrative pronoun. 1. Hello Lynn, _________ is my friend Donna. (this/that) 2. _________ was very far from here. (this/that) 3. These paintings are more famous than _________. (those/that) 4. _________ is the letter I am looking for. (this/these) Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun. 1. Look, right here, __________ is the document I want to show you. (this/that) 2. Look at the animals over there, have you seen __________ before? (these/those) 3. This picture was taken in 2002. Do you remember __________? (this/that) 4. Come and look at __________. (these/those) 5. I think I heard something, did you hear __________? (that/those) Ben sends an e-mail to Dora and attaches some pictures. He describes them. Complete the e-mail. Use the possessive form of the pronoun in parentheses – my, his, her, its, our, their – or ’s. Hi Dora, Here are the photos of______(1 (we) end-of-semester party for(2)__________ (we) English class. The first photo is Juliana and Keiko. Is Juliana in (3)__________ (you) math class? She’s sometimes (4)_____________ (I) partner in pair work. Keiko is (5) (she) best friend. Then, in the second photo, the woman in the pink shirt is Sally. She’s (6) (Juliana) sister. (7)_________(They) family is in Chicago, but Sally is here, too. The tall man is Mr. Donovan. He’s (8)__________(we) new teacher. (9)__________(He) first name is Howard, and he’s very friendly. In this photo we’re in the hall near (10)______________ (Mr. Donovan) office. Send me some pictures of your class. Ben

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